Grafana sum two metrics prometheus. I’m wondering if it’s possible or not.
Grafana sum two metrics prometheus Oct 8, 2024 · Setting up a Prometheus and Grafana monitoring stack involves several steps, including installing the Prometheus stack, configuring Prometheus and Grafana, using PromQL to query metrics Jun 13, 2021 · Reading the code, feeding my local Prometheus playground with artificial metrics, running test queries, and validating assumptions, finally helped me understand how multiple metrics can be joined together. If I run sum by (instance) (request_total), I get the following graph from Prometheus: As we can see my counter seems to be correct for each instance. Nov 5, 2019 · And from the visualization tools (i. Metrics as mentioned here - Total requests received by the application in different data centre regions Nov 27, 2024 · Hi We’re running Grafana in the cloud and have run into a small issue when it comes to timeseries in dashboards. now the entire goal of the graph I’m creating is to calculate and display the value of value(A)/value(B). Below are my findings. If this work sounds interesting to you, we are hiring! Oct 24, 2024 · I’m pushing . For example, if you have a 10 request per second metric and you add five requests, that’s a big leap. As you know Prometheus hides missing values. Apr 28, 2023 · I have prometheus remote write enabled, and it seems to be mostly working, but I’m not seeing some http metrics (like http_req_duration). So for instance the panel should show something like 1. With just one click, and without further configuration or code, our Micronaut app is already generated and provides out-of-the-box a set of common metrics, that could be listed and consumed through the /metrics endpoints. Details: metric1 (component=“xyz”, activityEndTime=“epoch time1”) — created at 11/01/2021 09:47:00 AM metric1 (component=“abc”, activityEndTime=“epoch time2”) — created at 11/01/2021 09:52:00 AM Looking for the query either time difference between the metrics (metric1 - metric1 May 31, 2023 · Hello, I’m very new to Grafana and Prometheus. 3. No metrics like throughput, memory usage etc. ” Jul 2, 2024 · While it’s ridiculous, it is effective. sum available with me on the dashboard but I am a little confused about their meaning. But this goes only far enough to get a working graph of services with names. Prometheus exporters. When I query two different metrics in Prometheus, the chart only shows one of them. Again, it worked in grafana as well at some point. Share Improve this answer Nov 14, 2023 · I am interested in tracking two metrics within JVM - Number of GCs per minute and Time Spent in GC per minute. Jan 16, 2025 · On Grafana Cloud, I have a Stat panel with the following Prometheus Instant query:. You can repurpose the tooling that generates the 18,000 rule groups to instead generate a Prometheus metrics file that contains the metric sli_info. Jan 28, 2022 · I get the average number of request per second by each path, then I’d like to get sum of it: sum by (le) (rate(jira_request_duration_on_path_bucket{le=“1. 2 how do i sum by with 2 different metrics. To have an overview on the traffic In/Out on my interfac… Nov 8, 2018 · If you need to return an arbitrary time series out of multiple matching time series, then this can be done with topk() or bottomk() functions. I. For example, a query that returns multiple series, where each series is identified by labels or tags. Jun 22, 2020 · I know about the mixed datasource mode on Grafana which allows you to graph multiple metrics from different datasources. We used prometheus_rule_evaluation_duration_seconds_sum and prometheus_rule_evaluation_duration_seconds_count. 67+70+55) Now, if I do this: sum(sum_over_time(my_requests Apr 3, 2019 · I am using Prometheus to query metrics from Apache Flink. Aug 4, 2021 · How to join Prometheus metrics by label with PromQL; Bringing it all together. Although these 2 queries are given proper count i am not able to plot desired values e. count and jvm_gc_collection_seconds. 8 (7ab70dbce8)] What are you trying to achieve? I have the following data from a Prometheus metric azurerm_resource_info Is there a way in grafana to create a dashboard that will show I have x number of resource created 1 month ago, y number of resources 2 months ago, z number of resources this month etc? How are you trying to achieve it? Using the Feb 11, 2021 · I have two stat panels (let’s call them panel A and B) and each stat has different Prometheus query. token-m… Jan 14, 2025 · Hi, Is it possible to use the NetBackup API, as mentioned in RESTful APIs included in NetBackup 10. What did you expect to happen? I currently have a gauge metric called up, with labels such as city, building, device_name reporting 1 for on and 0 for off. I plan to use the "instant" value and Grafana's table visualization widget to display this data. Has anyone experienced this? Dec 17, 2021 · I have one metrics kafka_skipped_consumer_message and I want to get the difference between the maximum current value and the maximum value offset by $ __ range I find the current maximum value sum Mar 16, 2022 · Hi all, I’ve some templates to show data. 6, Gradle, JUnit, Micrometer-Prometheus. What can i do to transform metrics right? This is my Alloy config otelcol. Nov 26, 2019 · If that sum goes to 11 or lower, my panel should color red indicating that my app needs attention. 3: 27406: February 15, 2022 Grafana table with sum of two prometheus labels, first label as row and second as column. We need to plot a timeseries showing how the difference between them metrics(metric) Returns a list of metrics matching the specified metric regex. help me to develop a PromQL query to capture the 4 Golden metrics Oct 13, 2020 · Hello, I got an metric ‘machine_metrics_status’ that exports the current status (as an int) per machine. sum by (job) ( rate(http_requests_total[5m]) ) If we have two different metrics with the same dimensional labels, we can apply binary operators to them and elements on both sides with the same label set will get matched and propagated to the output. sum_over_time(sum(increase(processed_task_seconds_count{environment=~"$environment Apr 9, 2020 · Comprehensive Monitoring: Metrics Collection with Prometheus and Grafana (Part 1) In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, ensuring the reliability and performance of your Monitor Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana Cloud The open source project Gateway from The Kratos community provides a Prometheus exporter so that you can aggregate, scrape, and push metrics to a Prometheus-compatible database. However, I Jun 30, 2023 · Addition and division in metrics. For example I can calculate the increase over the last few hours: my_metrics{label="label1"} - my_metrics{label="label1"} offset $__range But how can I calculate the increase for given time range? Sep 17, 2020 · Grafana Metrics Enterprise simplifies and automates the scaling and long-term storage of Prometheus metrics. Every number represents a certain status. Configure a Java application to send metrics. Apr 11, 2022 · I am using Grafana v8. they started from zero a long time ago. receiver Nov 25, 2024 · I have a power meter that measures instantaneous consumption in Watts and writes to Prometheus every minute. Here’s an metric example: southbound_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le="0. If that were the structure of your metrics, then you would be able to aggregate (sum) values. Community resources. You could just use "sum (metric1) + sum (metric2)" instead of "sum by () (mertic1) + sum by () (metric2)". eu Oct 12, 2022 · I’m trying to visualise the traffic that passes on my network interfaces on grafana v8. Try out and share prebuilt visualizations. What are you trying to achieve? I’m trying to sum several metrics into one total number. I am using changes function to calculate change for my metric for given time and now i want devision of these counts . In that i have used the query namedprocess_namegroup_context_switches_total{ctxswitchtype="voluntary"} For Jan 8, 2020 · Step 2. I want to get growth of a my_metrics(type Count) for a given time range. 4. Nov 28, 2019 · In my grafana I am tracking the running instance of node exporter and process exporter. I referred this dashboard but it misses some metrics. Nov 9, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. The number of points on the graph can be adjusted with the min step option when editing the graph in Grafana. To be a little more specific, the stat should be a sum of all seen values when clicking on Inspect and then Data. ”} But when i try the same query with sum then it’s not returning the correct total of all the pods run time sum((kube_pod_completion_time The metrics stage is an action stage that allows for defining and updating metrics based on data from the extracted map. It seems to be giving me the expected graphs. Mar 1, 2022 · A summary is a metric type in Prometheus that can be used to monitor latencies (or other distributions like request sizes). I’ve been banging my head against the wall for quite some time but haven’t found anything yet. I’m using Grafana v8. Nov 3, 2021 · Im trying to join two prometheus queries where the goal is to find windows services which are on state not running and its start mode is auto I have created the following query but no result: Nov 22, 2018 · I have the following metrics in prometheus: it counts memcached command by sec: sum (irate (memcached_commands_total{instance="memcached-instance"}[5m])) by (command) Aug 9, 2022 · We have a service that accepts the HTTP request and responds with all the matching user data in the response and produces two metrics that are supposed to be made available as graphs/charts on the grafana. In this case Dec 13, 2024 · For scraping metrics, we’re using Prometheus and, for visualization, we’re using Grafana. NET metrics in Alloy, but when i transform them in prometheus and send trough the remote-write, i loose some of them. I’d like to generate a table where the service label is the row and the status label is the column using the data from the last time series available and also add the total in the end (where time Jul 14, 2018 · I have two different (but related metrics). I enabled native-histograms in Prometheus and enabled K6_PROMETHEUS_RW_TREND_AS_NATIVE_HISTOGRAM in k6. The commercial offering allows you to deploy a scalable, simple, and reliable Metrics cluster in your own data center. 05",target="api. I would like to create a table Feb 28, 2022 · To be specific, I would like to set the sum of all k8s pod reservations per k8s node in relationship to the maximum available resources. I would like to show amount of received traffic (upload), grouped by day. scrape component named scrape_metrics which does the following:. For example, the following query returns a single time series with the maximum value out of multiple time series which match my_metric{app="foo", state="active"}: Jul 6, 2021 · By default Grafana queries many points from Prometheus in order to draw smooth graph for the current horizontal resolution of the graph. What I want is to show the difference in value between now and one day/week/month etc ago. Any idea why the other metrics are not showing up? rate(unwrapped-range): calculates per second rate of the sum of all values in the specified interval. This is the new struct “histogramCounts,” bundling everything counted: the observed values in “buckets,” the total number of observations in “count,” and the sum of observation in “sumBits” – the latter is a float, but to use atomic operations on it, you have to save its bit pattern in a “uint64. May 20, 2022 · I'm using prometheus as grafana's datasoure. 1. I get Cloudflare bandwith (cached+uncached bandwidth) metrics. Metrics with DataType: Sum don’t appear in prometheus. 0 by using prometheus metrics. alloy file with an additonal rule (top one, bottom one is from the documentation) as shown: prometheus. Apr 8, 2020 · sum(metric_name1{env=“prod”, status=“1|2”}) / metric_name1{env=“prod”, status=“3”} This query won’t work because the result on the left side of / doesn’t contain any labels, while the result on the right side contains at least env and status labels. So all my metrics repeat every 60s, and I want to exclude all repeated metrics in my visualizations and count only the first, but I don’t know how. Apr 18, 2022 · Settings: Micronaut App 3. Sep 17, 2020 · My situation is this: I am using Prometheus with Grafana, and with a graph, want to sum() my metrics in groups based on what their value of the label "mylabel" is. e. metric_1(id="abc",id2="def") metric_2(id="abc",id2="def") My goal ultimately is to have the following in Grafana. As you can see, when i do transformation, it can’t sum it up. I was able to get this metric into Grafana using the liquidctl-exporter. Nov 1, 2023 · Hi all, I’ve been working on my dashboard and i would like to add a sum of two values in a graph: Here is my query config: So i have two queries that are monitoring the traffic , and i would like to add the sum of those two values on the same graph. Let’s start with a simple query: pokemon_caught_total{type="water"} , which displays the amount of water type Pokémons the application gathered from the start of its lifecycle. mymetric{name: thing1, mylabel: a} mymetric{name: thing2, mylabel: b} mymetric{name: thing3, mylabel: a} Aug 16, 2017 · I was trying to create a Prometheus graph on Grafana, but I can't find the function calculating the average value. Apr 14, 2023 · What Grafana version are you using? [v9. This configuration creates a prometheus. I would expect the energy consumption graph to always go up. The metric I am using to calculate the total Oct 8, 2024 · When i push metrics from . I got 6 metrics(say A_SUCCESS, A_FAIL, B_SUCCESS, B_FAIL, C_SUCCESS, C_FAIL) They are prometheus counters. Now I’m trying to translate this into the total consumed power (kwh) per hour/day and month. 09 CPU requested of 2 CPU maximum → (100/2)*1. 3 new features, changes, and enhancements | New features, enhancements, and changes | NetBackup™ Release Notes | Veritas™, to expose metrics related to backup and restore operations, including successes and failures, on a Grafana dashboard? Could you please share a E. I have a question concerning time ranges. I found this forum post post in which a user tried to do this. The metrics are being collected via Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus and accessed in Grafana using Google Cloud Monitoring as the data source. The double-counting Prometheus bug is just one example of an interesting problem I’ve encountered. But I would like to do aggregation functions on top of queries from different datasources like SumSeries (), max (), etc. I have several k8s pods that “implement” logically single node from the NodeGraph so I need to sum the metrics - these are in prometheus and need to be added to the “base” data. I would like to display a stat that corresponds to a running sum of all values the Gauge ever had. 2. 3 deployed on k8s What are you trying to achieve? I am trying to have such chart. May 3, 2023 · Hello, I have a PromQL query that calculates the average request duration for a specific URI pattern: avg(http_client_requests_seconds_sum{client_name="data-api. I have the numbers push to the same metric but use labels to identify where the metric came from. Sep 19, 2022 · Metrics will look like e. this: 67 67 67 67 70 70 70 70 55 55 55 55. However, I need those missing values in my metric values, therefore I added to my prom query or vector(0) For example: Oct 11, 2017 · I can find ways to write prometheus queries to filter data points based on the value of a label, but I haven't yet been able to find a way to tell prometheus to return time series data points only if the value of the metric meets a certain condition. 1 and i've been wondering if it is possible to put two different metrics (for example memory used and memory free) on the same graph. What are you trying to achieve? I connect my Prometheus metrics to Grafana via a server URL and configured a scraping interval of 60s. What happened? I received results that do not match my expectations. Dec 23, 2019 · Grafana table with sum of two prometheus labels, first label as row and second as column Nov 3, 2021 · It didn't work because you have different values for job ("serviceA" and "serviceB"). So for example i got 3 machines i get these values: machine_metrics_status{machine=“Machine 1”} machine_metrics_status{machine=“Machine 2”} machine_metrics_status{machine=“Machine 3”} The value of these metrics is an integer value. Oct 24, 2019 · This process-exporter have 2 mode (user and system), i want to have sum 2 of it (calculate the % of CPU) So i use this, and the result … It only can rate user or system, not both of them, what should i do ? Please help me, thank you. Aug 12, 2021 · If I understood you correctly you are looking for how to get the values of one metric that is not present on the second metric (or vice-versa). Grafana Enterprise Metrics Grafana Enterprise Metrics (GEM) is a commercial offering based on the open source project Grafana Mimir. But if you add that same number to a metric for 1,000 requests per second, it’s probably insignificant. g. metric_awesome{instance="one"} - metric_awesome{instance="two"} Unfortunately the result set is empty. For example, to create a graph for read_latency, the results contain many tags. "}) - (kube_pod_start_time{pod=~"loyalty-auto. When I want to display gr… Apr 26, 2020 · I'm exporting some metrics about running tasks, the available data includes the current number of tasks by their status and queue: # TYPE gauge tasks{queue="high", status="queued"} 2. It creates the graph shown here, which goes up and down. Oct 15, 2020 · I'm using flexlm_exporter to export my license usage to Prometheus and from Prometheus to custom service (Not Grafana). I have metrics jvm_gc_collection_seconds. 2. Calculate percentage of multiple prometheus metrics and display in Grafana. Jan 3, 2025 · To illustrate how to use Alloy to send Prometheus metrics to Grafana Cloud, let’s imagine you have an application exposing metrics in a Docker container. When looking at the metrics tab the metric is also cleary there with an accompanying value. Grafana or Prometheus graph) select last 1 day or last 24 hr, it will show the data of last 1 day relative to current time. 3 | NetBackup 10. Prometheus. For example, when you monitor a REST endpoint you can use a summary and configure it to provide the 95th percentile of the latency. I have a metric, mymetric, with label mylabel. otlp some metrics disappear. Would there be any way to have a sum or total of these two queries? Where would I start? Aug 16, 2022 · Hi, I’m trying to get the total run time of the pod. Is this a ridiculous way to do it? Is there a better way to convert a metric like this to a boolean? Apr 3, 2020 · what expression should I use to output two metrics in grafana from prometheus. How to add all the values of all nodes into one sum in Prometheus/Grafana? Hello, i've been testing prometheus 1. One of this is reporting the sum of all instances calculating the percent as follow: sum(purefa_array_space_used_bytes May 15, 2019 · I have a Prometheus metric called device_number. id id2 metric1 metric2 abc def 1 2 Dec 7, 2021 · Charting the sum of two Prometheus data source values in Grafana. But, i’ve read and tried to do some other transformations, expressions etc but Aug 2, 2019 · I’m collecting metrics with Prometheus, specifically histograms of outgoing requests from my service to various routes. With Grafana Metrics Enterprise, users can easily store application and infrastructure metrics in one centralized cluster (and soon, across multiple clusters) without needing a dedicated team. The series can are summed up based on attributes in the metrics so each series contain several series. rate_counter(unwrapped-range): calculates per second rate of the values in the specified interval and treating them as “counter metric” sum_over_time(unwrapped-range): the sum of all values in the specified interval. 6 on Windows 10, along with Prometheus. Then, calculate the 95th percentile value. if a time series instant vector is multiplied by 2, the result is another vector in which every sample value of the original vector is multiplied by 2. Feb 4, 2020 · In addition to PromQL, Prometheus provides a scraper that fetches metrics from instances (any application providing metrics) and a time series database (TSDB), which stores these metrics over time. In my case, I want to filter for a value greater than zero. How are you trying to achieve it? Jul 10, 2017 · I have this gauge metric "metric_awesome" from two different instances. With Grafana I can easily pick a time range, but I still need a way to sum the time where my condition applies. Jun 24, 2021 · Each one of these metrics has two common labels device [mobile, desktop, other] and browser [ Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, other] I want to calculate a percentage of the a paid visitors using PromQL and filter by any of these two labels to display in a graph in Grafana. 42, JDK 17, Kotlin 1. PromQL binary operators. 4. My goal is to get an overall sum of this counter, without filtering it by any of its facets. if query1 output is 30 and query2(after /) output is 46 , so my . I wanted to drop all metrics related to node_disk_*, (e. If Aug 19, 2021 · Since I joined Grafana Labs nine months ago, I’ve worked on metric ingestion and query translation, learned about several monitoring systems, and started making open source contributions. With the below query i’m able to get the individual pod level run time and able to plot it on grafana kube_pod_completion_time{pod=~“loyalty-auto. Expressions work with data source queries that return time series or number data. So this would be metrics for the last 3 mins, showing 67 reg/min for 1 min and then 70 req/min for 1 min etc. Discover techniques, best practices, and real-world examples for effective metric correlation. This metric has facets for path and status_code. So, if 3 mins were selected for the dashboard in Grafana, I would like the panel to show: 192 (i. Sep 30, 2020 · Prometheus provides the following ways to divide time series with labels by time series without labels: By wrapping the time series without labels into scalar() function: Mar 15, 2022 · I’m currently trying to display the daily and monthly power consumption using the “estimated input power” metric retrieved from my PSU (hx1200i). It scrapes a Gauge metric that is sent every 2 minutes. Use label as metric in Grafana Prometheus source. When same application push metrics into OpenTelemetry Collector i see this metrics: ec_Npgsql_busy_connections ec_Npgsql_bytes_… Dec 5, 2024 · What happened? I am trying to build some dashboards using a gauge metric. I’m wondering if it’s possible or not. There are two prometheus metrics that are cumulative counters i. I’m trying to make a Grafana panel showing total energy consumed in the visible time period in Watt-hours. Note that created metrics are not pushed to Loki and are instead exposed via Promtail’s /metrics endpoint. For this purpose, I am using container_network_receive_bytes_total metric provide… Jan 14, 2019 · Thanks, that gets me a whole lot closer. Something of the form trivy_vulnerability{severity="high"} 12 and trivy_vulnerability{severity="critical"} 0. Dec 5, 2024 · Hi, I’m new to Alloy and have been following this guide to set up monitoring of a Linux host into Grafana cloud. I guess it’s about how Alloy convert OpenTelemetry format in Prometheus Format. Mar 28, 2023 · Your issue is that your label (critical, high) values (0,12) should be represented as metric values. Jun 30, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Running a Docker container from the grafana/grafana image, launched 6/28/23 so likely the most recent version. For this, we’ll need three components: prometheus. it possible to perform simple calculations on the metrics while retrieving them from database? I mean something like a+b, b-c, (a+b+c)/(d+e+f). ; It forwards the metrics it scrapes to the receiver of another component called filter_metrics. Which means subtracting two values with two different Dec 1, 2021 · on Grafana I tried this query the metrics to sum the labels but it didn't produce the desired output, I am looking for a total of processed_count total sum by (function_name,job,processed_count) (rate(update_api_call_count_total { function_name="input_message",job="pushgateway" }[1h])) Community resources. 0 tasks{queue Apr 14, 2021 · Let's assume my metric name is request_total. Hot Network Questions Sep 3, 2020 · By default Prometheus performs the division for pairs of time series with identical sets of labels on the left and the right side of / operator. I want to measure the number of records In and Out per second of a Map function. relabel, which is used to edit labels attached to the metrics. I Apr 4, 2022 · Hi @kostiamol, I expect you’re using the xk6 Prometheus Remote output, you can read more about the data mapping and future plans between k6 and Prometheus output in this article: Combine k6 OSS and Prometheus for better observability. I believe that now gives me the sum of db specific pods in an AZ (what I want), but divided by the total of pods (not what I want as it's not specific to a db) running in an AZ. Mat was joined this week by Patrick Oyarzun and Mauro Stettler, both of whom are Principal Software Engineers that work on Adaptive Metrics. What i want to do, is subtract instance one from instance two like so. Also I want my tile to color red if there is an increase of http errors, but I do not immediately see how I can combine and evaluate 2 constant numbers. Description Hello, I have a metric Oct 8, 2024 · Even though I’m a Prometheus maintainer and work inside the Prometheus code, I found many of the details of PromQL, the Prometheus query language, obscure. In our case time series on the left side of / contain code and instance labels, while time series on the right side of / contain only instance label. I have 5 power meters reporting their total energy usage for the month and I would like to sum those into one total power usage Apr 5, 2024 · Looking for a Grafana dashboard, that shows the 4 Golden metrics of a test using the k6 tool. Between two instant vectors, a binary arithmetic operator is applied to each entry in the left-hand side vector and its matching element in the right-hand vector Aug 26, 2021 · The challenges that come up when scaling metrics; The different offerings Grafana Labs provides for metrics observability including Prometheus, Graphite, Grafana Cloud Metrics, Grafana Enterprise Metrics and more; How to get started with Grafana Cloud using your existing metrics system rate(unwrapped-range): calculates per second rate of the sum of all values in the specified interval. However, I’m seemingly having trouble in creating a query that would make it possible. 09 = 54,5% used This could be a gauge, a bar or whatever works in the end. 1 day ago · On my prometheus localhost:9090 tab, the query runs just fine, so the query should be correct. scrape, which collects metrics from our target every three seconds; prometheus. 0”, job=“prod”}[1m])) but when I tried to culculate values/graph for second query I faced roadblock, because I can’t (I subtract num of reqest 1 sec from num of request 5 sec): Nov 1, 2021 · Hi, I am looking for a query or transformation to calculate the wait time between two metrics. 0 (ff85ec33c5) What are you trying to achieve? I am trying to calculate the total number of requests in a specific period of time. SUCCESS and FAIL are stacked like the graph shown. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Nov 21, 2024 · Hello, community! I am building a dashboard in Grafana to monitor the latency and the number of requests made to a specific API. Nov 6, 2017 · I need to show, in Grafana, a panel with the number of requests in the period of time selected in the upper right corner. Prometheus should be configured to scrape Promtail to be able to retrieve the metrics configured by this stage. Jan 21, 2019 · Prometheus applies arithmetic operators such as /, -, +, * individually per each pair of time series with identical set of labels (ignoring metric name) on both sides of the operator. Oct 8, 2024 · Setting up a Prometheus and Grafana monitoring stack involves several steps, including installing the Prometheus stack, configuring Prometheus and Grafana, using PromQL to query metrics Sep 19, 2019 · I have two metrics, Counters to be precise, lets say they are called NumberOfVisitors NumberOfLogins In grafana I would like to plot is the number-of-logins divided by the number of visitors (or Oct 8, 2018 · Prometheus version: 2. I’m a beta, not like one of those pretty fighting fish, but like an early test version. I wanted to display % failure for my metrics for given time . receiver. This introduction to PromQL will be largely decoupled from specific tools and the non-PromQL parts of Prometheus, in order to focus on the features Sep 17, 2024 · How to join two prometheus metrics to get CPU usage per user-defined pod label? 3 PromQL query to select metrics whose values are included in a given multiple selection variable Jun 24, 2020 · Currently using a gRPC stream from a Juniper device subscribing to OpenConfig Telemetry via Telegraf into Influx and Juniper doesn’t send aggregate interface counters via this method, so I’d like to just add the interfaces together for the aggregate total if possible. Mar 19, 2020 · How can I get the Grafana internal metrics to be pushed into prometheus which intern will be accessed through Grafana Dashboards? Maybe this will help How to Jul 24, 2024 · Learn how to join two metrics in Prometheus queries using PromQL. What are you using to produce the metrics? Now I want to know how much time the rate was below a certain threshold. -- Using Prometheus in Grafana I tried creating a variable in Grafana using this metrics function but it didn't work. Dashboard templates. Many times I would look something up, or go deep into the code to find out exactly what it did, only to forget it again the next month. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Oct 3, 2024 · We want this framework to work for any metric, but different metrics have different magnitudes. Is there a way to achieve this? PS : I am using a normal graph panel to visualise. It connects to the local_system component as its source or target. I have a Grafana dashboard with Prometheus as its data source. This metric will contain the seal reference and the sealID, checkID, and any other label it appropriately maps onto. I added a Oct 4, 2024 · Adaptive Metrics was the subject of the most recent episode of “Grafana’s Big Tent,” hosted by Mat Ryer, Grafana Labs Engineering Director. The metric name is dropped. I tried avg_over_time(sensor[1h]) but this is not working. I found some regularity in this case. inventory_quantities{sku="ABC", system="warehouse1"} value = 5 inventory_quantities{sku="ABC", system="warehouse2"} value = 15 I want to join on the SKU Aug 24, 2022 · I have the following Prometheus query with a gauge metric: sum by (service, status) (service_results_total) The metric is more granular and has other labels, that’s why aggregation is needed. I want have 3 bars A B and C. NET application in otelcol. I know there are 3rd-party panels that I can use (like singlestat math or blendstat Nov 22, 2022 · The theory is that clamp_max(metric, 1) results in effectively converting “does it have a master server id defined” to true/false (1 or 0), which I then multiply times the actual computed values. 4 to visualize Docker container metrics. Jan 7, 2020 · sum by (type)(metric_a{job=~"provision-dev"}) or vector(0) + sum by(type)(metric_b{job=~"provision-dev"}) or vector(0) : returns only the values from metric_a, and doesn't calculate metric_b's results. How are you trying to achieve it? By using the increase() function over a time range. I Jun 11, 2019 · Hello! I use Grafana as visualisation tool for all metrics of my Prometheus datasource. node_disk_read_time_seconds_total) so I modified the /etc/alloy/config. PromQL comes with 15 binary operators that can be divided into three groups by operation type: Jan 11, 2022 · is it possible to sum two or more metrics with influxql (or may be with flux) rather than stacking graphs or executing an expressions on them ? For example - sum of two metrics: uplink and downlink traffic. relabel "alloy_check" { forward_to = [prometheus Jan 18, 2021 · Hello All, appreciate if anyone helps me to unblock here. However, I am facing an issue with how the data is being displayed. As you can see, even though they are different metrics, they share the same set of labels [event_type, result] and we would like to create a panel in Grafana that shows both of them aggregated as if they were the very same metric, just grouping them by event_type and result, so we would have a dropdown selector filled with all different event Apr 22, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? I use the online Grafana dashboard. 5. For this I need to solve 2 issues here, I will ask the prometheus question here and the Grafana question in another link. May 11, 2020 · How would I join metrics by their similar labels and calculate the difference? Example I have metric for tracking the inventory from two systems. They also operate on multiple-dimensional data. How are you trying to achieve it? The metrics looks like sum In the Average Rule Evaluation Duration Panel prometheus_evaluator_duration_seconds_sum, prometheus_evaluator_duration_seconds_count are not available. 0. Any ideas? Dec 6, 2024 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Grafana v10. cyjky acamcf xnxgjde juijed cbgmq gdmax iqvjm xskz jzr txflc rktd vfncz rfagbi vcs xsvd