How to pass dynamic value in xpath in protractor python. Aug 13, 2018 · How can I pass a string to this xpath .

How to pass dynamic value in xpath in protractor python A simple solution would be to use the concept of textcontains, parent, child etc while xpath creation. However, the value of the variable contains and XPath, which sometimes has //div[pathetc][text()='MyString']. But I'm still trying to figure out how to do the filtering in the parents level (i. How to write Xpath for dynamic value passing? 0. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. xpath('//ul[@id="employee-list"]/li[contains(text(),"Master Shifu")]')); Instead of the string Master Shifu , I want to pass a variable empname . Varaibles ${nameOFFile}=. The contents of the file can change, but I know that I always want to get the second input element with the id attribute "search_query". You can use //input[@placeholder="Search"] instead of //*[@id="ember5453"]/ul/li[1 Jun 13, 2023 · I want to create a dynamic XPath in robot Framework. and pass value into it. If you are using python 3. a dynamic element as an Jan 29, 2019 · How to pass Python variable to XPath expression? Ask Question Asked 5 years, How to use variable instead of xpath value in Selenium find_element(By. How can I write dynamic xpath which fetches from property file? below is Xpath stored in properties file. In higher versions of XPath, this issue is addressed - see the comment below. get_variable_value(&quot;${iI Feb 21, 2022 · How to pass Python variable to XPath expression? 1. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. but here i cant find class,but i can find id,but it is Jan 8, 2024 · In the above xpath, you are passing the string value of the ‘id’ locator only inside contains square bracket. Highlighted and Red colour rounded values will be changing dynamically. The last row has the Modify button in both the tables. How to change value of xpath Jul 28, 2012 · Extract attribute's value with XPath in Python. where to place the [position()=1] node in order to get only a1 and a2). As the xpath keeps on changing you can construct Dynamic Locator Strategies and you can use either of the following locator strategies:. dynamic_property_a = "abc" dynamic_object. Jul 7, 2015 · I am trying to get the XPath for a drop down field which I can use in my Webdriver, Python code. Finally, if you look at the node properly, the unselectable attribute is on so we will take help of JavascriptExecutor as follows : May 23, 2018 · It is expecting string value but you are passing int value. Jan 31, 2014 · I made a dictionary, the key is the item name and the value is a list contains two values, the first value is for xpath and the second one is for css. Kindly bear with me and help me in resolving the issue. 0 doesn't handle regex natively, you could try something like //*[starts-with(@id, 'sometext') and ends-with(@id, '_text')] (as pointed out by paul t, //*[boolean(number(substring-before(substring-after(@id, "sometext"), "_text")))] could be used to perform the same check your original regex does, if you need to check for middle digits as well) Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Or correct the syntax like Bryan Oakley pointed. Jul 26, 2024 · Different Approaches to Find Elements using Dynamic XPath in Selenium: #01 Absolute XPath. Jul 11, 2013 · Where I'm trying to find a particular value, I'm finding a template instead e. 48". Your original source probably has tabs or other whitespace characters that don't match. size(); } Jan 25, 2013 · This would be the correct path: /root/entry[value[@name = 'ID'] = 11]/value[@name = 'NAME'] To retrieve a list of nodes, you need to use the version of xPath. java I'm calling the Electronics click method. Selenium Dynamic Element Python. ByXPath(xpath)); } Just call getElementByXpathContainsText() by passing any xpath as parameter. Mar 15, 2018 · @FindBy(xpath = '//input[@title='Electronics']') private WebElement lnkElectronics; Inside Fipkart. I want this range '18865' ${getfile}= Get File ${filename} ${splitline}= Split To Lines ${getfile} ${randomgen}= Generate Random String 1 [NUMBERS] Return From Keyword ${splitline Sep 25, 2021 · based on OP response, there are 9 data-qtip and due to lack of HTML, I will proide you solution using xpath indexing. So the text of a the element is found by calling the text property is what you a currently looking for Dec 9, 2021 · Default-Test will change arbitrarily and I have how to get this value, but I have not been successful using a variable in the XPath search:Test method 1 Does not work dtg_found = "Default-Test" Test method 2 does not work, this is the actual method for locating the value Aug 26, 2017 · Sometimes I want to pass an argument to the variable, to make it more dynamic. This way you can simple run the command to call scraper without needing to pass arguments. I don't know the Python API you are using, but most XPath APIs allow you to compile an expression containing variables (eg Oct 8, 2018 · The xpath that you are using contains some randomly generated number which gets changed on every page load, try using dynamic xpaths which don't have such id. Always use locater in below order : Always use locater in below order : Feb 21, 2021 · @hardkoded suggested the answers to this question (Get element's xpath in javascript) as a solution, but sadly the mentioned solution does not work for my use-case as I would need to retrieve the entire XPATH of an element, and shortcuts like //*[@id="THE_ID"] will not work for me. 0 look at: XML Path Language (XPath) 3. After clicking inside it i will get 2 options -- Male & Female. Viewed 7k times 3 . html import StringIO from xml. The Python program in this post will demonstrate how to create XPath expressions automatically for input and button tags. ) May 3, 2019 · I am trying to get the text of the parent element alone that has one or more child. Jun 24, 2014 · I am looking to edit XML files using python. I thought of using this placeholder element and click inside the "Gender" text box. Apr 25, 2017 · I have a canvas and i want to get the text inside a canvas. etree. It happens when we concatenate string to integer. However the below method doesn't seem to work. It has: - Dynamic ID - Dynamic Class - One static unique attribute. py file I have the following: index = BuiltIn(). (Note: This answer applies to XPath 1. Nov 11, 2024 · The critical feature of XPath is that it begins with a single forward-slash (/), indicating that you can select an element from the root node using Dynamic XPath. Question: In the robot file, how to pass an argument ('MyString') to the Click Element method that is using a variable? May 31, 2017 · One of the reasons why you get NoSuchElementException might be using tbody tag in your XPath as this tag not always present in initial HTML source, but might be generated dynamically. Hence I have declared it in variable, But I'm not sure on how to pass this variable into the CSS Selector. async returnSection(sectionName: string, childItem: string): Promise&lt;WebE XPath 1. But basically if you have a function May 20, 2015 · I disagree that string formatting for generating XPath is a good practice; in all the languages given here -- C#, Java, etc -- native means for passing variables to XPath libraries are available, and should be used in preference. If you were to end your expression with, say, tr[position() > 3]/a/text() you would be returning text nodes. 0; XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3; These recomendations are big enough and hard to read. Thanks in advance. for r in range(sheet. Just find the element and then enumerate the options, selecting the option(s) you want. A relative XPath is one in which the path begins at a node of your choice rather than the root node. This will help you to create a stable xpath for the dynamic locator value of an It is a WebElement python object, which has a bunch of useful actions and values associated with it. in selenium how to use string variable into xpath. It will be great to do some reading on it here. Aug 18, 2018 · What you really want is to define the list in a Python file. You can also check your xpath validity using the following: Chrome Dev Tools (F12) > Elements Tab > Hit CTRL+F while under elements tab > paste your xpath > valid elements will be highlighted Sep 21, 2022 · To click() on the element with respect to the variable value attribute of the tag using Selenium and python you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:. If the text is completely changing we can go for other parameters of web element. nrows): st = (sheet. clickElement(xPathText, driver, 30) Other more simple idea could be to repeat the process forcibly until the visibility of element is finally loaded. e. At times, XPath may change dynamically and we need to handle the elements while writing scripts. Is there a way i can create a WebElement with type like mentioned below and pass value for %s dynamically from main method? May 27, 2015 · ya how to generate dataid value randomly. To be able to make my code reliable , if any other dev was to run my code on their machine , the file path would change based on the name of the user. Also there are a lot of brief XPath May 13, 2021 · Try to avoid this kind of xpath //div[@class='list-box col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 test'] this looks bit dynamic and may change region wise. Mar 22, 2021 · How to write Xpath for dynamic value passing? 1. Aug 20, 2018 · We started off with generating XPaths for Input and Button fields of a webpage using the general locators like id, name, class etc. It is the most direct way to find the element, but the disadvantage of “absolute XPath” is that if the element’s path changes, that particular XPath fails. I want to use xpath to find this folder by name, and I am not sure how to put this into action driver. list. If document uses namespaces denoted with xmlns, be sure to define namespaces and use them in xpath. How can i make this change dynamically within python. python css Jul 7, 2021 · The CreateDynamicInstance() method will create the dynamic object which will hold the Table values which are passed as an Argument to the step. Not being an XPath expert I can't say for sure if the implementation is full but it has satisfied most of my needs when working in Python. I have an XML file like this: &lt;RootNode&gt; &lt;FirstChild&gt; &lt;Element Aug 24, 2019 · There is no quote escaping in XPath string literals. Jan 12, 2023 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Dec 17, 2015 · public WebElement getElementByXpathContainsText(String xpath) { return webDriver. I try to write script that iterates over all news, open each one, do something and goes back to all othe May 5, 2015 · Finding xpath of the elements inside the svg tag is bit different than finding xpath of other elements. and pass it like this in function call *list e. How to create an XPATH for the dynamically changing properties. Explore Teams Sep 17, 2013 · How to determine if a checkbox is check or not through xpath . How to write xpath for dynamic elements in python/selenium. Let us suppose: email = '[email protected]' and XPath is: [@text='email'] I am new to using XPath and this may be a basic question. Example: Jan 22, 2014 · I used another workaround for this which will allow us to use dynamic xpath even with page factory. The assumption is that I don't know what is the value of the "alt" attribute. =' {date} ']]/td/input Now you can create a method and pass in the filename and date and return the correct INPUT easily. Modified 2 years, 2 months ago. Oct 21, 2017 · I've tried finding a xpath containing certain text in my case the word 'follow' but it appears like it cannot find the elements. //tr[. The only static web element is Placeholder whose value is "Gender". It also will use the appropriate casting or conversion to turn your string into the appropriate type. Explore Teams Oct 24, 2010 · There is an HTML file (whose contents I do not control) that has several input elements all with the same fixed id attribute of "search_query". The actual XPath is like in property File div[contains(text(),'<state Name>')]. Uploaded the image from which i need to validate the scenario using Jul 6, 2015 · /* Internal links, beginning with "#" */ a[href^="#"] { background-color: gold; } /* Links with "example" anywhere in the URL */ a[href*="example"] { background-color Aug 13, 2018 · How can I pass a string to this xpath . Jul 7, 2021 · 501 if elems == []: --> 502 raise ValueError(msg) 503 504 if elems != [] and attrs == [] and children == []: ValueError: xpath does not return any nodes. dynamic_property_b = "abcdefg" What is the best way to do it? EDIT Because many people advised in comments that I might not need this. In the past, a co-worker had set up template XML files and used a "find and replace" program to replace these key words. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 6 months ago. How to deal with dynamic Xpath selenium and python. The issue there are n number of years as links (not in drop downs)instead of writing xpath for each and every year,is Dec 30, 2013 · Thanks for the /descendant:: tip, it really works and I can filter th results of the entire XPath by index. getOptions(); return elements. Mar 5, 2019 · How to write Xpath for the following: Highlighted values are there in some variable (st_name). I want to write an automation script in Robot Framework-Python-Selenium-Eclipse-RedEditor Plugin. However, I do not seem Sep 9, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. I would like to select Address value from the drop down. How to write an xpath based on element's text with that piece of html: May 12, 2014 · How can I increment the Xpath variable value in a loop in python for a selenium webdriver script ? search_result1 = sel. what locator can be used from this code &lt;button type=" Xpath in Protractor, Xpath finds the element(s) along with protractor, and other automation tools. My doubt over here is the declared WebElement is specifically for Electronics. I want to make XPath dynamic, so, that every time, I use that XPath, It gets the text. Jun 9, 2021 · I am stuck in a situation where I want to write Xpath dynamically in the properties file. May 19, 2016 · either way, place the above constructed XPath expressions into your call to find_element_by_xpath() and your problem should be solved. . The page has 2 tables and has 6 columns each with unique column names and 6 rows with variable data. There is a web table where new rows are added daily. evaluate() that takes a returnType parameter: Dec 24, 2012 · In python how can we create a new object without having a predefined Class and later dynamically add properties to it ? example: dynamic_object = Dynamic() dynamic_object. (//span[@data-qtip])[1] should represent the first 1 element, [2] should represent the second element. Here are some alternatives: 1) Normalize spaces I'm trying to switch to an iframe so then I can fill a box. In this case, you are almost there but the problem you are facing is due to the preference of operator [x] against //. Solution: Add the xpath of any parent element that is static and reference child element with dynamic path. State Name changes everytime. Mar 18, 2020 · How to write Xpath for dynamic value passing? 0. Mar 19, 2019 · Unless your click is firing some kind of ajax call to populate your list, you don't actually need to execute the click. Dynamic and changing XPATH. XPATH Jan 31, 2021 · I'm trying to pass a dynamic value from robot framework to a variable in python file (which have all my variables). The default character set, which must be assumed in the absence of a charset parameter, is US-ASCII. on looking online ,tried below methods but still no use Tried the below xpath: //li[@class="men Dec 3, 2015 · Using Firepath, I have taken xpath of fields mentioned in "Compose" page. find_element_by_xpa Jun 8, 2015 · xpath identification Dynamic value passing. Why? It's the slowest and most brittle locator strategy of all ; Markup is very easily subject to change and therefore xpath locators require a lot of maintenance ; xpath expressions are unreadable and very hard to Nov 27, 2017 · So we must construct a dynamic xpath or css. Appreciate any help regarding I'd like to pass a math operator, along with the numeric values to compare, to a function. In order to get around this I click the 'follow' button by xpath - h Jul 16, 2020 · This is specified with a "charset" parameter, as in: <p> Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii <p> Unlike some other parameter values, the values of the charset parameter are NOT case sensitive. i try to get auth value from html source with this python code import requests import lxml. Jun 13, 2016 · In your question, you've named both, the check of the user_id, as well as the wanted decorator has_permissions, so I'm going with an example where names are more clear: Let's make a decorator that calls the underlying (decorated) function when the color (a string) is 'green'. Hot Network Questions Jul 3, 2019 · I have to select any year depending on the year given in the excel sheet,for now i have given the year directly in code. Explore Teams Jun 20, 2013 · so I have a variable named folder which contains a string that I randomly generate. Sep 30, 2015 · Iam new to protractor, Please help me to find the element locator using below code in Protractor/angularJS i have tried using xpath and CSS. In this case, it would be an element. mjv's answer is a good start but will fail if atag is not the first classname listed. you'll have to pass the xpath inside a method where you are passing the variable as a parameter. Unfortunately, while creating XPath, UIAutomator is showing me the text of my email address. I want to use python to find and replace these key words with values. Here is the HTML code: Jan 4, 2018 · While doing automation, I have to check that email which I am entering is correct one or not. 0. However, there is a better Jan 5, 2025 · In those cases, we use XPath to find an element on the web page. May 13, 2018 · For one of the elements, I am using xpath, which is as follow: element(by. See User Guide. Jul 26, 2020 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Instead you should have put the get() calls inside that method. This library supports xpath and has the ability to take care of dynamic content. Explore Teams Aug 12, 2008 · The latest version of elementtree supports XPath pretty well. If we know element will not be visible then we shouldn't wait till it displays. How can I achieve parameterized xpath in a robot framework? Note: I am using python. I can mouse over inside the canvas but not sure how to get the text. to click() on the element with respect to the variable value attribute of the <option> tag using Selenium] and you need to to induce WebDriverWait for the element_to_be_clickable() and you can use either of the following Locator Strategies: I am not sure if I understood your question properly. I have the HTML: Apr 30, 2015 · i want to make paypal cURL login, so i need auth value. Assuming that the user has to select the 4th Modify button from the first table based on the heading Sep 23, 2016 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I want to find and replace keywords in the tags. For example my function takes the following arguments : Jan 22, 2019 · Scenario: Protractor date pickers Test" Given Go to title page Then The title must be "Datepicker | Angular Material" When enter the date "January 6, 2019" Please let me know how to pass the date from feature file to xpath Sep 24, 2021 · You need to pass the xPath value, driver instance and time in seconds. Dynamic xpath in selenium webdriver. I have an XPath to get to the div element using the class attribute which is: //div[@class="firstdiv"] Now, I am looking for an XPath code to get the value of the "alt" attribute. Additionally instead of find_elements we have to use find_element so a single WebElement is returned and we can invoke the click() method. Mar 28, 2019 · I have a set of xpaths that need arguments to select the proper element. append(2) fun(*dynamic_list) Sep 25, 2014 · how cound we pass the Dynamic value in the accesskey Attribute, because the accesskey Attribute assign with any integer so i get that id from database and try to pass that id in the accesskey attribute how using java? Jun 30, 2023 · Solution. Mar 18, 2019 · I have located the button on the row based on its value stored in the HTML attribute "title". for your code try following way, Every Webelement in the above snippet is dynamic. I'm not able to get how to write Xpath for this. findElement(By. Able to get the data written for city directly from the excel sheet and hard coding the year also works. There are two drop down fields in the html. How do I get it using XPath? (I am using the above XPath as an element identifier with the getText() method of the protractor) The text of the parent element changes based on the user language selection, so I preferred to use the id attribute to identify the element Dec 5, 2016 · # the user keywords Choose Value From Dropdown [Documentation] It does what it does :) [Arguments] ${the value} ${loc}= _Return Selenium Locator For The Dropdown Item Named ${the value} # as you can see, no checks is the element real - that'she offloaded to the helper keyword ^ Focus Element ${loc} Click Element ${loc} Dec 18, 2014 · You can create a dynamic. The standard way of writing XPath may not work and we need to write dynamic XPath in selenium scripts. g. def fun(a,b,c,d): pass dynamic_list = [] if True: dynamic_list. I've also use lxml and PyXML and I find etree nice because it's a standard module. Ideally. Jun 23, 2014 · It works by cutting and pasting your posted example. Jan 17, 2019 · I want to be able to pass in a filepath to my python function as a parameter. Below is the sample where am stuck. How to Pass Dynamic Values in Xpath. 1. Its is for single digit. xpath://span[text()=‘${File_name}’] Here, instead of {File_name} I want to pass the actual file name from the Test case level. Retrieving dynamic value with selenium webdriver, python. Oct 12, 2015 · No, using position() has no effect on what type of node you return. Right now, Aug 10, 2021 · How to Pass Dynamic Values in Xpath. How can I make it so that I can retrieve the value instead of the placeholder text? Edit: This is the specific page I'm trying to extract information from. Here is an example of looking for a "Compose" button in Gmail. In . =' {filename} ']][. com/watch?v=fONtsxC5oDw&list=PLlBIivhdn9HBKXnFtIi94cN055pUkYs Aug 11, 2011 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 02 Relative XPath. Learn more Explore Teams Nov 3, 2011 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Please change the following line in your code. CreateDynamicInstance(); May 29, 2017 · Personally, I prefer using other attributes instead of text mainly because texts can have reserved characters that might mess up your xpath. xpath(xpath)); Select select = new Select(element); List<WebElement> elements = select. The usual approach is the rather unwieldy: //*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' atag ')] Sep 17, 2018 · The main problem you are having is related to how you built your method. Jun 13, 2020 · I came across a certain requirement. But every time when I open Compose page, this xpaths changes dynamically. /td[. Jan 23, 2017 · The button has a text of "Save" and there is nothing more unique in it's xpath, so I'm trying to write an xpath based on element's text. I think you want the xpath for a specific element when the xpath returns a list of element, similar to extracting an element in an array by passing the index. For selecting anyone of these 2 options i have the xpath. Its values is like this range '18865 ' I Want to generate like this . Oct 23, 2015 · How to Generate Dynamic Xpath? I)In my project all module's element pattern and location is same only that id is change as per module name II)Id pattern in my project like this Module-1 driver. But you can find in these documents a list of all available axes including following-sibling::, a description of text(), a description of contains(), etc. We should give last priority to XPath among locators because Xpath is little slow compared with other locators, there Xpath like normalize space, dependent and independent xpath, xpath based on attribute, xpath based on text, contains functions in xpath, dot function in protractor, starts with Aug 2, 2021 · How to write Xpath for dynamic value passing? 0. Using variable in XPATH: Nov 25, 2018 · You can try with this Requests-HTML library which should let you scrape the content from that page. In these cases you need to construct dynamic locator strategies as follows: xpath //div[starts-with(@id, 'post-body-')]/div/form/input Nov 27, 2018 · If it is partially changing we can use locator partailLinkText for links and contains function in xpath for other than link. Currently I am trying : //input[@type='checkbox' and @checked='true')] I have multiple checkboxes with same ids so I have to select the next checkbox which is not selected/checked. dynamic credentials = table. Using a Python file makes easier the initialization of variables. 6, you can use the formatted string literals below, as an example. Learn more Explore Teams Mar 14, 2022 · My task is passing a variable with a values in decorator which would replace the variable to it value as key in dictionary, something like this: Feb 23, 2020 · For Complete Playlist please refer below link:Basic Locator's, CSS and Xpathhttps://www. The iframe has a dynamic id so I cannot use that, it has a class and a title which I have converted into an XPath. Jul 20, 2018 · In this case you can't create a variable. I have tried the following XPath: Jan 5, 2010 · There are many, many ways to insert a variable into a string using python. "{{formatPrice median}}" instead of "4. Using XPATH and starts-with(@id, 'static_id_part'): Oct 28, 2022 · You need to use *args and/or **kwargs. Sep 5, 2017 · For XPath 3. Caution: Do not use this approach with untrusted values for i or you could open your code to XPath injection attacks. It’s frustrating to work on it. Jul 22, 2019 · I am trying to click a tab called source control,That tab has an id which is dynamically generated. Below is the script I am using: Feb 4, 2016 · Well, now you can probably see why the Protractor Style Guide recommends not to ever use XPath location technique: NEVER use xpath. youtube. Be sure row level nodes are in xpath. append(2) if True: dynamic_list. Apr 27, 2016 · The id attribute of the <div> tag is dynamic which will change each time the webpage is accessed. Explore Teams I want to get the value of the "alt" attribute using the XPath. Now I have to pass dynamic value to this HTML attribute "title". I'm trying to get the "median" value, which uses the template Im new with selenium/python and that my problem: I have a simple site with a couple of news. data=div[contains(text(),'New Delhi')] contains() function helps the user to find the element with partial values, or dynamically changing values, contains verifies matches with a portion of the value. contains function ://xpath[contains(@attribute, 'attribute value')] //xpath[contains(@text(), 'attribute value')] Example of below HTML: Jan 8, 2024 · When you are working in automation testing and getting dynamic xpath locator value each time for the element you are looking for. It contains all the standard operators that you can use in python. Selenium & Python Best Practices. Here is my CSS Selector: I have to fetch a value from calendar, then add one to it and then use the added value to the xpath to get the next date in calendar. Explore Teams Oct 19, 2015 · Usually when ID or Class attributes are dynamic, you need to look for them using: other attributes/by their dependence to static tags. I need to identify the drop down which has the options, Person Name, Organisation Name, Address etc. ElementTree Nov 26, 2013 · Pass the xpath of the dropdown whose count you want: static int getDropdownListCount(String xpath) { WebElement element = driver. Then Mar 17, 2017 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. May 15, 2012 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 0. It will explain it better than me. cell_value(r, c)) try: if st == float(st): st_string = int(st) #variable = 1622662. Mar 23, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. owird krfhbq nwbt vte lrswh deox dopogb ict pqgoa ugrsu lsf mcdeabq sovknv ijmsd ylzyd