How to loop until a condition is met java. There's no need to have the same line twice.

How to loop until a condition is met java It is useful for problems that require repeated actions such as calculating the factorial of a number. Sep 27, 2013 · You need a mechanism which avoids busy-waiting. It will break outside of the labeled loop. Nov 13, 2024 · The Java while loop executes a set of instructions until a boolean condition is met. Nov 5, 2018 · I've tried a couple of things with the while loop and can't seem to get it to work. If I can't use a nested loop to add the patterns. The while statement continues testing the condition-expression in loop and executing the block until the condition-expression evaluates to false. – Andreas Wenzel Dec 23, 2013 · Such an operation ought to be possible with a Java 8 Stream, but it can't necessarily be done efficiently -- for example, you can't necessarily parallelize such an operation, as you have to look at elements in order. Looks a lot cleaner that way, though. I want it to repeat until user fills in a correct name, e. I've managed to do this but without validating the positive radius bit. A variable's scope is (roughly) the smallest brace-enclosed block to which it belongs. Oct 2, 2013 · Take the input using next instead of nextInt. Yes, you can modify the condition in the while loop to check for any specific criteria you need. The while loop can't get the updated value of Apr 14, 2013 · As it is you are reading input three times per inner loop. An "if" is not a loop. Specifically:} while (input = false); is assigning false to input. Also, you're question is a little contrived - it would be easier to show actual code and explain what you're Oct 30, 2009 · You could also make getAngle() blocking, that means getAngle() will wait until a good result is acquired. Print the instruction withih the loop only. Let's take a look at other methods of calling a function with certain conditions: Recursion. ScheduledExecutorService has some advantages over Timer, but with Timer, you can get much cleaner code, and there is not much difference in terms of performance when not using multi-threading. WARNING: You should not use it for controlling business logic, but purely for handling an exceptional situation which occurs during the execution of the forEach(). The while loop condition only terminates if the condition is met right away. equals("m")' will indeed work. How to loop a program until a condition is met. Once you type something and hit enter the code will go to the next line. And get rid of that if/else. Jul 2, 2009 · When you want to check the condition at the beginning of the loop, simply negate the condition on a standard while loop: while(!cond) { } If you need it at the end, use a do while loop and negate the condition: do { } while(!cond); Jun 5, 2020 · Loop user input until conditions met (3 answers) Closed 4 years ago . Its like the look isnt checking the condition anymore? Below is my code. Since noneMatch returns true if, as it says, none of the predicates matches, we make this the loop condition and leave the loop body empty: while (actions. Since calculateNextResult and compareResults are both synchronous operations in your example, you can use a simple for loop to repeat Jun 9, 2024 · Infinite loops occur when the loop’s termination condition is never met, causing the loop to run indefinitely. Apr 7, 2021 · I want to implement the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) algorithm using Java. You can simply use While(condition) in first job and then specify flow to reach second job. See full list on baeldung. If the length of the ArrayList is Odd the last String element should be left unchanged. It is so fundamental that some languages (e. g. The Assignment is to create a program that will allow the user to enter integers into the program until a certain integer is enter (42). sleep() inside a loop works well enough, but I am unsure of how safe this is to use in Android. If someone could just point to the places I need to add a while-do or whatever I would greatly appreciate that, no need to print out any code unless you want to. Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 18:30. The do-while loop executes a set of statements at least once, even if the condition is not met. Also, you could simplify your while condition by using while (num != -1) So ultimately, you'd want something like this: exactly. Oct 7, 2021 · If all of these are in your main loop, I would say pull them out into another module, like a method or function that is performing checks, and import it back in. The parameter to your method method should be a java. In such cases, while (true) (or its synonym, for (;;) ) is sometimes used, and a break is performed when the exit condition finally occurs. Implement a retry mechanism using a loop that executes the task as long as the condition is not met and the maximum retry attempts are not exceeded. I want the program to then re-ask the variable assignment prompt until a number is given. They are random numbers from one to ten lets say. If parsing is successful break the while loop, otherwise continue. Can I use different conditions to stop reading input? A. After break, wait 1 minutes then run the same loop again. If the server is in STARTING sate, it will print STARTING sate and again check the state until the server is in RUNNING state. – Nov 2, 2020 · You are thinking about it the wrong way. Supplier<T> and the parameter to your until method should be a java. Dec 26, 2015 · You are using something called askool as a loop condition, Reading Numbers until condition met-2. Nov 21, 2014 · I need some help to complete this Loop Function please. get_isInAsyncPostBack() and CODE GOES IN HERE with the call to update the next panel, followed by a wait for the next panel. ) Jul 21, 2015 · Also each time the user inputs the wrong value I want the count variable to increment until it reaches 3 and the do while loop breaks but it keeps asking for the model number after I've entered the wrong values more than 3 times. As my code is now, it only runs one time no matter wh Oct 27, 2017 · Finally, your main concern regarding the fact that the variable is defined inside the loop is dealing with an issue called variable scope. Is there a library in Java that does the following? A thread should repeatedly sleep for x milliseconds until a condition becomes true or the max time is reached. 0. This repeatedly calls a function until the base condition is met. In this case, the problem is that you have made a mistake in the loop. I figured I might use a while loop. Oct 17, 2021 · The method on the top should merge two String elements in an ArrayList that are side by side with each other. So if you want access to it outside the loop, declare it outside the loop and assign it a default value. Nevertheless for ordered stream parallelization would rarely improve the performance (except the cases when condition is failed close to the stream end or is always true). Ignoring how you're solving your problem you should have some kind of timeout mechanism, so you don't end up in an endlessloop. They are essential in programming because they save time, reduce errors, and increase code The desired condition may take some time to fulfill, requiring retries. Jan 26, 2024 · Loops in Java are used to execute a set of instructions repeatedly until a specific condition is met. That means that the code will stop and wait for input. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // Do stuff } It declares the variable i and assigns a value of 0. nextInt() advances the position at which the scanner reads its input, so the second read may produce a different number, or throw an exception when there is only one int available. await(); } And at the other side call Mar 6, 2012 · Hi I'm currently developing a small booking program, I'm curios to know if i can use a Loop to run until a variable is equal to a specific type, notably a String or An Integer. For example, if I input 5 , it will output: Jun 18, 2023 · I've got code that reads user input for the size of an array of integers, that then reads user input for each integer. But as the question states, you should stay in the loop until the user enters a good value. To obtain a Condition instance for a particular Lock instance use its newCondition() method. It should be this:} while (input == false); Or better Please can someone tell me if there is a convenient way of prevent JOptionPane from closing upon clicking OK unless the conditions for user input fields are met?. . Nov 23, 2017 · You have to use a while loop. Dec 26, 2012 · If it's only the first run, and it will always be the first run, check the conditional outside of a for-loop, setting the value of that conditional to a variable, and then use that variable to control what code gets executed later. How to avoid repetition in conditional statement using a Nov 22, 2020 · I'm trying to make it so that the program loops until the number 1-3 is typed. As long as the condition is true the loop will continue executing. One way could be to simply declare the flow as a reference to other: Nov 11, 2013 · how to break a loop until variable 'i' met the condition that 'i' should in certain value. ? Regards. Think about the most common example of a for loop : Notice the loop stops when the condition is no longer satisfied. In this case, the condition is that the input is incorrect and the "content" is the code which prints the "Try again!" message. */ class NickName_1 { public static void main (String[] args) throws java This is possible for Iterable. Yes, Java provides FileReader and BufferedReader classes for reading input from files. For the program I am required to use a for loop and a do while loop. forEach is not a loop and it's not designed for being terminated using something like break. After the first execution, it repeats the iteration until the boolean condition is met. Feb 8, 2019 · The code to be executed after the condition is met should be inside the if statement (line # 10 my code). Feb 15, 2022 · The break statement will only get you out of your current loop, after coming out of that loop it will encounter the next for loop which you have written below and will execute it. Mar 7, 2014 · use break to leave the loops. Otherwise go to step 6. The value of the assignment input = false is false so your loop statement only executes the loop body once. If no duplicate is found, you dont want to reiterate all the arrays again. com The loop repeats itself until the condition is no longer met, that is, false. You can put a label before a loop, and then use the name of the label is the argument to break. then return a simple string. But you can set multiple returns . Works fine with no loop but requires continuous iterations until no response is detected. Ada) have loop constructs that require the use of a break-like statement (exit statement in Ada). I want to loop a scanner until user inputs 0, however, I need each inputted integer to be stored so it can be accessed for later use. While loops are versatile and can be utilized in various scenarios, such as reading user input Aug 13, 2019 · I want to make API calls until a condition is met. This situation mostly occurs when a test waits for some condition to become true. How do you use until loop? While each loop differs syntactically and functionally their purpose is to iterate over a block of code when a certain expression is evaluated. If true, then proceed to step 3. There's 2 main ways to do that: Using the break keyword: Java includes a keyword for breaking out of loops as well as keyword for skipping certain parts of loops. Aug 28, 2014 · The call of scanner. Sep 9, 2016 · I have read numerous posts and pages about while loops and such, I just cannot understand where to place a loop to repeat this until one of the three conditions is met. Goes through the body of the loop. Just use the break inside the "if" and it will break out of the "while". Or change your do-while loop to a while loop. Aug 14, 2019 · You can always interchange for and while loops, however for loops are better suited for loops where you know in advance how many times you're going to loop, and while loops are better suited for loops where you don't know how many loops you have (because you end on a condition), so: When you've met the condition, call _runQueue() This was useful for me because I had several things that needed to wait on the same condition. Feb 22, 2015 · To run the game indefinitely, we simply wrap this in a while loop. Method signature looks like this: public Mono&lt;String&gt; generateCode() So the flow should be like this: Generate random Jan 22, 2015 · I want to make my program loop until the user types in x instead of a number. I have 3 variables a,b and c. But, in normal English, what is the specific condition that drives the loop? Usually the code you write should very closely approximate the description of the code. The condition itself is just logic son you can add more conditions with the and (&&) operator at will. The asynchronous task that updates the isCondition variable is in an external library, which is abstracted away from my control. Jul 21, 2020 · You have to create an endless loop of a function until the result you're looking for is received. Oct 11, 2012 · This 'polling' technique essentially runs the wait function every 100 ms until the condition becomes true. stream(). function. for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System. And then I search for python repeat until to remind myself that I should just accept that feeling :) – Jan 16, 2021 · Trying to make the user keep inputting correct integers between 2 sets of values, but for example if the user inputs a wrong integer, then the while loop skips and runs onto the next code in my pro That's pretty much it. println("i = " +i); } How to iterate until a condition is met in python for loop. Jun 23, 2015 · Yes, this can easily be done in Java 7 and even cleaner using Java 8. Declare var x = 0; before the first while loop instead of that first prompt, though honestly it won't make much of a difference. In my code below I am trying to loop the program until the "accepted" message is issued to the user. If the input radius is negative, the user will be prompted to enter a positive radius until the condition is met. Example of an Dec 18, 2021 · If the condition is met (keys are in the response / data isn't available), I am expecting # the API to continue being called again and the loop continues to iterate until the condition is not met, at which point I am expecting to simply have 'api_response' returned. Before the first iteration, number = -1 which is <2 so it should iterate. Once counter reaches 5, the condition evaluates to false, and the loop terminates. Aug 23, 2012 · How can you create a function or component etc that will stop all running code until a condition is met? For example the same way as a JOptionPane will do, if I have this for example: JOptionPane. There is no way for the consumer to miss the notification and end up stuck forever in a wait() call when the condition is already true. Apr 16, 2015 · Well, that is very basic java, you might want to read a tutorial or two ;-) But very quickly: if whatever condition is inside the while is true, then it loops again. Aug 30, 2015 · @StuartMarks, yes, I studied the implementation. You're only doing it once (before entering the loop) so the value of num never changes. The old wait/notify mechanism is fraught with pitfalls so prefer something from the java. { "services": [ { "id": " Aug 31, 2024 · Java, one of the most popular programming languages, offers several loop constructs to handle repetitive tasks efficiently. The first prompt might be redundant. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the Java while loop, exploring its syntax, use cases, and best practices. For example, I need to loop the condition A if listposts != 0 and listposts != listView: to check whether there is a new record or not. The hard part is, I can't use an array. Syntax: Declare while loop in Java. Unless it is possible to have names with nested H ----, you are better off removing the inner loop. If the textExpression evaluates to true, the code inside the while loop is executed. You can then use method references or lambda expressions to create you Poller like so: Apr 20, 2020 · Let's go over this. startsWith(" ")){ str = str. Thank you for any help. If you ever need to use genuine nested loops, Java has the concept of a labeled break. 14. noneMatch(stepAndCheck(game))) { // nothing } This might seem like it's unnecessarily obscure. Related. Mar 11, 2019 · I need to generate unique code asynchronously with project reactor. Mar 31, 2015 · I need to make a program that will continue to run and accept numbers as inputs until "0" is entered and then the program will stop. Q. It's useful when you're not sure how many times you want to do it, but you want to make sure it happens at least once. Aug 17, 2016 · $ java Test 0 1 2 Your loop is not designed to stop when number is 2, it's designed to stop before the next iteration if the number is 2. Aug 19, 2020 · An infinite loop can also be created using the less common do-while loop in Java. This can lead to your program becoming unresponsive or crashing. However, it doesn't work the way I want it to. Repeat loop step until a condition is met. It checks the conditional i < 6. Every time I write a while loop where the variable that the condition checks is set inside the loop (so that you have to initialize that variable before the loop, like in your second example), it doesn't feel right. Dec 12, 2024 · As long as this condition is true, the loop will continue to run. out. The condition is influenced by another thread. – Dec 16, 2024 · Loop prints "Incorrect" until the passwords match, then prints "Correct". Jan 14, 2014 · If there are multiple occurrences of H ----and ----, then don't break out of the loop, but simply set capture = false instead of break. Nov 13, 2015 · General answer: you put a loop around it. Fouad in the comments, or; it's waiting for a lock, or Jun 6, 2017 · Sometimes the exit condition from a loop is complicated, such as in a server that is expected to constantly wait for and process input, until it receives a signal to shut down. Use `Thread. If you're intending to stay in the loop, it should be continue. The do-while does not test the condition until after the loop has executed at least once. If we use the elements in the list above and insert in the code editor: while (condition) { // While loop code block } Examples: While loop in Java . I want to run a loop until the random numbers fulfil the equation a+b+c=30 so I can exit the loop and run more code. forEach() (but not reliably with Stream. The Java do-while loop is similar to what 'while' and 'for' loop that lets you do something in your program over and over again until a certain condition is met. concurrent library, for example the CountDownLatch: public final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public void run { latch. Dec 7, 2022 · A Condition instance is intrinsically bound to a lock. I believe I need it to be a while loop; Here is what I have so A do-while loop is useful when you want the code to execute at least once, regardless of the initial condition. I'm running into trouble in that the array that reads each integer isn't stopped when the condition of the for loop is met (i < setSize). Nov 22, 2022 · Im trying to place the user in a loop if a certain condition is met: if he gets the correct answer, random questions would be generated till the user fails then their score would be added Jan 28, 2012 · Im a beginner with java and i am following tutorials by Thenewboston on youtube. Stream. Jan 24, 2019 · I wish to create a continuous Enhanced For loop within a Java program to output a message from an automatic ping to a Text area, and then to stop when a condition is met (IP address is offline). Java while loop is used to run a specific code until a certain condition is met. '&& !gender. – Sep 16, 2016 · How do you get a certain block of code (in Java) to keep repeating until the user chooses to exit? 2 How do I make a loop that commands the user to keep inputing a value until If conditions are met, with the aid of a try catch statement? I want this code to keep running, as long as the user keeps inputting 'Y' or 'y' when prompted, any other input should quit out of the program. Best time to use Sep 8, 2018 · In normal java, using Thread. And it decouples the detection of the condition from whatever needs to be executed when that condition is hit. Is there a way to read input from a file instead of console? A. If it found a new record it will do function B and stop until the condition is met again. If the stream is a parallel stream the lambda body could be executed on different threads at the same time (not easy to break that and it could easily produce incorrect results). Solutions. Mar 25, 2018 · Yes control flow of one job can be directed to another job with "Externalizing Flow Definitions". When building the p and q keys, I want the result of (p-1) mod q = 0. 5. I have IP addresses in a String array called 'ip'. Java while loop. This is my first time using loops. It just runs and runs and runs after I enter unlimited integer values. The solution is not nice, but it is possible. For your purposes, I would replace condition here with . Put a try catch to parse the input using parseInt method. EDIT: Related question Sleep and check until condition is true; Related question is there a 'block until condition becomes true' function in java? Apr 29, 2013 · Use the break statement to break out of a loop completely once your condition has been met. Mar 2, 2018 · I need to sleep the code until some condition is met or a 3 second timeout is passed. repeat will re-subscribe to the source, so every previous step of the source will be repeated with a new subscription. replaceFirst(" ", ""); } Looks pretty good. If you don't want that loop to execute then simply put it in if statement and that will enable it to execute only if certain condition are met. For example i have the following below, and I want the user to always enter a number. You still have two places where you read the input - in the while loop, and in the condition. The syntax of the while loop is: while (testExpression) { // body of loop } Here, A while loop evaluates the textExpression inside the parenthesis (). So it would look something like this: while (str. If you want it to break, the condition should fail. return isn't right here either way. The i variable should be declared outside the loop to help you in keeping track of how many correct numbers have been inserted. Jun 29, 2015 · A simple looping algorithm that prompts the user Sep 27, 2020 · It seems unnecessarily cumbersome to check for the exact same condition twice per loop iteration. Jul 30, 2021 · Java Loop until condition for webclient returning Mono. Your help is greatly appreciated. As soon as you leave it, the condition is fulfilled. Issue with User Input and Sum within a Java Loop. Any help would be great thanks, I'm just starting to learn JAVA and this is just a little project I gave myself. I tried using a while statement but I do not know how to use it with multiple variables. In addition, see @GrailsGuy's comments on the loop Mar 24, 2020 · Have a look at your for-loop: you let i start at zero, you continue until a is not smaller than ten anymore, but it's not the value of a you need to check, it's the one of i. See my answer for an alternative which only checks for the condition once. Sep 12, 2017 · It's not clear what your intended logic is. I'm trying the following but not wo May 27, 2015 · This means you want to break out of the loop. I have the calculating a factorial part down. length) elements have been inserted and inside that loop add your controls (inputted a proper number and number included between 1 and 50). I want the loop to run either until the script finds no more images or until it reaches 12. Predicate<T>. Oct 10, 2017 · If yes then the loop should repeat itself and calculate the input of the new number. Jan 2, 2023 · Every time the condition-expression evaluates to true, statement(s) block is executed. There's no need to have the same line twice. Or do I have no choice but to use JFrame? Jan 27, 2016 · In my code I have a condition where if my var (dateage) isn't a number, the user is asked to please enter in a number. Pol0nium's suggestion to use continue would not be correct since that stops the current iteration of the loop only. For example, if you want a loop to continue "while x is less than 10" then the resulting code would be: while (x < 10) – Aug 30, 2012 · I am using windows , and I want to do a loop inside a bat and to break it when a condition is satisfied , and I dont want to use goto, can some one give me the general way to do it ? in my case , I want to loop until a file size is bigger than 200 KB , so in my batch I create a file (that's get bigger with time) , then I want to check it size with loop if it greater than 200 KB I want to break Dec 28, 2015 · I am trying to make a loop that repeats until the user input correct information (no whitespaces or blank). Java -- how to loop a quiz until the user decides to quit? 1. With two nested loops, you will be reading any elements that make up part of a name twice, which is inefficient. Dec 5, 2022 · I'm trying to write a script where the user will be inputting a radius and then the console will display the Volume and Surface Area of a sphere. This is what I have so far but it only repeats one time. EDIT based on the code you have after your edits, there is still a problem. Let’s see a few examples of how to use a while loop in Java. Random; /* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. whenever i research nested loops, I only see examples with for loops. util. Sep 29, 2015 · Now, remember, this will trap them until they enter a value between 0 and 99 inclusively, so you might want to consider adding a "escape" condition (ie "(type 'e' to exit) and then either break out of the loop or exit the program ;) May 22, 2022 · First of all, you need a loop that makes sure that the n (array. Can I nest loops in Java? Yes, loops can be nested within other loops in Java, allowing you to iterate through multidimensional arrays or perform more complex tasks. javascript; Oct 17, 2014 · I am using javascript, using regex to scrape images from html code. That way you can simplify your ending condition to just "6" (the exit case). So heres the code. Aug 27, 2015 · In order to loop through a list and perform a task only the first time a condition is met, and not test the condition afterwards, you can make use of the short-circuit nature of Java's and operator. If you want to break out of the loop if a certain term applies - you can just use it - break; - it will stop the loop on the spot. Example: Jan 16, 2019 · Flux. The method you are running will stop on the first return it hits. print("6. Among these, the while loop stands out as a powerful tool for condition-based iteration. Aug 22, 2021 · I want a while loop that only run when certain condition is met. Inside the loop, we print the current value of counter and then increment it by 1 using counter++. In the end, you'll need a "for" loop inside a "for" loop. Repeat request until condition is met in webflux, based on last response's value. I want to keep requesting user input until the user inputs the number 0, here is the code I have so far: import Oct 4, 2016 · import java. Your loop is already checking the condition. You can do this by nesting your solution statement in a function and returning the result of the same function forever if the next result is NO, until it's YES, then return YES. I was thinking a while loop is the correct way to go about it but I do not know where to use it. Oskar/OSKAR/oskar Oct 28, 2013 · Your return should instead be break if you're intending to exit the loop. – Van_Cleff. Once the loop is running, the met condition no longer stops it and it just keeps going. You could either: Eliminate the first call to show the input dialog. If it is in RUNNING state it will exit. forEach()). This loop repeats its "contents" (the code inside the curly brackets) while its condition (the boolean value inside the normal brackets) is true. See the following code: Feb 6, 2016 · You need to read the input inside the loop. In top of that, you are doing a i++ within your for-loop, while this is already covered in the definition of the for-loop. This is the code that I made, when I call the The code that changes the condition and the code that checks the condition is all synchronized on the same object, and the consumer thread explicitly tests the condition before it waits. However I am very confused as to how I am to get the loop to repeat itself after the word yes is entered. Until loop is used to execute a block of code until the expression is evaluated to be false. Here is my code public stati Apr 16, 2013 · I am not sure what is wrong and my Professor is stumped as well. To show simply: do{ //Menu options System. Try a "default" option to catch any input out of the range. 10. Sep 23, 2013 · I am trying to understand gathering user input and looping until conditions. The input() function is "blocking". Cause you have nested loops, you need named loops and a named break: as of the comments: You dont need the While loop. I have a JSON response from the server that is paginated. Jan 21, 2016 · You have a general idea of what to do, however you are making your loop ending condition more complicated than it needs to be. showInputDialog(null, "Hello", "Title", 1); Jul 18, 2014 · Here's a more detailed hint (don't read if you don't want more!) You want to loop through the array, and for each person, pair him with all the people AHEAD of him in the array. You want the code to loop until the function searcharray() returns true, right? First, the code creates the variable "set" and sets it to false. So I have to create a java project in eclipse for my class. Example: In your case, you want to use a "while" type of loop, because you want to check the condition before you enter the loop. May 1, 2012 · you change other_variable inside the body of the loop; other_variable is set to a large value, in which case the loop might take a long time to terminate; your code never completes a certain iteration of the loop, for example: it's getting stuck inside a nested loop as suggested by @Eng. Jan 18, 2015 · You can do it in 2 ways: The first way would be to have the class selection in a function wich gets called everytime the player spells the word wrong. Dec 12, 2011 · When iterating through a for loop, for example, the one below, it does the following. Would I be able to add another loop and use the user's input to create the pattern? Sorry for all of the questions. Then, within Oct 27, 2017 · can i add another loop into the do loop for the second part of the program. I'm trying to make a program that asks you to input some data as a string then if the string is more than 6 characters long it will ask you to do it again until you input an answer with less than 6 characters then moves on to the next question, how can i do this? Sep 25, 2015 · Ending a loop from the middle of loop's body, which is common to all imperative languages, is one such situation. If not, am i right in presuming i should just develop a try/catch etc. – Aug 8, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Mar 7, 2020 · in a infinite loop until your break condition is met. sleep()` to introduce a delay between subsequent attempts. Since you increment number early on in the loop, it will continue with that value until it's time to choose whether to iterate again. I need this function to check if the Server is in RUNNING state. And you still have two while loops, when you need only one. you could aswell replace this by a while loop, read the values for the first time before entering the loop and print an errormessage as soon as you enter the whileloop – user4668606 Commented Apr 20, 2015 at 23:30 Mar 19, 2013 · You're presenting the dialog at least twice -- once before the loop, once within the loop. I wanted to go to a bit more advanced (in my opinion but not really) things. repeat and Mono. This supposes that you don't want to have an possibly infinite loop, of course. jdsgphbd xtds kzdi rzmm hfdu knswv fjusr czaysnjh toee isperkb kmtf afge vjqjjq qll djhd