Fanuc turret alarm reset. 3 alarms, allowed me .
Fanuc turret alarm reset Problem is a 1003 Alarm, “turret unclamp”. If this alarm has occurred, set the parameter PWE to 1 Jul 19, 2019 · Hi Folks, I've tried the usual reset protocols after the Battery is replaced. It has 2 Alarms ER32 NO I/O DEVICE ER97 IO LINK FAILURE (CH1 00GROUP) Jun 17, 2021 · My hardinge talent 2004 hydraulic turret alarms out and im told i need to reset the servo turret. Jul 24, 2009 · The other day I had a crash. Oct 12, 2013 · appreciate all help & advice. Fanuc suggests that you replace the battery's once a year and if this on has gone you should replace the battery's on the amplifiers to. You need to change the APZ to 0 first, before changing . Battery is new Jan 16, 2009 · Our 1997 Akira Seiki turning center ASL-17 with a OT Fanuc control is alarming out with #1011 “Turret not ready”. I couldn't find any batteries on the motors. You will get a PS 100 alarm, hold in CANCEL and press RESET 6. I am trying to find out how to release that alarm. Solution: - The confirmation contents of electric diagram as shown below. and how to change the the tool number in the control to match the tool number on the turret. The turret was crashed into the chuck causing the machine to stop. Older machines use a hydraulic valve and geneva mechanism. Dec 5, 2024 · However, like any complex system, CNC machines with Fanuc controls can experience errors, which are indicated by alarms. Has anyone have this problem and fix it? Can anyone help. Jun 3, 2006 · Hi guys, Got this 1998 emcoturn 325 running fanuc 21 - tb. Did check all wire and overtravel switch working find. When the alarm occurs, the LED of the power module PSM displays "2" and the LED of the spindle amplifier SPM displays "59". 1 Press Reset, Press Estop 3. Found it in a 401 alarm. Good morning, sorry to disturb again but maybe I didn't describe problem in : We have lathe GA260 with system Fanuc 18 T and turret Sauter with 12 posi Need Help! Fanuc 18T -alarm 1003 t code error Jan 12, 2006 · Doosan Lynx 220 Fanuc i Machine turret is in tool 00 position. Alarm 1004 XTorque Limiter, Check Zero. Powered back down. I unclamp the turret by going into the pmc settings and realign the turret at tool # 01 by hand, reset the control to make it think its at tool # 01 again (press function I have a 1997 Miyano BND-34S-3; FANUC 18T Control. He did the power cycle of the machine. This machine does not have that capability, so I reset Estop as I did in powerup, then zero the sometimes issue alarm "2047 Turret clamp switch alarm or turret control unit alarm" i chek clamp sensor it`s work fine. I would rattle the top card on the amplifier a little and the alarm would clear. I have a Hyundai-Kia SKT250 2007 Fanuc 0i-TC. " with no number after it. Nor do we know how to check the alarms on the diagnostics ladder. Once we let that go, the alarm no 2012 comes up. All other functions seems fine. The fanuc beta series pulse coder had weak batteries. 2047 Turret Clamp Switch Alarm or Turret Control Unit Alarm " Machine won't clear it. Jun 26, 2009 · I am a production manager in a shop in wisconsin, and we have a Hyundai V5 VTL with a fanuc 18t control. It's a Yama Seiki with Fanuc 0i-tc. I know that the 0615-11 PCM Alarm is pointing to a certain condition, but I just can not find ANY info on this specific alarm. Fanuc servo drive. We could sure use some help. Now when I power up the machine I get a message (0612-13 machine not ready), the hydraulics power up and I can get into the parameters page but I can not move any of the axis. Actions: /Procedures: - Take measures by means of reviewing the maintenance manual of FANUC I/O Link if any alarm is displayed on the turret AMP. the home position. I get the following alarm codes at address D0000; AL1, AL2, AL4, AL5 (a “1” under each of these). The ‘Clamp open’ , ‘Tool change Switch’ & ‘X Block’ lights are on. There are scribe lines on each axis that line up the machine home positions. Got hold of this machine a few months back and it being shoot down and i have been spending much time cleaning it and troubleshooting alarms. I have been searching all over the net and the manuals today, And i cant seem to find a solution to reset the "2118 Turret Champ/Unclamp Alarm" i keep getting. Jun 12, 2019 · I think you may have reset the turret, but the head is up too high in Z and is in the area normally reserved for tool change. we replaced that yeserday ran the machine turned on and ran today for an hour then we got alarm 2023 (not locking in the 10 sec interval) then switches to alam 2047 (turret clamp switch alam or turret control unit alarm Feb 15, 2013 · We had the same problem. It uses the servo driven turret with a hydraulic clamp system. Jun 15, 2009 · appreciate all help & advice. They don't deal with what each builder wants to do as far as how the auxiliary devices are built, controlled, sensed, etc. Initially Jun 29, 2015 · Dealing with a turret problem on a Doosan 2500sy, an alarm numbered 2047 appears at the end of the programming and on the change while reloading from position 1 to the next position (start of next cycle), a trembeling and noice that I cant determ if it occurs from the clamp or from a sudden and iregular rotation of the motor back and forth. 0 to 1 and all. Servo motors driving the Turret. Here is the solution: 1: Press stand-by and reset for activating hydraulic pressure 2: Activate manually the valve for unlocking turret, making sure inductive position detector lights up. We put inside these parameters manually. Fordav11: The problem is that with our Fanuc lathe it is easy to hit the X+ limit due to the rather limited X-axis travel and when turning large workpieces with a tailstock it is just best to move the turret as far as possible before indexing (during manual set-up, quick tasks etc. May 27, 2011 · We checked the 2 E stop switches and they are both reset. I went through the procedure to reset the turret: Change keep relay #K5. 6 volt. 1 Release Estop, Press Estop Reset 4. The alarm in the picture above is an alarm caused by damage to the fan in the power module control board (when using the αi power module). Тhe other thing I noticed is when issue 2047 alarm indication of servo is Pro. But we still have the 300 APC alarm about the 3 axis. Aug 30, 2021 · This FANUC Alarm code list covers: 0i Model A, 0i/0iMate Model B, 16/18 Model PB, 16/18 Model C, 16i/18i Model A, & many more FANUC fault codes. I checked the function of the turret clamp Micro Switch, and it works fine. Feb 17, 2010 · Fanuc 10tf, Axis Torque Alarm, mem Z axis Alarm, already changed Z drive and motor? alarm 408 servo alarm "serial not RDY", αP18 fanuc mtor code; Problem-Fanuc 6T-B alarm 402:servo Alarm; Fanuc alarm 401 + 414 + servo amplifier alarm 08; Need Help!-Fanuc Powermate D Alarm 414 (LV5V Control Power Low Alarm) Jul 11, 2007 · This may all be related to a soft thermal on the turret indexing motor (if the turret is indexed with a Fanuc Servo). we replaced that yeserday ran the machine turned on and ran today for an hour then we got alarm 2023 (not locking in the 10 sec interval) then switches to alam 2047 (turret clamp switch alam or turret control unit alarm Similar Threads: Daewoo Puma 230 Turret issue; QT28 2060 TURRET AMP ALARM Cause: - In case that alarm is issued on the turret AMP. The book is telling me to press and hold the overtravel button while pressing the X- and Z- buttons to jog the turret in the plus direction. 14. Option 3 board or PMC control module may be faulty. The axis that is being homed must be at least 3 inches away from the scribe mark in the negative Jan 8, 2007 · It doesn't stink, it just the way it has to be. 2 DI. Read on. I replaced the batteries but still have the alarm. You must first relieve the pressure from the servo. Locate the one for the axis you are homing. We checked the fuses to the best of our knowledge and tried to reset all the circut protectors. Search "A0". Connections from the end of the turret wiring cable to micro switch are fine. Ladder; Look at the PMC status bits. Having alarm on SL-25BSY, says ex2240f servo turret unclamped. 4 when finish put back the 3115 parameters to 0 and the A axis will disappear from screen. This article provides a detailed guide to Fanuc CNC alarms, their types, and how to address them effectively. My problem occurs when I try to adjust the zero of the turret to the work piece in parameter 1850 (grid shift). We can move everything including the turret while holding the alarm release button. The VDI live-tools of a Sauter-turret have a "lock" position. Service guy thought the motor was the culprit, as disconnecting the motor caused the alarm to go away. I pulled my hair out for a week when it first happened to me. also i´m not sure on this turret, but check the PMM PARAMETER System -> press -> until you find PMM on the softkeys (if this is available, you need to set inside PMM screen the Parameter 11 bit 0 to 1 (bit 7 should be also 1) if you don´t have this PMM screen, you need to set on Parameter Dec 13, 2002 · This all started with an sv003 excess current alarm on the Z axis at control power up, before anything moved. Mar 2, 2020 · If what drdos does not work, here are the turret reset instructions from the Hardinge OT manual ''1. I need some help, purchased a 1997 Miyano BND-42S2 with Fanuc OT-C and i am having turret issues. How I did it was: I first adjusted param 1815 bit #4 to "0". Release and reference return. Apr 9, 2015 · My understanding is that even though there are turret related alarms this should not cause the control to be in a Feed Hold or E-Stop condition, but the control is acting like there is an E-Stop condition. Jun 3, 2013 · Hi Friends I am facing problem in FANUC OT series control machine Whenever i move Z axis in rapid, axis moving some distance and suddenly motor vibrating and it showing some times servo 420 alarm & some time times 421 servo alarm, if we move repeatedly it showing 424 alarm please give me any solution I checked the motor & motor encoder with service person it is OK, also i checked the motor and Feb 20, 2013 · I take it, its Fanuc controlled. Still have the alarm and it wont turn manually. Oct 9, 2018 · We have a Daewoo 300LM that we are getting this alarm on intermittently. Fuji drive and motor. Then hit the button in top left corner, which makes the turret to "lock" / "unlock". Jan 18, 2014 · The VDI live-tools of a Sauter-turret have a "lock" position. Jan 28, 2009 · started taking the tool turret assembly off the machine to try and figure out the problem, pulled all the covers off the turret assembly again , this time the one 1. I know very little about this part. Fanuc just makes the control hardware and software to control axis motion and I/O hardware. . If the turret is not clamped check the relay as previously suggested. I have a Takasawi TC-3 with an O-T control. The led on the pulse coder is flashing 11U. 2) Hi Bro, Please send email to help me fix Alarm #2057 Turret Clamp Error(A9. Not sure if yours is that way or not, but best to check your Doosan manuals for a battery change procedure. 1) H/W Jul 20, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Nov 13, 2017 · 2006 / Hyunday-kia SKT 200 / Fanuc 0i-TC Hi everyone. Found the solution to this if you have a Fanuc Oi-TD with servo based turret. Apr 27, 2024 · Discover the complete Fanuc Alarm Code List and learn how to diagnose and correct CNC machine alarms efficiently in this definitive guide. Similar Threads: Mitsubishi MR-J2s-A Help needed - alarm prob; TM1,alarm 104 help needed; Need Help!-2067 TOOL SWITCH ALARM Jun 26, 2012 · F. 950 PMC SYSTEM ALARM Fault occurred in the PMC. Fanuc just provides a tool (PMC) for the machine builder to write software (ladder program) to control whatever equipment the machine Sep 10, 2020 · Our Operator over travelled in Fanuc Oi-TD lathe machine. 18[EN] - How to clear the “2118 turret clamp unclamp switch” alarm #goDN#goPUMA #DNSolutions#디엔솔루션즈#DN솔루션즈 #MachineGreatness#cncmachine Follow DN Aug 1, 2015 · OK, thank you everybody. Rebooting machine does however work clearing the alarm. Jan 19, 2010 · Sounds like to me that if you had to reload the PMC then you probably lost your tool 1 teach position. The hydraulic turret will not index. Your Electrical (Victor) manual contains a chapter how to rotate the turret when above solution dosn't work. Any ideas? Share Add a Comment Oct 12, 2018 · We changed out the turret confirmation prox switch but it didn't go away. in this video, I am going to show you how to solve the overtravel issue in fanuc controller Jul 6, 2004 · manual reference point return on a fanuc 0-m ? i need the procedure . Similar Threads: fanuc drillmate / robo drill alarm 1006 clamp; Need Help!-Kitamura Mycenter 1 Alarm 1006; Need help! Sep 28, 2017 · I turned it on, got the low battery alarm, waited a couple of minutes, turned it off, and replaced the battery. Jun 7, 2024 · Well now there are alarms and no functions work. 3) Also, on the tool turret servo amplifier appears the alarm: A90, on the tool turret manual says have to execute the zero point return of the tool turret, but the procedure on it is not too clear Sep 9, 2021 · Can you determine if the turret is actually clamped while the alarm is displayed? If the turret is clamped but the alarm is still issued you need to look in the ladder. It occurs either right before the rough turn Fanuc 6 Alarms – Fanuc 6M 6T Alarm Codes Fanuc 6 Alarm Codes applies to Fanuc System 6M 6T CNC controls. Mar 11, 2008 · I've reset the parameters in diagnostics page and now when i turn the pump on i get a light for4 low p. Jul 14, 2009 · I need the procedure for resetting the Turret from what I understand. Y 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 You will get the APZ alarm since it is at 0. So far our maintenance doesn’t have a clue what the issue is. One is for Hi check if the signals X10. Would it have options for different numbers of Turrets? It seems to think there are 16 positions. It somethin like "internal force signal" which cause this issue. Install the turret tool plate and check that it is still aligned radially. 951 PMC–RC WATCH DOG ALARM Fault occurred in the PMC–RC (watchdog alarm). That's where the mistake is. Ran machine for 5 hours in a repeat cycle. 3) 1097 ALARM FROM SEVO-TURRET (A9. The PMC control module on the main CPU board or option 3 board may be faulty. I was doing work on the shop so the machine has been unplugged for about a month. The turret never seats back, sets about ¼” out. 040. 4=1, power off/o, alarm 300 must disappear and it should go. HELP!!! Apr 30, 2009 · 2004 puma 240L fanuc 21i-TB we had the servo battery go bad 3. Anyone with tips / ideas? Feb 7, 2007 · One of our Victor V-Turn 36's has developed a problem with the turret. I have problem with fanuc 15T system with "OT007 z+ overtravel (Hard) alarm" and cannot be RESET. I'm at a loss, any help would be appreciated. This alarm is because the battery in the back panel is low and needs to be replaced. 1 Press & Hold Zero Return button, Press Turret Index Note: turret should index to station 1'' Best of luck May 3, 2006 · These were used with Fanuc drillmate OMB and OMC models. power off/on and your #1 turret position should be good. Top green LED lights for a second, then goes out. On my Doosan with 2 Sauter turrets; 1 Turret won’t index, FANUC oi-tc Hwacheon Cutex 16. Apr 12, 2011 · Nor do we know how to check the alarms on the diagnostics ladder. Noticed after a while the turret is over-rotating about 1/8 and therefore not locking properly into position. 972 NMI OCCURRED IN OTHER MOD-ULE NMI occurred in a board other than the main CPU board. LTC35CLM with FANUC Oi-Tc Model. Oct 30, 2013 · The alarm was caused by the turret being stuck out and it lost its index. (dots in my case but in some machines it's arrows, anyways it's easy to find) Tool turret the machine give the following alarms: 1003 TURRET MISS. I tried to unclamp it and rotate with hand by keep relay 5. Feb 24, 2013 · Hey guys, hopefully someone can help me I have a issue that is driving me up the wall. Make all 1's to clear tool clamp alarm and allow you to tool change to another tool. how do we zeroreturn the third axis? Similar Threads: Need Help!-DGN parameters Nakamura Tome TMC15M Fanuc OTC PMC-M how to enter PMC parameters? fanuc 11m parameters; Fanuc parameters; Fanuc 3T Parameters; Parameters Fanuc 6M So I had to do turret positioning again. The fans come on but the motor isn’t turning. Turret is not moving on pressing turret start Push Button. Dec 21, 2002 · I have turret index trouble on a Hardinge conquest 51, 1993 model with Fanuc OT control. Nov 18, 2004 · Well, to find out if the turret is "normal" axis, but PLC controlled, look at any axis parameter - if there is one more to X&Z, then play with 1815 - when the turret is down, reset bit 4 to zero, power off/on, 1815. " Aug 19, 2004 · I unplugged the cable going to the turret after the index had finished and got a "T-Sensor" alarm. I feel that most likely the encoder battery is dead and this is the problem. Fanuc Alarm Code List [ Definitive Guide ] CNC Cookbook Jun 12, 2014 · Hey there. Machine is not movable (nor in handle mode). 2. 1. You will not get an alarm for the X axis, as it is set to 1. I think he thought the Fanuc controller was locked up for some reason so he shut down the machine and when he restarted this alarm was active. thx Similar Threads: Need Help!-Z + Overtravel alarm; Need Help!-FANUC OT ALARM 520 OVERTRAVEL +Z Service tip. It unclamps rotates and seems to get lost. You will have to look for PMC parameters for turret servo. Since you can rotate your turret then this should be quick and painless. 1. Any ideas? Doosan Website alarm codes lookup brings up We have restarted the machine and zeroreturned X and Z axis. Did manually force the switch and check at PCDIagnosis bit did change 1 to 0 (on & off) X39. Then powered off and just turned the turret by hand to correct position. 400-Servo alarm- Overload 408-Servo alarm- Serial Not Ready 414-Servo alarm- X axis detect err 424-Servo alarm- Z axis detect err I have been told there could be a fuse or a breaker blown, all are ok, no thermal overloads, turret is in the middle of travel so isnt stuck on end stops Apr 29, 2013 · Sorry for the lack of info. +Z hardware over travel. 0 to "1" Simultaneously press 'Spindle select' & 'Spindle stop' & 'Feed hold' Re: #2057 Turret Clamp Error(A9. We got 4 alarms EX1009 TURRET NOT ORIENT EX1008 TURRET NOT CLAMP EX1070 DOOR NOT CLOSE EX1000 EMERGENCY STOP Then we checked the PMC alarm. Shows “1080 Turret index time over alarm” any help or suggestions greatly appreciated! Jul 24, 2015 · OK, thank you everybody. 2004 / TURRET ADJUST SWITCH ON (manual says: Tool change area detecting switch is reset) I was told the main servo amplifier board was bad, so $2k later I still have the same problem. Does it randomly when changing tools. manual has this to say: "101 PLEASE CLEAR MEMORY The power turned off while rewriting the memory by program edit operation. 0 to "1" Simultaneously press 'Spindle select' & 'Spindle stop' & 'Feed hold' When I hit reset, it goes to alarm AL 131 "Turret Alarm No. The reset procedure should be in one of their manuals. The machine has two prox switches on the turret. And on servo amplifiers there is no alarm code, just " -" as not ready. What i can't figure out is why when i let go of the reset button and the pump goes off the x azis drops about . Turned it back on and got an alarm 2062, AL 62 "Turret Amp Alarm". 0 - Main turret stop position Alarm 300. If the PMC ladder was fully propagated,you'd be able to select the numbers of the turret, 10 -12 -16 etc. When you rotate (unlock) a live-tool by hand it causes an alarm. Also after rebooting, I can press the manual index button, but the turret just rotates endlessly until I reset the machine. I managed to finally figure out the Parameter 1815 and reset my X and Z home positions, I can now jog the machine around and home the 2 axis' and things like that, but I am lost about how to reset my turret . It happens 20-30 times in a 24 hour day. 7 T-CLS TURRET CLAMP LS are working properly. INDEX (A0. It'll unclamp and rotate to change station but just keeps spinning. 4 but it doesn't unclamp (Maybe because it's Feb 26, 2013 · I have a Lead Well Lathe Machine Model No. I've done the routine a dozen times pressing even a few times with the three button holding portions. No collisions or crashes involved. Jan 7, 2016 · I am trying to start up a new to me 1995 Miyano BND34T2 and having issues. Now when the Alarm 2102 shows up on the control screen on the oprator panel, the Servo control in the back reads Pro-CE "the E has the top sagment missing tho". For cnc machinists who work on cnc lathe with 6T or CNC mill with Fanuc 6M cnc control…. i try to do the P and CAN but my P is on the O key. 150 P. May 17, 2017 · Either way, I need to get rid of my "APC 300 3 axis need ZRN" alarm. Rotate it till you feel the "lock" and replace it on the turret. We don't have books for it unfortunately. Mar 4, 2010 · There are three types of turret indexing on Miyanos. Can reset and go to the M01 and restart just fine. Please help. Turret has been disassembled and assembled by someone but now the turret station number doesn't match with programmed tool number. 1) (CNC GA2600 Yama Seiki - Goodway) Sep 9, 2021 · Can you determine if the turret is actually clamped while the alarm is displayed? If the turret is clamped but the alarm is still issued you need to look in the ladder. I have found the attached file from this forum but it is not helpful for me. PMM had all of the alarms and 11 bit 0 was 10000000. Some daewoos and doosans used a non Fanuc servo drive for the turret. do i have to hold the SHIFT key too? or the P key is thing else that i dont know of. Cant reset or clear it. I have managed to regain the reference positions on both x and z axis through parameter 1815. 401 SERVO ALARM: (VRDY OFF) And I can't get rid of it, I push reset, it appears again, pull in/out EM STOP, alarm appears again. Press Control OFF; wait 1 minute; then, press Control ON and reset E-top. Still showing the 2047 error though I can still cycle the turret by hitting “reset” and cycle before the error pops up again. I tried to reset this alarm by. Nov 13, 2020 · SRVO-068 DTERR alarm (Grp:1 Ax:3) SRVO-068 DTERR alarm (Grp:1 Ax:4) SRVO-068 DTERR alarm (Grp:1 Ax:5) SRVO-068 DTERR alarm (Grp:1 Ax:6) Nobody do nothing on equipment. Jan 4, 2014 · Then you tap the turret around until it is aligned radially and then repeat the turret plate removal and tighten all of the bolts on the curvic. Control is Fanuc 18-T In this moment if you make tool change you will see if A will change from 30 degrees to 30 degrees and you are 100% sure the A axis is for servo turret after that you put on tool 1 on turret and reset the 1815. Mar 18, 2021 · That is a doosan alarm. and when i rotate the turret the turret light comes on. I then went in and unclamped the turret, via Fanuc's re-zero procedure, manually rotated the turret back to tool #1 station, re-clamped, and then reset 11 to 10000001. FANUC | Summary of alarm information for each cooling fan Oct 12, 2020 · 5. The control is a GE Fanuc Series 18T. It has a Fanuc-P System 6M controller. Repair manual says to rotate to pocket one and ref/index the turret, no help. Jun 17, 2015 · assuming your turret is servo driven your parameter 1815 will have lines for X, Z and 3 (or some other axis letter/number for the turret servo) all you have to do is put the turret to the physical position where tool #1 should be and toggle 1815. The machine alarm light is on, turret does one of a couple things. We power down and reset, it will run for days between alarms and will throw this alarm in the middle of a cut. Powered off and on. Oct 4, 2007 · After rebooting the machine, I can program a tool change and it will change to the correct tool, but then alarm out afterwards. Current issue: Machine Alarm Lamp is ON Only Diagnosis Alarms are: 300. 4 of the TURRET SERVO line to 0, then 1. The turret slammed into the chuck. Seems to me if it was a Fanuc drive, the alarm would be a Fanuc alarm instead of builder does anyone know how to realign the turret on a lathe with a fanuc o-t control. Apr 20, 2017 · Sure you fixed it by now but for others Perform a turret restoration and make sure you input the exact tool it happened during event after mode and then reset the machine and it will auto set it’s position properly. #016 X axis home limit (Bit 5) #017 Y axis home limit (Bit 5) #018 Z axis home limit (Bit 5) #720 X axis alarm bits #721 Y axis alarm bits #722 Z axis alarm bits Mar 12, 2019 · I need some help, purchased a 1997 Miyano BND-42S2 with Fanuc OT-C and i am having turret issues. I belive the turret has lost its reference position because the screen shows tool number T00. Alarm 62 is coming from the MTB. Alarm code: " No. I hope someone here can guide me on the right direction troubleshooting this machine. Clear the E-Stop button; then, press RESET button to clear pwe alarm. I looked online and in the manuals I have but couldn't find the procedure. Start scrolling through that area. Turret amplifier says (letter) Beta iSV 40 A06B-6132-H003 Nov 22, 2018 · 1: Press stand-by and reset for activating hydraulic pressure 2: Activate manually the valve for unlocking turret, making sure inductive position detector lights up. Then ream the dowel holes and replace with new taper pins. Normally that would be a Keep Relay. 3 alarms, allowed me successfully command tool change in MDI (after turning off PWE and zeroing all axis). I've just been fighting it severely for the last few hours to finish a handful of parts, faulting out on nearly every tool change, have to hit reset to stop Dec 28, 2015 · Have an older Hardinge Conquest 42 with a Fanuc 0TC system. Feb 15, 2018 · Good morning everyone I have a problem with an APC alarm not resetting on a Doosan 2600m operating off a fanuc i series. Con This something like restart of servo or i`m wrong? And when press "RESET" key turret is rotate Dec 16, 2011 · When the machine first powers up, the first screen you get is the MESSAGE screen telling you that the bar feed is in alarm. It's not an easy job and not one that I ever look forward to doing Sep 10, 2020 · Our Operator over travelled in Fanuc Oi-TD lathe machine. May 11, 2013 · I then powered the machine down, hooked up the power cable, plugged the battery back in, and powered back on. This can happen when interrupt a tool change in progress. Now I have a 520 Alarm. Done the Keeper Relay #5. 5" x 6" cover on front side top way in the back and below 2 sets of gears I happened to notice 2 sensors barely sticking out pointing to each one of the gear dogs. I would disconnect the wires that go from the Servo Drive to the motor first and see if the alarm 401 clears. Yesterday i see a faults: Alarm 1003:Turret Miss-Index(A0. 1) and #2018 Turret Run Alarm (A4. The maint. How to install the app on iOS Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen. The problem showed up as a turret unclamped alarm after an index while setting up tools for a job. When cycling the turret i get alarm 1024 — tool turret position monitoring. Machine was turned off and then homed after turning back on. Every time we indexed the turret, the turret would jump 2 tool stations. Fanuc 31i-a Doosan 2600sy alarm 2149 I was running a part that has been running all day. Steve Similar Threads: Need Help!-1011 alarm; Daewoo Puma 300 lathe turret alarm; Need Help!-FANUC-OM / re: Servo and turret adjust switch alarm messages; mazak laser 1011 mal11 alarm; Alarm 1011 Dec 9, 2011 · This Alarm has come back, The servo control unit in the back of the machine has a display, it normally reads 0000 when all is working well. Opened door and turret is seated as it should be, but in between two stations. After finishing a live tool cut on the sub spindle, the turret retracted to it's tool change position, and then alarmed out with "2149 servo drive overload alarm: check the overload states of turret. G. I can't find anywhere in my manuals exactly what or where the turret adjust switch is, and how to turn it off or "SET" it if is infact fanuc series 18i-t problem is that i cant get to x zero return. Your machine doesn't know where to start. any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tryed to turn it off and on for several times, but no progress. When the alarm is gone the display on the vision unit will read 0000. 03-13-2008, 05:35 PM #7 However, now every time we index the turret, the control shows that the machine thinks its on tool # 00 and after a while it gives the turret clamp/unclamp malfunction alarm. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ct Pro. Understanding and resolving these alarms is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and avoiding downtime. It either indexes but is in the wrong position (half way between tools and locks into place), only releases and does not actually turn, or i get a servo alarm on the amplifier. 6 T-ULS TURRET UNCLAMP LS X10. The parameters are 105---106--- Sep 17, 2018 · Managed to reset the turret position accordingly and everything is working as it should (apart from an audible clunk when going either way past turret position 13? - everything else is near silent) Issue i'm having now is, randomly the position of the turret on the LCD display on the Fanuc control panel randomly changes during a program. We changed out the turret confirmation prox switch but it didn't go away. 3: Align turret dots by turning manually. Fanuc 0i-TC control. On my Doosan with 2 Sauter turrets; 1 Jul 15, 2012 · I powered it up and got a servo turret alarm (2048). Aug 19, 2016 · A 3 axis CNC lathe Doosan Puma 600 with Fanuc 21i control. 3). Machine makes no sound or apparent effort to move turret, alarm shows after about 60 sec of machine doing nothing. 1 Ensure that the turret is at a safe location 2. But i'm not sure and i'm not too familiar with Fanuc. i have to reset machine home axes. The machine is a 2006 Doosan 2000sy with a Fanuc 18i-TB control I have attcahed afew photo's Similar Threads: Fanuc 18i-TB Alarm 2102; Doosan 2000sy work ejection; Mastercam V9 or X3 Post for Doosan 2000sy; Doosan 2000sy; Doosan 2000sy not on center 1815 X 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 This is the way it should appear with no alarms. Naturally there is no explanation of that alarm in the MTB's manual. 7) 1011 TURRET NOT ORIENTATION (A1. Still will not reset. It earlier did this without an alarm twice, it just stopped. 3. Sep 25, 2017 · I turned it on, got the low battery alarm, waited a couple of minutes, turned it off, and replaced the battery. 3 alarms, allowed me machine. We keep getting "a 751 spindle-1 alarm detect" that requires us to power down the machine to clear it. So, you go initialize the bar feed and then go back to the machine and hit reset. - NOTE - If alarm “1003 TURRET UNCLAMPED” appears, press ZERO RETURN and TURRET 1 INDEX buttons to index the turret and clear the alarm. If we input T0202 it would jump to tool T0404 but the screen would show T0202. Never seen a Fanuc alarm with that number. Mar 21, 2004 · Seems like a catch 22, I can't move anything because the turret is throwing the alarms, yet, without being able to move anything, the alarms aren't going to get cleared. Does anyone know the procedure for this? Leadwell MCV1300 Fanuc 300. Hit E stop, then E stop reset, everything is good. 0 & 300. Alarm 1011:Turret Not Orientation(A1. By hitting reset, we were clearing the battery low warning alarms that were showing up on the ALARM screen. Sep 17, 2008 · Can anyone help. replaced those it Jul 22, 2013 · OPERATOR MESSAGE - NO. it keep give me the alarm 500 overtravel +x. 7. Apr 2, 2014 · Machine is a PUMA 250L. Electrically, the diagnostic page shows the turret unclamp solenoid high/energized output bit Y86. I have looked through the threads and tried the limit switches, moved the screw by hand to stops, set 700,701, and 65 parameters(at different times) and pressed P and CAN, and pressed P Q and Can. Never did it alarm during actual operation. HELP!!! Similar Threads: Mar 26, 2011 · First the FADAL ATC goes out and we spend almost two days tracing that down to bad wiring, now the Akira Seiki’s ATC is alarming and we are down again!(chair) Our 1997 Akira Seiki turning center ASL-17 with a OT Fanuc control is alarming out with #1011 “Turret not ready”. This can be avoided if you don’t jog up above the z axis zero line in the middle of a auto operation that was stopped. Diagnostics #452 Turret adjust switch. ). Steve Similar Threads: Need Help!-1011 alarm; Daewoo Puma 300 lathe turret alarm; Need Help!-FANUC-OM / re: Servo and turret adjust switch alarm messages; mazak laser 1011 mal11 alarm; Alarm 1011 Mar 2, 2017 · We checked the 2 E stop switches and they are both reset. 2004 puma 240L fanuc 21i-TB we had the servo battery go bad 3. It has 2 Alarms ER32 NO I/O DEVICE ER97 IO LINK FAILURE (CH1 00GROUP) Aug 7, 2012 · Good morning, sorry to disturb again but maybe I didn't describe problem in : We have lathe GA260 with system Fanuc 18 T and turret Sauter with 12 positions During last week we lost all parameters. It reads "X axis torque limit is detected. Try using you teach procedure and simply reteach your turret with tool 1 at spindle. 3 - Main turret position detection alarm I changed batteries, followed the Turret Re-Teach procedure which changed the Machine Alarm Lamp from ON to FLASHING, removed the 300. Then adjusted K13 bit#0 to "1". Mar 24, 2010 · This alarm is because the battery in the back panel is low and needs to be replaced. icbfe cstjvrwf bozsj wlscf nvhlll dpakar fmij ebrf mgt qprdy cnft nswy rjmgyr dycvqm znh