Borderlands 3 cryo legendaries. Cryo based weapons are best, along with a decent shield.
Borderlands 3 cryo legendaries Some Damage are Returned as Health. So it sucks against both squishy AND tanky targets. It can be a bit tricky to maintain only one jabber up at a time though. After the initial impact damage, the stickies will explode after a few seconds, dealing the second chunk of damage. This Maliwan Pistol is all about freezing your enemies and then swapping your firing mode to deal massive damage. Special effect caused by red text: Bladed. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best shield for your build. 2%-15% Damage; Radiation Base Game Items in Borderlands 3 are often obtainable from Dec 20, 2019 · The Borderlands 3 Jabbermogwai is a legendary creature you need to find and kill for Sir Hammerlock. Y. Fully automatic firing mode. +10% critical Feb 13, 2023 · The Globetrottr is a legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. Sep 21, 2019 · Deluxe Badass Combustor Legendary Deluxe Badass Combustor Type: Shield Manufactured by Anshin Can be dropped by: Pre-order/deluxe edition Can be found from mission: Location: Stats: Damage NA Accuracy NA% Handling NA% Reload Time NAs Fire Rate NA/s Magazine Size NA Element Types: Normal Red Text - Take it up to eleven! Feb 26, 2024 · The Legendary SMG Hyperfocus XZ41 is manufactured by Hyperion and comes from Cryo 10. For the similarly named legendary submachine gun in Borderlands 2, see Baby Maker. This guide will tell you how to get the Clairvoyance and its unique special effect. 7s Fire Rate 6. Upon death, Haunted enemies release one of three Cryo is even damage against flesh, and bonus on armor. Feb 26, 2024 · The Legendary SMG Redistributor is manufactured by Hyperion and comes Cryo-15% Damage; Radiation Base Game Items in Borderlands 3 are often obtainable from Jan 7, 2023 · The best character in Borderlands 3 with the Kings/Queens call is FL4K, no contest. Gearbox Software added new Legendary items alongside Mayhem Mode 2. All it does is slow and freeze with the freeze only making them more vulnerable to melee damage, but not to crit or explosive damage like in the Pre-Sequel. Greatly increased weapon damage (+230%). Beware of enemies that deal cryo damage as Sep 15, 2020 · The Prompt Critical is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Fixed melee attachment. Support. Nov 19, 2021 · About the Blade Fury: The Blade Fury is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Each weapon has a manufacturer and each manufacturer adds different and unique abilities to their weapons. Jul 5, 2021 · The Needle Gun is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. The 2 projectiles are connected with each other like the cutsman , however, the beam between them is really short and doesn’t extend. As a part of the event any enemy can become Haunted. This is a Maliwan SMG that shoots 2 projectiles of a random elemental. Best Weapons for this Build. This Vladof Sniper Rifle is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Cryo efficiency Jul 23, 2020 · About the Sickle : The Sickle is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. To build on this. The Blood-Starved Beast is a top choice on any Vault Hu Jul 5, 2021 · The Magnificent is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Hyperion Shotgun rises to the top of the best shotguns in the game. com/playlist hitting an enemy with cryo, stacks the cryo debuff, which is an increasing slow once youve dealt enough damage without interupting these stacks, an enemy will freeze the amount of damage depends on cryo efficiency, 100% efficiency means, you need to deal the amount of damage that equals 80% of the primary healthbar of that enemy Made a compilation of Borderlands 3 Legendary Weapons. If you deal 200 cryo damage they become frozen. So get ready to farm these babies: 9. Safety off. As of June 24, 2021, the event has been permanently added to the game. Sep 21, 2019 · Legendary Moxxi's Bouncing Pair Can be dropped by: World Drop Stats: Damage 3416 Radius 261 Rubberized Bouncing Pair Element Types: Fire, Shock Red Text - Prepare for trouble, and make it double. Feb 13, 2023 · The lightspeed is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This time, it's earned as a reward for notching all ten of Hammerlock's Legendary Hunts. Zane the Operative has some really good legendary class mods. Fires three projectiles in a fixed pattern at the cost of two ammo per shot, in a three round burst. It has an increased chance of dropping from Lasodactyl who is located in Obsidian Forest on Gehenna. We will take a look at all the legendary weapons and items you can get on the planet called Athenas. So Vault Hunter, start farming for these items as they can […] This will be a full list of all the Legendaries and uniques in Borderlands 3. It is exclusive to the Bloody Harvest seasonal event and is a rare drop from Captain Haunt or Loot Ghosts. The Chandelier can come in an x4 or an x8 variant which consumes 4 or 5 ammo per shot. This Atlas Grenade is one of the best Grenade Mods in the game. – +20% weapon damage. Bloom – Nice charge mechanic, but it deals OK damage. The kaoson is great on zane. This Hyperion Grenade Mod always uses the longbow delivery mechanic. Borderlands 3 Legendaries & Uniques. Find out what their farm location is and how to use their special legendary effect. Stats: Damage 73x3 Accuracy 70% Handling 69% Reload Time 2. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Blinding Banshee located in Desolation's Edge on Nekrotafeyo. Now REND that thing! – +70% weapon damage. Lyuda is a legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof. It can only be obtained in Guns, Love, and Tentacles from Tom and Xam located in Heart's Desire. Frozen Heart - Unique Ability On Shield break: Triggers a Cryo Nova that damages nearby enemies. You should definitely check out the Seein’Dead, Conductor, and Antifreeze Class Mods. This is a Vladof Launcher that shoots Lob-like orbs. The projectiles of this Maliwan SMG spin in circles and will alternate between the 2 elemental types as you continue to fire. Jul 14, 2021 · The Kaoson is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. Unkempt Harold - Unique Ability Shoots 3 Gyrojets that split into a row of 7 Gyrojets. 61/s Magazine Size 15 Oct 15, 2020 · The Infinity is a legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. Bullets can pass through enemies so try and line up enemies as you can hit multiple targets at once. If a gun deals 10 damage per bullet and has 100% cryo, it will take 20 bullets to deal 200 cryo effect. This includes where they can be found, who to farm, their elemental possibilities, red texts, and a short summary of the weapon. One of the most common manufacturers is the Children of the Vault. There are a lot of legendary SMGs in Borderlands 3 but like any true Vault Hunter, you only want to best of the best. Unleash the Dragon - Unique Ability Melee, Slam, and Slide Damage ignites damaged Enemies. This Dahl SMG gets a major boost in DPS when you are sliding. Depending on how many points you have in the extra projectile skill, you might do well with a single projectile kaoson with the right annoints Aug 9, 2021 · About the Chandelier: The Chandelier is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. 3 Base Game Items in Borderlands 3 are often May 13, 2021 · The Crossroad is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. 4 days ago · You can always rely on the S-Tier Loot in Borderlands 3, however, the game has a lot of Legendary Weapons but the items in this list are definitely a great fit for FLAK! FL4K is great with any multi-projectile weapon. Farm in DLC 3. They're just extremely versatile. The Lyuda can also be obtained by completing all of Zer0's Target of Opportunity missions. This Hyperion SMG gives your projectiles an AMP damage increase while you are aiming down sight and your weapon shield is at max capacity. This is a Torgue Launcher that shoots a large slow-moving orb that will spawn additional orbs that home into enemies just like the Scourge . Alternate fire mode changes the pattern, between vertical or Feb 13, 2023 · About the BackBurner: The BackBurner is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. H is a Torgue Rocket Launcher that shoots 2 slow-moving orbs that will explode on impact, however, during their airtime, they will damage nearby enemies by connecting with them with an energy beam. Light Show - Unique Ability Shoots 4 bullets in a square pattern, that pattern rotates clockwise while firing. 30% of the damage done by the Cryo Nova will be returned as health to the user. Prefixes are determined by and are indicator of artifact's bonus buffs. The Cryo Stone artifact grants: Bonus Damage The Cryo Stone artifact also grants random combination of up to three bonus buffs. This Borderlands tier list is made with End Game (Mayhem Level 10/11) in mind. Nov 13, 2024 · The Legendary Assault Rifle Kaos is manufactured by DAHL and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. The amara elemental build I run with a cryo Lucian’s call I was holding them fairly consistently and managed to get around 15 hellfires in about 3 minutes. The Maggie can be obtained from any loot source but has a high chance of dropping from Turnkey Tim who is located in Floodmoor Basin on Eden-6. Sep 21, 2019 · Legendary Ripper Type: Submachine gun Manufactured by DAHL Can be dropped by: World Drop Stats: Damage 218-288 Accuracy 75-77% Handling 58-59% Reload Time 2. 2%-15% Damage; Radiation Base Game Items in Borderlands 3 are often obtainable from Aug 21, 2022 · Which Legendary Weapons Should You Farm First? Learn about the most useful weapons in the game! With this knowledge, you will be able to farm them and give yourself an advantage against enemies later in the game! Check Out the Best Legendary Weapons List About Weapons In Borderlands 3 Main Damage Dealers In Borderlands 3 Sep 23, 2024 · The Legendary Launcher Plaguebearer is manufactured by Torgue and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. The Baby Maker can also obtained by completing all of the Dead Claptrap challenges. Aug 9, 2021 · The Slow Hand is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3 and can only be obtained in the Moxxi’s Heist on Handsome Jackpot DLC. […] Nov 5, 2020 · The Boogeyman is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3 and is part of the Designer’s Cut DLC. So they're nice midrange elements as a start. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Kukuwajack located in Negul Neshai on Xylourgos. We have a cryo build for Zane that would go great with the Queen Feb 6, 2020 · The Scourge is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. At Max stats, additional damage refills the Needle Gun’s magazine. Feb 13, 2023 · The Smog is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. It shoots several projectiles at once that ricochet off surfaces, damaging everything on their way. This Vladof Sniper has a high fire rate and chance to not consume ammo. Cryo, like Radiation, is primarily a debuff than an immediate damage effect. N. On impact, it will create a singularity to pull enemies. This weapon will consume your ammo fast but it gets the job done. Nov 19, 2021 · The Vanquisher is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. I ran a M10 Takedown yesterday and Wotan dropped 5 trash legendaries, 2 of which were anointed. Borderlands 3. It was possible for huge variations in legendaries just like in borderlands 3. 6 days ago · Overview of all the Borderlands 3 legendary weapons/items. You can see demo video of each legendary weapon by clicking the Legendary title link in the "Name" column. Even though there were no assigned loot drops, borderlands 1 nailed the loot system for me. Hopefully all is good now and a M10 Radiation Sentinel Cryo Redistributor is coming my way soon. Feb 26, 2024 · The Legendary Shield Frozen Heart is manufactured by Anshin and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. Boogeyman is a legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof, and is exclusive to the Designer's Cut DLC. Stalker is a legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Dahl. I prefer my 38xx x2 rad kaoson with SNTNL cryo to my 97xx x2 OPQ with 200% ASA. His Cr1t build is insane with both of these legendaries and makes the build 10x better than it already is. The Lucian's Call can also be obtained with an increased chance from Crazy Earl on Sanctuary III by trading in Loot-O-Grams from Dinklebot. This mysterious cube located in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo is actually a secret puzzle. Jun 27, 2024 · The Legendary Artifact Unleash the Dragon is manufactured by Eridian and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. If a target takes cryo effect equal to 20f of its hp it freezes. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source. From DLC 2. 5 days ago · Best Legendary Shields There are a lot of legendary shields in Borderlands 3 and they all do amazing stuff. Also a lot of legendaries can have cryo elemental damage but the key for your build will be 2 days ago · There are 9 legendary items that you can only obtain during Borderlands 3‘s “Revenge of the Cartels” Seasonal Event. This Vladof Assault Rifle is basically 2 weapons in 1. The 4 days ago · The Maggie is a fan-favorite Pistol in the Borderlands franchise and it’s the hardest-hitting Jakobs masher in Borderlands 3. Little Yeeti - Unique Ability The Little Yeeti shoots bullet that knockback enemies. Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 the lob and it seems like I get the same amount of legendaries both with and without my +13 luck relic. Say an enemy had 1000hp. Night Hawkin is a legendary submachine gun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Dahl. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source at Stormblind Complex during the Arms Race mode, and can be brought outside of the area when extracted with a Gear Extractor. The projectile will spawn 13 new projectiles that will Zickzack along the trajectory. This Vladof Pistol doubles down on what the manufacturer stands for: it has a massive magazine size and the fire rate is great. A. However, some of them perform better than others. Breath of the Dying is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Dahl. 4 days ago · Borderlands 3 Legendary Tediore Grenade Mod – Hunter-Seeker The Legendary Hunter Seeker Grenade Mod is manufactured by Tediore. Feb 13, 2023 · The D. Plaguebearer - Unique Ability Shoots an energy orb in a straight trajectory after charge up. Guardian 4N631 The Guardian […] Mar 7, 2020 · The Faisor is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Cryo Stone is a common artifact in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Eridian. The Frozen Heart shield for instance, its nova blast insta freeze enemies. Try to survive as you gather new items, however, be quick about it because an incoming storm will make the terrain unbearable. Each bullet will split into 3 projectiles dealing a ton of damage, however, the split happens when the projectile has traveled a short distance. 4 days ago · There are a lot of legendary weapons in Borderlands 3. Frozen Devil - Unique Ability Can toggle between Cryogenic and Ice Spike firing mode: Aug 21, 2022 · Deal Massive Cryo Damage when Sliding. Jan 8, 2021 · Hydrafrost – Fancy Legendary cryo ability that’s practical too. Dec 5, 2019 · For the Headhunter DLC in Borderlands 2, see TK Baha's Bloody Harvest. Cryo efficiency is Faisor is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof. VexHelElEldZodEth. On M10. Think of cryo like a 2nd, invisible stat. This Hyperion SMG is like the “Shotgun of SMGs” as it shoots an insane cone barrage of elemental bullets that wrecks enemies. Critical hits return 2 rounds to the magazine and ricochet 2 In this video we take an updated look at the Top 10 Legendary Weapons for FL4K. The main projectile creates a singularity effect on impact. What happened? – Greatly increased weapon damage. Radiation is even on flesh and bonus on shields. Sometimes, these legendary items can be hard to find, or Oct 14, 2019 · Borderlands 3 Best Legendary Guns Tier List Legendary Shotgun: Flakker. 2 days ago · Best Legendary Weapons List. May 4, 2021 · The Trevonator is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. It has a high fire rate and deals great damage. This means throughout every event, DLC, etc. Alternative Fire mode fires a tracking grenade that causes the gun to fire bullets at every tracked target at no additional ammo Aug 7, 2020 · About the Complex Root: The Complex Root is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Jun 5, 2021 · The Light Show is a Borderlands 3 Legendary Pistol that is manufactured by Vladof. Critical hits ricochet to nearby enemies With the arctic variant it should always be cryo and will switch between firing 1-3 shots per trigger pull based on time of day. youtube. Snipers probably aren’t the way to go since you need to be moving a lot and the strength of the build is tankiness anyway. When thrown it creates an elemental coil that damages your opponents over time. The more shields you have, the higher the damage will be. These guns are elevated to another level in FL4Ks hands almost as if they wer Oct 15, 2020 · The Hex is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Ever. Killing Sep 23, 2024 · The Legendary Pistol Frozen Devil is manufactured by Maliwan and comes from the Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. This Maliwan Shotgun is a beast as it has no charge time and deals great damage. This weapon can also switch between corrosive and cryo elemental damage. Picture a soul. Sep 15, 2023 · The Legendary Pistol Little Yeeti is manufactured by Jakobs and comes from the Borderlands 3 Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. This guide will tell you how to get the Globetrottr and what unique special effect it has. Randomly fires homing skulls that deal 20x weapon element splash damage. Arms Race is a Battle Royale meets Extraction-inspired game mode for Borderlands 3. They all have their own unique special mechanics. It can only be obtained from Katagawa Ball at Mayhem 6 or above. Cryo used to do a small amount of damage over time in the Pre-Sequel but it doesn't in Borderlands 3. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Tremendous Rex. Fires two bullets for the cost of one. – Always corrosive. It is added with the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC pack. Cryo is good for, obviously, the freezing effect in certain builds. This One-Life challenge drops you into a new map without any gear or skills. All that remains is an icy husk. On impact, it will shootout additional grenades that will travel further at the angle of impact. The only thing that changes is the delivery method. Flakker might have the most absurd damage rating of any gun in Borderlands. +Frozen Heart effects: Sliding: Any new gun with SNTNL cryo or 200% ASA is your best bet. Alternative firing mode fires ice spikes that Jul 14, 2020 · It's a little bit more complicated with weapons, there's a lot of good weapons with high cryo efficiency like purple weapons/grenades, uniques and legendaries. Jul 18, 2020 · Borderlands 3 has a ton of legendary weapons, shields, grenade mods, artifacts, and class mods that players can farm throughout the game. You will be rewarded with loot once you manage to complete it! You can only solve the cube once per playthrough (Normal + TVHM) and therefore it cannot be farmed consistently. Debuffs are most effective on difficult targets that you can't kill easily. RELATED: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Borderlands 3 4 days ago · New Mayhem Mode 6 Legendaries. This Vladof Assault Rifle doesn’t have a main barrel but only a shotgun under-barrel. is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. Borderlands 3 is one of the best looter-shooters available today, especially with the upgraded PS5 version reaching 120fps. Special note about this weapon, it was created for a fan of the game series. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique SHIELDS in Borderlands 3. Has a chance to spawn a Soulrender is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Dahl. Just like every other Borderlands game, you can take advantage […] Jan 17, 2020 · Borderlands 3 is loaded with legendary loot. This in-game event can be activated in the main menu enabling you to visit Villa Ultraviolet and confront Joey Ultraviolet and his minions as they are the dedicated loot source for these powerful legendary items. This weapons guide will tell you exactly which pistols you should have equipped in your inventory. This Maliwan Sniper shoots 2 projectiles after a 1-second charge up. Main article: Artifact#Prefixes The Legendary Assault Rifle Gatling Gun is manufactured by Jakobs and comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. They didn't really consider Cryo from a game design/rpg perspective. During the day, your bullets will deal Cryo damage and during the night, your bullets will deal fire damage. This Maliwan Shotgun shoots multiple elemental disks that ricochet off the environment. They then explode into more pieces that burn everything on contact. Basically making the Sickle an automatic shotgun and it also does a very good job at it. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique ARTIFACTS in Borderlands 3. Perfect balance between drops. Increased reload speed and improved overall stats. This guide will tell you how to get the Infinity and what unique special effect it has. 5s Fire Rate 11. This Torgue Assault Rifle has a high damage output. The compilation is not finalized yet and if you find any bug or incorrect info, let me know. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Demoskaggon located in The Droughts and from I'm Rakkman located in Carnivora, both on Pandora. Gatling Gun - Unique Ability Sustained fire increases weapons fire rate to a limit. This Tediore SMG can apply a stacking vulnerability debuff on enemies. Adds cryo damage to melee attacks. Clairvoyance is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Jakobs and is exclusive to the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Atomic located in Tazendeer Ruins on Nekrotafeyo. However, Cryo gets worse the tankier the target is. It should switch cryo to incendiary based on time of day. Mar 11, 2021 · Preview. You can obtain these new items when you play this revamped Mayhem Mode on Level 6 or higher. I’m ranking every legendary weapon in Borderlands 3 in this article. In this Borderlands 3 Guide, I’m going to tell you which legendary items should be in your backpack. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best artifact for your build. Kaos - Unique Ability On Kill : Enemy explodes and deals [weapon element] Splash Damage that is 8× killing-blow damage to nearby enemies. This weapons guide will tell you exactly which SMG you should have equipped in your inventory. Items like the Ice Breaker artifact let you get big damage bonuses against enemies once they I do like borderlands 3 but just like borderlands 2, chests really arnt important and something I really miss from borderlands 1. Watch me crank it, watch me roll. Fixed underbarrel shotgun that fires a cluster of elemental energy balls. Increased damage. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Sheega located in Devil's Razor on Pandora. – Fires elemental bolts. This is a unique combination as most guns only deal weapon damage. Unkempt Harold – A good pistol, but outclassed by Prompt Critical. run across a cryo 100% Sep 13, 2019 · Legendary shotgun with increased weapon charge speed, splash damage radius and weapon zoom. Because every time you activate this kill skill, you gains increased accuracy, handling, critical hit damage, status effect damage, and status effect chance. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 3. Ice Spiker: Launches 3 Cryo Projectiles that pass through enemies, Slam: +88% Cryo Damage, +28% Radius; Apr 2, 2021 · The Legendary assault rifle from Borderlands 2 makes its return (in some form) in the third game. Jan 30, 2025 · Borderlands 3 Legendary Torgue Rocket Launcher – RYNAH – LVL65 The R. – Fully automatic. 4 days ago · Find out which legendary assault rifles in Borderlands 3 are worth farming for. This Jakobs Assault Rifle stands out because it deals both bullet and melee damage. Bangarang – Can only deal a lot of damage with specific builds. Cryo damage slows enemies Multi-tap is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Atlas. Along with the weapon's high damage, the homing skulls give the Soulrender a massive Feb 13, 2023 · The Frozen Devil is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. The Vosk’s Deathgrip has a slow fire rate, consumes a lot of ammo, and has a limited range. 3%-15% Damage; Radiation 10. For the common assault rifle in Borderlands 2, see Gatling Gun. Increased fire rate . Get the upper hand with the best weapons in the game! Cryo Fire Shock Corrosive Feb 12, 2024 · The Legendary Pistol Light Show is manufactured by Vladof and comes from the Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC. Stranger than things. This Torgue Pistol could just be the next Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold for Borderlands 3. Sep 23, 2024 · The Legendary Shotgun Redline is manufactured by Torgue and comes Cryo 8. 71/s Magazine Size 27-35 Element Types: Normal, Cryo Red Text - They say I'm a doctor now. All Legendaries [By type > manufacturer] Drains all shields, dealing up to +5949 cryo. 0 to Borderlands 3 with the April 23, 2020 patch. Gatling Gun is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Jakobs. For the legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 2, see Lyudmila. From DLC 3. Keep an eye out for "icebreaker" legendary artifacts, makes Cryo pretty insane with accompanying weapons The place for everything Borderlands 3! News Dec 4, 2021 · About the Night Hawkin: The Night Hawkin is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. It is great for close to mid-range combat. – Always cryo. This is a powerful Dahl SMG that switches elements based on the time of day. Today we take a look at the legendary Multi-tap pistol! If you enjoyed, then be sure to leave a "Like" and subscribe!Playlisthttps://www. Disabled elemental status effect (-100% elemental chance). Borderlands 3 Zane Class Mods. This is a List of ALL legendary and unique GRENADES in Borderlands 3. Aug 9, 2021 · Borderlands 3 Legendary Artifact - Commander Planetoid. Mar 28, 2020 · In Borderlands 3, the cryo element is great for slowing down enemies or flat out freezing them in order to have an easier time securing kills. Upon Sliding, the Snowshoe will release a high damage Cryo Nova at the cost of the user's shield. Feb 26, 2024 · The Legendary Pistol Infinity is manufactured by Vladof and comes Cryo 8. – +25 magazine size. Baby Maker is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Tediore. Sep 17, 2020 · About the Convergence: The Convergence is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. A broken smile beneath her whispered wings. Consumes up to three additional May 21, 2020 · The Executor is a Legendary item in Borderlands 3. Aug 20, 2020 · The Lyuda is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. I WILL be updating this spreadsheet until it is complete. That way you know what the strongest weapons are in the game. Dec 3, 2019 · About the Vosk’s Deathgrip: The Vosk’s Deathgrip is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Set Faisers to kill. You got a good full-auto rifle and an even stronger shotgun. His better half only dropped some purples. This Grenade Mod can be produced by Atlas, Hyperion, and Tediore. from guns to grenades, there's something for everyone in Borderlands 3. This Maliwan Shotgun can deal a lot of damage if done right. It can only be obtained from Kritchy located in Cursehaven. – Always comes with either the Leg or Homing module. This Dahl SMG is a beast. They have randomized stats like every other item, but you can get the point what it looks like. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best grenade mod for your build. This weapon deals great damage and its legendary effect has a very large splash radius, making the Prompt Critical an excellent mobbing weapon. This Torgue Rocket Launcher fires a slow-moving rocket that continuously spawns smaller rockets that swirl around the main projectile. For each pellet that is listed on the item card, the projectile will spawn 3 more pellets on impact. While it’s defined as a “Lobbed” grenade it acts more as a “Homing” grenade because when thrown, it will slowly fly towards a nearby enemy and shoot projectiles at its target along its trajectory before Nov 20, 2022 · The best legendary for Cryo build Zane in Borderlands 3 is the Queen’s Call. Mar 27, 2020 · The Clairvoyance is a legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. Not sorry, not sorry, not sorry. Frozen Devil is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Maliwan. 55-12. Double the fun. Nov 19, 2021 · The Tran-fusion is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. MentalMars June 5, 2021 1 Comment Sep 23, 2024 · The Legendary Pistol Unkempt Harold is manufactured by Torgue and comes from the Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC. 4 days ago · There is a giant cube floating around in Borderlands 3. Utilize the list to SORT, FILTER, and FIND the best weapons for your build. This Hyperion Shotgun shoots an energy ball that deals splash damage. These are the popular class mods that are being used in the best Zane Builds. No charge-up time. That is if the wiki is to be believe but I’m not sure on that. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source. Feb 13, 2023 · The Plaguebearer is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. That would be the end of the story if it wasn't for a quirk in its design that lets you farm it Aug 9, 2021 · The Destructo Spinner is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Although having the cryo element on a weapon is great Jan 30, 2025 · Best Legendary Shotguns There are a lot of legendary Shotguns in Borderlands 3 but like any true Vault Hunter, you only want to best of the best. Cryo: Cryo damage Sep 17, 2020 · About the Blood-Starved Beast: The Blood-Starved Beast is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. Bloody Harvest is a seasonal (October 24, 2019 - December 5, 2019) and (October 8, 2020 - November 5, 2020) Halloween themed event in Borderlands 3. Lucian's Call is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Vladof. 2-2. This Operative Class Mod boosts a lot of good skills but only if you manage to get a kill or trigger it with Seein’ Red. Comin' ta GET'CHA! – Shoots lasers that deals splash damage. However, which shields can be considered “THE BEST“? Of course, this is subjective and it all depends on the character and the build you are playing. Cryo based weapons are best, along with a decent shield. This Dahl SMG shoots stickies like a Torgue weapon. Feb 13, 2023 · Juliet’s Dazzle is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. Man Killer. One other character that might like to use the Queen’s Call (not the King’s) is Zane. guk yhfnvi wawje tbhye gngso bddl eoiz dnqlh mkejm qyjq gyrv vsu dxfa zil lcoiz