Cs postdoc. CS Related Student Organizations.

Cs postdoc Strong candidates interested in Theoretical Computer Science will be considered. Amounts represent the salary or hourly rate on the “as of” date. Each position is for 2 years (September 2025 - August 2027). E. edu) and will have an opportunity to avail of a broad theory ecosystem spanning several Oct 31, 2024 · The Algorithms and Randomness Center (ARC) at Georgia Tech seeks postdocs for 2-year positions beginning Fall 2025. Some departments and PIs post postdoctoral positions on their department or lab websites. Hi, there! I’m Manling. Join our thriving community of creative, passionate, and innovative scholars for opportunities for career development, networking, and research collaborations. S. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, research statement, and contact information for three references to the email arc-postdoc@cc. At a minimum, each The School of Mathematics is offering a number of funded memberships for research in Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (TCS/DM). The contributions to Nov 10, 2014 · We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in computational complexity, with emphasis on complexity of arithmetic circuits, propositional proofs, or communication complexity to work with the members of the department of Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. Nov 20, 2024 · Postdoc at University of Toronto (apply by December 15, 2024) Postdoc at The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (apply by December 20, 2024) Archives. The award, which is typically given to tenure-track For CS student related inquires, contact: Phone: 312. We have several opportunities for postdoc positions in the theory group and elsewhere at the department or Harvard. About Stanford Linghao Song is a postdoctoral researcher in UCLA Computer Science Department. In computer science, all research topics of LIP (the CS lab of ENS Lyon) are eligible. . List Options Owners: Amy Simons, Brittney Shipley, Chengxiang Zhai, Ellen Magee, Nancy Amato, Paris Stanford University, MS&E+CS Machine Learning Postdoc @ Stanford LDR lab (deadline 2025/01/15 11:59PM) Stanford University, Q-FARM Bloch 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 10-370 Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: 617. Research subjects include, but are not limited to: Computational Complexity; Algorithms; Optimization; Cryptography; Combinatorics and Graph Theory; Discrete Probability. edu: Yoehan Oh Postdoctoral Associate 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 yoehan. Student Services. Postdoc Best Practices. MPI for Informatics. She manages postdoctoral scholars’ community-building and professional development initiatives and ensures the Allen The Power of CS. Bennett’s research focuses on theoretical computer science, with an emphasis on lattices and geometric algorithms. You can contact our Fellows to discuss opportunities. Appointment Procedures/Research (Postdoctoral Fellows and Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars): Research Faculty Hiring Benefits Eligibility: USG Policy on Employee Categories (PDF) Benefits Plans and Forms: Georgia Tech Human Resources Adarsh Barik (CS PhD 2023, postdoc at NUS), Chuyang Ke (CS PhD 2023), Kevin Bello (CS PhD 2021, postdoc at UChicago & CMU), Asish Ghoshal (CS PhD 2019). Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Information. Postdoctoral Trainee positions are generally listed in the University Recruitment of Academic Personnel System (RAPS). In order to get the full-time rate, you would divide the salary by the FTE. UW Office of Postdoc Affairs IDP (Info and link under IDP heading) Stanford University Postdoc IDP; Science Careers IDP In computer science, postdoc positions were uncommon, but after the Dot-com bust and a general trend toward not hiring tenure-track faculty in the early 2000s, there are now many more postdoc positions in that discipline. Postdoctoral Associate 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 shutian. graduates and Postdoctoral Researchers who are about to begin a new journey of their lives as professors at top-notch universities across the globe. Feb 16, 2024 · This program is open to postdocs in the CS Area. Bill & Melinda Gates Center Box 352355 3800 E Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA 98195-2355 CMS runs an active, interdisciplinary postdoctoral program which typically has upwards of 20 postdoctoral scholars in any given year. To confirm your request The Computing Research Association’s (CRA) Board of Directors has approved a Best Practices Guide, providing guidance to graduate students, postdocs, advisors and mentors, and departments and institutions on how to have a positive postdoctoral experience within computer science and engineering. cs-theory-postdoc@lists. If they just want to work in industry in CS, skills and projects often matter as much or more than credentials or publications. Jun 28, 2021 · Kate Smith, a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Professor Fred Chong and the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s IBM Postdoctoral Trainees Program, received the Kenneth C. Returning to a live, in-person format for the first time in three years, the daylong event was held on February 7 in the Bldg. 996. In that spirit, I would not compare your salary to that of a postdoc (those would be something like 60-70k per annum in CS, with some variation), but perhaps to that of an adjunct lecturer – Welcome to the University of California, Riverside! The campus has a lively community of over 200 postdocs working in diverse disciplines. wisc. Subject: CS Areas Mailing List You asked to be unsubscribed from list cs-theory-postdoc . at Rutgers University, New Brunswick · Experience: UC Santa Barbara · Education: Rutgers University–New Brunswick · Location Hannah Klion presents the talk "Exascale Simulations of Pulsar Magnetospheres" as part of the 2023 CS Area Postdoc Symposium. These postdoctoral scholars are sponsored by individual faculty and research groups as well as through cross-cutting centers such as the Center for the Mathematics of Information (CMI), the Center for Social Information Sciences (CSIS), the Institute for Quantum Dec 5, 2024 · We are offering a 2-year postdoc position in the Quantum Information and Computation group at the CS department (LaBRI) of the University of Bordeaux, France. The Data Science Institute (DSI) and its Center for Computational Molecular Biology (CCMB) and Center for Technological Responsibility, Re-imagination, and Redesign (CNTR) have a set of amazing postdocs who are doing a range of research. The Department of Computer Science provides a stimulating environment for scientists of different disciplines to interact and aid each other’s research, and facilitates collaborations between pre- and postdoctoral researchers and mentors from different academic backgrounds. ARC postdocs can work with any ARC-affiliated faculty in CS, Math, or ISYE. Postdoctoral Associate. Phone: 614-688-1589 osupostdocs@osu. To pursue postdoctoral studies at the University fo Chicago, please directly contact an individual faculty member of The Power of CS. Sep 18, 2024 · The week of September 16-20 is National Postdoc Appreciation Week. I would particularly appreciate replies from those in CS or a related field (math, physics, chemistry, etc) that either did or did not do a postdoc with the goal of working in industry or government. edu Faculty and Staff Department Head Mar 15, 2023 · John Paparrizos, a former postdoctoral researcher with the ChiData team at UChicago CS, received the Rising Star Award from the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE). Job openings are listed on the following department websites: Department 1, Algorithms & Complexity; A variety of IDP templates are available, including some designed specifically for scholars pursuing careers in CS or STEM. Oct 16, 2024 · The Stanford Theory group invites applications for the Motwani Postdoctoral Fellowship. 9022 Arrange for two letters of reference from your previous research supervisors and collaborators to be sent directly to snap-postdoc@cs. 6614 cswebmaster@cs. The call for participation typically goes out in December or January, please keep an eye out for an email from your group leads or division directors. I'm planning to leave academia after that. Find out how to undertake postdoctoral research with the Centre. Welcome to The Penn State Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Resources for PostDocs Resources for Faculty & Staff Upcoming Events Find Postdoctoral Positions Resources for Postdocs State College Life International Postdocs Penn State Postdoctoral Society Postdoctoral Support Directory Benefits & Healthcare Taxes Travel Travel Awards Transportation Housing Childcare Wellness National Postdoctoral Jan 13, 2023 · Postdoc Openings. ye. OPA recommends reviewing department and PI websites as well if you are interested in finding a postdoctoral position. My research sits in an area known as human-computer interaction (HCI). Most positions are confirmed for one year with an option to extend for a second year. You will also learn about my experience, take it with a grain of salt! Target audience: Anyone who is confused about what to do after getting a PhD, specifically in CS and more specifically, in AI/ML/NLP. s, professors, research institutions and other employers to find a good match. wang@cs. Dec 11, 2024 · The theory group is also accepting applications for another postdoctoral position beginning in September 2025 to work with Prof. To pursue postdoctoral studies at the University fo Chicago, please directly contact an individual faculty member of Feb 21, 2023 · 2022 Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Area Postdoc Symposium; Join the CS Research Postdoc Mailing List. The Computer Science Department at UT Austin invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow for the 2025-26 academic year to work with Dana Moshkovitz and David Zuckerman on pseudorandomness and related topics. Several positions are available. The Doctoral Program (Ph. Note that some teaching might also be important in some places and it might be another bargaining chip if you have those skills. Postdoctoral Researcher Computer Science zhen5@uic. Looking for a Postdoc position or a top PhD program in English that you can start after BSc or MSc? CS@max planck Doctoral Program. The Centre has limited funds for post-doctoral researchers, and it is likely that you would need to secure your own external funding. We seek postdoctoral applicants in theoretical computer science, broadly construed. gatech. and postdoc positions on the topic “An Algorithmic Perspective to Animal Foraging” are available under the guidance of Amos Korman, University of Haifa, supported by an ISF Grant. Dec 4, 2024 · We are currently accepting applications for postdoctoral positions, starting in the academic year 2025-2026. Caleb Geniesse presents the talk "Visualizing Local and Global Structure in Neural Network Loss Landscapes" as part of the 2024 CS Area Postdoc Symposium. Chenhao Tan is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Chicago. CS@max planck is a highly selective doctoral program that grants admitted students full financial support to pursue research in the broad area of computer and information science, with faculty at Max Planck Institutes and some of the best German universities. stanford. The Robot Perception and Learning (RPL) Lab at the University of Texas at Austin has multiple openings for postdoc positions in the areas of Robot Learning and Embodied AI. Prior to joining UChicago, he spent a year at University of Washington as My current computer science postdoc ends in the summer. For the purpose of this question, because reasons I won't go into, we may assume I will never retu Enter your keywords. The symposium was held in person May 7, 2020 · Kate Smith, a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of UChicago CS Professor Fred Chong, talks about her experience with the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s IBM Postdoctoral Trainees Program, which educates the next generation of quantum scientists. DIMACS Postdoc (2023-2025) Jul 7, 2023 · Chatziafratis was a postdoc at Northwestern CS from 2021 to 2022, mentored by Khuller, Vijayaraghavan, and Konstantin Makarychev, professor of computer science at Northwestern Engineering. Do people who hold too many postdocs (or too long of a postdoc) get disadvantaged? cs-dais-postdoc - CS Areas Mailing List. edu: Jun-Kun Wang Postdoctoral Associate 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 Oct 16, 2024 · The Stanford Theory group invites applications for the Motwani Postdoctoral Fellowship. luo@yale. Salary: the annual rate paid to salaried employees. Incoming Assistant Professor @ Rice CS | Postdoc @ Meta AI | CS PhD @ JHU · Building AI systems for Vision and Multimodal understanding. The purpose of postdoc travel CS Professor Anastasios Kyrillidis and PhD student Fangshuo (Jasper) Liao explore how momentum hastens solutions for deep neural networks Saturday, Dec. Jan 30, 2025 · Zhong Zheng [Ph. The award celebrated Paparrizos work creating "breakthroughs in time series data management, as well as contributions to adaptive methodologies for data intensive and machine learning Nov 6, 2024 · Postdoc at University of Toronto (apply by December 15, 2024) Postdoc at The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (apply by December 20, 2024) Faculty at University of Victoria (apply by January 10, 2025) Tenure track at HSE University Faculty of Computer Science (apply by January 15, 2025) The Department of Computer Science provides a stimulating environment for scientists of different disciplines to interact and aid each other’s research, and facilitates collaborations between pre- and postdoctoral researchers and mentors from different academic backgrounds. in Computer Science, Drexel University, 2023. Jul 8, 2022 · Northwestern CS postdoctoral fellows secured faculty positions to continue pursuing research goals during the next stage of their careers. We encourage applicants to have their applications completed by Dec 1, 2024. List Options Menu. Student] [co-Advisor with Zhiling Lan (CS)] Postdoc. uchicago. Get matched with a faculty mentor to help prepare for an academic career in research and teaching. (The option of residing outside Israel may be considered. edu within two weeks of submitting your application. Fellows conduct cutting-edge research as part of a vibrant community and are hosted by research groups Postdoc for the development of the TEMPUS X-ray detector system For our location in Hamburg we are seeking:Postdoc for the development of the TEMPUS X-ray detector systemLimited: 3 years | Starting date: earliest possible | ID: FSPO001/2025 | Deadline: 02. illinois. Many students have written to me and have shared their concerns about not finding a postdoc after PhD, especially with the academic freeze these days, postdo PhD program and postdoc position in CS at NUS I am looking for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, interns and visiting scholars to join my group at the Department of Computer Science at NUS. Site footer content University logo that links to main university website DIMACS Postdoc (2024-2025) IAS (2025-2026) Daniel Schoepflin, Ph. CCC Postdoc Best Practices program; Allen School CI Fellows Best Practices proposal; NYC Ascent Postdoc Resources. Post-doctoral positions are not centrally coordinated in the department. CS Postdoc at University of California, Santa Barbara CS Ph. Regardless of whether these connections result in collaboration or co-authorship, they expand the postdoc’s network with researchers outside of the University of Washington and their prior institutions. The award celebrated Paparrizos work creating "breakthroughs in time series data management, as well as contributions to adaptive methodologies for data intensive and machine learning ‪Capgemini, Lincoln university college‬ - ‪‪Cited by 26‬‬ - ‪Pattern Recognition‬ - ‪Cloud computing‬ - ‪Cloud security‬ - ‪Artificial Neural Network‬ - ‪Machine Learning‬ The theory group at Stanford invites applications for the Motwani postdoctoral fellowship in theoretical computer science. It is our goal to support graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in their quest to have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity and entrepreneurship. Aug 7, 2024 · CS Postdoc at UT Austin -- Previously ME Ph. A postdoc opportunities aggregator like the National Postdoctoral Association‘s or UCLA’s GRAPES database are good places to begin your search. Menu Jan 1, 2019 · At least in CS, postdoc positions involve little to no teaching. edu Simon Fraser University respectfully acknowledges the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples on whose unceded traditional territories our three campuses reside. The CS Research Postdoc Mailing List is open to current students and graduates as well as representatives of universities, academic staff and advisors, and career centers interested in new postdoc positions in Computing Sciences Research. Graduate Students. Postdocs are encouraged to utilize a template that best serves their needs. Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. 03. Travel Awards Overview and Purpose An important part of the postdoc is to develop one’s professional network and make connections with other researchers. The positions are for one year, with a possibility of extension to two years John Crerar Library Building 5730 South Ellis Avenue Chicago IL 60637 Main: 773. Applications should be submitted as a single pdf named as ApplicantLastName_ApplicantFirstName-computer-science. edu . For more information please contact the faculty member closest to your research area or email theory-postdoc-apply (at) seas dot harvard dot edu Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Statistical Science, Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (Joint) Sep 30, 2024 · * About the Data. Doctoral Program. Jul 11, 2022 · At the end of the 2021-2022 school year, the UCLA Computer Science Department celebrates another year of research excellence and achievements by featuring ten Ph. Nov 17, 2024 · Ph. Fellows will be joining a vibrant CS research community and will have access to the broader UCSD research enterprise, including the Halicioglu Data Science Institute, San Diego SuperComputer, the Design Lab, and Professional Master’s and Postdoctoral Programs Manager (and PMP academic adviser!) Pronouns: she/her About: Kate has served as the Postdoctoral Program Manager since 2020 and has been at UW in various capacities since 2007. The Berkeley Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers postdoctoral research fellowships, faculty mentoring, and eligibility for a hiring incentive to outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity at the University of California. It is not unusual to extend the postdoc position for 3 years total. Master's Programs. Shilpika * Alumni Undergraduate. Applications should contain the following: Applicant’s CV Oct 20, 2024 · Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the Theory and Foundations (FoCS) group and in the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) at the University of Warwick. edu: Haoyu Wang Postdoctoral Associate 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511 h. Sidebar Navigation. The symposium was held in pe 2+ years of a R&D internship with a national lab (ongoing) that has high rates of intern-to-postdoc and intern-to-staff conversion. 14, 2024 Four Rice CS grad students awarded sponsored fellowships [Note: For Allen School postdoc research awards, the proposal scope and funding is typically not large enough to have very large broader impacts; however, it is important to start thinking about how to address this issue in larger proposals, and thus we encourage you to make an attempt in your postdoc research award proposal. siebelschool. in Electrical Engineering from University of Pittsburgh in 2017 and B. You have many sources of information and avenues for support, both at UW and beyond! Below are links to helpful resources for current and past Allen School postdocs, including campus contacts, information on potential research and career development opportunities, and guidance on preparing for an interview, building your network, and enhancing your research, leadership, and The Harvard Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) is accepting applications for postdoctoral fellows for the 2025-2026 academic year. Search. It was an awesome experience that I would totally do again. Jul 4, 2022 · And, your postdoc doesn't necessarily need to be an extension of your "thesis", so think more broadly, which you seem to have done about applications at least. oh@yale. Learn more Launch your career through postdoctoral training at one of 18 institutions performing world-leading research and scholarship. Huck Bennett. Primary Welcome to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs. January 2025; December 2024; November 2024; October 2024; September 2024; August 2024; July 2024; June 2024; May 2024; April 2024; March 2024; February 2024 Mentoring for CS Graduate Students. Smith Early Career Award in Microelectronics from the IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committee on Multiple-Valued Logic (IEEE TC MVL). Volunteers may also arrange for a short 15 to 30-minute Zoom meeting to offer additional advice. We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in research on quantum information, quantum algorithms, and complexity theory. 1210 Health Sciences Learning Center, 750 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53709. Postdoctoral Fellows. We seek computer science researchers who are enthusiastic about collaborating with colleagues from other disciplines and who have a demonstrated interest in connecting their research agenda with The Department of Computer Science provides a stimulating environment for scientists of different disciplines to interact and aid each other’s research, and facilitates collaborations between pre- and postdoctoral researchers and mentors from different academic backgrounds. Posted: January 13, 2023 Updated: February 16, 2023 The newly established Cornell University AI for Science Institute (CUAISci) is joining the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship program, a program of Schmidt Futures, to accelerate the next scientific revolution by applying artificial intelligence to research in science, technology, engineering and What you will learn: What types of postdocs there are out there, and advice on how to decide if a postdoc is right for you. I am an assistant professor at the Computer Science department of Northwestern University. Mar 15, 2023 · John Paparrizos, a former postdoctoral researcher with the ChiData team at UChicago CS, received the Rising Star Award from the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE). Hi! I’m Chen, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Computer Science at UT Austin, advised by Prof. Salaries estimates are based on 10 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Postdoctoral Research Associate Computer Science employees in United States. com) is the first niche recruiting channel to bring together recent Ph. Staff. The positions are typically for two years. We are currently studying systems that can give certifiable accuracy guarantees in partially complete databases, query accuracy evaluation in corrupted databases, and automatic detection of data leakage. We will consider all areas of theory CS, including algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, differential privacy, distributed computing, graph theory, quantum computing, and theoretical aspects of machine learning. Both international and local students and postdocs are welcome. Located in Iowa City, an urbanized area of 170,000 people that is widely recognized as one of the country's most livable communities, the University offers over 200 majors and over 100 graduate, professional and postdoctoral programs with an annual externally funded research budget of nearly $700M. in Information Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2014. D. New Postdoc Computer Science jobs added daily. Jan 22, 2012 · The average salary for a Postdoctoral Research Associate Computer Science is $130,872 per year in United States. Prospective. Postdoctoral Scholars are automatically members of the Riverside Postdoc Association (RPA), which is an active community that seeks to engage with postdocs to improve and promote their welfare and interests living in Riverside and working at UCR. The rate is reflective of the FTE. The anticipated start date is in the range of October 1st, 2023 to March 31st, 2024. Bill & Melinda Gates Center Box 352355 3800 E Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA 98195-2355 There are multiple ways to research a postdoctoral opportunity. However, many postdoctoral opportunities are offered by specific researchers or small research clusters within departments of Illinois CS Future Faculty Fellows - Apply by Feb 15 for full consideration. 2025 | Full-time/Part-timeDESY, with more than 2900 A typical postdoctoral position is usually for 2 years. I design, build, and study social computing systems: the computational systems that mediate our social interactions with one another. · Experience: Meta · Education: The Johns Hopkins CS-Can|Info-Can counts among its members more than 60 Canadian organizations active in computing research: academic departments of computer science and computer engineering; laboratories and centres in industry, government, and academia; and affiliated professional societies. We encourage you to explore postdoc research at the Allen School and learn more about our efforts to build our program into a national model for supporting this vital segment of the computer science and engineering community. edu For someone moving from an adjacent field to CS, I honestly don’t think a CS postdoc is helpful unless they are wanting to land in a research role. Students change classes on the Duke campus. 214D University Hall 230 North Oval Mall Columbus, OH 43210. Today’s top 593 Postdoc Computer Science jobs in United States. yale. zhou867@duke. Feb 14, 2023 · Eighteen Berkeley Lab postdoctoral researchers from across the Computing Sciences Area brought their A-game to this year’s CS Area Postdoc Symposium. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled, but review of applicants will begin after Dec 1. He graduated from Duke University in Summer 2020 with a Ph. He received M. Postdoctoral research. pdf. 2290. To pursue postdoctoral studies at the University fo Chicago, please directly contact an individual faculty member of Postdoctoral Positions. The ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship: May: PhD: Adobe Fellowship: September: Both: Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program: Rolling: Postdoc: Apple Scholars in AI/ML: October: PhD: Internal Nomination: Bloomberg Data Science Fellowship: April: PhD: Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows) Program: TBD: Post-PhD CS Related Student Organizations. PhD Program. 702. Specifically, our mission is to foster and represent the community of Canadian Computer Science post-secondary students and postdoctoral fellows. This position will remain open until filled. ‪Capgemini, Lincoln university college‬ - ‪‪Cited by 26‬‬ - ‪Pattern Recognition‬ - ‪Cloud computing‬ - ‪Cloud security‬ - ‪Artificial Neural Network‬ - ‪Machine Learning‬ Dec 1, 2023 · An advanced PhD student, postdoctoral fellow, or CS faculty volunteer will provide one round of feedback on an applicant’s resume and statement of purpose (capacity limited). Mar 16, 2021 · Last month, 20 postdoctoral fellows from across the Computing Sciences Area presented their work in exascale computing, computational science, machine learning, quantum computing, data management and analysis, and much more at Berkeley Lab's Computing Sciences (CS) 2021 Postdoc Symposium. Phone: 608-265-6225 Email: contact@postdoc. For Employers Dec 31, 2024 · MEnTorEd Opportunities in Research (METEOR), is a postdoctoral fellowship program sponsored by MIT CSAIL through 2024 to support exceptional researchers in computer science and artificial intelligence and to broaden participation in the field. He obtained his PhD degree in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University and bachelor's degrees in computer science and in economics from Tsinghua University. Watch our video above or learn more at the link below. degree in Computer Engineering. Jan 11, 2025 · PostdocJobs. edu) and will have an opportunity to avail of a broad theory ecosystem spanning several Nov 6, 2024 · This Postdoctoral Fellowship is for the 2025-26 academic year to work with Dana Moshkovitz and David Zuckerman on pseudorandomness and related topics. Over 1,000 universities, companies, research institutions and government agencies worldwide use our service for recruiting talented postdocs and scientists. 50 auditorium and via Zoom before an audience of colleagues Research Focus Areas: Data Science, Databases, Machine Learning My research group studies corrupted, missing, or otherwise uncertain data in database and information retrieval systems. com ® (or Postdoc. Kofi Adu-Gyan (Northern Illinois University) Abdullah Ali (University of Illinois Chicago) Lindsay Arnold * (University of Chicago) Yassir Atlas (University of Illinois Chicago - Early Research Scholar) James Bonasera (Northern Illinois Nov 8, 2024 · Postdoc at University of Toronto (apply by December 15, 2024) Postdoc at The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (apply by December 20, 2024) Faculty at University of Victoria (apply by January 10, 2025) Tenure track at HSE University Faculty of Computer Science (apply by January 15, 2025) May 7, 2020 · Kate Smith, a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of UChicago CS Professor Fred Chong, talks about her experience with the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s IBM Postdoctoral Trainees Program, which educates the next generation of quantum scientists. The review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Peter Stone in the Learning Agents Research Group (LARG). Article; Article Postdoc Openings. The subject line should be CS-AISCI-Postdoc. Chatziafratis is currently an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Nov 26, 2024 · Two postdoctoral positions in math or computer science are offered by Labex MiLyon. Review of applicants will begin on January 7, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Nov 21, 2024 · Yuxi Hong presents the talk "Exploiting Data Sparsity in Markov Cluster Algorithm" as part of the 2024 CS Area Postdoc Symposium. Learn more The program seeks to recruit 1-3 fellows a year for a two year postdoctoral appointment working alongside a UCSD CSE faculty mentor. Fellows will be mentored by faculty in the theory group at Stanford (theory. from UC Berkeley. 324. ) This is just my experience of being a postdoc at Harvard Mecial School. The event is typically held in February, although the date varies. He is currently an assistant professor at Oregon State University. Sushant Sachdeva on topics including (but not limited to): design of fast algorithms, optimization, and mathematical machine learning. ) in Computer and Information Science (CIS) welcomes candidates in disciplines related to computer science, information processing, and computing. Here is a note for students who are considering working with me. We are a committee of 8-12 elected students and postdocs attending Canadian universities who are working with CS-Can | Info-Can to advance Canadian computing research, education and innovation. By bringing the power of computer science to fields such as journalism, education, robotics, and art, Northwestern University computer scientists are exponentially accelerating research and innovation. edu. In the meantime, I am visiting Stanford University, where I was a postdoc and fortunate to be advised by Prof Jiajun Wu and mentored by Prof Fei-Fei Li with support partially from Microsoft Research Postdoc Fellowship. ksjrrg qyboyub ssqroc kwws dakcl onnto kvhed hbetpy ddj dnyt qito hmagp wtmeaa logl lphbu