Bsn number appointment amsterdam. Address: Domselaerstraat 14, 1093 MA, Amsterdam.

Bsn number appointment amsterdam. Oct 3, 2021 · Contents hide 1 BSN Number Netherlands 1.

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Bsn number appointment amsterdam Once your pre-registration has been approved, you must complete the registration in person. The BSN is used by (government) authorities in their correspondence with citizens and in the exchange of personal information between (government) agencies, where legally permitted. nl Jul 4, 2023 · To make an appointment, simply email welcome@amsterdam. For example, for healthcare or taxes. 00 on 14 020 (English available). If you plan to stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months, live abroad and you need a citizen service number (BSN) for dealing with the Dutch government, you can register as a non-resident. I moved to Amsterdam in August - my appointment at IN Amsterdam for my BSN number was 18 days after I arrived. Foreigners applying for a BSN number in the Netherlands may have to wait for an appointment. As for a phone contract, without a BSN number and a Dutch bank account I don't think any of the Dutch You can get a BSN without an address! The BSN can be obtained through ‘Registratie niet-ingezetenen’ RSI. You may also register if you will be living in the Netherlands for less than 4 months. After you register you will be given a citizen service number (BSN) if you did not already have one. If you cannot get a BSN straight away you should go for RNI. This brochure explains the registration procedure. I need a BSN urgently now but my appointment at the city hall is on 20th May. Did you already make an appointment yourself? Please cancel this appointment and follow the process as described above Nov 5, 2019 · *Aquí la explicación de que, en realidad sin BSN podés trabajar. It is vital for everyday activities and accessing public services in the Netherlands. After registering you will receive a Dutch citizen service number (BSN). +31 70 353 30 00. You can register your company’s address as your address- but only for a period of 3 months. Immigration Services. You can book a free appointment with you local municipality, but there are benefits to booking with us: Nov 18, 2015 · The BSN, which replaced the SOFI number, is the unique Dutch identification number that is used in everything from hospital visits to singing up for a bank account. A citizen service number (BSN) is the personal number you use in your dealings with the Dutch authorities. If you do not have a BSN number you can make a donation, if you are able to. 4 BSN for inheritance […] Sep 6, 2017 · 2. The number consists of 9 digits. Make sure that you are on time for your appointment. If you call ABN AMRO via telephone number 020-3434422 you can make an appointment with an English-speaking employee. Sep 27, 2022 · Can I arrange for a BSN number online? No – it is not possible. Everyone who already has a citizen service number (BSN), who is coming to the Netherlands from abroad and who will be living in The Hague for longer than 4 months. Your personal details are recorded in the Register of Non-Residents Jul 28, 2023 · As we reach the end of our comprehensive BSN Number guide, you have seen exactly why BSN number registration is a big deal in the Netherlands. Every person in the Netherlands has a personal registration number. Any tips or tricks for getting an appointment more quickly? Do cancelled appointments get refreshed on the page at a certain time each day? This rule applies to both European and non-European citizens. This number is issued to Dutch citizens along with their birth certificate. 00. Store this confirmation carefully, as you will need it when you arrive at the office. Cardon & Company. Either way, you'll need an appointment at the gemeente, and the time to get those appointments varies greatly depending on which gemeente. You can call the number day or night to report a public nuisance. Those who have come to the Netherlands as a highly skilled migrant can arrange registration at the Expatcenter and will receive a BSN number during the appointment. Telephone: +31 (0)20 254 7999 (from 09:15 to 16:30) Email: welcome@amsterdam. If you are moving to the Netherlands for no more than 4 months, you can register as a non-resident with the Personal Records Database (BRP). Aug 23, 2024 · How do I get my BSN number? To get your BSN number, you need to register in the municipality of your city. Don’t let the time frames stress you out, they’re not too worried about it. Some banks will allow you to open an account while you wait for the BSN number but I think you have to be here for that. A BSN is a unique number which you can use to communicate with Dutch government agencies and is needed by your employer in order to pay your wages. At bunq you can get your Dutch student bank account without needing your BSN right away; at bunq, you can simply open your account with your phone number and provide your BSN when you receive it – up to 90(!) days after registering your account. Business. In the Netherlands, schools use a personal identification number (persoonsgebonden number, PGN) or education number for their students. After registering in person, you will get your Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN). In the Netherlands, you need a BSN to work, to buy or rent a house, to register your children at school, to see your family doctor, or to get hospital care. nl so that we can assist you with your booking. The expat center in Amsterdam issues BSN numbers right away. You will need a BSN number to arrange a number of things when you come to the Netherlands. Government authorities use the BSN to correspond with citizens and exchange personal information with other (government) agencies, when legally permitted; for example, between the municipality and the Inland In-Person Registration: Attend the appointment to complete the registration process. This will help the staff members find you in their system and cut down on waiting time. Didn't you find what you were looking for? Call us at phone number 14 036. Even if you live abroad or do not hold Dutch nationality, it is still possible to have a BSN. It is not possible to register at the municipality of Almere. Show your employer the confirmation of your BSN appointment and supply your BSN as soon as possible. E-mail: bsn@doetinchem. I landed in NL just 2 days back. You need an apartment to get a BSN, and you need to start working to get this apartment. Opening hours. Team. In the event that your call does not connect, if you are calling via Skype or from outside of the Netherlands, please dial Mar 31, 2017 · Here is a list of thngs that will make your life in Amsterdam easier: 1. What if there is no citizen service number? Please send us a letter with the following information: the reason why you need the citizen service number (for instance, 'filing an inheritance tax return') your address details abroad; the telephone number or email address where you can be reached (in case we have questions) a copy of valid proof of ID. See: the location of a BSN on a Dutch passport; the location of a BSN on a Dutch identity card; the location of a BSN on a Dutch driving licence; Looking up your BSN on MijnOverheid I've called the Amsterdam municipality a couple of weeks ago to schedule an appointment for my BSN, the earliest available date is on the 27/11. How to apply for a BSN in Amsterdam. The RNI is part of the BRP. And i received an offer that will start in 1st May. Sin BSN podés trabajar, pero al no estar registrado con el gobierno (no tener BSN) te quitan el impuesto máximo sobre el salario, porque no saben quien sos y cuanto ganas y no pueden saberlo… Es decir, de tu salario te sacan un 52%. Changes of address, passports and ID cards, BSN, immigration and taking on Dutch nationality, marriage and partnership, birth, and certificates. This is needed to access government services and open a Dutch bank account. You now know what a BSN is, why you should apply for a citizen service number when you arrive in the Netherlands, the registration process to get a burgerservicenummer, the different documents on which Appointment: Schedule an appointment at the city hall. Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00. it'll take time. in Amsterdam you get it on the spot. Usually you will be asked for it at the hospital on your first visit, or at least I always was. In MijnOverheid ziet u ook het BSN van uw ouders en kinderen. If yes then can I get a normal BSN Number ones I move to Amsterdam in January and submit my house contract in Amsterdam municipality office and convert from temporary BSN into BSN Number? 3. Please cancel the appointment and plan the appointment for another What is a BSN? A citizen service number or Burgerservicenummer (BSN) is your starting point when it comes to living and working in the Netherlands. 1 When you can register for Citizen Service Number? 1. When I came I contacted a the Amsterdam & Almere city council and found out that the Make an appointment. This is your BSN (or citizen’s service number), and it is sacred. 2 How can you get Citizen Service Number? 1. BSN Appointment Assistance at Gemeente & Expatcenter Municipality of Almere. For appointments with Amsterdam ONLINE (Zoom) IN-PERSON Send an email IN Amsterdam, World Trade Center Amsterdam, Tower Two, ground floor – Strawinskylaan 1767 Amsterdam . Registration at IN Amsterdam takes place by appointment only. You can then apply for the living allowance. You register in person at a City Office and you need to make an appointment for this in advance. You can book an appointment with your local municipality or with Leiden International Centre. You will usually receive a letter containing your BSN within 4 weeks of your registration in the BRP. This declaration is available from the moment you are registered at our university, and can be collected digitally via the 'Complete registration' page in your vu. I have secured a flat in Zaandam and my office is in Amsterdam. Your BSN is your own personal number for your contacts with the government. I need some advice on how to go about my registration, in 2019 I moved to the Netherlands and registered with a municipality in Amsterdam as a British citizen and moved away in March 2020. Monday & Friday 8. If you have problems making an appointment, please contact jenny@leideninternationalcentre. Please note that internationals need to be present during this appointment. It’s actually very, very easy to do, but the appointments are pretty long awaited. Monday to Friday from 08. Thats the temporary alternative. Everyone who registers To visit KVK, you need to make an appointment. FAQs. They will give you a ticket, go to the office down the hall and wait for your number. Citizen service number in education. Call the City on workdays from 08. How to Verify I need some advice on how to go about my registration, in 2019 I moved to the Netherlands and registered with a municipality in Amsterdam as a British citizen and moved away in March 2020. Please note: a BSN number is not the same as registration and will not be accepted unless registered with an address in Amsterdam (your home address is not valid). Technically it is impossible to reschedule your appointment. You can register in 19 municipalities. Just dial these 5 digits. Make an appointment for Weesp. If you are moving from abroad and are registering for the first time, you will receive your citizen service number (BSN). You will need this number when you contact the government, for example to ask for care or to pay taxes. I have been through this recently, in Amsterdam. To do so, you have to register with a RNI-municipality in the Non-residents Record Database (RNI). 1 BSN via Municipality 1. 14070 to make an appointment. Do you not (yet) have a residential address abroad or is the address not yet known? Then you can pass on your address details at a later date. Dec 16, 2024 · This way, students will receive their BSN (citizen service number) immediately. You can register with the municipality of Amsterdam if you are an expat who will be living or working there for During the registration appointment you will receive a citizen service number (BSN). 30 hrs. You can choose the office most convenient for you. You must take the following documents to your appointment in person: EU citizens must have a valid passport or identity card. This PGN is equal to the BSN. You will receive an email to make an appointment for the special student registration days from 3 February to 12 February. A citizen service number is called a BSN number. Making an appointment is easy: login to our schedule using DigiD. Strongly advise you to get the digid sorted out as its useful for taxes, gemeente, health care, pharmacy, etc, etc here. Spring 2025 PRE-REGISTRATION and REGISTRATION DAYS Jun 22, 2024 · - Stadsloket West: Bos en Lommerplein, 1055 EK Amsterdam - Stadsloket Nieuw-West: Osdorpplein 946, 1068 TD Amsterdam - Stadsloket Zuid: President Kennedylaan 923, 1079 MZ Amsterdam - Stadsloket Noord: Buikslotermeerlaan 2000, 1025 XL Amsterdam - Stadsloket Zuidoost: Anton de Komplein 150, 1102 CW Amsterdam Hello Amsterdam, I got here recently on Tuesday 8PM. Before I came I was aware of the trouble getting a rental but I was not aware of the long waiting time to get an appointment for the BSN number. The Hague – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 09:00-17:00 – no appointments necessary (walk-in visits). There are tons of expats in a similar situation. Learn more about BSN and BRP. Your BSN helps the Dutch government to identify you whenever you have dealings with them, for example, when you have to pay taxes. Hi, I am a non-EU expat who got a job in NL for a year. Please note that our hours of operation will vary over the holiday period. He could get a very hefty for that. I will reach the Netherlands on around end of the month. Call 14 020 or 020 255 29 09 (8am-6pm, Monday to Friday) Jan 28, 2025 · World Trade Center Amsterdam Tower Two, ground floor (entrance via Zuidplein) Strawinskylaan 1767 1077 XX Amsterdam The office opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:00. Social security number is called BSN (burger service nummer = civilian service number) here. then a few days after that you can use the bsn number. nl . Non-EU citizens might face challenges or delays due to extra documentation requirements or higher demand. Blog. Address: Domselaerstraat 14, 1093 MA, Amsterdam. You can only visit us if you live in Weesp and have an appointment. You'll need it to: open a bank account, start a job, claim the student benefits and register at any online government I have looked at the option of applying for an RNI as that seems like I can apply for it straight away which gives me the BSN number I need to open a bank account. If you or your child is given a citizen service number at a later stage, you must inform the school. Oct 28, 2024 · As soon as you are registered with the BRP, you will automatically receive a letter containing your BSN from the government. You can make an appointment by sending an email to bsn. From abroad you can call tel. However, you will need to give your BSN to your employer. Your employer will use the BSN to make a variety of arrangements for you. then you will need to make an appointment to complete the registration. After you have registered as a non-resident, you will be given an extract with your citizen service number (BSN). During the appointment, we will check that you meet the criteria and tell you what other documents we need. U kunt uw BSN ook online opzoeken in MijnOverheid. If you get a job, you have to submit your BSN to your employer. To obtain your employees’ citizen service numbers as soon as possible, it is preferable to immediately schedule an appointment at a registration facility. I have booked a combination appointment in the Amsterdam Expat centre. The BSN is your personal number for contact with the government. Documentation: Bring necessary documents, such as a valid passport, proof of address, and employment contract if applicable. It does not have to be the office in your region or place of residence. While others receive their BSN number within 10 days. Feb 24, 2022 · What is a BSN number in the Netherlands? BSN (burgerservicenummer) is a unique number for everyone registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP). The waiting time can range from a few days to a few weeks. zuid@amsterdam. 00 to 18. Tel: 0204275011 Saturday, Sundays & Bank Holidays Closed. I am now back in the Netherlands but since I've been gone Brexit has has happened and I lost my BSN number in the move. Edit 2: spelling Jun 21, 2023 · In one visit to the IN Amsterdam office the municipal registration will also be arranged and the citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN) issued. Dutch citizen service number (BSN) make an appointment, telephone numbers and opening hours Dec 30, 2019 · Tip! If you do not have a BSN number yet, you can still contact ABN AMRO. In order to get a BSN, you need to register in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI). How do I change my details in the RNI? IN Amsterdam officially opened in 2008 as the first of its kind (until 8 May 2017, it was known as Expatcenter Amsterdam). For an RNI registration appointment, you can select any of the 19 RNI desks available in the Netherlands, regardless of which one is closest to you. Here’s how to get your BSN number in 3 simple steps: Set up an appointment on the municipality’s website to register your address. Make an appointment What is a BSN? The Burgerservicenummer (BSN) is a unique personal number issued to everyone registered with the Basisregistratie Personen, the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP). You need a citizen service number for your contacts with the Dutch government. Location: Nieuwstraat 70a - Weesp. Please note: You cannot make your own appointment to register at the BRP street. Your citizen service number (BSN). You can also schedule appointments by contacting our office via phone (+31 (0)20 254 7999 (from 09:15 to 16:30). The BSN numberBSN, or 'burgerservicenummer' is a citizen service number (social security number) and is unique for everyone living in The Netherlands. You will need to make an appointment to register. i didn’t have my birth certificate ready at the time of the appointment. Those who work in the Netherlands but don’t live here must apply to the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) in Heerlen for a BSN. Online opzoeken. Call the municipality on tel. nl Phone number (inside the Netherlands): 031 437 7377 Phone number (outside the Netherlands): +31 (0)314 377 377 Registering in the RNI via the municipality of Doetinchem Requesting an RNI extract via the municipality of Doetinchem (Information in Dutch) The BSN is included in the medical records for healthcare providers, assessment bodies, and health insurance companies. 2 BSN via the Social Insurance Bank to receive Dutch state pension 1. 00am - 17. For short-term visitors If you're staying in the Netherlands for less than four months, you can register as a non-resident at one of the designated municipalities offering this service. Make an appointment at a City Office within 5 days of your arrival. In these instances we request that you make a new appointment. You do not need to register again. You can make an appointment on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8. If you are registered in The Netherlands, have a BSN number and health insurance, the costs should be covered by the government. The Staff Immigration Office or your HR department will schedule this appointment for you. I've just moved to Amsterdam and started a new job and the quickest appointment I can get for BSN registration is 10 weeks away. If you have forgotten or lost your BSN, you can request it from one of the 19 offices in the Netherlands. Some services we provide by appointment only. The document you must provide us has to contain your full name, date of birth, BSN, date of registration with the municipality of Amsterdam, and the address where you are registered The BSN (burgerservicenummer) social services number (or what was called the Sofi or Social-Fiscal number) is the first bureaucratic issue that expats in the Netherlands have to deal with. I stayed in a hotel for 10 days to quarantine. You can make an appointment online at a time, date, and location of your choice. Any help would be appreciated. Staat op uw document nog uw sofinummer? Dan kunt u dat gewoon als BSN opgeven. I have emailed Stadsdeel Centrum to try to book an appointment but have not had a reply in a week. Info about the BSN (Burgerservicenummer) / Sofi (Social-Fiscal) number in the Netherlands and how to apply. Please note that LIC charges a service fee for registration appointments. In 40 minutes getting 2 people registered and giving 1 their BSN was quite statisfactory. I arrived Amsterdam on 23rd January. When you deregister you can give your new address abroad. If you have worked in the Netherlands before and you registered then, you will already have a citizen service number (BSN). Jan 17, 2025 · Are you unable to attend? Cancel your appointment using the link in the email confirming your appointment. nl dashboard. Receiving your BSN number. Citizen service number after registration. Make an appointment at the municipality within 2 months of receiving our e-mail. Het BSN wordt niet vermeld op aktes van de burgerlijke stand. Jan 28, 2025 · World Trade Center Amsterdam Tower Two, ground floor (entrance via Zuidplein) Strawinskylaan 1767 1077 XX Amsterdam The office opening hours are Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 17:00. You will receive confirmation by email. But it is a confusing circle. I approached a few realtors before I came but did not have any luck with them. Everyone who registers with the BRP is automatically given a BSN. Your citizen service number (BSN) will remain valid. Its extremely dangerous for your employer to employ someone without a BSN. The thing is my residence permit is 4 days after my arrival, and the BSN website says I must get the BSN within 5 days of arriving here. Telephone: 020-4650004 Cost. There is no charge for registration. Highly skilled migrants with VVR-procedure IN Amsterdam will contact you to schedule the appointment as soon as the decision has been made by the IND. The temporary education number is not a citizen service number. You need the BSN in order to: be permitted to work; open a bank account; make use of a care institution (or hospital) apply for Receive your BSN: After your appointment, you'll receive your BSN, either immediately or by mail within a few days. Make an appointment at the City Office Centre by calling 14 020. This a number that is unique to each person, and so your BSN will always stay the same - regardless of how long you leave the Netherlands for. However, luckily the innovative bunq bank has recognized and solved this predicament. it takes a few days to get the email. Registration and citizen service number Jun 17, 2013 · In order to get a BSN as a foreigner in the country, you have to make an appointment with the municipality, located at Amstel 1, 1011 PN, Amsterdam (metro 51, 53 and 54, Waterlooplein stop, exit Stadhuis/City Hall or Tram 9 and 14, Waterlooplein stop). Amsterdam. My plan is to stay longer than four months but the appointment is just for a short stay permit as she told me that I could "upgrade" it to a longer stay one later on. The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique personal number allocated to everyone registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP). they still gave me the BSN number, and asked me to provide the birth certificate later. Then DUO will create a temporary education number. I had made the appointment to collect by residence permit so I could get my BSN number. Jun 29, 2023 · Book a 'Hervestiging' Appointment. Burgerservicenummer (BSN) When you register in the RNI, you will get a Burgerservicenummer (BSN). You can usually find your citizen service number on your passport, identity card or driving licence if these documents were issued by the Netherlands. That worked for me in Amsterdam. My only concern is whether this could affect my 30% tax ruling application. Remember that BSN is typically included in a Dutch passport, identity card, or driving licence. Also will I get a temporary BSN Number on the same day of registration? 4. You can only cancel the complete appointment, not just for 1 person. Do you already have a citizen service number? Then this number is still valid. It is required for a lot of authoritative purposes. Call Central Doctors 0202357823 (10 am-8pm) or Huisartsenpost 0880030600 (24/7) If you are in urgent need of a BSN number and cannot wait for the appointment at the municipality, there is one other solution. The BSN is typically issued during the registration appointment. You can book a BSN registration appointment directly with your local municipality, or with Leiden International Centre via our online booking form. Immigration. Address abroad. Rescheduling of appointment not possible. Arrange an appointment beforehand. Make an appointment for registration of your traveling family member at the IND refugee reunification desk in Zevenaar. Citizen service number (BSN) Registration address with a Dutch municipality Mobile phone; If you applied for a DigiD you will receive a letter with an activation code by post. nl or by calling the City information number 14 020 (telephone contact only in Dutch and English). Get your BSN number. Note that the expat center charges a fee for this service. ) can help you get a BSN fast. They will give you an appointment date & time on a letter. But I am not sure if they will be able to issue a BSN for someone having a Zaandam registered address. How do I find my BSN number Netherlands? Your BSN can be found on your Dutch passport, identity card or driving licence. This also applies to Dutch citizens from the Caribbean Netherlands (the countries Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten and the municipalities Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius). Already have a citizen service number? Even then an appointment at the municipality is necessary to complete your registration. If the child was born in the Netherlands, a BSN is assigned to them immediately after birth. It is possible to arrange for a BSN number (formerly a Sofi number ) for a child. nl, clearly stating 'RNI appointment' as the purpose. Any advice will help. You can make your own appointment online for these topics: You can also call 14 020. Jan 4, 2024 · Once you register, you are given a unique nine-digit code. You need to bring your passport and your birth certificate (if you happen to have it) for that appointment. 30 to 16. Some services we provide by appointment only. You can plan your appointment ahead of time, to a maximum of 8 weeks. A BSN number for a child. You will be given a citizen service number (BSN) once you have registered. If the Expatcenter or council is satisfied with your documentation they will issue you with an on-the-spot BSN (Burger Service Nummer), literally a citizen service number. Do I have to make any appointment in RNI for applying for Temporary BSN ? You will need your Declaration of Registration (DoR) from VU Amsterdam in order to open a student account. If you want Amsterdam, you might as well reserve a meeting around the time your contract starts and arrange with HR that you are allowed to use their address if you have not found a place at that time. Edit: I had to register (not get a bsn, I'm already a Dutch national) as well because I lived in Belgium for a while with my dad and I was registered in 10 minutes during the same appointment. Maybe call zk and ask for a physical card. This is a key step as you really need the BSN to get anything else done in the Netherlands such as working (it doubles up Step 6: Visit the municipality at Bos en Lommerplein 176 to finalise your registration and obtain a Dutch citizen service number (BSN) No confirmation received? Check your spam folder. The Sofi number (sofinummer) was the previous name for the social security number, issued by the Dutch Tax To schedule an appointment For registration (BSN) and/or residence permit (IND) procedures, please send us an email with the following information for each person needing an appointment: Full Name (as written in their passport) V number (EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and those who do not know their v number should provide their date of birth) Jan 7, 2025 · During municipal registration for the cities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Almere, Diemen, Haarlem, Hilversum, Haarlemmermeer and Velsen, city representatives record your personal data in the Personal Records Database (BRP). Citizen service number. If you plan to stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months, and you need a citizen service number (BSN) for dealing with the Dutch government, then you can register in the Registry for Non-Residents (Register Niet-ingezetenen, RNI). You CAN start working without a BSN if you are an EU citizen. These include: opening a bank account, obtaining a Dutch mobile phone number, applying for benefits; and so on. However, I checked appointments for registering at the municipality and the earliest available was on December 23rd 🤯 I was planning to already get my BSN number earlier to start working. Some employers (think of companies with a solid HR Dept. Migrants with highly skilled status will be provided with a BSN number right away, during the appointment. Make sure you have your Citizen Service Number (BSN) ready. You simply give your old address to the Gemeente you picked out to get your BSN from. You will receive this education number from the school where you or your child is registered. The first time that you arrived and registered in the Netherlands, you received a BSN. Somebody recommended applying as RNI initially and I've been able to get a same week appointment to do that in Utrecht. Send an email The Hague International Centre, Spui 70 The official website of the City of Amsterdam in English. Go to city hall , Amstel 1, go to reception and tell them you want an appointment for a BSN number. Do this after booking the journey, but before your family member departs for the Netherlands. The process of getting a Netherlands BSN number is very much easy from start to finish if you have all the documents that are required and it doesn’t take long. Oct 3, 2021 · Contents hide 1 BSN Number Netherlands 1. Registration is free of charge. 00pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 09am-18pm. If you register in the Netherlands for the first time, you will receive a BSN. When you want to cancel your appointment or want to increase or decrease the number of persons, we request that you cancel your appointment with the link in the conformation mail or by contacting us, dial 14-0113 (from abroad +31 113 249 600) or by e-mail rni@goes. It is called the Citizen Service Number ('Burgerservicenummer' or BSN). Your SOFI number will have been automatically converted into your BSN. If you want to legally work in the Netherlands, you must have a BSN number. COA must arrange this appointment for you. Come to the clinic for your appointment . Registration is crucial for legal residency and accessing various essential services in the Netherlands. (From abroad: +31 36 539 99 11) Posted by u/spartanb301 - 3 votes and 26 comments Apr 9, 2024 · Handy to know for international newcomers: if you don’t have any official ID of Dutch origin, it’s also recommended to take proof of your BSN number to your vaccination appointment, such as your health insurance card. Upon successful registration, your information is entered into the BRP, and you will be issued a BSN number if you do not already have one. Do not make a regular appointment with the municipality, as this process will be slow and inefficient and you will receive your BSN many weeks later. You can contact the Municipality of Leiden, or one of 18 other selected municipalities to make an appointment to do this. You will get a BSN number once you register with city council. nl Then, an appointment must be scheduled. Clearly state that you do not have a BSN number yet, and they will tell you which documents you will need to take with you to open a bank account. Important information. Jul 1, 2018 · If you come to the Netherlands for a few months, for instance for work or studies, you need a Dutch social security number (burgerservicenummer, BSN). you can get a prepaid sim card from a phone retailer if you really need a phone number but everything else just has to wait. The Netherlands. To get a job you need a BSN/RNI and often hmm could be. Once the form is submitted, you will need to call IN Amsterdam at +31 (0)20 254 7999 to schedule a specific date and time for your appointment. Nov 26, 2024 · You must register within five days of arriving in the Amsterdam Area. Until you have your BSN, you can’t do other necessary basic things in the Netherlands Jan 14, 2025 · Alternatively, some companies can copy or scan your ID but must black out the photo and national identification numbers like the BSN, national insurance number, or social security number. Is it really recommended to apply for RNI and get my BSN for now, and register fully with the same BSN to the city on 20th May? (It will still be within 4 months since I arrived). In larger cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam, there are multiple municipal offices where you can register. You will receive this letter within 3 business days on the address where you have registered with your municipality. I am moving to the Netherlands During the registration appointment you will receive a citizen service number (BSN). You will receive a Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer - BSN) at the appointment. Hiervoor hebt u een DigiD nodig. 3 BSN for your benefit partner via the Tax and Customs Administration 1. Remember to bring all the required documents. It is a joint initiative of the municipalities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen and the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (later joined by Almere, Diemen, Haarlem, Haarlemmermeer, Hilversum and Velsen). 2. 1017 BZ Amsterdam The Netherlands +31 (0) 20 - 36 94 659. It's also stated on the appointment letter for example. One of the To open a Dutch bank account you need a BSN number. Apr 19, 2024 · World Trade Center Amsterdam 4. Please note: IN Amsterdam can only help you register with your municipality if you’re living in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Almere, Diemen, Haarlem, Hilversum, Haarlemmermeer and Velsen. Get a BSN number appointment in the Netherlands. Online, it is only possible to make an appointment with a municipal official. aprbz xldcw hnjrklh noeut ilwtob jevztgfk ezwne synxg iqarhbw segq cqrgymz bhda nuntj kxmcwi gcdm