Ahsoka joins darth vader fanfiction lemon. Obi-Wan looked down at the lightsaber.

Ahsoka joins darth vader fanfiction lemon. "Five years since the March and the Storm.

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Ahsoka joins darth vader fanfiction lemon It had been three long, painfully boring yet stressful months for both Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader. Just then, Ahsoka screamed and rolled away as Vader grabbed the same rock she was trying to drop on him and threw it at her. "I know, I'm just" Ahsoka stared down at Master Kenobi and his Anakin/Vader's P. - Complete Throughout about the last year, as the council trusted her and Anakin- no, Darth Vader, less and less. Now in an unfamiliar place that is eerily similar to Mortis, Darth Vader and Ahsoka must face the echoes of their past and work together to find their way back home. A woman stood before a pool, cloaked in darkness. The choice to Fall was not one she made lightly. Star Wars and Percy Jackson and the Olympians crossover fanfiction archive with over 54 stories. Jan 8, 2020 · Vader's second chance. I don't know if it counts for much, since he can't give his, but" Kix nodded. With the ship that Ahsoka had 'borrowed' from Onderon during Order 66, she and Barriss wandered from world to world, constantly avoiding the forces of the Empire whenever they had an idea where the two were. "I hope Lord Vader will show you mercy when he makes his decisions. I'm a Clone Wars person and I somewhat despise Rebels. That was never truer when Darth Vader, not Anakin Skywalker, found himself on Naboo during the Trade Federation occupation. " Apr 14, 2022 · Three times Sidious tried to nullify Vader´s suit with Force lighting, and three times Ahsoka stood between, just enough time to block the attempt without getting herself in risk. Ahsoka huffed in irritation and simply let the paper go, with not a care in the world. More , a dark whisper inside of him begged. Turning his attention to the creature, Vader chuckled to himself. Vader leads #ahsoka #darthvader #emperor #starwars #tano This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. Luke nodded thoughtfully, balling his sheets in his hands. Lisa walked out of the cell, and decided to report Vader immediately. And a lot of days, she couldn't tell the difference. Anger, fear, love, and forgiveness ensue. Ahsoka POV Darth Haou is an avid fanfiction 57 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 12/14/2024 - Published: 5/6/2021 - Luke S. "Get inside. "Goodbye, dear Sister," she crooned. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Rated: T - English - Angst/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,475 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 16 - Published: 1/5/2010 - Ahsoka T. Until she get's the news that Obi-Wan is alive. Piett worries that he has missed his chance to reveal his feelings for Vader. It was expected. Suddenly, Vader snapped back. "Go," Vader said forcefully. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Star Wars and Percy Jackson and the Olympians universe. Don't make me wait. An attachment: Ahsoka Tano loves Anakin Skywalker. As they stepped into the hangar, Ahsoka launched herself over Vader, landing between the two Darksiders and slashing at Maul repeatedly. Ahsoka froze and raised her hands into the air, feeling a chill run down her spine as if she had been here before. Oh. He tried to run to the side, but Vader blocked him. She had forgotten about the prophecy of the Chosen One. Ahsoka and return of Darth Maul episodes. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. " Floating in a bacta tank, he was hard pressed to tell whether he was Darth Vader chasing after the Rebel Alliance or Anakin Skywalker battling the Separatists. In her mind she knew it was true, but her heart struggled to accept it. Ahsoka hesitated for a moment, then slowly lowered her hands. Please not that I found it hard to get Starkiller into the Pre-Empire years, so bear with me as the transitions of time may be a bit messed. But now, he was hidden behind a dark, menacing mask, and had no intention to teach her anything other than what death is like. Luke pushed himself to his knees, rolled, and jabbed his father's blue lightsaber towards the dark lord. At least not until, across the galaxy, Vader feels her. Ahsoka Tano was a true Jedi. Then they would come up from behind and pincher them with clones coming from the front and behind. Leia fumbled about a bit but crawled into the vent easily. Darth Vader tasted another closed chapter of his life. Reva had always been a quick learner, and what she had learnt today was highly helpful. While on a mission, Vader is surprised to feel Obi wan nearby. "It is no more than I deserve. So how is he still alive? Summary: The explosion of the Sith Temple places Darth Vader and Ahsoka in a situation neither of them imagined possible. You and Vader then killed the Emperor and took over the Empire by force. Vader laying siege to the Jedi Temple and ending the Force Storm. That is, if she didn't join Maul like he asked. He had taught her to be strong, to believe in herself. Stalking in the shadows is a scary looking Sith (Darth Maul reveal during Battle of Naboo) Known as Darth Maul, double sabers (Darth Maul igniting lightsaber) Man he's cool as shit. Naboo Lake Retreat, 3 days later. His right side of his mask is cut open revealing Anakin's face) Darth Vader/Anakin- Ahsoka. "I thought you were busy with the Hands," Vader answers dryly. How fun. The offer Maul gave Ahsoka still confused her. Ahsoka sighed. Now it up to her to help Luke take down the empire against her former master Darth Vader. "Shit! This is an ambush!" Dec 27, 2023 · Ahsoka, outside of her shock with the events, seemed intrigued. Vader lunged, but Maul stepped out of the way, and used the Force to launch Vader to the other end of the hangar. I felt the disturbance in the Force. How is the Republic to react to a Sith Lord that has committed no crime and is aiding Queen Amidala? And did I mention Vader wasn't the only one brought along the ride? As Ahsoka chooses to leave the order, she, along with Anakin, the Jedi Council, Padme, Darth Maul, and Savage Opress are brought to a mysterious theater by a man calling himself an editor. There they are tasked with watching the life of Ahsoka's oldest ancestor, Akarhi Tano, who as it turns out was an ancient Sith Lord. Nema isn't moving. " "Wait what?" Leia and Ahsoka were very much confused as they stared blankly at the sight of Vader holding his guinea pig counterpart. However, I do watch important episodes such as Ahsoka's return, Rex's return, the first episode, when Vader comes back, and I will certainly watch the Vader vs. , Obi- Wan K. "Don't let yourself be destroyed as Ahsoka did," Vader continued. , Darth Vader, Ahsoka Join him as Dropped in a random Galaxy, on a random Planet, with no memory of how he got there; sixteen year old Ben Tennyson is without his Omnitrix and stranded when he's taken under the tutelage of the former Jedi, Ahsoka Tano. "That will be all, dismissed Lieutenant," Vader commanded, Leakuf left Vader alone and he began to listen to the message, the mystery person was hooded at first and this instantly made Vader inwardly suspicious but the person almost immediately removed the hood and Vader gasped in disbelief, it was Padmé Amidala Skywalker, his supposedly late She wondered what it could possibly mean, and if it was possible to sense the same sort of resonance from someone else. " Luke hesitated. It had been 5 years since the Empire was born. " Vader sat straighter as his injuries faded to a small but relieving degree. He then pushes her to the floor and shields her from the explosion. Palpatine did not seem to be happy. Vader's life support had been extensive, and he'd never gotten the full story of his injuries out of either Vader or Obi-Wan. Starkiller sensed that Vader was drawing his lightsaber, no doubt to strike him down. A follower of the Baninite Code, the Rule of Two, Darth Vader is among his enemy, the Sith of the Old Empire. He looked at emperor. Luke hesitated and threw his lightsaber away. "There's no time! Hurry!" he yelled angrily, trying to urge her to leave. Ahsoka joins Vader has been made a synonym of Ahsoka Tano Joins Darth Vader. She didn't even try to hold back enough energy to stop. Leia hid her face in her hands, trembling with fear. As she retreated, Ahsoka noticed one of the groupie girls break free of the crowd and follow Ahsoka. Rated T because Anakin is violent and likes war crimes. Ahsoka- Anakin! (Ezra turns around and the temple starts to close. Anger surged with in Luke as he recalled Ahsoka's robes simply falling empty to the ground in the Death Star. She wished Ben or Ahsoka was there to explain it to her. Also has a sequel in the works. Being tortured until she breaks and Falls like they did, she has no way out. He repairs it and fights off inquisitors. "Why did you do this?" "I am tired of sitting around in the palace. Vader's eyes widen from the unexpected embrace. " She looked shocked and saddened to see that it was me as Darth Vader. Pairings, deaths and rating depends on the chapter. All that mattered was that she knew there was still good left in her former master, and now she was about to discover whether that good extended to her. Not dead, just on hold due to pro writing work Feb 4, 2023 · A soft moan escaped Ahsoka's lips. The Empire ordered a galaxy-wide census on that day. The Multiversal Core is the living energy tied to the Force that is reason the shared universe between Marvel and Star Wars exists. Then it exploded outwards in all directions. I am here to liberate those oppressed by the Separatists, and enlighten those that are blinded by the Republic's idiocrasy. Meanwhile back in the docks Darth Vader emerged from the entrance covered in dust from his earlier encounter with Ahsoka. Loves him like a little sister loves her big, annoying older brother. Darth Vader, a Sith Lord, Chosen One, and his daughter: Jedi Knight Skywalker. Meeting him sets off a chain of events Ahsoka never saw coming, but who wouldn't do everything to save their friends? Even if one of them was a murderous Sith Lord who tries to capture her. "Anakin" she said with shock. When Anakin became Darth Vader, Ahsoka followed in his footsteps. - Chapters: 53 - Words: 232,966 - Reviews: 257 - Favs: 152 - Follows: 185 - Updated: 10/29/2023 - Published: 6/4/2022 - id: 14090218 And what if Darth Vader found out Leia was his daughter and decided to keep her with him at all costs? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Leia O. So, this is my first Rebels fanfic. Not a politician," Vader pointed out. But she felt their bond shatter. The boy met his father's eyes and stared, long and hard. Chapter 5 Trilla Suduri. Mergers. Seconds passed. Tears fill his eyes. Ahsoka crawled in after her. A teacher. Rather than be usurped, she faked her death and put herself in suspended animation. Then again, she hadn't sensed his Force signature the way her master had, so maybe Anakin was right and she'd just been fooled by the prisoner's baby face and "Thank you Luke. She is fully under your control. -Good, good, know kill your father and fulfill your destiny. (Ahsoka goes to get up until) Darth Vader/Anakin- Ahsoka! (Ahsoka's eyes bulge open wide, she turns around to look at Vader. Net; Summary. However, Fate has given Vader new chances and maybe a new future, if he only shake off the Rule of Two, becoming a True Sith (A former Ao3 only three force sensitives are separated after an empire attack on their homeworld, join Naruto Sakura has they try save Sauske from the dark side. She knows that better than most. " Vader took the guinea pig away from him. From his spot on the ground, Obi-Wan wished he had the strength to haul himself up and reach for Leia's hand to comfort her. Laser walls, awesome duel, takin Schindler off the list (Obi-Wan separated from Qui-Gon during battle, Maul killing Qui-Gon) Obi flips Maul is split (Obi-Wan Looking for a fic. V. I think the rating is what is should be, please tell me if it's not. Her stomach dropped slightly as she remembered that for a brief few moments, she had been able to hug Ahsoka, right before she disappeared to go rescue Ben. COMPLETE For so long Ahsoka had fought the knowledge that Darth Vader was her Master, Anakin Skywalker. Umm… Obviously, none of the events - so much death, blood and murder, both with Anakin's actions as well as beyond him, pointed to any form of honourable Dec 27, 2023 · Ahsoka, outside of her shock with the events, seemed intrigued. A Knight of the Republic. Ahsoka grunted, but she could feel him pushing her entire Luke Skywalker just defeated his father Darth Vader stood victoriously over the defeated enemy. "Good, good," nods Dooku. " The Force often works in strange ways. Vader became Emperor and you became Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces before going off and cracking down on all sedition…which was really easy because you knew the location of all the rebel bases. A. The Chiss made another note to eliminate the planet from his database. Realizing neither of them have much time left, Ahsoka stands and hugs Vader. Vader looked at the close door for a moment, then opened his pants. Even if many of time in the past Darth Sidious gave Tarkin the power to overrule Darth Vader if he really thought that Vader was getting out of hand. "Ahsoka. Darth Vader sent his apprentice there since he did not want Emperor Palpatine to know of her existence. Almost a thousand years later, in the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker finds a woman in stasis, a Jedi Shadow by the name of Rain, when Ahsoka. Summary: Naruto Jinn Kenobi, son of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze goes out fighting against the Empire and soon joins some group of Rebels on Lothal know as Ghost Crew. He tried to back away, but Vader reached out and grabbed his legs using the Force, making him unable to move them, feeling as if he was trapped in thick, black tar. Hello there! Happy New Year! (if it isn't too late) What if Ahsoka Tano had gone to Mustafar instead of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Intent on getting revenge, he abandons all else to destroy his old Jedi master and the one that left him in this condition. "Exactly, she was an apprentice of Darth Vader too. Ahsoka instantly joins her, although a little more warily, keeping her lightsabers ignited in case of an immediate attack. " Muttered Ahsoka. A series of one-shots and disconnected stories and scenarios, focusing on a fallen-to-the-dark-side Ahsoka Tano. " "Yes, Lord Vader. Vader turns Ahsoka into a slave due to her betrayal towards him. I will tell this to the Emperor. "Faster! Don't waste my Vader snapped, and Leia flinched, her hands flying to protect her face. She lowers her gaze instantly, kneeling in front of the figure, not wanting to look upon Darth Sidious. Centers on the possibility that Ahsoka Tano fell to the Dark Side after her battle with Darth Vader in the Sith Temple on Malachor. Vader stared at Obi-Wan, and for the first time, he could feel the gaze of Anakin. Luke turns 8 on Empire Day. Darth Vader's apprentice meets Anakin Skywalker's apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. Aug 5, 2022 · After the Death Star explodes, Darth Vader is sent back in time to the Old Sith Empire. "Well that couldn't have gone any better. It is filled with one shots, rather a singular story like my previous stories. For a moment, not a single one of them dared to speak. Vader reached out, his hand slightly shaky, but hastily withdrew it. "The reason I'm here is that I want you and your people to help the Rebellion," said Vader as Trios could only stare in shock but then he explain what his plan what, he wanted her and people to join the rebellion and help them by giving them ore and help in building their fleet, by doing this they would be in the position to sabotage the fleet Apr 4, 2016 · What happens if part of Anakin was still clinging to Vader? His former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, now a sith assassin serves by his side. "Anakin," Ahsoka said with a sigh. Sep 4, 2007 · The movies showed us a mild Darth Vader, but we all know that Anakin's emotions affected him greatly. "I'm going-- I'm going to go shower. Later That Evening: Vader swiftly marched towards his prisoners living quarters, his black cape following behind him as well as an Empire protocol droid. Disclaimer: Disney owns everything except my plot. Vader was now in front of him. But even a true Jedi is not a perfect Jedi. AN1: Welcome, to the dumping site of all my disconnected ideas for a Sith Ahsoka story, that didn't manage to form a coherent storyline. Journeys Of Ahsoka Tano Fanfiction. Ahsoka stepped back, holding her lightsaber horizontally near her chin and deflecting each blow. Vader gets to his feet) I think I've done enough on Darth Vader's behalf for the day," Plagueis stated, pausing before waving his hand at Vader, a green glow forming briefly around the cyborg. Ahsoka has to admit she's surprised- the Senate aide she'd known all those years ago had double-checked a handbook twice before going to the fresher. "… I was. Vader leads imperial troops into the temple. "But in the interest of continuing our talks, Lord Vader, I'll take you a few steps back from Chaos. He admits if he knew it was going to end this way, he would have done things a whole lot differently. Obi-Wan screamed, realizing that he was trapped. Feb 19, 2018 · Darth Vader crawled out of Sith's hell, hunting down every remaining Jedi after Order 66 and bringing Freedom and Justice to the new Empire. Darth Vader: Shattered Galaxy. A guardian of peace and justice. Being a Sith, there's really only three things that scare Ahsoka, and Sidious is top on the list. Dec 20, 2016 · Ahsoka is captured by the Inquisitors shortly after joining up with the Rebellion again. When Sidious focused on Maul, she threw a couple of light swings, not enough to actually touch the Sith Master, but enough to aid the zabrak and his relatively weak Oct 23, 2020 · Little did they know Darth Vader had planned this out as well knowing that his explosion limited the Rebels actions. Which was really weird, if he was supposed to be some sort of super powerful Sith. "You don't have to say anything. Ahsoka slouches down further, sulking. Vader stumbled, and the lightsaber fell to the floor at Obi-Wan's feet. Umm… Obviously, none of the events - so much death, blood and murder, both with Anakin's actions as well as beyond him, pointed to any form of honourable Getting back to the top took precious minutes none of them had. Vader was waiting, somewhere above him and Ahsoka. " "Mistress Lisa, you did a fine job. Ahsoka used the Force to push her lightsabers and landed on her feet, charging towards her AN: Great thanks to Thanatos125, and The Sith'ari. Thirty blasters aimed at her. What are you doing? You know this isn't the right way to fight. Learning about Luke gives Vader a kick in the pants, rather than a mere nudge toward the Light Side. She couldn't always agree Ahsoka stood on the bridge of the cruiser, looking out at the stars as she thought back over the battle that just took place. Vader angled his arm sideways and pressed back against them, pushing hard. Slowly, Anakin tries to disentangle the half-way suspended buildings, lowering them to the ground, before hurrying to join them. Not a soldier or a commander or even a general. The sound was still incredibly unsettling and uncomfortable. Just as the small crew managed to get to the airfield and find a usable Shuttle Darth Vader and a small platoon of Storm Troopers were waiting in ambush. A Star wars story. This story follows Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano as they try to prevent the Empire from happening. Annoyed, Reva charged forwards and engaged them in a blade lock. but hesitated and turned back towards Master Kenobi. It landed a blow on Vader's shoulder. Dec 27, 2014 · So, Palpatine was right about Kees. " "You're still chasing a twenty year old investigation?" Ahsoka asked. There are people out there fighting and dying to protect the galaxy and I want to help. But Ahsoka stepped away from him. "Drop your weapons!" the Trooper closest to her shouted, pointing his blaster directly at her face. I'll hold off the Stormtroopers and Vader" Bail ordered "But-" Ahsoka began to protest, not liking having to leave the Senator on his own "No buts Ahsoka go. While she had heard stories of the ruin of a man that her master had become, the cyborg Darth Vader, they had never encountered him. Instead of the pod races, the Lars family heads to Mos Eisley for the census. The ancient Sith device held its discharge for a few tense seconds. The Emperor's henchman, Darth Vader, is not pleased with the disturbance, taking matters into his own hands. Now, inside of a Jedi Wasteland, the forces of light and evil again do battle as Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, squares off against Jedi Apprentice Ahsoka Tano Crossover - Star Wars & Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Tragedy/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,766 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 26 - Published: 6/29 Ahsoka saw bits and pieces of Vader chasing down and slaughtering Jedi for nearly twenty years, while Darth Sidious' Empire grew increasingly more corrupt and oppressive. But… Luke. Complications ensue when Luke runs in front of a speeder. Her master. For the entire ninety days Ahsoka sat around her quarters, doing nothing but reading, worrying, and trying to find a way to escape and contact the Rebellion. Soon, the emperor comes looking for Vader. Sometimes. WebVader stops walking towards us when he saw me protecting the boy. "Five years since the March and the Storm. The Vader family's triumphs, tragedies, adventures, drama, and Everyone knows the events of two trilogies. Chapter 1. Padmé Amidala and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who make it their responsibility to help free the Galaxy, find Cain and Abel in the same person. As he continued to restrain Vader, Obi-Wan thought he heard the sound of a droid flying somewhere above his heads. - Chapters: 53 - Words: 232,966 - Reviews: 255 - Favs: 151 - Follows: 186 - Updated: 10/29/2023 - Published: 6/4/2022 - id: 14090218 Nov 16, 2017 · Ahsoka eventually reached the back of the crowd, and beat a hasty retreat as Anakin continued strutting and preening for the crowd. Naruto nods "Yes it was the forbidding of forming attachments and bonds that was the second biggest reason behind the downfall of the Republic and Jedi" he says getting a nod from Yoda "The Jedi who became Darth Vader broke this code and fell in love before getting married and later his wife getting pregnant" he says shocking the council before "Yes Vader, start Operation Supernova with her, I will join in a few days, I expect to see some form of results when I arrive. Ahsoka is trapped on the lifeless planet with Darth Vader. "Maybe a freedom fighter is what this galaxy needs. Now she must face a figure from her past that will seal her fate. anakin and ahsoka fanfiction lemon (Nov 21, 2021) Obi-Wan says before walking out the shuttle to see Anakin hopping on a small A Forbidden Love [Jedi Male Reader X Ahsoka Tano] Fanfiction. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi - Words: 8,525 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 28 - Published: 8/9/2016 - id: 12093457 She had planning to do, and Vader and Kix were clearly in the middle of an argument about when Vader would be allowed to be fitted for prosthetic limbs. " She whispers to Vader. She rarely called him by that name anymore, but some days he was a little more the old Anakin Skywalker than he was the destructive one-man army that was Darth Vader. "Good, the Force is strong with you Ahsoka a powerful Sith you shall become. Into the darkness of the temple she goes, hoping to turn Anakin back. DISCONTINUED Aug 11, 2023 · "Master!" Mill cries, sprinting to her side. There are other characters but it only lets you fit Darth Vader dies in his son's arms, wondering where it all started to go wrong. Leia is on our side. It's a canonical tag. Chapter 1: Order 66 interrupts Ahsoka and Jan 9, 2025 · Ahsoka Tano & Darth Vader; Ahsoka Tano/Darth Vader; Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader; Ahsoka Tano; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Anisoka; vadful; angst again; Summary. "Do what you're told," Vader hissed. Luke looked to his father and saw that he too had a mechanical hand. Anakin had been her annoying older brother, and in a few rare occasions a father figure. And from what I heard she is like a miniature Vader. He looked up at Vader, begging him silently not to make him go towards the hole. Vader turns his head towards her. While Vader was terrifying, his son was, as far as Ahsoka could tell, an enigmatic ball of sunshine. " "As you wish. "Together we shall visit justice upon the arrogant Jedi Order and bring peace to our war torn galaxy. "Ahsoka" I said as she was about to leave after she sliced off one of my lenses from my mask. Darth Sidious wants Darth Vader to find the key to unlocking the power of the Multiversal Core the Scarlet Witch. Henceforth you shall be known as Darth Cyrin. Darth Vader and Ahsoka fight together to take over a secret supply of battle droids in hopes of turning the tide in the Rebellion's favor. Obi-Wan recognizes her from long ago, and is happy to see her again. They dueled, red and green lightsabers clashing. Oct 6, 2019 · Darth Zannah was the first Sith Apprentice of the Rule of Two, a powerful Sith Sorceress, and incredibly selfish. Vader would have some of his men hide in the canyons and allow the droids to pass. Darth Vader breathed as he stared at her. Vader was already there, his arm reaching out for the holocron Ezra was holding on to for dear life. [Focused on Vader/Anakin, Padmé and Obi-Wan, AU!, Rating might change later] Ahsoka said as she scooted closer to the Dark Lord. " Darth Sidious said. Ahsoka Tano Joins Darth Vader; Ahsoka Tano-centric; One Shot Collection; Canon-Typical Violence; Cross-Posted on FanFiction. Ahsoka began to force grab large chunks of rock and pile it on top of him, trying to bury him. The Emperor and the Empress: The Vader Dynasty. The force decides to give Vader that chance and returns him right at the moment his mom dies. Ahsoka Apr 3, 2022 · You betrayed your friends on Bespin and teamed up with Darth Vader. Still, people change. Obi-Wan looked down at the lightsaber. Ahsoka could feel them conversing in the Force, but none of the actual words or emotions slipped through. "It's been so boring without you," she complains. Maul tested her abilities to the max, and had the battle taken place elsewhere, she most likely would have died. Alternative Universe. Ahsoka sliced down a Red Guard, and stepped into the nearby elevator before the doors closed behind the Force users. He reports to the emperor that Ahsoka is somewhere in the temple. Basically the Original Trilogy with Ahsoka as Darth Vader's apprentice. Padmé and Leia Skywalker have spent the better part of the past three days talking, bonding and debating over several topics, they had elected to keep it light-hearted as they wanted a good foundation for their growing mother-daughter relationship and they wanted it soon, in the mist of arguing over which planet is better to live on, Naboo or Alderaan, Padmé I am Darth Vader, commander-in-chief of the new Galactic Empire, and Dark Lord of the Sith. Leia made eye contact with the hologram of Darth Vader and gulped. S. The world was falling apart around them and Vader was an unstoppable machine. The ship to Mustafar is Vader's own. Ahsoka grabbed Jar Jar and leapt onto the ramp as Suu piloted it away to join the two ships. AHSOKA VS DARTH VADER. This was how Vader and Ahsoka found themselves alone in a cave. But what if Ahsoka Tano was Vader's secret apprentice and survived the events of OT?-----Ahsoka Tano was in Star Destroyer Revenge which was stationed near Naboo planet. Darth Vader can only hope to gain his son's forgiveness and find a new life. Hope you enjoy! P. He was a mentor. This isn't how you were trained, Ahsoka! Operating purely on adrenaline, she flipped her blades backwards and drove them downwards. Ahsoka immediately jumped backwards, causing Reva to swing at her while she flipped midair. "Why are you hiding your face?" Vader stammered, looking irritated. , Leia O. It centers around the Vader dynasty, the Royal Imperial House of the Galactic Empire. "Thank you. Also maybe some romantic content. " She ran from the room. Something clicked into place, though, just before she reached the door. Chapter 1: First Battle. She feels totally lifeless Dec 7, 2023 · In minutes, Anakin and Ahsoka enter the room, too, and Ahsoka immediately curls up next to him on his bed, leaning her head on his shoulder. Vader doesn't answer all of them, but that's fine with her; he likes to focus when he's piloting, or tinkering with machines. Suddenly, another figure materializes in the hologram beside him, making her heart skip a beat. -Lord Vader. The Jedi Knight of Mandalore . "I hear you just went on quite the adventure Bucky. After Darth Vader chooses love over power in the Sith Temple of Malachor he and Ahsoka Tano travel back in time, three months before the Clone Wars started, with the opportunity to save the galaxy from Palpatine's grasp. Can Ahsoka save her master from the point of no return? Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,182 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 62 - Published: 8/7/2011 - Anakin Skywalker, Lumiya/Shira Brie Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader might have been one and the same—all of their virtues and sins, combined in the soul of one singular being—but for Ahsoka, it ultimately did not matter. Ahsoka deliberately went around several corners to lose the groupie, but the girl followed her implacably. She felt his death. She had done this before. Arise Darth Cyrin take your rightful place by my side. There are other characters but it only lets you fit Ahsoka is trapped on the lifeless planet with Darth Vader. O. Vader only stares at her. Ahsoka pounced, locking blades with the Zabrak. About the Story: I have a vision here: To formulate and create a story, a journey of characters, thoughts and emotions that can touch upon the themes of the Star Wars universe; and a product that is on par with canon material. Ahsoka didn't know what to think. Vader could no longer afford the blissful ignorance the bacta tank afforded him. And what if Darth Vader found out Leia was his daughter and decided to keep her with him at all costs? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Leia O. We have quite a problem now; to make matters worse; she will avenge her Master and will probably stop at nothing to kill you" Leia looked at Luke and the Jedi sensed that his sister was scared. But can they defeat the Sith that ruined their lives? Rated T. But Tano was a topic that Sidious made very clear that he had no power over and that if Tano was brought up Vader overpowered him. "Anything you need to do, you have my permission. , Ahsoka T. " Years later, Darth Vader discovers her survival and defects to join the Rebellion. Ahsoka. Darth Nexus purred. Ahsoka hadn't spoken to anyone she knew since then. Three Months Later:. "Don't worry of that," said Vader "years of investigation and accessing files and evidence have finally proven that the Chancellor was controlling both sides—Dooku and the Republic. As Ahsoka Tano watches Darth Vader's funeral pyre burn, she meets Luke, who has something to show her. A soft growl of frustration escaped Vader. After the fight between them in Star Wars rebels Vader defects from the empire and goes to a old droid spacecraft. He stares at her showing no emotion. Farewell my apprentice. , Darth Vader, Obi-Wan K. The council passed them up for missions, again and again, effectively keeping them within the council's watchful eye at all times. The One who would bring Balance to the Force. This fanfic is based off an idea that I have had Ahsoka get time-warped into the future, where she joins Han Solo and Chewbacca before they meet up with Luke Skywalker and an elderly Obi-Wan on their quest to get to Alderran. Vader hopes to turn her to the dark Vader's eyes widened in alarm, but he had the presence of mind to disengage Ahsoka, step back, and raise a Force shield. The droids had to march through a large canyon to get to the hub. Naruto harem Naruto x sakura x Ahsoka x Kurotsuchi x kushina x Mikoto x Aayla secura A/N: So I just finished watching season 7 of the Clone Wars and damn was it good! I legit sat there for a moment after turning off the TV to absorb it all. Meanwhile, Leia Organa's trip to that same planet to visit her family's vacation home is abruptly shattered when her ship and security unit are Ahsoka grabbed Leia and Force-jumped, lifting her into the vent. " Luke didn't respond, at least not aloud. . I may not be able to help against someone like Darth Vader, but I can get supplies if father would help and then I could still fight the storm troopers!" Leia argued. After the recent execution of Order 66, they're both on the run from the Empire and Darth Vader himself. Reva's eyes widened in disbelief, and she also drew back automatically. For those officers who wish to fight for a cause worth living for, I extend an invitation to join my fleet and officers. Authors Note: I am writing this as a warning as I figure I should have one just in case some ask why didn't I add a warning beforehand, what you are about to read will have very graphic scenes of Rape and sexual abuse, if this offends you, then I ask that you turn back now if you still wish to continue them you may, but I also wish to say what you are about to read Ahsoka Tano said kneeling before Darth Sidious. High School, where he encounters love, hate, friendships, enemies, and more. Works and bookmarks tagged with Ahsoka joins Vader will show up in Ahsoka Tano Joins Darth Vader's filter. He was waiting for her in his chamber. Months pass and Padmé grows tired of the mask that separates her from her husband. "Get in," Vader ordered him. So I got to thinking - and this is where the MAJOR SPOILER ALERT comes in, DO NOT READ if you haven't seen Clone Wars Season 7 - you have been warned - what if Ahsoka had taken Maul's hand when he offered it in the throne room on Mandalore? Dropped in a random Galaxy, on a random Planet, with no memory of how he got there; sixteen year old Ben Tennyson is without his Omnitrix and stranded when he's taken under the tutelage of the former Jedi, Ahsoka Tano. Disembarking a ship was the Emperor's second-in-command and new apprentice, Darth Vader "Breha, get Ahsoka and Leia out of here. Luke's words were spoken with a calm certainty that Ahsoka found almost as chilling as Vader's cold regret. And destroy the Sith. It broke her heart to see the clone troopers that she had shared battles with be turned into a mindless, heartless, oppressive mob of murderous thugs. Hello there everyone! Before we get into chapter 1 I'd like to quickly explain what this story is about. Luke tapped the button that pointed to the upper levels of the palace, following the tune of the Force as he sensed for his father's location. I then looked at her with my Dark-Side yellow eyes of hatred and said her name once again. Now all that was left to do was to wait for the Sith to arrive. His legs trembling, Luke slowly walked towards the center of the room and peered into the hole. " "Farewell my Master" said Vader with a final bow of the head before the hologram in front of him blinked out. Ahsoka just started running. Checking again for the Emperor or Vader, Ahsoka sets her camera down on a table and hurries out after her Jan 29, 2025 · Darth Vader’s new physician aboard the Death Star muses on her privileged position and the sensual scene unraveling between her submissive, a vicious female stormtrooper, and Leia Organa, the Dark Lord's prisoner and object of his great personal interest. Jan 2, 2016 · Eight years after Revenge of the Sith, Darth Vader is called to an insignificant planet to investigate reports of a rebellion, only to discover there's far more going on than he was initially told. This is more of universe rather a single story. Ahsoka has a flaw. "Excuse me, master," Ahsoka said trying hard not to look at him. Vader slowly got to his feet. Vader and Ahsoka fall in love Anakin, after being transported to an alternate reality, joins the ranks of U. Dec 15, 2017 · What happens if part of Anakin was still clinging to Vader? His former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, now a sith assassin serves by his side. Leia cowered, still waiting for him to Force-Choke her. Jun 4, 2022 · But somehow, after being in Lord Vader's presence, she no longer felt trapped or paralyzed by her own fear. It's fast, incredibly so, and Ahsoka begins asking questions as they cruise through hyperspace. "Five years," she chanted as the waters rippled at her very voice, showing many images and shifting scenes. Ahsoka looked upon the man she once looked up to. qrhgxd xwkicl rtf pghij eth acht ksekhe llrrfk lwyujpz ubuua suruxk vycgdz ssk ynvp kfia