Discord js delete message not working. delete() is not a function.

Discord js delete message not working. I mean not like message.

Discord js delete message not working delete(); message. But the only thing I found on Discord js is message. Heres the code: client. edit()) doesn't work. send(msg). const client = new Discord. Sep 18, 2021 · While it is true that the message event is deprecated, you should still be getting process warnings when using it. Load 7 more Jul 11, 2022 · In a DM, a bot can only delete messages that it sends, it can not delete messages sent to it. I just saw this post: Get Message By ID: Discord. delete like msg => msg. js Delete message through an existing function. Apr 11, 2022 · This is the correct answer. If discord js was updated and now it's different what is the new code I would need. Mar 28, 2022 · You could store the previous embed(s) (there should only be one, right, since you delete the previous ones) in something like a Set if you have multiple embeds somehow and then before you send your response iterate over the Set and invoke the delete() method on the stored messages. I tried doing it using the code below but it kept on deleting the both the bot's messages and mine. delete(2); // 2 is the number of messages being deleted. delete()) Feb 21, 2021 · AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. This type of message is called an ephemeral message and can be set by using ephemeral: true in the InteractionReplyOptions. Example: DiscordAPIError: Cannot send an empty message # discord. edit! Jun 1, 2022 · It seems you're using the correct intents. 1 (Discord. Im not sure if its correct but It is not working so I would imagine its not. It is in the message. then(). slice(5, message. Is there a work around this? Thanks. js and was working on a command handler - on commands in general. js v12, my bot would delete messages it posted like this : message. How do I make the bot delete the users message, but kee Aug 16, 2020 · Q&A for work. Dec 6, 2022 · Or alternative would be to run regex on that message. js to delete all messages of a channel that didn't contain an image? I have tried a lot of things but have come to no result. This is my current script and its saying, "TypeError: message. You literally add the message partials on the client options, then just check if a message is a partial in your event handler: if (message. bulkDelete(args[0] + 1) . on('message', (message) => { // Right here is where it's not working. delete() Channel. GUILD_MESSAGES to your client intents. Your options are to either make the message not ephemeral or change your program to not rely on ephemeral messages. find(channel => channel. This is only available when using a bot account. guide Dec 31, 2022 · In index. I have the following code which is supposed to change the users requested sum or expression into the actual answer and message back. Honestly embarrassing that i couldn't figure out a message. So if Your account is bot account You can do it: message. What you can do is listen to the raw event and pick the message delete event out of there. js; Share. If you wanted "Pong!" to be ephemeral, then defer ephemerally. . Teams Discord. Use a setTimeout() function instead. then(msg => { message. The first parameter is the old message, the second parameter is the new message; call them what you will. In my case, I needed to set these: partials: ['MESSAGE', 'CHANNEL', 'REACTION'] intents: ['DIRECT_MESSAGES', 'DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES', 'GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS', 'GUILDS'] but the particulars will vary by your use case. fetchMessage()with a https://discord. delete. Delete all messages Nov 12, 2022 · It's possible that your bot's request to reply to the message (the promise sent by Discord. Dec 23, 2017 · Another issue I noticed is that when there is only 1 bot message the bot doesn't delete the message and comes up with an DiscordAPIError, saying that you must provide at least 2-100 messages to delete. Delete Button/Component of a specifc message (discord. Aug 7, 2022 · [message could not be deleted]") ); However when running it gives me this error: TypeError: msg. The correct way to do it would be to call webhook. id in my Database. js file: Aug 3, 2021 · message. author. js : Oct 7, 2021 · Delete the embed on the discord client. Updating attribute table is not working on QGIS Jul 11, 2021 · Discord. delete({ timeout: 1000 }); This is because the timeout is a property of the options parameter, thus you have to use the curly braces. js deleteMessage() doesn't work. delete() }) Is not working because you never passed in the message as a parameter, therefor your embed does not exist in the context of . Jun 29, 2020 · How to remove the embed from specific messages and from messages coming from specific users/bots using Discord. Example: setTimeout(function() { // Setup a timer userMessage. then(messages => console. This should fix your problem: Whenever I use bulk delete function with the number parameter it just deletes all the messages regardless of the parameters. js delete discord message if it is not an emoji Jan 12, 2021 · Iam a newbie to js and i wanted to try and create a discord bot using discord. org documentation but It seems like fetchMessage() doesn't exist anymore. Sep 23, 2021 · In discord. Sep 18, 2022 · AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Apr 3, 2022 · So far, nothing should seem new or complicated. However, the message wont delete. js v12. Mar 23, 2021 · Discord. My messageCreate is not firing, and from other posts, I believe it Oct 2, 2021 · The channel object does not have the fetchMessages() function. so it returns that ID is undefined. js wait for setTimeout function to finish, before allowing it to run again 0 Issue with code - message is sent instantly instead of waiting for timeout to happem Jul 26, 2020 · I started not a while ago with discord. ui. I mean not like message. delete(); // Deletes the ticket message }, 5000); // 5 seconds in milliseconds Full example: Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Jun 15, 2022 · You may not always want everyone who has access to the channel to see a slash command's response. When the user calls this command the bot asks the fi Mar 23, 2018 · The discord bulk delete endpoint requires the array of messages you would like deleted. With "Message Manage" turned off, when a Guild Member deletes their own Message, the "MessageDeleted" never fires. Hot Network Questions Jul 19, 2022 · If you're using discord. Please help. Of course, you could loop this, as you tried, but the ratelimit is still here. send(Embed). js , which is where I am having an issue. // ASSUMPTIONS: // channel: the channel you want the message to be sent in // lastmsg: the id of the last poll message channel. So replace message. I also tried looping through all embeds and storing in an array all urls not being DeviantArt. fetch(channelId). If I delete a message that I just sent or that I sent a few minutes/hours ago, the bot detects and sends the embed but if I delete an old one, it doesn't work. Try to delete it with await interaction. – May 2, 2021 · First check the channel id, then check if the message content is verify else do message. channel. channels. event Oct 6, 2019 · 'I couldn't delete the messages because of: DiscordAPIError: You can only bulk delete messages that are under 14 days old. Apr 19, 2021 · You can all ways use any name for the m => m. partial or Channel. content. JS | function or way to delete an embed from a user Mar 21, 2022 · I am trying to add a command handler to my bot, however, only one command is working and no matter how I change the command, it does not update. The main issue is that you haven't added intents for guild messages, your bot can't see messages. We will explore tracking these errors down in the next section. delete is not a function I don't understand why this does not work as it has worked for my older bots from the past. The timeout option on Message#delete will soon be deprecated. partial) await message. If you want to do this after 5 seconds, you can set a timer using setTimeout. js), I am having issues for it deleting message commands, so when a user sends a command, the bot replies. // this is not a real function, just an example Is there such a thing like what I showed? Jul 16, 2022 · Well, events messageUpdate and messageDelete doesn't "work" after restarting the bot I mean, they don't respond to messages that were sent before the restart I added MESSAGE to partials N discord. First the user has to type !start in order for the bot to start an interview of 20 questions. js. startsWith("||say ")) { message. delete(); as this calls the delete() method from the Webhook class. delete({timeout: 5000})) You can even use this method for every timeout you want like m. Problem with discord. js delete discord message if it is not an emoji. includes, but mine is a little bit different and it's not working. Sep 11, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. js to the API) succeeds after the request to delete that message, and once the message is deleted you can't reply to it. To be clear: Discord cannot convert a regular message to an ephemeral one, which seems to be what you want to do here. then(msg => msg. on('message', message => { if (message. forEach(channel => channel. react(" ️ At the moment allways when I'm posting a message I save the message. fetch(true); Mar 19, 2018 · No, it should be pretty self-explanatory that you cannot get a message object of a message that you do not have. it would not delete messages. suppressEmbeds(true)which delete all embeds of a message. then(message => message. 4 not sure how to check :/ I've gone over some stack overflow questions and they're all saying to update message. You can further examine errors by inspecting the HTTP method and path used. There are no longer separate parameters for filter and options ; filter is now contained within options. JS problems with making an embed. I've tried both client. Discord. If I remove the includes part, // it can detect the word if it's by its self. react(" "); messageReaction. Apr 15, 2023 · Thanks for the suggestion to just create an InteractionWebhook, that's a lot cleaner. However, even with partials, if the bot was not online when the message was created and remained online up until the message was deleted, it will not be in the cache and the partial will only contain the message ID and not the contents. Small note here as of yesterday the bulk delete endpoint will not remove messages older than 2 weeks. Now, I know it's message. log(newChannel. JS's . delete(1) Sep 15, 2022 · Sending embed to channel in discord. js Delete Single Message. js is a powerful Node. message. Aug 8, 2021 · You can use a setTimeout function to delay the <message>. How can I edit a message in a DM? Edit 1: interaction. voiceChannel to message. For example Message. Mar 5, 2021 · I have been working on a bulk delete message logs, but for whatever reason it can not get the ID of the channel from the guild in a seperate file. length === 0) throw new error(errorMessage); ^ RangeError [EMBED_FIELD_VALUE]: MessageEmbed field values must be non-empty strings. js, and there are so many new things! But this whole intents thing, I'm not getting for some reason. Here is my code. length)); } }); But this is not working. And the client instance. member doesn't have a username attribute. js Problem I should point out I am not experienced at discord. js not working. config() //sets prefix to be used when running bot Mar 23, 2020 · I have tried message. Here is the code I used… Jul 2, 2023 · If you want to delete the message you sent, you can use the return value of the send() method. reply({ content: `content` }) . Also. DISCORD. send('hi'); Jun 21, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Apr 21, 2022 · I'm working on a new project and I need to have a link filter, were pretty much anyone that doesn't have the permission ADMINISTRATOR can't send links, if they do, the bot will automatically delete Dec 6, 2022 · Summary Deleting ephemeral messages doesn't work Reproduction Steps Create an select menu from the example page. Apr 14, 2021 · As you can read here, this is not possible and would also be a violation of the rules and a violation of the privacy of users. However, this does not prevent someone from deleting their own message. on incorrectly. Then, there is a missing at webhook. Okay, lemme show you what I mean one way or another: msg. username to message. delete() beware, that this does not work on messages older than 14 days. 2. It takes a much more object-oriented approach than most other JS Discord libraries, making your bot's code significantly tidier and easier to comprehend. Delete an old message from user - Discord May 5, 2020 · I am trying to delete the message I sent after 5 seconds msg. listen() instead of @bot. Even then, your answer still pointed me to the right direction, so thank you! Sep 25, 2022 · I'm trying out V14 of Discord. Jun 29, 2020 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Oct 15, 2018 · This is the thing you're looking for: finds the message and then deletes it. Improve this question. Here is what I've tried: const embedMsg = message. Note that the name of the parameter you use in your callback is arbitrary, in this case all that matters is the ordering. I believe the discord. I want to delete all message starting with "Something" when I call a function. then() or await to delete a send message. There is also no errors in the console. fetchMessage(lastmsg). FLAGS. message. delete() msg. on collector values to collector. channel returns null. if you have a command for deleting messages, you could get the information of the message before you delete it and do stuff with it. If you are trying to delete the message that the bot sends then please update your code sample to provide the code that sends a message via DM as what you have posted is the response shown in reply to an interaction. delete() function from executing. From a quick look it looks like fetchMessages() resides inside an inner messages object, so message. js errors are thrown by the library itself. This is the link of the video tutorial which helped me build this Jan 31, 2021 · I'm trying to check if a message includes a certain word. js) Delete Jul 19, 2020 · then, message. Aug 20, 2022 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. cache. delete(1000) and other Variants for v12 but no luck. includes === ("<Insert NSFW message or word here>") message. log(message); May 17, 2021 · I want to make my bot to delete only user's messages in a certain channel and not the bot's. member. However, the message event that I used to handle commands isn't working any more, after an update to discordjs. You can try using . Other times when using ~clear 3 (usually a few minutes after the above messages were sent) it will delete more than just three. Oct 14, 2021 · Otherwise, the bot can only see messages that have been sent after the bot itself sent a message. It's not possible. To check if something is partial, you can use the . Time is a number. Click on the buttons near Author ID and Server ID and Channel ID . Jan 8, 2019 · I'm trying to make a Discord bot delete its "system messages" after, say, 10 seconds, because I've been seeing a lot of "Invalid command" errors and "Done!" notifications, and I'd like to clear the Ephemeral messages cannot be edited or deleted as they cannot be fetched. Oct 20, 2021 · On line 14 whenever ?play is run (the command) i get TypeError: Cannot read property 'voice' of undefined (NOTE: i AM in a voice channel when i run this command) Im using discord js v. But. send(message. fetch(). js errors. reply("text") . Jan 15, 2022 · The discord. on('message', () Nov 17, 2024 · Discord. reply or m. You are doing it in the reverse order, cause you are checking if the message content is verify and then doing message. error); Jun 14, 2022 · To prevent that you will have to add a filter or remove your command first using message. then(message =&gt; { console. But to your question, you delete messages using message. delete(1000); //Supposed to delete message message. May 21, 2020 · Alright so heres my issue. Bot errors with if (!allowEmpty && data. Here is my code in my clear. Make sure you delete the last message before sending the new one, otherwise the newly sent message will be instantly deleted. name ==="Counting") counter. Not able to pass the "message" variable from my active function? Maybe i am completely off and just making it hard on myself, i don't know. const counter = message. delete() is not a function. delete, but it should not be as the same as the message. Nov 17, 2021 · From Ephemeral to public you can't delete the original message but still empty it. delete() returns lM. delete() functions push: Unknown Message Dec 26, 2020 · According to the Discord API docs, you can't delete messages older than 2 weeks through the Discord API, and neither can you with more than 100 messages. Still not perfect, because this is a part of a refactor in which I want to have a drop-in replacement for InteractionResponse and InteractionWebhook is not quite API compatible (because of the *Message suffixes) but I can work around that. You need to use the messageUpdate event to know when a message is edited. I am also not a Discord. However, there are workarounds and alternative approaches that can be used to retrieve or track the message content. embeds. size} messages`)) . I cannot find the resource now, but I think there was a workaround to it. then(channel => { channel. js module that allows you to interact with the Discord API very easily. catch() However, now that I updated discord. The first time the event is triggered, the listener is removed and the callback function is fired. username. x, the parameters of awaitMessages() changed a little bit. However, the public message appears as coming from a deleted message, and you can't see who made the command. find(msg =&gt; msg. You will need to change the 2 client. Here is the full messageDelete code: `const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord. 12. JS how to purge delete messages? 0. js modules to v13, the message is deleted instantly. js Delete Message by ID. More information from the message object can be extracted, but that is left as an exercise for the reader. const Aug 27, 2021 · I am trying to create a command that clears messages but i dont know why its not working, when i type "-clear" in discord the expected message comes but when i try to type it with another number with the "-clear" command it doesnt clear any message or reply with anything. delete() which will delete the message if its not a command. Dec 29, 2023 · API Errors can be mostly diagnosed using the message that is given. Apologies for the ignorance. You don't even need the guild ID. send. I want to implement a feature like Tatsumaki's t!prune 5 (deletes 5 messages from the history). Thankfully, Discord implemented a way to hide messages from everyone but the executor of the slash command. Jan 17, 2021 · Discord. bulkDelete() is not removing messages that are older than 2 weeks by default! To enable filterOld parameter you'll have to use Channel. Here the documentation for Sets in case you need further info. delete()); Mar 4, 2022 · I am trying to delete the last message sent by my bot (just to keep then channels clean) but when I define lM as channel. Aug 8, 2021 · The message received is not partial nor message. So replace it with webhook. edit() but it is unauthorised for non-authors of the message. js delete message function. clone() console. discordjs. interaction. delete() Minimal Reproducible Code class GUISnippetSelect(discord. DirectMessages] }); but I'm not sure if that's relevant to this issue. So move it inside the Like Slavi-San said, the key here is to use the messageUpdate event that emits whenever a message is edited. You will also need to change messageReactionAdd to collect and messageReactionRemove to `remove. js"); module. delete(1000); But if you reference the discord. js v13. Select) import DiscordJS, { TextChannel, Intents, Message, Channel } from 'discord. js) I'm trying to delete certain message with certain event like this: await interaction. Nov 19, 2018 · Bulk delete given messages that are newer than two weeks. Add Intents. js professional. discord. js function, message. delete(messageId); }); Open Discord in your browser (Not the App) and go to the channel or direct message you would like to be wiped. Nov 25, 2023 · In conclusion, the Message Delete event in Discord Js v14 does not include the message content by default. js documentation, it shows you the proper way to delete a message with a timeout is like this: message. send("This message will be deleted in 5 seconds!") . partial property. id) // Do with this new channel ID what you want // Delete old channel channel Mar 3, 2021 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. forEach is not a function" message. js' import dotenv from 'dotenv' dotenv. channel . js v13, you'll need to enable the message content intent on your developer portal and if your bot uses the Discord API v10, you will need to add the MESSAGE_CONTENT flag to your intents: Jun 25, 2020 · I am trying to make a bot that sets up your server and I want it to delete every channel in the server. There is nothing to fix here. Jun 7, 2020 · So I am trying too add moderation too my bot and since my server is fully SFW I am trying too make it so that my bot will delete a message if it contains an NSFW word, Here is my code. messages. guild. This is not a limitation you should/would want to break, and you may encounter the risk of being ratelimited. However, you're using client. js How to let bot don't delete his message. messageDelete. My other command is working but not the other here is the code for that: Mar 31, 2019 · I am working on a discord bot. Finally, webhook. delete(); // Deletes the users message ticketMessage. on_message catches all message events, including context commands, thus voiding your command since it's not being processed as a command. 0. Node. Here's the code: const channelId = "insert channel id here"; const messageId = "insert message id here"; client. send("Test") lM. I'm trying to delete a message that only contains an embed. Apr 16, 2022 · All you really need is the ID of the message and channel. Apr 30, 2019 · However they will be a partial, so you need to enable partials. Mar 23, 2018 · I have figured out how to use Discord. js where they told him to use msg. – Portevent Mar 5, 2022 · Thanks for the tip. catch(console. I'd Nov 11, 2020 · . The contents will be unrecoverable. I use a server hosting platform called PebbleHost, and my main script is called bot. Share May 11, 2017 · In my configuration, I don't have the "Manage Messages" permission set for Channels. bulkDelete() but how would I go about counting the messages deleted? Sorry for the brief question, if you want more information, comment and I will add it. then(messageReaction => { messageReaction. Aug 21, 2021 · Up to discord. delete is outside the promise callback, so webhook is not defined there. log(`Bulk deleted ${messages. delete but when you use delete without the parentheses means that you are trying to access the property delete, not the method. I don't allow anyone to delete messages for anyone else. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. May 13, 2022 · But the timer not working and the message get deleted right away. delete() which deletes the command. exports = async (bot, message) => Dec 27, 2021 · Ephemeral messages cannot be edited or deleted as they cannot be fetched. Not working code. voice May 2, 2021 · That's not what I meant, there was supposed to be any message written by the user not designated it is so that people could not write there what they want, text verification is already done I just need to add this block because they will be spamming random words!!! – Jan 12, 2018 · Another approach could be cloning the channel and deleting the one with the messages you want deleted: // Clears all messages from a channel by cloning channel and deleting old channel async function clearAllMessagesByCloning(channel) { // Clone channel const newChannel = await channel. js Join and Leave Events not working. This is at the top underneath the Apr 13, 2023 · So this is the code ive done so far, the bot is active and the code runs but it just doesnt monitor or delete any messages, please let me know what to change for it to work, ive turned on message content intent in the discord developer settings, and im sure my bot has the message managing role on both a discord role and the link that is created Dec 31, 2021 · When called, the message "Pong!" is NOT ephemeral, but the "Pong again!" is. bulkDelete(number, true) and you'll be able to delete these messages as well! Mar 17, 2018 · On my Discord bot (ran off of Node. js v13 delete message after a certain amount Oct 12, 2021 · I used to work on discord bots a while back. This is the answer, and you shouldn’t have to re-write anything to get partials working. You have three options: Switch context commands to slash commands decorate your on_message events with @bot. send name. Client({ intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MESSAGES", "DIRECT_MESSAGES"], partials: ["CHANNEL"] }); Now it should work as good old discord. THE CODE module. I tried using message. js I used the tutorial from youtube to do this code. Sep 7, 2021 · Firstly you are using client. then(() => { message. Jun 3, 2018 · I'm coding a discord bot with node. You get the message deleted event and log that a message was removed from a channel. delete({timeout: 5000}) //amount of time I want it to wait in milliseconds }) . js delete messages not commands. fetchMessages() might be what you are looking for. once, that adds a one-time listener for your guildCreate and guildDelete events. ' Even if the previous messages are only minutes/seconds old. Alternatively, you could work with the audit logs Dec 14, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. That is the expected behaviour. lastMessage. js returning message. However, if you want to do less copy-and-paste code since that means you need to edit *both* listeners whenever making changes in one, you can simply add this line in the global scope: Jul 22, 2020 · I have a script where if you enter a certain command a channel will be deleted but it does not work And Counting does not go in MemberCount for some reason. So I tried to use fetchMessages to get all message from a channel and then delete Feb 26, 2021 · For deleting it once someone else says hello. Click the 🗑️ button that was added in the top right corner. 1. Jul 5, 2019 · Anyway, I think the problem is that when you try to delete the webhook you are using webhook. However, you removed the function altogether in your code snippet, which actually made the system not work at all. When using ~kick it won't respond Dec 26, 2022 · Once deleted I want to check if user wanted to delete more than set limit and repeat the function (because discord has a limit of 100), but it gets called twice and ends up crashing after deleting one message. partial. 1 Discord. All (message). For simplicity, set a fetch limit of 1 and accept only the MESSAGE_DELETE type. – discord. js 1 Node. Jul 30, 2017 · client. You can review the docs or CTRL+click to navigate the type definitions and try to find the desired function. delete(); Counting channel Nov 16, 2018 · See which bot deleted a message as Discord does not log message deletions for bots; See if the author deleted their own message (Discord does not log this either) 100% determine if the message deleted matches the fetched audit log due to Discord not including the message ID in audit logs Dec 26, 2019 · Is there a way in Discord. delete(), has not been working for my Discord bot. js I have the client logging in with const client = new Client({ intents: [, GatewayIntentBits. – Feb 9, 2021 · This is my attempt of making an interview command. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. on which is what you did on the end collector. Oct 19, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 19, 2021 · bulkDelete method not working as intended. lfmezo xgvq lswky onlytgj fpu nlq ouc ugoas kix ibgk czorcn zuuvpeap qynzi ias tavocrt