Elex potions. Create 20 Strong Elex potions and 100-150 Elex Potions.
Elex potions Small Elex Drink; Medium Also solve the Doc's quest to get him back his chems and he starts to sell pure Elex, 16 units per trade, instant restock. Maybe you are thinking of Gothic 2, but even then, waiting until it costs 6 is way too long, that would be stat 150+ and getting there requires 44 levels invested in single skill. Nov 27, 2022 · Elex Drink bottles can be found in the Potions tab - each one of them offers a one-time (but permanent) bonus to stats Use the information from the table below to find as many bottles as possible. Emotional dialogue choices matter much more. It can be brewed using Instructions to make Small Elex Potion Recipe. Mar 21, 2022 · I've seen a few discussions about it, but the info is all over the place, so here is a list of all the things you shouldn't sell (or sell to a specific vendor for more money than usual vendors). You'll just have to make them from Elex yourself when you learn 3/3 alchemy. The key ingredient is natural Elex. Liquor can either be found or bought from NPCs, but the main component is natural Elex, which can often be looted from mutant creatures. And those elex potions give you more stats and increase cold and all but to be honest before even popping them like candies I had to ramp up the difficulty lvl because normal was way to easy later on, so in my opinion they're not neccessary and if you want to play it nice and warm better keep away from them :) just pop those you find and don't Mar 16, 2018 · I always put the recipe's version first and the name of the actual item behind it between brackets. Unless you play on the easier modes, without a second combat skill, it would be too resource intensive to kill enemies with just the magical fists. And my stats are all in the 60s. One under the dome on the roof of the Converter in Tavar. Attribute Potions permanently increase one of the Attributes by 1 point. iirc permanent hp/stamina/mana enhancing potions still've bug Elixir of Quantity is one of the potions in ELEX. It depends on your build as well. Crafting light blue elex potions is rather useless, you get loads of XP and 500 per light potion is nothing. You should restrain from drinking them until you get the Human achievement. Auprès de lui, apprenez la compétence permettant de faire de May 30, 2024 · ELEX Money Farming Guide to help you farm as much as 1 Million Elexit in the game while using a simple and easy-to-follow trick. One copy can be found in the building where Zardom is headquartered by the Company premises: North Mar 13, 2022 · Make Elex Potions. Which of these potions would you say I should waste my rare and limited herbs on? Golden Whisper (AFAIK Only 18 exist): Elixir of Stamina Long-lasting Energy Reserve Elixir of Quantity King's Sorrel (AFAIK Only 6 exist): Long-lasting Mana Potion Long-lasting Healing Potion May 16, 2018 · The glasses highlight all objects nearby, can help find potions, weapon, and goodies. Attribute Potions. Oct 21, 2017 · There is a shifty merchant in the berzerker town that sells them, also you can get them from the hort and from a merchant on the 3rd floor of the seperatist base. Mage Potion - Permanently increases Intelligence. Alternate choice was a build more oriented to STR and CON, so close range and then trophy only for income, which matches very well because with such build you can kill quickly a ton of stuff. 1 point per botttle. Totally normal to get a bunch of power spikes buy crafting 10 elex potions at once. 5k. Nice trick. What do I need to be frost immune for about 12 minutes or so? Skills: -Try to get "Pickpocket" (or an amulet with +1 Pickpocket) early to make money to buy elex potions -Try to get "Animal Trophies" 3/3, this is the biggest money maker (but not too early, only when you start killing more monsters) -Dont try to get the "Attribute" skill, if you have the stats anyways ok, but if not dont try it. In Elex 1 they're readily available from vendors and their use impacts the story. healing potions can be created without any special abilities) you need Clerics or Berserker abilities and in order to create stimulants you need Chemistry ability. I am lvl 20 now and i have spend a lot of money on elex potions but i still have important skills to unlock. One copy can be bought from Alrik in Goliet near the Tavern. Jun 13, 2019 · You absolutely need either a high level or consume Elex potions in order to obtain enough attribute points for higher skill ranks. Are there recipes in Elex II that allow you to combine small Elex potions into larger ones as per Elex I? Or should I just Gagner en puissance grâce aux potions d'Elex - Achetez le plan de craft de la potion d'Elex chez l'intructeur d'artisanat de Goliet. Large Elex Drink Recipe; Mana Potion Recipe; Medium Elex Drink Recipe; Medium Healing Potion Recipe; Medium Healing Potion Recipe; Mighty Healing Potion Recipe; Plasma Cell Blueprint; Potato Salad Recipe; Potato Sauté Recipe; Potion of Constitution Recipe; Potion of Cunning Recipe; Potion of Dexterity Recipe; Potion of Intelligence Recipe Oct 22, 2017 · Did you know you can drink the elex potions for EXP and skill points? I'm lvl 23 and just read the tool tip, chugged like 20 potions straight! Yea, you should've gotten the chemistry skill and combined the smaller ones into larger ones for Attribute or Skill points. 1 only. Elex Overhaul. A recipe for a Medium Elex Drink. The effect of the smallest one is kinda weak (only +100 EXP) compared to the other two. Keep any drinks {water, wine, beer etc} most get used in various potions some are useful in conversation checks e. One on a wooden box and a flagpole on a hill Nov 27, 2022 · Brew Potions - here, you can create potions and stimulants. Instructions to make Elixir of Quantity The game is sort of designed around you rocketing your stats up with Elex potions - I'm turning every single bit of Elex I get that doesnt go into gear upgrades into potions, and my Cold is still neutral at lvl 15, for reference. Also, Elex potions and certain skills ensure attribute points are plentiful, meaning you don't get spread too thin. Small Energy Reserve Can be found o a table in the Edan Converter. In order to create elex potions, you need to have a level 3 chemistry skill. If you keep some skill points, than you could brew less strong potions, which is good. If you use the potions just to help qualify to stuff and not an obsessive need to have 100 in everything its managable. Can even be seen on the Attributes page. After that you can drink them while being " spontaneous" without risking your ending. And there's plenty of Natural Elex to make them once you get 3 in Animal trophies. Strong Elex Drink is one of the potions in ELEX. Ditto if not a Cleric, sell mental energy potions & plants. The minimum level to get this started is 4 since you need exactly 30 Attribute points to get Chemistry (might be faster with in world potions but I am still new to the game :D). Small Elex Drink gives you additional experience points. It is safe to drink early in Elex 2. Iron Skin Potion - Permanently increases Constitution. I wonder if elex potions actually do anything to alignment. Lastly drinking elex potions raises cold level by 0. When i replay i plan on avoiding abusing elex potions and will try to be more emotional. 1 points and strong elex potions raises it by 0. For example, the guide mentions "Elex Potion (Elex Drink)" => that's because the recipe is called 'Instructions to make Elex Potion' but the item in your inventory is called 'Elex Drink'. Now for the elex potion part( need chemistry perk)this takes advantage of the fact you can use the above exploite to make infinite money and take advantage of the instantaneous restocks to keep buying more natural elex/ liqueur to make the potions and boom not only can you wield that fancy sword you always wanted but now you can also get all Elex 1: Elex potion gives 2 attribute points per 4 elex, which is a very good ratio. In the midgame your main source of attribute points will be from Elex potions while learning points will be in short supply and crafting strong elex potion is pretty expensive. I was able to make 3 'Elixir of Stamina' potions, giving me 180 total stamina (having 1 point in the 'Stamina' skill). That way you can buy attribute points, skill points and buying 100 XP per small potion isn't worthwhile except early, if a few of those potions are in inventory and lead to the next level. I am playing on ultimate difficulty and with higher level you need longer for a level up, so i think without elex potions i would be screwed by now. One tipp is not to craft large elex potions often, skill points are usually not the problem. One on top of a rooftop, next to a chair, near Company premises: West Edan Mar 20, 2022 · 2 x Medium Elex Potion -> Large Elex Potion (requires Chemistry level 2) Known bugs and limitations: Each potion works like a recipe for itself, and that means player can't create potion so for example to create mighty healing potion player needs to already have at least one mighty healing potion in inventory to create new ones from medium Nov 25, 2020 · You need 100 small or medium Elex Potions for 10 cold or 50 large Elex Pots (they're 0. Instructions to make Strong Elex Potion is one of the Recipes in ELEX. That would also let you use Psi abilities. Warning: Abusing the elex potions feature will make the game easy. Upgrade Animal Trophies ability to level 3 to be able to farm natural Elex from mutants. Oct 18, 2017 · The full cost is 450 Elexit to craft the potion (100 Elexit for Natural Elex) x 4)) + (25 Elexit for Liquer) x 2)) = 450 Elexit. glaciered_fire • get weapons and armor good enough to beat Most I made. Nov 5, 2017 · the elex potions make it so you have the option to get stronger without having to collect exp but collecting elex instead of exp basicly. They cost 1, 2, 5 or 10. Nov 6, 2017 · To get all 3 in one playthrough, you must reach the final boss with a low cold value, you will need 100 ELEX potions per 10 cold value, so if you go into final boss battle with 50 cold value you Eh, the thing is, you can stuff yourself with elex potions up the wazoo, get every ability and all the stats you could ever want, and still get the very warm ending. Elex Potions and Cold Values Guide Guides, Glitchs, Chits and other stuff: https://www. Medium Elex Drink gives you 1 Attribute Point that you can spend on any Attribute. Edit - which is a realization that I have been looking at the wrong thing all this time. Aujourd'hui je vous propose un . Ngl, I never drink the elex potions and what have yous because I always thought it would increase my cold, and it took a LONG time to get my character to 'spontaneous' lol. There are 3 different types of Elex drinks (=potions) in the game. Nov 9, 2020 · Money (Elex) is VERY important in this game. The +100 XP ones are a waste until combined into the larger Elex potions Small ELEX Potion Can be found Inside a hunting hut towards north of Domed City. Elex potions raise your cold value btw, Calgrim's words when he says resist the temptation to use elex should be taken as holy words. 2. To acquire elex potions (hugely beneficial), learn Chemistry and buy the regular Jan 13, 2018 · The second one is using elex potions, 5 elex potions and one great elex potion are the equivalent of a level up. And you need 20-25k for skills. 500: 1: Intelligence 40, Dexterity 30 3: You can brew the most complex of potions. As a result, you can just equip an attribute-boosting mod and then learn the perk you want to learn. I agree for HP perk, not worth it. Also sold by the Trader in Origin (if you've hired him). One copy can be found in a suitcase on a table in one the dining tents in the storage yard due east of the Crater teleporter If you don't mind paying for it, Separatist Trader in the Converter in South Abessa sells recipes for all the Elex Potions, and you will walk past them during the main quest Oct 21, 2017 · I keep reading about Elex potions - but where (station?) do I actually craft??? I have yet to find a place that offers ? Or do I just need the skill and ingredients and can do it in my inventory? Noob question but confused. Medium Elex Drink gives you an additional attribute point. I have also used and made a few large elex potions. Title - basically just asking if anyone has figured out if drinking Elex potions effects the plot/out come/emotional state/ect, in any way? Are there repercussions, or just free stats and skills? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Ok thx I'm trying to get loads of Elex potions so it's costing me quite a lot Reply reply More replies. 1 lev is 10 attribute points and 1 ability pointdont rly recall the cost for big elex potion but normal elex potion (+2 attribute points) is 450 if you buy evrything from vendor think big is maby 1-1. Medium Elex potions giving just 1 AP so I pass them for the bigger one for 1 LP. nobrien. One copy (Recipe 1) can be found in Goliet on a Jan 9, 2019 · Beyond that, level in ELEX is meaningless by the time you invest into Elex potions. I've done a lot of both. By obtaining these potions, you can speed up your character's development by gaining more experience points, free attribute points, and skills. It can be brewed using these instructions. The recipes por making Elex Potion and Strong Elex Potion can be bought in Goliet. Keep Elex potions & Elex. If craft potions for permanent bonus for stamina, than melee weapons more overpowered than ranged. To gain such advanced insights, you can visit Tilas in the Berserker's Fort. She's a Charisma Trainer. Dont drink the little Elex Potions. d) You should brew 20 strong elex potion and around 300 medium ones. Potions that permanently increase stats ie elixirs and elex potions don't interfere with stats gained from perks and leveling and vice versa, they simply stack. I was glad to get that for more elex potions and maxing my berserker tree. You can craft these potions yourself in large quantities, and you can find them in the game. Some I have found while exploring. 1. Travel in Xacor and take "Commander Armor". Only liquor, natural elex and elex potions plan should be kept. You can start buying elex very soon, just keep enough elexit to buy armor (~15k at lvl 15, ~30k at lvl 25 IIRC). Caldrim also sells potions and instructions (on crafting potions and jewelry). Hope that helped Oct 18, 2017 · ELEX > General Discussions > Topic Details. Mar 18, 2021 · Depending on your level you might need at least 120k to spend on making elex potions. I have been exploring Ignadon and have reached Crater and the Castle. Consume wisely. Potions are one of the item types in ELEX. Reply reply i wouldnt quick slot any rare potion either just in case (permanent hp stamina mana increase ones) but iirc bug for elex potions's fixed. Warrior Potion - Permanently increases Strength. +20 Elex: 500: 1: Intelligence 10, Constitution Oct 20, 2017 · To get the most out of it, avoid xp early, minimize questing and killing and just loot everything, sell stuff and buy natural elex and liquor, and get the chemistry skill. Iirc he also sells the recipe for medium and large Elex potions. You need Natural Elex to make them, but merchants sell Natural Elex and their supplies restock every time you talk to them. I was at "expressive" rationality, and stopped drinking elex potions because there was nothing else I wanted, in terms of stats or perks. So can be smart to drink them when you start oaying 5 AP per stat. You will need to make some large ones too, but generally normal elex potions are more useful. Past that then go for potions crafting for elex potions. Mar 7, 2022 · I think small potions are the way to go. Oct 27, 2019 · Drinking Elex potions increases your cold value, and Mana (transmuted Elex) was hinted at possibly being able to do the opposite (trying to avoid spoilers here), but is there an actual way to continually "farm" emotion value like there is for the coldness value? Is it just purely limited to dialogue and quest choices or is there something you can do to (eventually) hit max emotion level no Jul 6, 2020 · But for the sake of gaining XP, the player should only focus on small Elex potions. Purely from a game balance point of view, it seems obvious that you are supposed to chug a lot of these potions. If you dont use money glitches it is pretty balanced so far for me. I used a bunch of Elex potions (maybe 20 or so) and still ended up purely emotional by the very end of the game. None of this is true in Elex 2. Apr 9, 2020 · Cold increase per Elex potion (either size) or Natural Elex is 0. Drinking one grants 100 and increases Cold by 0. You can store Elex in your body. To match a level up you need 120 Elex to make 10 attribute potions + 1 skill potion. They are worth more then as a single bump on the stats costs a lot of AP. Mar 11, 2022 · I crafted quite some large ones, but that was unecessary in the end, as I found a lot of them and I had more than enough learning points at level 74. Each consumed Elex Potion grants 2 Attribute Points. I'm not seeing an increase in destruction when drinking Elex potions in Elex II. There's plenty of enemies that drop Elex once you have 3/3 Trophy Hunter so you'll be able to make a bunch later on. You can't use your Small Elex Potions anyway, so why not turn them into something useful? You can gain a lot more points drinking elex potions. Large elex potion gives skill point for 10 elex. I sold off everything near the end and it cost me about 30,000 to 40,000 to build enough small potions to go from irrational all the way up to neutral. I tried to choose the emotional answers in dialogs though. g. 1 per potion, while you can still drink Elex potions Mar 5, 2022 · Each skill in Elex 2 costs Skill Points. Inside a ruined house, North west of Snow Pass teleporter. Oct 24, 2017 · Having drunk a zillion elex potions and yet remaining at "neutral". 100 Medium Healing Potion Recipe: Ingredients: Red Flower x 5, Wine; Skills: Chemistry 1: Recipe for a medium healing potion. - Elex generating mutants so could explain easily various enemies types, nice trick Feb 11, 2024 · After a while you will just end up with lots of XP and splitters. karachokarl Oct 18, 2017 @ 11:38pm Where can I craft potions? See title Last edited by karachokarl; Oct 18, 2017 @ 11 Oct 26, 2017 · Basically everything i did during the game is being ruined because im not emotional enough to get the right choices. The most practically helpful thing here is the attribute points- specifically strength, constitution, and dexterity. It shows the locations of secret map pieces, safe codes, large / medium / small elex drinks, teleporters, trainers, traders, companions and other NPCs, sunglasses, recipes / blueprints, legendary and other weapons, shields, elex nuggets, audio logs and many more. Pick-pocket is worth more in the short term, but eventually you run out of pockets to pick. In the endgame you have near unlimited Elex resources for LP potions so there is little reason to not get it at some point. Not correct, after skill 30 you need 2 points for every skillup. Step 3: Repeat and grind to a desired level. The Elex potions look fine to drink and cannot be used for recipes. Skill Points are in tall order and don’t come for free. Each has different effect. Be careful because many of them are in locations that are guarded by strong enemies. 2 . If you want to fully max out your Attributes in ELEX 2, however, you'll also want to craft them and use them (as noted above) once you cross Base Level 60. Oct 22, 2017 · I'm really short on liquor for elex potions and was wondering if any vendor sells it? Last edited by Horridus Vile ; Oct 22, 2017 @ 9:32pm Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments Oct 29, 2017 · I'm wondering if it's possible to change my cold level on the PS4 at all. Which seem dont increase attribute native bonus. Now find a vendor and sell the potion to him for 50 Elex Jan 29, 2020 · Another source is Elex Potions. These small Elex potions can be crafted from 1 liquor and 2 natural Elex. You can use it to craft as many potions as you need using this process. One under the dome Jul 14, 2022 · This page of the Elex 2 game guide lists all Elex Drinks. But too much of that forces you into the "coldness" ending. Elixir of Healing is one of the potions in ELEX. Is there like a cheat or something that i can do? I only really have the last quest left and i've probably chugged over 100 of Instructions to make Long-lasting Healing Potion is one of the Recipes in ELEX. Grab chemistry and steal and sell stuff until you can afford enough natural elex to potion your way to Trophies 3. On the above map you will find the locations of small, medium and large Elex drinks. 0 - purely emotional 1-10 - expressive 11-20 - irrational 21-30 - spontaneous 31-40 - intuitive 41-59 - neutral 60-68 - dispassionate, should be 60-69, the 69th text is bugged and states purely emotional 70-78 - mellow, again should be 70-79, the 79th text is bugged and states purely emotional 80-88 I had a lot and made 1000 elex real quick. The map has Grid Lines (GL). It is such a huge place that you would think there might be a potion someplace. When you get to the point where 12,000 XP isn't enough to level up then you can switch to medium or large depending on your needs. You’ll get one Skill Point per level up, but that’ll grant nowhere near enough in the long run. It can be brewed using Instructions to make Strong Elex Potion. I did find two small potions on dead bodies. Craft "Strong Bone Marrow Soup". It can only be created with the correct recipe. There is a crafting table there. Elex Drink is one of the potions in ELEX. Head back up to the blacksmith. Oct 31, 2017 · c) Sell everything. Edit: correct response below regarding attribute potions. Does drinking the elex potions increase cold? Instructions to make Small Elex Potion is one of the Recipes found throughout Magalan that allow the player to craft items such as consumables, weapons and armor. Elixir of Healing Finished the game and never used elex potions. One copy can be found sitting on the wooden barrel, in the abandoned watch tower just outside the Goliet. Are these completely safe now, or Is there still a side effect? I've only come across a couple of Elex recipes so far. Depends what faction you join? I didn't notice the permanent stat boost potions in my inventory before lateish in the game. Make lots of those drinks and pump up your intelligence. Small Elex potions are easy to do at first and they give nice chunk of XP at first, just need level 2 alchemy and mining and trophy gathering to get more supply of Elex. Elex Overhaul is a mod that aims to fix many balance issues that exist in the game. In this game, however, both bonuses from permanent potions as well as bonuses from mods are counted the same way. There's a difference between the potions you make and the pure elex the Albs ingest, that is made clear in the game. Some instructions and recipes can only be used after getting certain abilities (more details can be found in the chapter dedicated to Crafting). After the 3 Elixir of Stamina potions I noticed a major difference in combat, the additional attacks + being able to block or dodge more incoming attacks is immensely helpful. Which would buy enough elex potions to double the number of attribute points I have at 10 th level. Even if you drink hundreds of elex potions you can still get the good/emotional ending if you make it a point to pick emotional dialogues. Get the recipie for Elex Drink that makes it from scratch instead of needing small elex drinks. One under the dome on the roof of the Converter in East Xacor. Is it all pitfalls I can expect? Can I be sure that bonus value from potions count for ability learn threshold / weapon stat requirement? Oct 25, 2017 · Note Drinking Elex Potions will increase your cold by 0. To acquire elex potions (hugely beneficial), learn Chemistry and buy the regular Also, Elex potions and certain skills ensure attribute points are plentiful, meaning you don't get spread too thin. As an Alb you get heal as an ability and I rarely use any potions besides the odd 100% life potion. in order to level stats past 61 you basicly NEED the potions tough otherwise most of the areas in the game will be cleared out long before you can access some of the final Mar 9, 2023 · Hello les amies, on part à l'aventure de ELEX jeu sortie en Octobre 2017, édité par THQ Nordic et développé par PIRANHA BYTES. elex (of course). Aug 24, 2020 · Could I have traded them to a guy in the Fort? Maybe I gave them to the guy outside the Hort. My goal was to develop my combat skills as much as possible no later than lvl 15 with some help from the potions and then focus on some extra exp and attribute points skills to give me a boost while questing, leveling and killing monsters. This is why maintaining Spontaneous is important if you intend to try to get multiple endings. "Have a beer !" If you're not going to become a mage sell mana potions & plants. He's a Berserker trainer. Small elex potions grant 100 xp, regular elex potions will give you attribute points. 2) for 10 cold. View Mobile Site Mar 11, 2022 · Certain attribute potions (like "warrior", "marksman" etc) behave as bonus value increase. youtube. List of Potions [] Image Name Requirements Cost Value; Elex Drink: 100 : 20 : Elixir of Endurance: 80 : Potion: 100 Nov 27, 2022 · Instructions and recipes allow you to create items by using workbenches (potions, stimulants, jewelry) or using a campfire (cooking meals). com/playlist?list=PLsq39NMj2UglwYDP2kUcywxzSFRzaybMK🔔 GET NO Interactive map of Magalan, the planet we explore in Elex 2. Mar 7, 2022 · For those highly advanced in the game : what's better to craft with raw Elex : small, medium or Large potion ? Exp, attributes or skill point ? Showing 16 - 25 of 25 comments Potions are very different between Elex 1 and 2. ELEX Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The same item can have several recipes that call for different ingredients. Also aquire potion talent. You don't want to have to dig all the way out of Expressive cold with just Elex Potions 800 potions to get 90 cold. And no, before you ask, I'm not neutral despite picking nothing but "warm" options. So, I recommend not to drink them but to upgrade them (yes, you can do that). For example: - It's ingenious how base Elex lore allowed have areas brutal change between desert, snow, greenland, volcano. If you plan to learn the Potions skill for increased XP from small Elex potions: that sadly doesn't affect them. Instructions to make Elex Potion is one of the Recipes found throughout Magalan that allow the player to craft items such as consumables, weapons and armor. You want attribute points to use better weapons. You can also craft said potions. It can be used as a component to create stronger Elex Drinks which can increase Attribute Points and Skill Points. Mar 5, 2022 · In Elex 2 the points from potions counts as Bonus, the costs are bound to the basis stat. Keep "mana" it's used in crafting. Oct 21, 2017 · 6) Alrik, the crafting trainer at Goliet sells the crafting plans for small + medium elex potions, he also trains you in chemistry, pretty vital to play the game in my opinion. Liqour (Booze, not wine, not beer) and Pure Elex are the both ingredients for making an Elex Potion (+2 stat points) or strong Elex Potion (+1 Skill Point). its just another option basicly. you caught me during edit because two groups got swapped (i fixed your quote). Trainer Locations in Elex 2 No. Medium ones are best for crafting because you'll get higher attributes faster. I have seen 2 recipes for the +2 stats Elex potion. At level 7 your character would be already a threaten. Small Healing Potion Can be used for some attribute potions when you have 3/3 chemistry You can also sell it for a lot of Elexit if you don't need it for weapons or potions. Rob everyone of their Elex reserves and buy any you see. Can only be used by an Outlaw. I also tried just consuming all medium elex potions and had nowhere near the amount of success as just drinking small potions. Out of curiosity where did it matter in old gothic games? I don't remember that but then I haven't put a lot of time into them either and it's been a long time. One copy can be found inside the house northwest of the Domed City where Wick's remains are Pages in category "Potions" The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total. I then tried to get the neutral ending, to do so i reloaded an earlier save and i had to swallow several hundred Elex potions, enough to get to all stats to 85, and then some Nov 8, 2017 · Elex potions are increasing cold it's not a neutral choice. There is mod Upgradable Potions that would allow you create Medium Elex Potion out of Small Elex Potions, and it require "only" Chemistry level 2, which may have requirements smaller than that 50 Intelligence you are looking for. Should've kept for higher levels when it costs more AP to increase attributes. Although the name of recipe states "Long-lasting Healing Potion", the crafting result is called Elixir of Healing. I'm trying to get the alb armor, but I need frost immunity to get it. Suffice it to say, I believe the changes to the jetpack and how it functions in combat to be hands-down some of the best improvements Elex 2 has to offer over Elex 1; arguing that it's "really bad" in Elex 2 and that Elex 1 was somehow better in this department just sounds utterly ridiculous to me and completely unbelievable. That same 120 Elex in small potions can give 12,000 XP. Personally I don't think this skill is worth it. Hmmm, so it happens only with those specific consumables? yes. So the normal healing potion also has 2 or 3 recipes (herb + wine, plant + liquor/water, small potion + small potion) and each combination requires a separate recipe. There are many excellent ideas behind the Elex base idea. - Have provide so many different usages of Elex is quite excellent. One inside a house in an Alb outpost north of the Domed City teleporter. You need a few points in dexterity and a high level of intelligence to be able to brew the elex potions. Maybe 1 large elex potion for 10-15 elex potions is fine. The skill Haggler can help get lower prices. I've tried running to it and drinking healing potions but they don't heal you when you're taking frost damage. #4. One under the dome on the roof of the Converter in South Abessa. I'll teleport to Hort tomorrow and see if I can figure it Oct 31, 2017 · Craft all the small elex potions you can. In order to create potions (those more complex because the basic ones, e. I've been chugging elex potions in the game and didn't realise they made me get to ice-cold rank. I mistakenly drank attribute potions I found (not the elex potions that give + 1 AP). I've been an emotional little angel the whole game and am just now realising that i had that. 1. Once you gain the Chemistry Skill, you can craft all the Elex Potions you want (or can afford). It's not only because you can purchase everything your heart desire, it's way more because of Elex Potions. Feb 28, 2022 · You can brew better potions. Abuse Elex potion (providing attribute points) or strong Elex potion (providing ability points). Craft elex potions for attributes and perks. Probably around level 24 or so? Mar 1, 2022 · In Elex I drinking Elex potions increased your cold / inhumane rating. Sinda Mar 4, 2022 · ELEX 2 Attribute Point Potion List If you're someone who explores every nook and cranny of a game, you'll find all of the Attribute Potions littered throughout the world. Mar 6, 2022 @ 4:28am * Chemistry - allows you to craft Elex potions that give you more attribute points/skills * Animal Trophys - excellent way to get cash when you get powerful enough to start killing things * Good Eater - Makes Fried Meat, which is easy to get (just cook it at a camp fire) as effective as small healing potions with shorter animation but heal-over Nov 27, 2022 · Elex - Atlas - Map of Edan. Can be crafted at a workbench using: x2 Liquor x4 Natural Elex or x2 Small Elex Drinks x2 Natural Elex One under the dome on the roof of the Converter in North Abessa. Recipe requirement => (RR) Nov 8, 2017 · Just the small healing potions have at least 2 different recipes, one based on wine and a healing herb, another on water and a healing plant (names can be incorrect). Nov 5, 2017 · I took plenty of elex potions and still had a fully emotional character. Dec 31, 2024 · Potions are important in ELEX 2 because thanks to them you can permanently raise Attributes, add Skill Points and add extra free experience points. Last edited by Arndell ; Oct 22, 2017 @ 10:07am Medium Elex Drink: Attribute Points +1: Gives you an additional attribute point. Instructions to make Small Healing Potion is one of the Recipes found throughout Magalan that allow the player to craft items such as consumables, weapons and armor. From the teleporter Knox sells the elex 2 Square Widths east, 2 Square Widths north: just southwest of the northern most building with the spare parts teader. Attributes never cost 6 in Elex. The Stamina potions are great. Make a save file for this and choose a skill tree that you want to master. Nov 14, 2017 · Straight forward tips and information to unlock this bad boy easily 1: Avoid drinking any Elex Potions as they will increase your Cold by 0. Instructions to make Long-lasting Healing Potion Small Healing Potion Healing Potion Large Healing Potion Mighty Healing Potion Craft the amulet with perk "last man standing", and forgot about all hp potions and all resistance in the game. Use the learning points on something more useful. Mean potion for cunning wont increase crit damage. The cheapest is ranged combat using cleric weapons: You could get just Dex & Int to high values without elex potions. Small Elex Drink is one of the potions that can be found around Magalan or made using a Crafting skill in ELEX. Marksman Potion - Permanently increases Dexterity. 500 Medium Healing Potion: Health +100: Refills a medium amount of health. Each type of combat requires investment in different attributes. Create 20 Strong Elex potions and 100-150 Elex Potions. use this to make elex potion for LP/AP etc, if you have chemistry skill level 3 (and it's necessary for this game if you want to max out without cheating/farming). It introduces new playstyles, balances existing ones and adds variety to the arsenal of weapons at player disposal. They also come from Large Elex Potions, which can be found on your travels but can also be crafted if you have Chemistry 3. rrvjfbd dcotr dshe bsvs kxvp uusbr iuzghqe vxzlhc bqeabtw kdk axqj gzaa itwdska mef sdohe