Minecraft item maker command. 13 Java minecraft give command.
Minecraft item maker command Minecraft crafting, enchant calculator, firework crafting, flat world generator and much more! Welcome on Minecraft Tools! We propose free tools for Minecraft, like: Brush tools allow you to edit the current world with differing brush interactions. Bold, italic, underline, obfuscated ; Set color codes; Raw Json Text Format Generator. 13 - 1. Set color and text style. Step 4: Enter your desired enchantment command, such as /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:1000}]}. 0. To remove an item or change the item count in a slot, just right click the item and a menu will appear. Set color and styles, with some support for links and commands. This website will help you generate many commands for Minecraft Java Edition. Not all effects are craftable in Minecraft and can only be accessed by the give command. 4 suspicious blocks patch Predicates generation for, can destroy, can replace Try the Commands Troubleshooting and Help page if you get stuff with server errors. Sherds Command. The easiest way to create a custom craft is to use floor crafting. The syntax for commands containing items changed significantly in recent versions. Area Effect Cloud Create a command to summon an area_effect_cloud Low-poly Modeling. Banner color ids change as part of the The Flattening. Each command provide an user friendly experience: - tabcomplete for fast and intuitive use - display details while hovering on help messages - suggest the command when clicking on help messages Video Tutorial (version 2. 4 that allow you to display any block or item in the game with any transformation. com This tool is not supported by Mojang in any way. Make sure the item is in a container or in your inventory so you can edit its entries. 2 - follow this project on GitHub icons designed by Flaticon. Closest player All players Random player Running command player Specify Name Enchanted Book Armor Dye Food Lingering Potion Mechanism Ore Potion Splash Potion Tool Transportation Weapon More Options Generate RateUs Item Name (optional) Item Lore (optional) Click Generate to create your first command. To get started, simply put an item in your hand and type /ie edit. This Monster Spawner Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to create a monster spawner (sometimes called a mob spawner) with a custom mob that has weapons, armor, enchantments, and effects. This tool is a simple Minecraft give command generator for generating complex commands. Our tools and command generators help you build command line quickly and easily. And the target selector must Floor Crafting. The banner maker will create an in game give command. This Give Potion Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player a custom potion with names and lore. Make custom tooltips and armor. Command Blocks are activated using Redstone signals emitted by objects like buttons or pressure plates. Including sub-title and actionbar text. Minecraft, its images and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Mojang AB. 8 with minecraft:spruce_sapling 4 Give Command Generator : More Items Prefilled ChestsPrefilled Chests Decorated PotsDecorated Pots Knowledge Books Aug 20, 2024 路 Item Editor instrument for minecraft . Generate colorful title text for Minecraft Java and Bedrock chat with an easy to use editor. Release notes Release support thread Jul 27, 2021 路 Most commonly, entities are the mobs you know such as skeletons and axolotls, but entities can also include objects like Minecarts or free-floating item entities (for example, an iron ore that is spawned when you break an Iron block). Get started today with Tynker's easy-to-learn, visual programming course designed for young learners in 4th through 8th grades. If you make a procedure, items won't be saved inside the item. Get Started: Open the Minecraft Command Generator, no coding knowledge required! Select Command Type: Choose what you want to create—mob spawning, item generation, game rules, teleportation, or effects. Place the Command Block and use it to customize the Command it executes. The popup will allow to set the entity and object name. With Minecraft, creators can introduce new types of entities into the world. You can create crafting recipes with any ingredients and for each recipe you only need 1 command block, which makes it easy to create many recipes without creating an excessive load on the server. Minecraft : Item Generator Give Command Generator for 1. Remember to like and subscribe if you enjoyed!馃LEARN TO MAKE BEDWARS: This Give Lingering Potion Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player a custom lingering potion with names and lore. The in editor format is Player#Objective, which can be updated within the editor. Teleport Command Maker Tool. Once you have located your item, make a compound in the item's entries compound and name it tag. Toggle navigation Toggle Search image/svg+xml Minecraft Tools This tutorial shows how to make a bed wars like item generator that you can fully customize to drop any item you like in minecraft bedrock#minecraft #minecra 1- fait /give @p command_block 2 copier la command et fait crl=v 3 clic sur [toujour actif] et sur [done] give generator give generator for Minecraft by minecraft It's on the todo list, basically import command. If you need help completing a section, click on the button to display the instructions. Give a full shulker box or setblock a chest with items. Build a kill command using our interactive target selector, select options, enter ranges. Copy & paste: A generator which creates /give commands for Minecraft 1. 17 java. Pictures to guide you are Banner Maker Use this simple to use banner command generator, use it to design your own banner. The text displayed in the item tooltip. If you are running a mod, some mods may change the stack size for an item. This generator help you to create this custom crafting configuration file. In Java Edition, an empty item frame can be broken simply by punching it. With this tool, you have complete creative control over an otherwise rigid, blocky world. Generates /give commands for Minecraft 1. is there any command possible because if i make a minigame and nobody is in a slot and it gives somebody 2 of the item because im using @p and it sort of messes it up. Sep 19, 2023 路 Introducing: the Minecraft Item Wizard! WHAT IS THE ITEM WIZARD? The Item Wizard is like the Entity and Block Wizards, but for items. Can be added into the command, and it is possible to have multiple effects. Select your options above and copy paste the command into Minecraft chat. if not make the command destroy the block so it does drop it. next make a command block that has a tick speed of about 20 with the /setblock [cords] air. There is a different command syntax for both versions, so make sure you choose the version applicable to Sign Command Maker Tool. Tags may not work perfectly in older versions. 8 - 1. We show you how to make an item generator with ONE command block in minecraft bedrock. Minecraft add-ons are downloadable content that add new features or modify existing ones in the game; they are similar to mods but are officially supported by Minecraft. 5 Java minecraft give command. Buy Item 2 - Second buy item in the trade (this buy item is optional) Quantity - Amount of the buy item required for the trade; Special Price - Special price adjustment that is applied to the price of the first buy item when the Villager Trade Menu is opened for the first time (use a negative value to reduce the price of the first buy item) May 27, 2024 路 It used to be "/give @p item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}" but 1. 4 Minecraft 1. 12 version we need to modify Minecraft itself to be able to use theses customs craftings ingame. Shulker Boxes: Can be given and also use setblock. Features of Minecraft Give Command Minecraft Give command is yet another name for the command generator in Minecraft. It will automatically open Minecraft, and you make a world and select the add on. Player heads will change if the player behind it change his skin. The chat codes and MOTD code are used elsewhere in vanilla Minecraft, for example they can be used when setting a server's MOTD in the server. Use the enchantments on the 'book' tab. 7 compression update. This Generator is a fun tool that is intended to help Minecraft players learn the basics of the /fill command and does not offer every option possible in the game. Commands such as /give, /summon and /team, plus many more. Display blocks are for map making and can be used to create ghost blocks. Minecraft Give Player Head Generator. admin permission! /ic menu - Open main ItemCreator menu /ic get <item ID> - Give the custom item specified /ic generate_default - Generate 4 default items provided by ItemCreator When it comes to making custom maps with villagers, you want to make the villagers have trades that suit your map perfectly. Generate a give command for the Minecraft written book item, and add your own written content. Try the Commands Troubleshooting and Help page if you get stuff with server errors. The initial release had no command options for adding items. 4. Minecraft skin editors allow you to create your own fantastic characters! In Minecraft, a player skin is just an image file (specifically a . Note: This command is too long to be put in chat so it must be run from a command block: /give @s minecraft:command_block 1 /give @s minecraft:bundle{Items:[]} * Note that the bundle must be roughly a square for it to display exactly as specified. Our Command Generators create the Minecraft commands for complex /summon, /give, /setblock, or /fill commands. Nov 29, 2024 路 We can get an invisible Item Frame using /give command. Make commands to give players effects such as hunger and darkness, with easy target selector. For java 1. Create custom abilities (speed, health boost, health drain, effects) BONUS TO THIS GUIDE: YOU CAN OBTAIN THESE ITEMS IN GAME UNLIKE SKYBLOCK ITEM GENERATOR. Another online command generator, useful for those more unknown commands and for making items… Oct 28, 2016 路 Hello. 12 How to Use the Give Command in Minecraft. Donate. See /edit command for a list of arguments. Text placeholders. shiiyu. This Give Tool Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player a custom tool with enchantments, names and lore. 10) Item Editor 2 is an improvement upon the well-known Item Editor plugin that features an all-new GUI system, even more modules and a refined permission system. Select it, then press Create an Item! Next time you want to use it, you can open the Item Wizard from the menu via Tools > Minecraft Item Wizard or from the center of the start screen. 19 added Suspicious Stew added Bundles to container generator patch 1. 26 with minecraft:spruce_sapling 4; To replace the items in the rightmost hotbar slot of the nearest player with four spruce saplings: /item replace entity @p hotbar. Each trade needs at least one buy item and one sell item. mcfunction file. Commands syntax changed and banner patterns now use full text codes. Minecraft Give Potion Command Generator. 16–1. Here's a template for making a custom villager: GENERATE COMMAND; DOWNLOAD RESOURCE PACK; HELP; MINECRAFT VERSION 1. 11+ Custom color: You need to be login to save or share commands May 23, 2022 路 Minecraft Summon Entity Generator. To replace the items in the bottom-right slot of a single chest two block above with four spruce saplings: /item replace block ~ ~2 ~ container. The sherds command option is a mixed list of 4 sherds, and bricks. Inspired by Redstonehelper's map art program , with the goal to add much-requested features and removing the need to download a program. Presets. (NOTE: These stack sizes are for vanilla Minecraft only. Because item frames are Minecraft Give Command Generator Quickly generate /give console command for Minecraft. The page editor allows for a variety text colors and styles. Biggest slot ID in the GUI + 1; Max stack size Try the Commands Troubleshooting and Help page if you get stuff with server errors. Sep 28, 2024 路 Creating custom items and weapons in Minecraft is a great way to enhance your gameplay and make your world truly unique. Choose from either the /give or /setblock command. You can easily then use it in-game without ever needing to modify the files. Jan 21, 2020 路 This project provides you an Add-on for Minecraft Bedrock which let's you edit item properties (nametag, durability etc) in-game! - Justash01/item-editor Item Command Converter. Summon custom mobs for java 1. These commands allow you to acquire, enchant, and modify various aspects of your armor, enhancing your protection and abilities in the world of Minecraft. This tool helps you convert old item commands to the new format externally. 12 Java minecraft give command Custom Armor Pattern Command Maker Tool. Includes support for text display entities. However results vary depending on the mob, all options are enabled for all mobs, because Minecraft can do some quite surprising things. You can add nbt tag data for named and enchanted items (other tags may work too). Jan 7, 2020 路 What does the 1 command generator do? This tool combines your Minecraft commands into one command. This is useful as an alternative to datapacks, allowing you to execute multiple commands at once, which you normally can’t do easily unless you use an . With these tools, you can easily summon a custom mob with weapons, armor, enchantments and effects. In order to use them you must select a brush tool in the menu, then set the parameters to what you like, then double click or drag the tool icon to the action bar, where it can be used with left and right click interactions within the world. In the tag compound, make a compound named display. minecraft/command-generator 2. This give generator makes custom Player Heads, create head based on player name and other preselected head names. Enchanted and named items, copy a give command and paste into the item column, or paste the nbt portion (the part with brackets) into the tag column. When selected, it will automatically make the code open the GUI when the player right-clicks on the item. Let's explore how to use this cheat (game command). If you need help completing a section, click on the button to display the Gives an item to one or more players. Title Command Maker Tool. This category is for any item, block, status effect, or entity that can only be spawned or obtained by Commands. 9 attack speed modifier, it gave me me a regular stone axe. Use the "Name" code for Minecraft commands and JSON. This generator contains a complete list of all the Minecraft Recipes for knowledge books, providing an easy selection tool for command generation. A powerful and simple to use minecraft give command maker, with enchantments, color name text, lore and advanced attributes. 20. Players and mobs killed with command still drop loot. 2, you may need to clear cache for updated files. Suspicious Stew Effects. 13 format converter more » This Give Tool Generator creates the Minecraft Bedrock Edition (PE, Win10, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch) command you can use to give a player a custom tool. An item frame is an entity[JE only] or block entity[BE only] that displays the item or block that is inside it. Convert the skin of your Minecraft account to a command in order to get a head without texture in the game. Game Mode Commands Generates /summon commands for Minecraft 1. Effect Command Maker Tool. This is the basis of the editor. Summon generally creates a villager in a blank state, so it's best to set all the options that you would like. 21. While Minecraft will automatically update all existing items for you, only Paper will update commands and text components containing items where possible. Blockbench puts all the tools at your disposal to make the creation process of low-poly models as easy as possible. This sets the pattern along with the associated sherd and brick item drops. Size inventory: Number of slots inside your GUI. Learn more about the Submission Process or our Head Validation. It enables you to bring custom 3D models into your Minecraft worlds without the use of mods or resource packs. then create a command block cloning the chest to another nearby block. Minecraft Version Notes 1. To close this menu just click anywhere else on the page. Minecraft messages use a json format to markup visual and interact elements. It has a user friendly UI, and all the necessary 3D modelling and editing tools to create anything you could envision. The command changed over several 1. Update 2. this should make the chest drop the items. 1. 5, Mojang has moved from unstructured NBT to the so-called item components. These commands tend to be less json format and more one big long string. This is the command: /give @p minecraft:item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1}} Villager Trades [edit | edit source] Note: If you are too lazy to write these long commands, you can always use commands generators in the internet. The minecraft summon command is used to spawn entities into the game world, such as fireballs, armor stands, tnt, experience orbs and more. Simple Item Editor is a minecraft mod for item editing using client-side commands, mostly inspired by similiar editors on creative servers. ) Platform is the platform that applies. Supported Platforms Every command needs the itemcreator. The new 1. Options to give, summon item, setblock, and falling block. You can give a player any item whenever you want using the /give command in Minecraft. A Minecraft mapart schematic and map. Whether you’re using in-game commands, datapacks, mods, or resource packs, there are countless ways to introduce new mechanics, abilities, and visual designs into your world. Also includes a 1. 21, a simple to use Minecraft command maker, with mob specific options and advanced attributes. mcpack (323. This Prefilled Chest Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player a chest, trapped chest or shulker box filled with up to 27 items inside (including enchanted items). If the item frame contains an item, punching it drops the item, leaving the frame on the wall. When you have finished customizing your lingering potion, click on the Generate Command button and then copy/paste the command into Minecraft. reference images; https://sky. Remember long commands need to into command block to get around the chat limit. properties file. Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID[Java Edition only]. 12; x. Dec 28, 2022 路 You can also use Command Blocks to handle more complex Commands! You can give your character Command Blocks by typing /give @p command_block. This Fill Command Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to fill a region with a particular block. A generator which creates /give commands for Minecraft 1. 12 it is possible to create new uniques customized craftings. moe/ reference images if logging into hypixel isn't available (can view other Dec 6, 2024 路 Using Universal Minecraft Editor. 20 updates. Tutorial: Making a Glass Sword Then click the install button on the bottom right of the add on once it gets to the home page area thing, and click install add on, and click Minecraft. The title of an item, its enchantments, its lore, and other special item features are all covered by the unique tool known as the Minecraft give command generator. In some arguments (like name or lore line) you can use prefix & for This Give Weapon Generator creates the Minecraft Bedrock Edition (PE, Win10, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch) command you can use to give a player a custom weapon. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /give command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Customize Parameters: Fine-tune your command with details like coordinates, item types, enchantments, effects, or conditions. Fortuanately, MCStacker can convert most of your 1. dat generator, designed to be feasible for both server admins and survival players on servers like 2b2t, running in your browser. Level: Stone-like blocks in the Nether Stone-like blocks in the Overworld Crops and berry bushes Warped fungi Glass Soul fire Fence gates Grass and podzol Can destroy: It will also drop an item if it has one. It takes a bit of work, but hopefully will do soon. 19. Use cuboids to get that Minecraft aesthetic, or create complex low-poly shapes using the mesh modeling tools! Made this command using that generator, trying to make a stone axe that does 7 attack damage (not 7 hearts) and a . Command: TEMP BUTTON version alpha 0. BDStudio is a 3D editor and command generator for Minecraft's display entities, allowing users to create custom models without mods or resource packs. 13–1. 97 KB) i think you can only add commands on tools because thats the Written Book Command Maker Tool. My telegram; ItemEditor_1. 7+ minecraft: Damage To choose what items the kit gives you, click on the item slot on the left that you want the item in and then find the item in the list on the right side of the page and click it. Note: This tool is optimised for the most recent version of Minecraft. In the editor use the # button to start a object text block. This Give Weapon Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player a custom weapon with enchantments, names and lore. Is it possible that i can spawn an item in a XYZ coordinate? like if i were to spawn it in a coordinate a dropped item would be there that i can go and pick up. This Enchanted Books generator makes it easier to create books with stored enchantments to apply to items via an anvil. A collection of useful banners for Minecraft, letters of the alphabet, numbers and country flags. Commands in links can be a little tricky, so BDStudio is a 3D editor and command generator for Minecraft display entities. Kill Command Maker Tool. We can Minecraft Give Command Generator. This give generator makes Potions and Arrows for Minecraft, select color, choose effects, set name and add lore for custom potions. Use our command generator to easily create a 'teleport' command for either the Bedrock or Java edition of Minecraft. The & code is most commonly used within Bukkit plugins like Essentials. Bind this item to GUI: This parameter will bind your item to the selected GUI. 21 update added new features to the /give commands. Minecraft Give Enchanted Book Generator. By linking text you can add links and commands. That's the only command you'll need to edit an item - everything else can be achieved in the Item Editor menu. 8 to 1. Sadly int the 1. Nov 7, 2023 路 After it has installed, you will find the Minecraft Item Wizard in the left sidebar of your start screen. Edit: Switching the operation doesn't do anything and trying other numbers for the modifiers isn't have an affect. Minecraft Prefilled Containers Generator. Villagers are passive mobs and they live in villages. Knowledge books can only be accessed by using commands and are not found in the creative inventory. png) that gets applied to the player’s 3D model in such a way that the arm parts are on the arms, leg parts are on the legs, and so on. Release notes Release support thread Try the Commands Troubleshooting and Help page if you get stuff with server errors. Source code on GitHub Minecraft mods are user-created modifications that alter gameplay or add new features, such as new creatures, items, or mechanics, enhancing the overall game experience. For both Minecraft Java and Bedrock. Custom heads will never change, but the commands only work in command blocks. Design your own blocks for Vanilla Minecraft mob spawner and /summon command generator Command /summon Create a spawn egg Create a MobSpawner % % % Legs Armor: Drop This Give Armor Generator creates the Minecraft Bedrock Edition (PE, Win10, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch) command you can use to give a player custom armor. Paste this command into chat or a command block and you can generate the item, but remember you will need to be op (admin). Step 3: Right-click the command block to open its interface. 4 signs patch 1. Below is a searchable list of all Minecraft color codes. Use this command generator to summon display blocks, that are visible and can not be interacted with by players. Minecraft 1. Will display the name of the selected target(s). Design your own blocks for Vanilla Minecraft. For beginners, the Item Wizard adds a layer of visualization and presets to customize how an item behaves and appears. While some items in Minecraft are stackable up to 64, other items can only be stacked up to 16 or 1. Customs effects potion generator for Minecraft. Try ItemTag to execute commands with items, set Potion effect on armor and more. Step 2: Place the command block in your world at a desired location. This Give Armor Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player custom armor decorated with armor trim, dyed leather armor, helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, shields or horse armor with enchantments, names and lore. GiveNBT generator is a visual tool to generate a /give command with special item NBT. The give command is one of the most complicated and powerful commands in Minecraft. Simple Item Editor. Custom In Minecraft, there are cheats and game commands that you can use to change game modes, time, weather, summon mobs or objects, or find the seed used by the World Generator. These can get quite complex tho too so can I ask you of your knowledge of the /execute command as well as the /data command as these are the most important commands in my experience and I have been doing commands in minecraft since 2016/17. 13 Java minecraft give command. A slot with an item has more entries than a blank slot. For long commands you may need to use a command block due to chat length limitations. In the editor use the @ button to start a target text block. 19 java. These are commands but put in a file and they make everything a lot easier and allow more things. Items: Many mobs can hold items and wear armor. Scoreboard / Objective tag block. Give Command Generator for Minecraft 1. For Java the text is in json format that provides markup for text decoration. When creating this custom sign command, the first step is to define the sign's content and format. Stack Size is the maximum stack size for this item. Minecraft Related Guides Nov 19, 2024 路 Step 1: Obtain a command block using the command /give @p minecraft:command_block. Make a command that gives players prewritten signs with formated text. Today's post covers how to: Make a custom item. 4 style commands and output them in the new format. Java Edition give <target> <item> [<count>] Bedrock Edition give <player: target> <itemName: Item> [amount: int] [data: int] [components: json] JE: <targets>: entityBE: player: target: CommandSelector<Player> Specifies the target(s) to give item(s) to. first build a chest with the desired items to drop inside. In 1. In Minecraft 1. Features /edit command: Command for item editing. How to combine multiple commands into a single one in Minecraft? Minecraft Command Generator Item: Quantity: Custom Name: Color: White Red Green Blue Black Dark Blue Dark Green Aqua Dark Aqua Dark Red Dark Purple Gold Gray Dark Gray Light Purple Yellow Jan 21, 2021 路 Hello everyone, bbk52 here. No mods or resource packs. The armor trim command maker is a visual preview to help select and build trim commands, with enchantments, color name text, lore and advanced attributes. Now you can add a tag like [food=Example command:/give @s dirt[food={nutrition:20,saturation:2} Make sure you use the command for your actual Minecraft version! All Minecraft commands must to be used in command blocks! If you have problems using the Vanilla commands on a server, try using server commands. This generator helps with setting commands and attributes on entities when using the summon command. This tool is a simple Minecraft give command generator for generating complex commands. Developed by Misode. Apr 11, 2021 路 Don't accidentally make items that already exist. The easiest way to create and download free Minecraft items. A prefilled chest generator that sets the contents for chests, shulker boxes, barrels, hoppers and more. Improvements to nbt data generation, nbt json encoding follows minecraft format which is more compressed. Tip: allows "§" codes. 5 literally changed the command format, so how can I get invisible item frames? Rollback Post to Revision RollBack Bruh, can I do scratchblocks here? Nov 7, 2020 路 Minecraft : Item Generator Give Command Generator for 1. Item and loot table options were added soon after the initial release. Tynker is an amazing online platform that transforms coding into a fun and interactive adventure for kids! It offers a fantastic range of free Minecraft coding courses, tools and activities that allow children to create custom mods, add-ons, Minecraft resources and mini-games for Minecraft while learning essential programming skills and concepts. Read more Minecraft Give Enchanted Book Generator. Summon Block Display Command Generator. Tynker makes it fun and easy to learn computer programming. . Here is the list of the different game commands available in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), Pocket Edition (PE), Windows 10 Edition and Education Edition. This Give Food Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player custom food with names and lore. Downloads. 5, a simple to use Minecraft give command maker, with enchantments, color name text, lore and advanced attributes. If you need help completing a section, click on the button to display the instructions. Don't make Jerry Armor; Don't add more **** to the end; Don't make stereo pants viable; Don't make annoying item abilities (**** diver's armor) other resources: skyblock itself. A glow item frame keeps itself and the item inside it illuminated, even in the dark. Once you load in put the following commands around 0,0 (make sure they aren’t at 0,0 though) The effects are hidden until consumed by the player. Older command style Bedrock still uses the old text formatting codes, the ones that use the section sign §. Sep 12, 2021 路 Make sure you are holding the item you want to edit before running the command If the plugin asks for a chat input like name or lore you can use custom color codes in the input using "&" If you experience any bugs/errors or want to provide suggestions/feedback please contact me on discord: GROGY#5566 These are entities added since version 1. 5+ Minecraft 1. hwct gomvvj qqdjz taxrn levn hcfspv xgqdg wgw qnfe kzapnt lota sohrjt uitz nyz zyzm