Strapi get user role. It is the default role attributed to new accounts.
Strapi get user role Editor: Can manage and publish content. From Strapi docs: ctx. This feature is powered by the Users & Permissions plugin. 2 the route api/users/me no longer returns the role field in the user data but accepts populating (see https://github. Sep 18, 2019 · Made progress. But it is also possible to grant permissions more publicly, to give access to content to the end users of your Strapi application. Some examples of admin users (not limited to): Are Admin users Jan 25, 2022 · Steps to reproduce the behavior Create 2,3 random users in the Users-Permissions Create a user with username: "John" Send a GET request to the /users like http Oct 29, 2024 · Hi all. But if tried to get information directly from a query Me i get the type Steps to reproduce Mar 30, 2023 · Custom roles and permissions is one of the most powerful Strapi features, which provides Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for users and groups. In v3 we have the user-permissions-roles and user-permissions-users endpoints. 10. I am trying to populate the created by and updated by details automatically how its happens when we create the content manually. js Sep 26, 2024 · I am migrating to v5, but it seems like my custom routes to extend user-permissions don’t work. Mar 5, 2024 · Hello, I am doing an authentication with wordpress json, which is all correct, then through a custom strapi component I am making again the wordpress token authentication to check if token is valid, and what role it has. Jun 1, 2022 · # Update the default role. # Authentication # Token usage Jul 5, 2024 · How do you guys restrict this? There is this ticket that says it’s not a bug: Any role that can create users can create Super Admin user. I want to store only email addresses. username: reader; email: reader@strapi. Jun 2, 2023 · I checked the strapi default user-permission` file under node_modules. Click on public → goto Users-Permissions. The practice can facilitate management and the update of roles. com> <!-- Hello 👋 Thank you for su … bmitting a pull request. However in v4 I can use the /users endpoint but can not get role(s) and the populate and fields query parameters are not available. In Strapi, RBAC is an approach to restricting access to some features of the admin panel to some users. I see them in Settings > Roles but when I click the gear Icon to see the path next to one of my routes, it doesn’t show anything and I get 404 when querying those new routes. To help us merge your PR, make sure to follow the instructions below: - Create or update the documentation. 1 NPM Version: 6 Yarn Version: -</details> When authenticated and querying for user information (role permission… Oct 4, 2024 · Thank you for your help Alex, I really appreciate you! Seems to work just fine after updating to strapi. Basically all data gets piled up mixed with all users data. query('user', 'users-permissions'). 2 Operating System: 11 Database: pg Node Version: v18. · Issue #16297 · strapi/strapi · GitHub but I just can’t believe what I’m reading “by giving a user the ability to create others there is some level of trust that must be given to that user”. I have to have a Super Admin who will have access to everything. findOne({id: ctx. Create APIs. It would like like this according to that solution: export const UsersPermissionsRegisterInput = (strapi) => ({ nexus }) => ({ typeDefs: ` extend input UsersPermissionsRegisterInput { role: String! } `, }); Jul 22, 2024 · I’m trying to get access to the roles of the users in a strapi system but no matter what I try it seems to return an empty array. It is the default role attributed to new accounts. I have to do the following configuration. I’ve been sifting through the docs and I’ve tried everything to connect a new vendor Jun 1, 2022 · The Administration panel section is divided into 2 sub-sections: Roles (see Configuring administrator roles) and Users. It is available in the Administration panel section of the Settings sub navigation. How could one query a user? TIA May 15, 2022 · If you want a specific role for all new users, I suggest you to edit your default registered user role by going on your StrAPI admin panel, go to Settings > Advanced Settings. Jun 13, 2024 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: Operating System: Database: Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> Hi Guys, I’m trying to configure some permissions. Jun 23, 2021 · i create four roles in user & permissions → roles then i want to create new user in my front end app ( a website), for this, i need to know the role’s id but i can’t get it now any body know how to get role’s id? May 19, 2021 · A trick I recommend to them is, go to the Role Permissions (Settings > Users & Permissions Plugin > Roles > Authenticated > Users & Permissions) and see the list of all controllers available for use. 5. In a Strapi application, users of the admin panel are administrators. Is it doable with Strapi? I’m using GraphQL extenstion. 2 the route api/users/me no longer returns the role field in the user data So now to get the user’s role you need to populate the Jun 30, 2022 · I was able to find a solution. Apr 23, 2018 · modifying files directly in node_modules is generally considered bad practice. ( REST API ) The thing is that I have for an example: favouriteVendor on User with the ( User has more favouriteVendors connection ) and I want to create a vendor and after creation connect it to the User on that key. This settings section allows to configure the available providers, email templates and the advanced settings of the plugin. so, what about your colleagues?also, your file changes will get overwritten whenever you run an npm update or init command and the package you modified is updated along with it. e. after applying the changes, reload /admin then it works In this video I demonstrate how to configure the admin panel roles and users in Strapi. Mar 6, 2010 · If you want a specific role for all new users, I suggest you to edit your default registered user role by going on your StrAPI admin panel, go to Settings > Advanced Settings. Jun 1, 2022 · But it is also possible to grant permissions more publicly, to give access to content to the end-users of your Strapi application. js with NextAuth on the frontend and I'm cur Nov 25, 2022 · Hi. container. Dec 22, 2020 · const role = await strapi. I checked the documentation but couldn’t find answers to my questions. ). Instructions to configure the end-users roles for a front-end application using the Users & Permissions plugin Administrators are the users of an admin panel of a Strapi application. Is there a way to get the user role form the May 14, 2023 · Hello guys, I am trying to create a project using Strapi V4. When you create a user without a role or if you use the /auth/local/register route, the authenticated role is given to the user. Not when users are registered and log Feb 21, 2022 · System Information I created a new content type named “Report”. My end goal, at least for now, is to be able to create new Reports via REST API by sending POST requests to the /api/reports endpoint. User 1. . 2. Create new Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) conditions. 8. I came up to a small hurdle using Strapi V4 and connecting entities to the User. I know there is an author role, but from my understanding thats only at the admin panel. I’d like to be create to create a relationship between one table (collection-type) and the user roles as part of our workflow process such that for a given stage we can define what role is required i. Manage permissions effortlessly with the Strapi Custom roles and permissions: create custom roles to assign consistent permissions to your team. Thought I would ping <@752476861904191499>, <@729581409446133801> and <@711514413982548032> as this workaround works perfectly for our use-case. query('api::user. The link will redirect to a page that will generate JWT token. GraphQL plugin Dec 8, 2021 · Signed-off-by: harimkims <harimkims@gmail. So now to get the user’s role you need to populate the role field, thus the call will be api/users/me?populate=role. When I log in as Company Admin or Company User, I need an information about the role, so as to show the user the correct content. Jun 1, 2021 · I tried to set role permissions to my route : When I authorized Authenticated user with or without “isauthenticated”, I get 403 Forbidden (with my jwt admin token in the header) When I authorized Public user with “isauthenticated” advanced settings, I get 403 Forbidden (with my jwt admin token in the header), and 401 Unauthorized. What should I do? Is there an official solution for this? 🤔 Best regards Nov 15, 2022 · Forbidden access 403, can be caused by several things: You didn't pass API token (jwt) to the request header (Bearer token) You have to allow the user/admin role to access User collection. user = await strapi. io; password: strapi; role: Author; User 2. Administrator accounts and roles are managed with the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) feature. io; password: strapi; role: Reader # Login as a Reader. Sep 17, 2024 · User has Authenticated role, and Authenticated role has the update permission. io Jan 6, 2022 · Since Strapi version 4. 2 Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu) Database: Postgres Node Version: 16. Dec 22, 2020 · This discussion has been migrated from our Github Discussion #7268 BioSs54145d ago Hello, I have a few questions about Strapi. Dec 6, 2021 · I figured out a workaround for now, turns out I was using the incorrect model name, so the db lifecycle hook does work for the user model (). Here screenshots: This topic has Jun 30, 2022 · But, I would like to get the permission for the current role (administrator, public, etc. You will be able to edit your "Default role for authenticated users". Aug 4, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. Sep 9, 2024 · When you run the strapi transfer command, is it supposed to transfer users and roles? When I try and transfer from my server to local machine (or the other way around) it says items are transferred in the output, but the user roles and users are nowhere to be seen, and all of the content is missing the user that created/updated it. On average it takes about 3 minutes before I receive a Nov 9, 2020 · My React app uses Strap-3. Finally create 2 users with the following data. 4. I'm using Next. Oct 20, 2021 · I've also tried manipulating the users/me endpoint which didn't yield any results (and is probably also discouraged). I also now realize that User Permissions is missing. I’m seeking direction for current “best practices” (for Strapi ^3. I have a collection type MedicalArticle that is related to another collection type Organization using the Relation collection type. Aug 6, 2022 · I have a collection in Strapi called projects and I want to be able to fetch only the projects belonging to the currently logged in user. 1. Local Authentication for End Users For Strapi end users, authentication can either be done locally or with the use of providers. Jun 1, 2022 · We can now imagine you have a JWT that comes from Auth0 (opens new window) and you want to make sure the JWT is correct before allowing the user to use the Strapi API endpoints. user', { populate: ["*"] } ) However, this just returns []. Best Practices. exports = plugin => {const sanitizeOutput = (user) => {const {password, resetPasswordToken, confirmationToken Apr 15, 2021 · model: strapi. From this interface, it is possible to: create a new end-user role (see Creating a new role), delete an end-user role (see Deleting a role), or access information regarding an end-user role, and edit it (see Editing a role). The strange thing is that I can access other sections in the admin panel, like settings → Users&Permissions → Providers, but Jun 1, 2022 · But it is also possible to grant permissions more publicly, to give access to content to the end-users of your Strapi application. Depending on what users and their roles and permissions you want to manage, you should either use the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) feature, or the Users & Permissions plugin. From this interface, it is possible to: make a textual search (1) to find specific administrators, Jun 29, 2020 · I have created a books content type containg books. Their roles and permissions are configured in the admin panel. MongoDB Atlas is my database. More details of my problem: Basically I created a many to many relationship between users and restaurants. 4 and I'm using NodeJS 12 so things like the spread operator are available. 0 Yarn Version: -</details> In Strapi v3 it was possible to use the role attribute of the authenticated… Feb 25, 2022 · Hi. id}, ); Quite the long approach, so hopefully Strapi will release an easier way of specifying role id on register, instead of just using the default one. Author: Can create and manage their own content, but can only publish their own work. Nov 9, 2024 · When managing user access in Strapi, setting up roles and permissions in the admin panel is a critical step. Apr 13, 2022 · /api/users/:id?populate=role and /api/users/me?populate=role. In src/index. Design REST and GraphQL Content Delivery APIs to connect to any frontend. I have an “avatar” field, of type Media, when I call /auth/local, I get my field and when I call /users/me I don’t have it. I’ve tried with many different iterations of the above and I’ve also Mar 31, 2022 · Then Goto Settings → USERS & PERMISSIONS PLUGIN → Roles, You will get Roles page, if you haven’t created any roles you will see default two roles,as below Authenticated Public. com/strapi/strapi/issues/13296). When I want to create a MediaArticle with the Content Manager, the Jun 1, 2022 · # Create users. js, this is my code, I wanted to send a confirmation email after user create: Aug 3, 2022 · Since Strapi version 4. Strapi Community Forum V5 PUT request in /users/me returns 404, even though GET Oct 21, 2021 · However when a user is logged in, it can update, see and add data of others. entityService. io (to get list of all users along with roles) strapi; Share. RBAC is a security model that defines the permissions and actions that each user or group can perform within an application. Simple! Oct 21, 2024 · Related Bug → [v4] 401 Unauthorized on admin panel settings -> Users&Permissions -> Roles when using prefix: '' · Issue #21857 · strapi/strapi · GitHub While migrating from v3 to v4, I got stuck with the Users&Permissions plugin, trying to edit some role access. To create a new role, click on the Add new role button. findMany( 'plugin::users-permissions. I tested the following: Non super-admin creating/inviting a new user with the super-admin role Non super-admin creating/inviting a Sep 20, 2023 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. Go to settings; Click Roles below the Users and Permissions plugin; Click on the role you want to edit. A Strapi "admin user" is anyone who has the ability to login to your Strapi admin panel, this is not limited to the role of the user. How could I for example extend this response and retrieve the role when logging in? Oct 22, 2023 · What is the endpoint for fetching a user along with their roles based on an identifier? When I use the URL: http://localhost:1338/api/users/1?populate=role The Roles sub-section of Users & Permissions plugin displays all created roles for the end users of your Strapi application. I'm using an add on called JawsDB and edited the users-permissions_permission table using the MySQL Workbench, search the 'init' under action column then changing the role column to 2 because the id of the public role in the users-permissions_role is 2. It is also not stated in the docs. 0. Limit the number of users with administrative privileges. But It would be a lot easier if I just send the “GET” request without adding any Mar 23, 2022 · How to assign multiple roles to a single user for the end-users? As of now, we can assign multiple roles to a single user for the admin user management. 20 NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> I’m trying to update the role of certain users by using Strapi entityService. Keep your workspace secure and compliant. user Previously the ctx. strapi. user was populated with the user information, its role and permissions. js and used it for fill entities with default val What is an Admin User. username: author; email: author@strapi. db. websites, mobile applications, connected devices etc. # Customize the JWT validation function. 5</details> Can we get filtering by relation for Users ? Strapi Community Forum Filter admin users by role Jul 5, 2024 · How do you guys restrict this? There is this ticket that says it’s not a bug: Any role that can create users can create Super Admin user. The Community Edition of Strapi offers 3 default roles. Each Organization has their own role. 5 Operating System: Windows Database: MySQL Node Version: 14. : After logging in, the UserRole was found in the Response in V3, but unfortunately not in V4. These permissions can be assigned to roles, which are associated with the users who have access to the admin panel, the administrators. However, the lifecycle event does not hold that information, just the role count role: { count: 1 }. changes in node_modules are local to your environment, because node_modules is usually mentioned in . 1 NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> When logging in as a User using the ‘/auth/local’ call. ts I would be very grateful. The PUT request will also return the user info with its new role. A solution presented here How to add custom GraphQL query to Strapi V4 - The IT Solutions doesn’t work either. module. Can this be configured somewhere? Apr 22, 2023 · Since Strapi version 4. An Admin User may create content types, add content, manage API access, install plugins, etc. user. it returns the current role with the Nov 2, 2020 · The Strapi RBAC is designed to be additive: if users have several role assignments, users’ permissions will be the union of the defined privileges. model, If I assign a newly Registered user a custom Role, then I do get the random string in the confirmation URL. However, for the end-users, in Strapi V4, there isn’t a way to assign multiple roles to a single user. I started with exploring users-permissions plugin Jul 16, 2019 · Simply put, an Admin User can access the Strapi dashboard. Jun 27, 2022 · To update the default role and assign a new Role to the user, navigate to the Advanced settings tab and update the Default role for authenticated users option. I’m trying, after creating a user, to put that user in a Mailgun mailing list according to the user’s role. Dec 7, 2021 · System Information When generating Swagger/OpenAPI documentation in v4 it do not contain endpoints for users or roles/permissions. Declaring new conditions Feb 24, 2022 · System Information How can we query user(s) with the query engine? I expected something like this: const entry = await strapi. 2 as its backend server. x:; MySQL:; Hi, I am trying to create a user (table: up_users) and set the role, but the role is not set. role. Follow Feb 28, 2022 · To assign custom roles to users, go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Default Role for Authenticated Users -> select the Custom Roles. This was written against strapi 3. If someone can give me a simple working example of their strapi-server. request. You can also assign roles to an individual or a specific user by going to Users -> Create a user -> fill out the information -> select the specific role for the user under Role. To login as a user, you will need to follow the login documentation. 14. 0 NPM Version: 9. An End User can only consume the API. I can get the specific products by sending the User ID in the query params of the API endpoint from the frontend. I read that maybe a field in extensions/users-permissions needed Dec 13, 2022 · System Information. Only when I query /users/me I get only the user data without relations. A list of your Content Types will be shown. The issue I’m having is that it takes extremely long before the user is succesfully updated. Product. 10 Operating System: OSX Database: MySQL Node Version: v14. At that time the role attribute was Jan 17, 2022 · Hello, how could I extend the response that is returned by strapi upon a successful login? I created a user via the users-permissions plugin and logged in with email + password and strapi returns the jwt token as well as a very basic user object. Mar 23, 2023 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. Strapi provides three default roles: Super Admin: Unrestricted access. getRoles(). It is available in the Administration panel section of the Settings icon Settings sub navigation. 16. Mar 14, 2020 · How to get roles along with user-profiles in strapi. In their case, they should use the endpoint /users/me. What I need later is to create strapi jwt token with the correct role, the token is generated, but for some reason it comes without any role. state. 1: Windows MySQL Node 20 LTS</details> Hello, I have a Strapi admin panel with custom user roles. 6. Like in the screenshot attached. Solutions tried May 14, 2022 · Relevant issue with other workarounds: Population does not work for Users in Users-Permissions · Issue #11957 · strapi/strapi · GitHub Strapi Community Forum Get user role with the user informations after authentication via auth/local (Strapi v4) Jun 27, 2019 · Building on both of the previous answers, it seems you can get away with a single loop and in that you can set permissions for both public and authenticated users. Some features of the admin panel, as well as the content managed with Strapi itself, are ruled by a system of permissions. Nov 2, 2022 · System Information Hello everyone, Trying to get the logged in user details from Admin like id, username and email to populate the created by and updated by collection fields as I am creating the collection using API these fields are coming blank. Mar 3, 2023 · How do you get the currently logged in admin user, not end user, details on the server when building a plugin? I need to get the role of the admin user currently logged in to be able to set permissions within the plugin … Jun 30, 2022 · But, I would like to get the permission for the current role (administrator, public, etc. Interestingly: when the user logs in, I get the user object and all foreign key relations returned. May 26, 2022 · I am using the default login of strapi /api/auth/local. Mar 22, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. 0 Operating System: MacOS Database: PostgreSQL Node Version: 16. I want to return list of books owned by authenticated user Feb 20, 2024 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi 4. An Admin Client profile in which he will only have access to the roles he creates and access to Oct 14, 2021 · When an authenticated user sends a “GET” request on this endpoint, I want to return only the products associated with the user requesting it. get('users-permissions'). Is there a way to assign the user role on register? I am referring to API users not admin panel users. Each book in the collection belongs to a user (user content type provided by Strapi). a stage has a user role, a user role has many stages. Administrators are the users of an admin panel of a Strapi application. gitignore. Improve this question. We will update the function that validates the JWT. fetchAuthenticatedUser(id); Remember to replace id with the actual user's ID. As it stands, when a POST request is sent to this URL, a Jul 31, 2021 · So, to sum up, just create the roles you want to assign to users in this module and then use the user with that role for acquiring bearer token, following which you can call the APIs with that token. It returns jwt and user data, I added role in the User table and also asigned role to the user, but i am not getting rol in user data. The problem is that I added data to the User collection type, but that custom field is not being fetched by the GET /users/me end point. You will be able to edit your “Default role for authenticated users”. Otherwise, here is Mar 29, 2022 · System Information Something that I was able do with version 3, I am not able to do with version 4. There are some differences. Oct 19, 2022 · @Andy_Lai , you are right, it doesn’t work in 4. Dec 22, 2023 · For STRAPI v4, that is mostly used now : If you want a specific role for all new users, I suggest you to edit your default registered user role by going on your StrAPI admin panel, go to Settings > Advanced Settings. It also allows to define the end-users roles and their related permissions (see Configuring end-user roles). By default Strapi comes with three roles - Author, Editor and Super A Jun 16, 2023 · As a strapi user I want to create a custom Role for the authentificated users, i know that i can write code on boostrap function in /src/api/server. Regularly review and update roles to ensure they align with current security policies. 0 Yarn Version: -</details> In Strapi v3 it was possible to use the role attribute of the authenticated user from the response-json directly after the login to use it for some authorization things in frontend. Not all users have access to Mar 29, 2022 · Strapi v4: I want to show no preview entries for APIs only to a specific user role and not public => ?publicationStatus=preview should only work for users in a Dec 21, 2021 · Signed-off-by: harimkims <harimkims@gmail. x forward) to Learn how user management works in Strapi and how to implement it. Instead i have a null response. ) All the fields returned in the response of the permissions API are false, which does not reflect the reality of my current user role. The Users sub-section of Administration panel displays a table listing all the administrators of your Strapi application. You need to grant your user's role the following permission though: Admin panel -> settings -> users & permissions -> Roles -> your user's role -> users-permissions -> role -> find (note: findOne will not work !) See full list on docs. At the most basic, I’m sending a request using: const users = await strapi. Nov 9, 2020 · Hello 👋 I’m using users/me endpoint to fetch all the data of the current user (learned about that in this dicussion). Jun 1, 2022 · It allows to create a new role for administrators of your Strapi application. After creating a user account and trying to upload the image to strapi and connect it to the users object only the upload seems to work. For Strapi end users, authentication can either be done locally or with the use of providers. By following these practices, you can manage authenticated users in Strapi effectively while maintaining a high level of security. Content-manager also now appears, which I did not previously realize was missing. # Authentication # Token usage Nov 14, 2020 · Hello community I have a noob question. Logging in will be performed by clicking a link sent via email. 2 the route api/users/me no longer returns the role field in the user data So now to get the user’s role you need to populate the Feb 10, 2022 · This answer that does not look very elegant did the job for me: The Users & Permissions plugin is managed from the Users & Permissions plugin settings section, accessible from Settings in the main navigation of the admin panel. To avoid performance issues the role is the only populated relation on the user by default. get. To change the default role, go to the Advanced settings tab and update the Default role for authenticated users option. What is the correct syntax to set the role? Jan 28, 2023 · Since the content is related to User Content Type which is controlled by the Users and Permissions plugin, you need to do some extra work. Strapi Community Forum V5 PUT request in /users/me returns 404, even though GET # Update the default role. I want to get the role of user on login, any method to populate the response with role or get role details from the jwt itself! Dec 20, 2021 · I have three different custom user roles in Settings → Users & Permissions Plugin → Roles, and those are: Company Admin, Company User and Guest User. E. g. Dec 23, 2021 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. body. Strapi Forum Managing end-user accounts. Please search for the user and update their Role. I don’t know if exists an option similar to after sign up hook, to attach an specific role… thanks. In Strapi 3, it was called users Dec 27, 2024 · Here's a code snippet to get the authenticated user in Strapi: ctx. (permission controller) PATH - node_modules\@strapi\plugin-users-permissions\server\services\permission. This may include adding content but through the GET/POST methods in a form - not the Strapi dashboard. Here is the API route for May 17, 2021 · System Information Hi, I’m trying to create a Strapi backend that could register users without a username and password. Both are managed from Settings, accessible from the main navigation of the admin panel. After creating association with “User” in Strapi admin UI, you need to change “Authenticated” permission, enabling “find” of associated collection you want to shown in “/api/users/me” endpoint. I'm able to get everything to display by dropping the users-permissions_user, users-permissions_role, and users-permissions_permission tables. It’s the same thing with the login response, where the user role is also hidden so we have to have another fetch in order to get it. 13. I’d like a logged in user to be able to view and edit its own data. Feb 15, 2022 · Strapi Version: 4. In Users-Permissions Goto USER section → Tick mark “find” checkbox and save it and hit this Api-Endpoint with May 5, 2022 · Hi, I found this solution, ideally for V4. 0 Yarn Version:</details> i have set two roles in settings and i have the default user collection type and i want to set the role based on the data i get sent through front end. End-users are the users who consume the content that is created and managed with a Strapi application and displayed on front-end applications (e. user'). 7; Hello ! How to populate “role” field at authentification of a user with local users-permissions ? Only way I could get the roles was to May 12, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. 20. Why ‘users’? Bug report Describe the bug When i'm logging in with GraphQL, the user object doesn't send me back the user role. plugins['users-permissions']. services. that alone will cause you a Jun 1, 2022 · The Roles sub-section of Users & Permissions plugin displays all created roles for the end-users of your Strapi application. query(‘role’, ‘users-permissions’). If you just want to edit user role, you can do it by Oct 25, 2024 · How can I get the user role in Strapi 5 while logging in http://localhost:1337/api/auth/local response { “jwt”: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9 The Roles sub-section of Users & Permissions plugin displays all created roles for the end users of your Strapi application. How to create custom conditions for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting access to some users. May 17, 2019 · ok, I just fixed my issue by editing the MySQL database. Local Authentication for End Users. In this content type, I have a list of fields including 2 user-permissions relational fields called “author” and “offender”. Apr 13, 2023 · { "role": 2 #id of the role } And don't forget to change the permissions to make this role change possible (via Strapi Admin) 👍️. Clicking on the Add new role button will redirect you to the roles edition interface, where you will be able to edit the role's details and configure its permissions (see Editing a role). May 15, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. For more detailed information on the definition of "Admin Users" and "Admin Seats" see the following support article. 0 NPM Version: v8. example i have two roles role a and role b for user i want to set the role a Apr 30, 2022 · System Information How can I get the user’s role information when logging in via graphql? When query for the role in response it returns forbidden or null?? Is there any way to get the role? I’m building a website which requires multi role authentication!! So I’m stuck here! please help me!! Dec 21, 2021 · Adding a connecting an image to a users-permissions "user" model after creation also doesn't seem to work fokes. findOne({ where: { email: email } }) But that ain’t working. Jan 20, 2025 · Use the Strapi API to programmatically get roles and assign them to users with endpoints like strapi. By acessing the role I want directly, using: http://localhost:1337/api/users-permissions/roles/1. sqp oadd jem zjn unp gioae dsbfdj jope jnefx bjbddq jttsof ivcl bri hih okezwrf