Failed family medicine shelf exam reddit. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice.
Failed family medicine shelf exam reddit You wouldn't be in med school if they didn't think you would be able to succeed. In fact, the average score on the peds shelf for my entire school was significantly lower than our other shelf exams. , 20 weeks gestation with appendicitis -> do an US over CT if laparotomy isn So long story short, I had some problems when I first started my third year and failed two shelves back to back. It is designed to highlight the differences between a medical doctor and midlevels in areas including training, research, outcomes, and lobbying. I’ve got my real shelf exam in 5 days. Currently on remediation, failed peds again. I have trouble passing shelf exams. I had 4 weeks to study for my family medicine COMAT and did not do very well. It is my very first rotation of M3, and I've been hearing the shelf exam for it is very hard. For each of my shelf exams and for step 2, the exams focused largely on high yield, essential topics. I failed both attempts one point short of my school's cutoff score to pass :(. Yet the actual shelf exam content was quite different from what Uworld or NBME tested. I have been trying to come up with a study schedule and narrow down the best resources to use, but I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the breadth of everything. omggg. Edit: Failed the second attempt too. Know that internal medicine, family medicine, general surgery, and pediatrics are the most intense shelf exams because they cover so much ground. If you are going to take the exam, explore the subreddit and ask questions. Starting family medicine which is my last clerkship of M3. g. This. I was going to finish Amboss qbank first before moving onto U World, but just noticed that U World has ambulatory medicine section for shelf exam prep. Love how everyone says USPSTF, good to know, but maybe encompasses like 5 questions; at least that’s how it was when I took it. Now that i've finished every exam in medical school, I personally found FM shelf to be the 'hardest'. For “best next step,” pick the best one 😂 if two sound good, consider the bigger picture (e. I’m an M4 so I’m not a surgeon. I went through Uworld including redoing my wrongs and reviewing all my questions several times. Regardless, since I'll have to re-mediate this exam does anyone have any tips for doing well, or at least passing this shelf? READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING USMLE Step 2 CK is the second national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school. I did half the AnKing deck and all FM UWorld questions when I was on my Family Med rotation several months ago, and that studying resulted in barely passing. I took my first ever shelf exam back in October, which was FM. It's tough as you adjust, but you'll adjust. If you do all the FM questions you will pass the shelf, do the ambulatory as well and you’ll likely do very very well on the exam. Feb 22, 2024 · Core clinical rotations that require shelf exams may vary by school but typically include internal medicine, family medicine, surgery, neurology, pediatrics, OB/GYN, and psychiatry. Sep 21, 2021 · In my med school failing the shelf (getting <5th percentile) meant you had to retake the shelf; you'd only fail the clerkship if you failed the shelf again on the retake. To the M3 who's searching on reddit for how to prepare for family med, whenever/wherever you are: I went against everyone's advice and used nothing but the uworld shelf section + USPSTF guidelines + CDC vaccination schedules to prepare for the shelf and did not do super well on it (scaled score less than 80), but also did not do too poorly (above 75). I'm about more than halfway through the Medicine UWorld shelf questions and have a handful of Neuro UWorld shelf questions left. I just finished my FM shelf and it wrecked me. The second time I took it, I did all of devirgilio, ome, uworld, and pestana and Hi guys! I need some support honestly. Also, specific to family medicine, just get to know the USPSTF guidelines down cold and you'll do much better second time around -- you got this! Previous students as well as many psych residents I was with said that it's the easiest of all. Jun 10, 2009 · Some of my rotations said that if you fail the shelf you retake it and your grade is reported with the new shelf score incorporated without mentioning you failed. I had a conditional pass because of a failed shelf exam on neuro shelf in MS3. Was compassionate with myself if only able to get through 2. I thought I was done. NBOME says a score below 93 is poor, a score between 93 and 107 is average, and a score above 107 is good or above I did close to 800 AAFP questions and still got wrecked by that shelf. I failed the surgery shelf twice 51 and 52. Hi everyone I need help/advice. Medicine tests in general tend to feel harder to study for and take because they are ridiculously broad in coverage. Take time to grieve and then get back on the horse. Hi! I just started my family medicine rotation this past week. It is my first shelf exam. I haven’t and won’t ever take the ABSITE so I can’t say what should be done differently. having one or two more patients than you think you can handle pushed me to become more efficient as well so +1 Dec 28, 2010 · People always ask about track order and I’ll be frank. There is more info to know. 🏥 Clinical Failed OMS3 clinical rotation FM NBME Shelf Review, April 2018 NBME Shelf Exam Review* *Thanks to the University of Cincinnati Department of Family and Community Medicine, FM Clerkship and Florida Atlantic University College of Medicine Family Medicine Clerkship for this content Family Medicine Modular Exam • Questions: 110 Our PD really emphasized the Ambulatory as extra practice, it’s not necessarily reflective of the Shelf as a whole but it’s gonna expose you to more conditions and clinical scenarios than the FM questions alone. second guessed myself a lot and just didnt know a lot because outpatient family medicine had not prepared me. I am a 3rd year clinical student. I YOLO'D completely unaware, and it was my 2nd highest shelf. i havent done anything for the shelf exam. Game Over. I have taken 2 shelf exams and haven't been able to honor either (I was in the mid-70s for both of them and have missed the honors cut-offs by few points). The FM shelf was actually one of my best shelf exams. I retook it today and I feel like I did completely worse. I failed my neuro shelf exam, passed on repeat exam (so I didn't honor third year), honored IM and surgery, and high passed the rest. I've been trying to do this but it takes FOREVER without a primer and without any improvement. Even if it was on your transcript and mspe family medicine is not competitive. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Study your ass off. Try to finish Uworld. Ended up with a 58. It hurts. Step Up to Medicine ambulatory & derm chapters may help as well. 3, needed a 61-school doesn't round). Surgical tests seem hard if youve been doing medicine ones because they feel less cautious and seem to dive more for cut em open asap at least in comparison to medicine. Are my chances of matching ruined? I haven’t gotten my comlex exam results back and my step 2 results are below average. Other rotations said they drop you a letter grade with the highest grade possibly being a B (or C in another rotation). I was constantly doing 65% ish in uworld blocks and got a 81 on test day and vividly remember seeing topics/learning goals straight out of exam-guru. Do not do Amboss. I found the shelf exams to be more straight forward than Step 1 and overall did quite well on shelf exams, hoping it carries to Step 2! Reply reply More replies [deleted] Hi guys! I need some support honestly. To study, I did the UWORLD Family Medicine section, thoroughly reviewed the answers, and did anki off of incorrect questions. What do I need to match into family medicine? written by u/surlymedstudent. I left the exam feeling like absolute sh*t. Divine intervention podcasts are also very clutch. I really don't know how to study for these shelf exams. I got my Step 1 score back (pretty terrible, 1 SD below my practice tests) and then turned around and failed the subsequent Neurology shelf. I completely accept the consequences and have taken steps to deal with this. I know the material. There were a few questions from obgyn, peds and internal medicine knowledge helps too. We give advice on how to: study for the DAT exam; apply to programs with AADSAS/TMDSAS; organize coursework; and more. I was wondering if the practice NBMEs are comparable in terms of difficulty to the shelf… The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Hi everyone! Whenever rotations start, my first one is Family Medicine. If you have taken this exam, share your experience and tips with others. FYI: You're going to need ALOT of preparation for CK if you're struggling this much with the IM Shelf. I'm sure you will be fine. am i screwed? i plan to quickly skim some of case files. Uworld questions will be structurally similar to the shelf exam but the content is totally different; medicine questions on uworld have a lot of complex inpatient stuff going on in them and you just won't see that sort of thing on the family shelf which focuses on vaccinations, scheduled screening exams, developmental milestones, diabetes This isn't the case for all shelfs, though. For people who have already taken the FM shelf, were the AAFP questions more similar to the shelf than the amboss questions? Any additional advice/help regarding the FM shelf is greatly appreciated. do a lot of world, my first name shelf I got like 37 percentile or something. More info may be found here. It will in no way be over for you. Unfortunately, as many other students at my school, I failed my Family Medicine rotation (after remediating the exam). Any information on helpful resources is appreciated. Thanks for your help Stats: -Step 1 210-215 on the 3rd attempt, had to take a one year leave of absence -Step 2CK 225-230, Step 2CS P (first attempts) -Step 3, one fail -Other red flags - had to retake pediatrics shelf exam, passed on second attempt Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship Shelf exams are in general, tough as hell. I took the nbme practice exam form 3 a few days ago and I got a 23 which isn't bad. Soon I'll have about 2-3 weeks to study and retake the Family Med shelf (probably will study for Step 2 some at the same time). I've felt like I could have failed shelves i scored in 95%+ percentile, which sounds crazy but its true. Shelf exam notes are sorted into appropriate folder for each subject CK notes include: NBME Alternative names + Risk Factors (including Military) + link to High yield screening + HY Dermatology + Ophthalmology Happy Studying! Here are the latest shelf exam results from the shelf exams: this is the most recent info from the admin, pass (P) and fail (F) rates for medical students first attempt in various clinical clerkships during the academic years 22-23 and 23-24. I honestly feel like complete crap, I'm studying as much as I can and I think I understand it. I can't seem to wrap my head around shelf exams. I knew it was my hardest shelf till date but I didn’t expect to fail. How to Prepare for Shelf Exams. In terms of any issues I noticed, not really. Hi everyone! Family medicine is my first shelf and I have 6 weeks to study for it! I have memorized the A and B guidelines for USPSTF and am doing the associated anki deck to keep it in my memory! I really don't know what else to do. It's not a you problem, it's a problem with how you're studying or the test strategies you're employing. Jun 20, 2018 · The FM shelf is more "what do you do next" type questions than step 1 pathophys type questions you might see on the IM shelf, and OME is great for that. I do amazing in clinic. A lot of it, I blame covid but in the end it was my fault. I scored in the 53% on my shelf. My ex failed his first clinical shelf exam in Ob/Gyn but will pass the rotation. The good news is that I can retake the exam; bad news is the highest grade I can get is a C despite A's on my clinical skills. I took my shelf last week and got a 75% (around 40% national percentile). First rotation and shelf exam is in 2 weeks; completed uworld family medicine questions and some aafp questions; familiar with USPSTF guidelines; I want to pass and possibly honor this rotation, so what other resources are similar to the shelf exams that will benefit me in the next 2 weeks? Hey, Same energy. 1 day shelf prep. Was looking for tips on how to honor the FM shelf while also using this time to study for step 2. This was even with mandatory weekly 2 hour meetings where they drilled us hard with high yield mat I'm a MS3 on my third rotation (peds), I failed my IM shelf and ob/gyn shelf so far. I utilized AMBOSS for my family med shelf didnt find the qbank super useful (too many zebras), but found the knowledge bank incredibly useful to go over concepts and guidelines. They love to test your knowledge of diagnostic criteria (e. As well as half of their group. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step2/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on Would any of you guys recommend using SU2M/ internal medicine blueprints to learn these topics in more depth an onlinemeded offers? Any other pearls? I got damaged on the surgery shelf due to not having done medicine already and with all the free time on family, am trying to prevent that from happening again. I've got Lange Case Files, Third Edition and the AAFP Board Review Questions off their website. The shelf also definitely tests pharmacology, albeit to a lesser extent than I expected (but my experience may be atypical). I had to delay my Step-1 exam because my highest NBME was a 185. ultimately I passed and did pretty average. Yes they're for the Family Medicine board exam. Family med is hard, yo. You are more than your score. Normally score in the low 80th percentile on majority of my shelfs, even STEP 1. Practice Family Medicine Shelfs: -NBME 3: 86% raw Family Medicine Shelf: 89th percentile (85 on score report) Step 2CK: 4 week dedicated Resources: finished off remaining UW internal medicine questions and then exclusively focused on amboss. Is that high yield for FM shelf exam? FM is so broad and I saw several posts saying that reading Ambulatory section of Step up to Medicine I have taken all of the shelves, step 1, and step 2. 1) I had yet to take medicine and half the surgery shelf is medicine 101 2) My studying was not complete as I did alot of review book reading and no questions. The consensus seems to be FM usually OVER estimates your shelf score by a little bit (5-15% last I checked around on Reddit and old forum threads) but there’s some variation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I’ve scheduled a first practice exam for the Neuro shelf this weekend (shelf exam week is late August in our school). I still have a chance to pass the rotation when I pass the shelf retake. It wasn’t nerves. I’m so shocked rn. I never failed a class in med school, passed my step 1, and have been getting excellent feedback from my attendings. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Family Medicine shelf exam: Q bank recommendations . I made an appointment with my dean and they permitted me to retake it during my two week vacation at the end of May. Last month I took my IM shelf and I didn't pass by a point, tbh I didn't study much for that exam bc I didn't have time at all. Do not quote, link to, or otherwise reproduce any exam content. I am trying to do Uworld family medicine shelf and unsuspending the associated Anking cards for the FM shelf PASS YOUR SERIES 7 EXAM! PASS YOUR SIE EXAM! With r/Series7 community support. last and the discrepancy in difficulty. Hello, I was wondering what resources are best used for family medicine shelf exam. Hello, us img here, I recently took the obgyn shelf exam and learned that I failed it. I finished UWorld IM shelf prep, did 3 NBME exams before my shelf and honored IM. Walking out of the exam I knew I didn't do well. I see people constantly talking about the shenanigans with family med and im worried im going to get blindsided. a lot of questions on the nbme were in case files and a lot of questions i wouldnt have known the answer to if i read case files 100 times. Saw shit I had never seen before. I have failed 6/6 shelf exams (FM, peds, obgyn, psych, IM, surgery). Look at his FM lectures, OB lectures, and Peds lecture before the exam. I feel like I've been hit with wave after wave of either anxiety/depression/imposter syndrome over this year. I'm embarrassed that I failed it because I went in overconfident that I would at least pass. And now that I started 3rd year, on my surgery rotation—I took a practice NBME shelf and I scored 50% (59% needed to pass). The school fails the bottom 5%. I will be taking family medicine shelf again in July of next year, which is really far away. Next, we’ll cover preparation and study strategies. I ended up getting a 94. This sub is intended as a repository of sources and a place of discussion regarding independent and inappropriate midlevel practice. The kaplan resources they've given have nothing dedicated to Family Medicine. The exam seemed like it had a lot of vague questions. Studied them hard. Make sure you go over the Qs thoroughly. I returned the next year (repeated the shame rotations), and failed the two shelves again, Internal medicine and family medicine. and then my fam med shelf is on the 29th. Internal Med was my last clerkship and I still have 250 IM shelf questions on Uworld and like 10-15 IM OME videos that I did not have a chance to finish. it was horrible for me. I thought it was one of the hardest exams I've ever taken tbh. I’m not sure what the not a surgeon means. I just took fm shelf today. Surgery is just a medicine test with a different dress. Not sure if there is a specific first aid for family med or the internal medicine first aid is sufficient. Just feel like they are absolutely slaughtering me and as if I’m lacking a primary resource from which to study. edit: exam-guru not exam-crackers lol I can’t do it. IDK, listen to divine intervention. There are many reasons as to why this happened, and I take solace in the fact that many other students at my school are also having the same issue. Shelf impressions: Probably the most straightforward of the shelf exams. Check out our rules, FAQs, and quick-start guides to begin or continue your journey into dentistry. I was expecting this because it was only my second rotation, and my first rotation was psychiatry. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step2/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 2 CK, along with analytical statistics of study resources. On exam day I was in slight disbelief how that 1 day of reading helped me more than the 500 or so AAFP Q's I had done. i delayed my boards step 1 to this august 26th. Now for FM I finished all my uworld questions, I read melhman, I watched Dr HY and reviewed multiple times the guidelines. I’m repeating what the attending surgeons at my school said about the shelf exam. I am an audio-visual learner and detailed oriented person. Watch the videos on the recommended FM schedule & then some. Always have. , MDD vs adjustment disorder), so make sure you know these cold. I hate books. Always consult your school specific mentors/advisors first, as this list is based on individual knowledge/experience in applying to family medicine residencies and should be taken as one person's advice and experience. Just know that this is a common feeling after a shelf exam. I could take the low Level I score, the failed shelf, but a failed board score?? I started questioning my self-worth. He wanted to be an EM/IM resident in various cities specifically on the East coast: DC, NYC, Chicago, Boston. It was so random that I cannot even recommend anything specific other than A and B screening guidelines and vaccines, tx for copd and asthma and fev1/fvc, step up tx for asthma, htn, diabetes. I ended up taking a leave of absence, got treatment and got better, then came back and safely passed the rest of my shelf exams as well as making a big improvement in my Step 2 CK. My school essentially only had 1-2 people fail an exam at a time and they usually were then thrown on academic probation and either a) didn't match, and quit, or b) were only set on family medicine to increase the chances of matching. Join our sister reddits that support other exams: r/Series6 for the Series 6 Exam r/Series66 for the Series 63/65/66 Exams r/Series 24 for the Series 9/10 and Series 24 Aug 8, 2015 · This article is focused on the COMAT or shelf exams you take at the end of each rotation. Speaking with other classmates that took the shelf already they mentioned that the exam was very heavy on MSK related material that was not addressed in Uworld. I was wondering where people went for FM MSK specific material. Still somehow managed to match at a top research/academic institute. But in practice I would say the majority of it is still relevant to us, and useful as long as you are taking notes or making cards on the stuff you don't know and not just flying through the questions. COMATS are the DO version of shelf exams, graded with an average of 100, and visually show how you did in each sub-topic in the score report. Dec 25, 2007 · I failed my surgery shelf exam. . It was a waste of time for me. This is especially true for IM, Surgery, and Family Medicine and you'll see numerous accounts on here of people taking these first vs. People have advised me to go straight to cards or qbanks. I failed the surgery shelf. I did very well on all shelf exams and tried not to study more than 1-2 hours after getting home (almost exclusively using UWorld). If you had about 3 days after clerkships finished to get ready for the Family Medicine NBME shelf exam, what would you focus your time on? Archived post. I am currently 2 weeks into a 6 week long FM rotation. I tried it 2 weeks before my exam and it really helped in sort of refreshing what I had studied for IM with Uworld. I was also super depressed during that rotation and was having trouble studying + pretty bad memory issues and I was still able to do OK. But it will go on my transcript that I failed. Good luck! Nov 14, 2023 · In either case, you do not want to do poorly or fail any of your shelf exams. I did all the Uworld and NBME practice questions. I didn't get to study much during my rotation so it was mostly my fault. Last rotation was psychiatry— I heavily utilized the “First Aid for Psychiatry Clerkship” book. Got a call from the clerkship director yesterday that it will be recorded as a fail on my transcript. You are more than your rotations. It falls right about where the high cutoff for shelf performance is, but im worried the actual test is going to be much harder. I basically have to repeat this rotation and retake the shelf exam. Because at my school, shelf exams are weighed much more than clinical grades, my final grades have ended up being mostly P. I write this post working on my ERAS application. I agree with the NBME exams, they will show you how ready you are for the shelf. The reason? A lot of the shelf exam is immediately relevant to your day-to-day practice. I've failed a total of two shelves this year, while passing two others around 45-50th%. Our school has a shelf exam retake policy because our max grade for the rotation is capped by shelf exam performance. Source: had a friend have to retake 2 courses in medical school (with another 1-2 shelf fails that were passed second go around) and got like 20 FM interviews and matched top 3. I am struggling with my shelf exams. Of course, there were a number of downright ridiculous / random / vague questions, but I actually thought it was better than the IM and peds shelf exams in that regard. and i guess the aafp questions the op mentioned. Know your vaccine schedules & USPSTF screening guidelines. Recently two friends took the IM shelf, both are excellent students with honors in Ms1 and MS2, and both failed the shelf. I intend on pursuing IM, but during the shelf exam, anxiety really took the wheel. I didn't manage to honor my IM rotation (going into in IM). Buy practice NBME exams (they're 20$ a pop on the website). Cheers def agree that following every patient on the service like you might take over their care is really helpful. Archived post. The more questions you are exposed to, the better you’ll do. They were easier than the shelf, that's for sure. I've heard it's pretty challenging (and our school only does it for 4 weeks) so I want to get a head start to prepare adequately for the shelf/rotation. I'm not sure what the next steps are for me. This post will contain the answers to the SHELF - Family Medicine 1 Exam for educational discussion purposes. , fibrosarcoma in the leg, do a CT abdomen next) or the least invasive test next (e. I think i had a rough ms1/ms2 but no failed courses. Tried to do 3 blocks per day. Mar 8, 2017 · From my own experience, I failed 2 shelf exams and had a very low Step 1 score due to mental health reasons. I’m applying internal medicine this cycle. I'm an OMS3 student that just failed the Family Medicine shelf twice now. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I had to take it remote because of a covid exposure in the hospital during my rotation (NOT MY FAULT). Overall, I thought the FM shelf was reasonable, but it'll be more challenging if it's one of your first shelf exams (it's definitely broad). Pretty sure I just bombed my first shelf exam in neurology. Was I even supposed to be a doctor? I entered a period of darkness and depression and only the support of friends and family helped me I use Amboss articles (not the questions yet) if I really am confused about something. So I found out today that I failed my Medicine Shelf Exam and therefore the clerkship. Nov 25, 2024 · Doing poorly or even mediocre on a shelf exam can really shake your confidence. I took 2 more practice shelf’s and I scored 48% and 50% again. I decided to go on leave of absence. Additionally, due to the new curriculum, I also have a longitudinal family medicine rotation where I act clinically in a family medicine setting over a year. Fuck reading. Your priorities should go Sleep > Food > Exercise > Patient-related responsibilities (if any, this is stuff like writing notes and following up on things) > Shelf studying. This is destroying my confidence and I will likely have to drop out if I keep failing the shelf exams. Welcome to PASS NCLEX! This subreddit is about the NCLEX exam. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step2/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on I am completely lost when it comes to clinical sciences and feel even more lost approaching the family medicine shelf. Ironically I did extremely well on my Surgery Shelf which I took a week before retaking the IM Shelf and I was under the impression that the Surgery Shelf was the hardest shelf. You should be fine but a avg score over a few NBMEs would be a better indicator than a single NBME. I would definitely do ambulatory medicine if you have time. I have since retaken the psychiatry shelf exam and passed the entire block successfully. This is also my first shelf exam and i have no previous shelf/rotation experience. I had 10 questions at the end that I just had to randomly fill in the bubble. For moving forward. I would do the AAFP questions next time prior to the exam, look at the anki cards from dorian deck, and redo your peds and ob questions as well. Shelf exam questions are written so that prior shelf experience will help. Started M3 a few weeks ago with FM as my first rotation. It was a rough exam that covered very broad topics. IM shelf last year had μ=78 and σ=7 which does correlate to 76th percentile, but surgery shelf μ=74 and σ=8, which correlates to 83rd percentile. I've got three weeks to study for my family medicine shelf. I have never felt this unprepared for an exam. The unfortunate reality of medicine is that 7am-4pm are not bad hours (as someone who just came back from a 7am-7pm shift). I did not get an honor on the exam unfortunately. Turns out, it was actually very difficult and vague, and nothing like the easy nbme practice exams. I have taken Internal medicine and family medicine. As noted above, the biggest obstacle is a potential issue with standardized tests. My school uses Aquifer for the Family medicine clerkship shelf exam. Honestly it's my bad for not breaking the pattern earlier in my 3rd year, I should have picked up on it after my 2nd or 3rd shelf that this was the case. I’m so numb, I don’t know what to do or think. Heres a free 2 week trial to check out AMBOSS-0YB9-SDZM-5R1T anyone have form 3, please! very broke and feel like I am going to fail this shelf exam tomorrow Rising MS3. I atributed my failure to two reasons. Your school should have sent you a score report with your class and nat'l avg and sd (if they haven't yet, they might soon). But definitely read and read this for at least this 1 day. Electives, however (such as pediatric radiology), don’t have shelf exams. Is getting into ENT in my home medical school program over or should I dual apply? it was my first shelf and i read case files. These guidelines (for now) are aimed at USMD/DO applicants. It is also far from an impossible task to do well on these exams, or at least be well above the failing cutoff. I got my score back and I failed it. Had been doing great in the rest of the clerkship, but that shelf came out of nowhere and hit me like a truck. I have 10 publications from the past. Hello everyone, looking for advice where to find the best resources for the MSK portion of the family medicine exam. I feel like he is really good for understanding medicine philosophy. Please remember to read the following rules carefully before contributing: Read the Comment Rules and Policies found here. No one from the school has contacted me to tell me that I've failed, but I know I have because you have to pass that Shelf. Currently already working on family medicine and ambulatory medicine questions on UWorld as well as AAFP questions. Do UWorld at least twice. I missed passing by a percent (60. You can match IM with a pass in medicine - you ain't going to Penn, but you'll match. And failed the internal medicine twice and the family medicine once due to drastically shorted study preparation. Just seeking advice / support on how to proceed from my current situation. Hey guys, here's Shelf exam + CK notes and several high yield concepts: REMS Drive. And yes, in some ways med school is a lot harder. Try to understand the philosophy of medicine rather than just memorizing facts. My school really has given me zero direction. Looking for advice on how I should change my approach to studying as the process that helped me pass step1 didn't seem to help. READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING USMLE Step 2 CK is the second national board exam all United States medical students must take before graduating medical school. I felt the surgery shelf was fair. I've done about 1000 cards in the Cheesy Dorian deck, so I think it's a good time to start doing practice questions now. tuaxzn zfe notvsb jfxch zrssau wjw igcpdhno whq gdpqff nfhh xqytnv ikii oiwvb zxyhes qowetom