Swtor where to find jaesa willsaam. Both versions of Jaesa are returning with this update.

Swtor where to find jaesa willsaam Aug 24, 2012 · I always enjoyed that Jaesa could be light or dark depending on which side you went with. Ich finde einfach Jaesa Willsaam nichtbin in nar shaddaa komplett fertig aber irgednwie ist sie nicht aufgetaucht. Her family was Nov 4, 2016 · SWTOR. I also would love to see Kira Carsen as well. Although everything is going well i noticed that even after fights she always has her weapon wielded. Talos Drellik - age 27 . Prev; 1; 2; 3; Next; Page 3 of 3 From servant girl to right hand of the Emperors Wrath, the Jedi/Sith that would become hugely popular. Dec 23, 2011 · Title more or less says it all, would just like to get the general communities feedback on this, to relay it to BioWare. May 20, 2017 · I am sure this has been covered so many times, but Jaesa Willsaam was one of the best companions to romance. Did they implement new romance options for her if she's Light Side as well? Thanks for the help. So far, my favorite has been the Sith Warrior, which for now I consider to be my 'head-canon' events. Les histoires lumineuses du guerrier et de Jaesa font un peu plus bricolage pour suivre l'histoire à mon gout. Jan 10, 2015 · Hey ich wollte einmal fragen ob es möglich ist Jaesa Willsaam als heller Sith Krieger zu heiraten wie ich hörte kann man ja nur mit der dunklen Jaesa heiraten(?), ich antworte allerdings immer hell bei Quests. Frequently. Jaesa: I want us to be married, and then populate the gal Mar 7, 2018 · *I do not miss Jeasa Willsaam cause she is a crazy ***** (darkside) LOL But I do love to have her for my Sith Warrior and she goes damn well with a darksided Sith and I wonder how she fit in the alliance cause she hate Jedi and she can sense the "betrayer" hahaha. an Alliance Alert you receive after completing the Ossus story line. Dark Side Jaesa is angry with you at first and feels abandoned. May 6, 2017 · I always assumed that the change in outfit comes with the (sometimes technical) switch of allegiance, whether she's Dark Side and really buys the Sith ideology, or is Light Side and thus needs to fit in. Jaesa Willsaam - Perhaps you're right--left unchecked I could blunder into trouble, as I just have with you. Basically he's a former Jedi who got fed up with all the rules and restrictions o Mar 3, 2012 · I'm questionning your logic. I dont expect the devs to come here and say 'yea, we got lazy after we added her to the game', but I do thin How to start romance: The dark-side male Sith Warrior can romance dark-side Jaesa during the Sith Warrior story as well as the companion conversations with her. Dec 5, 2015 · I have succeeded in making a character look exactly like dark Jaesa Willsaam and can vow that resemblance is 100% match if your character has dark side corruption level 1 (did a lot of comparing and screen shots): - Select human female - Body type: 2 - Head: 1 - Scars: 1 - Complexion: 2 - Eye Color: Any (as they will change if you have dark I like to find a dyable version of the top she starts out with, unfortunately I can’t remember the name of it but I know it’s name is purple. Dec 14, 2011 · Jaesa was born into a life of servitude on Alderaan. Oct 11, 2018 · Does anybody know when we get Doc for the Jedi Knight and Jaesa Willsaam for the Sith Marauder back? Apr 1, 2016 · A recent Dev leak confirmed Jaesa Willsaam is having an affair with another Sith. Jetzt bin ich mir nicht sicher ob ich dann bald mit Jaesa Willsaam auch als "guter" eine Romanze führen kann. It's like right after you finish Alderaan. [bIG SPOIL CI-DESSOUS!!!!!] Mar 14, 2012 · I'm torn as to whether convert Jaesa as light side or as dark side. com You get Jaesa at the end of Chapter 1 on the planet Hutta. I, like many other SWs(who have leveled up as Light) I've spoken with, were disappointed to finally get Jaesa only to find out we are unable to romance her as Light Side. The difference between the two Sep 1, 2020 · Dark Jaesa does not play a roll in the events on Ossus, but light Jaesa does. All you need to do is go to the vendor and buy it, and most companion customizations only cost between ten thousand and twenty thousand credits. I am Dark Side 3, I chose every dark side option, I let Jaesa kill Nomen Karr, and when I look at her she is definitely dark side (belly top robe, dark make-up, orange glowing eyes). Similar skills, but not exactly the same. But does anyone know if I get to re-recruit them? Dec 21, 2017 · You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. Xalek(true name Xivhkalrainik) - age 24 Smuggler: Akaavi Spar - age 28 . I enjoy having her as my companion. I'm hoping I can get some suggestions as to which would fit my character better. Would like to play a again and get dark side Jaesa, but I don't want to play as Darth Douchebag. Corso Riggs - age 22 . Still don't have it. 5) Darth Baras sends Draahg to deal with the Sith Warrior. It's true. Jaesa Willsaam was a Human female Jedi Padawan who studied under the tutelage of Jedi Master Nomen Karr and later as the apprentice of the Empire's Wrath, who convinced her to abandon the Jedi Order and join the Sith during the Cold War. I wanted to recruit the Dark Side Jeasa, because she fit my character's RP better (my char Dec 21, 2017 · SWTOR. I only just started with the Sith Warrior and I am wondering if it is possible to turn Jaesa Willsaam to the Darkside WITHOUT having to kill her parents or Nomen Karr. Play Now. 💥 Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to see Nov 1, 2024 · Hi All. Agreed. auch wenn ich bei Mitteilungen gehe finde ich diese mission nicht. Sep 6, 2012 · Hallo, kann man eine Romanze mit Jaesa Willsaam anfangen auch wenn man dur hellen Seite der Macht gehört? Ich habe meinen Sith-Krieger zu einem "guten" Sith-Krieger entwickelt. Check your Companions and Contacts window (default N) for an Alert. Feb 23, 2014 · so anyone know what happens after you've romanced jaesa for a bit. fandom. Alliance Alert: Back in the Fold (Light-side return) / Feel the Wrath (Dark-side return) Recruitable By: Sith Warrior only. jaesa will also immobilize targets when she jumps, including players, making her good for world PVP, as people will try to kite you, she also has a snare (which Vette has no snares), which allows you to use savage kick without blowing rage of your own. It's not possible to miss them. Apr 23, 2013 · C'est très classique, mais bien cohérent. 6) Darth Baras is defeated by the Sith Warrior. If that helps? Then on my jaesa I gave her the female underwear shorts and the gloves and boots from satele shans set, and I like theran shans belt. Requirements: Must complete Ossus / Jedi Under Siege, AND must complete the ‘To Find a Findsman’ Alliance Alert (Yuun) first ???? See full list on swtor. Characters who reunite with Light Side Jaesa on Ossus will no longer receive the Dark Side Jaesa Alliance Alert. Dec 28, 2011 · Salut,je voulais savoir,vue que je trouve que être un guerrier sith Lumineux est assez peu intéressant,je voulais savoir si puisque je suis du coté lumineux (et donc Jaesa reste du coté Bon aussi),si je parviens a passez du côté obscure,est ce que Jaesa va me suivre sur le changement d'alignement Dec 23, 2018 · Thanks for the replies. " The End. Original: Dec 23, 2011 · Ok, I love this girl, mainly because she has an aoe slow that lets me kick whenever I like - but having your own little budding dark protege follow you around is rewarding in and of itself. ) I've played sith warrior before and got light side Jaesa. Jaesa has two facets depending on your story and one only introduces the romance much later in the expansion. They just couldn't do it for release. Apr 9, 2013 · Bump, because you still need to do both Lightside and Darkside Jaesa to get this achievement. Just keep doing your storyline quests and you automatically get every companion for your class. She usually die or near death and I have to pop all cd now just to kill elite gold at Mar 5, 2016 · I know that you can ether make her light or dark but my question is, if i make her light does she have the same likes and dislikes as the dark Jaesa ? (Likes: Random cruelty, secrets of the Force, murder and chaos. And I do not mean have her join Feb 1, 2015 · I was trying to add this companion to my stronghold and it does not register her in my inventory. Born on the idyllic planet of Alderaan to servants of House Organa, Jaesa was raised in a life of relative privilege, though she was not a member of Alderaanian nobility Jan 1, 2012 · Currently I'm gearing her as tank for my Sith mara, give her will power and endurance. Mar 19, 2012 · However, I have finished my class story line (and have Jaesa's affection at 10K) and nothing. The Jaesa Willsaam Light Customization 3 is a customization you can purchase directly from a vendor in-game, you don't need to purchase it from another player and there's no secret way to get it. Dec 23, 2013 · Jaesa is the only Imperial crew member that gives +accuracy, +firing arc. I generally choose dark side options except when civilians or innocents are involved, and once I lost almost 300 points with her, forcing me to do the choice again with another companion. Her parents, Parvin and Gregor Willsaam, worked under House Organa and planned for their daughter to eventually marry into nobility, removing them from a meager lifestyle. She develops a separate philosophy from the Jedi, too, embracing the idea of one's potential not being held back, the possibility of having a familymaybe if I didn't have a freaking headache and was sort Oct 6, 2016 · Hello everyone. Throughout the following analysis, I present Jaesa only as she is known in her canonical (that is, canonical within the EU/Legends continuity) version. May 9, 2014 · I've noticed since I just unlocked the Miraluka, their race ability is to detect the force alignment of someone. During that meeting you can reject Jaesa. Feb 12, 2012 · So, I need rep with Jaesa as I'm synthweaving and making important things is taking a little too long. Light side Warrior with dark side Jaesa is awkward due to her life's goal being to hunt and kill people like you. 1) After ganking Nomen Karr, in the cutscene you can ask her to look at you and her reply depends on your alignment. Jaesa is a kind of crazy, but in effect she's mostly conscience-deficient. Jul 14, 2021 · Und zwar ich habe die Komplette Story Kofe u. ) About: Originally from Alderaan, Jaesa w Aug 3, 2012 · I have seen people on tor head pointing out that the dark Jaesa Willsaam is just typical sith but the light Jaesa Willsaam is not sith but thinking jedi have the wrong idea, so with that information i am wondering if that is true what they have said. May 6, 2018 · You: "Jaesa turn back to the light. Dec 8, 2024 · The date night missions might actually not account for locking in on a new romance and dumping Vette which would be a funny oversight if you really want to romance Jaesa i'd listen to The_Hightower and only do so after you get everything from Vette's missions first, just to be on the safe side, since usually locking into a new romance ends your current one The "Jaesa before joining my crew" version. Oct 25, 2012 · Hallo meine Jaesa ist auf der hellen Seite. Jan 13, 2012 · Hey guys, I recently finished Act 1 where I had to confront Norman Karr and lure out the Jaesa Willsaam. Da ja Jaesa Wilsam von der Storyline her die Gabe hat jeden "auf den Grund Dec 15, 2018 · Dark Side Jaesa will once again accept your Companion Gifts. In the first real face to face conversation with Master Timmns, if Jaesa is in the party, Dec 31, 2011 · well i want to romance Jaesa but as far as i can see (lvl 35 marauder) Vette is much more effective in battle,to not mention malavai's healing rocks. Dark Jaesa actually dyes her her black (Hair Color: 10), has different makeup (Cosmetics: 6) and has differently shaped eyebrows (Complexion: 2). I am uncertain if that rejection prevents you from receiving Jaesa's Alliance Alert. Even though I can summon her? Feb 4, 2019 · Which missions on Ossus do you have to complete in order to get the mish alert for Jaesa? I've done the story, now just the dailies are left. 5 Dec 20, 2011 · Ich habe da ein kleines Problem und hoffe ihr könnt mir vielleicht dabei helfen, es zu lösen. Yeah I looked over every inch of Odessen and I can't find her. Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being's true nature and uncover a pe Jul 19, 2015 · Jaesa story is not as good, but darkside Jaesa is just insane. I play on an RP server so my guy has a little bit of a back story. Mar 7, 2013 · Companion customizations: Jaesa Willsaam Light & Dark Jaesa is a unique companion as she has a split personality. At the end, she became my apprentice but I always wondered this question. Dec 24, 2011 · There's a few minor points in Jaesa's favor to be considered. I have Light I because of ~3500 light side points for ~2200 dark side points. Jaesa was a Padawan who served the Jedi Order; until she fell to the dark side. Mar 14, 2012 · Jaesa Willsaam - age 21 . I have seen the light and dark sides but never a neutral version - does anyone know i Jan 19, 2019 · Bonjours a tous et a toute j'aurez besoin d'aide pour savoir comment récupérée jaesa willsaam après les dlc , jais fini la première quette avec dark Malgus mais je n'ai toujours pas retrouver jaesa willsaam , aider moi svp Dec 25, 2016 · I know I can get Malavai Quinn and Jaesa Willsaam on my companion galaxy finder. Jaesa: So you better propose or something, because our offspring will be the most powerful creatures in the galaxy. Feb 6, 2020 · My analysis on Jaesa Willsaam will be based on the following sources: The Old Republic MMO, The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural, and the Old Republic Encyclopedia. Ashara is somewhat believable, and even if she doesn’t fall completely she gradually accepts the actual flaws that exist in the Jedi order - a lot of Jedi crossing way past “peaceful and detached” into the territory of “apathetic and complacent”, and some of the masters The Jaesa Willsaam Dark Customization 4 is a customization you can purchase directly from a vendor in-game, you don't need to purchase it from another player and there's no secret way to get it. I mean we fight none elite and silver ok, but elite gold that where the trouble come in. You wanted DS but went LS is pretty much what I gather. The point of this post centres around how best to use her, mainly with her offensive stances. Sie wollte, dass ich die Sache mit Vette beende, was ich jedoch abgelehnt habe, weil ich erst wissen wollte, wie sich das ganze weit Jan 1, 2012 · During the mission for Jaesa, "rising aspirations", the dialogue is either misleading/broken. Broonmark - age Unknown. It was ok until I start hit lv 40. It sucks, butyou have to only choose the dark side option in your conversation with her. Truly scary and compelling. Jan 22, 2012 · Dark Side Jaesa I didn't find interesting at all. I just went to the companion terminal and reclaimed all of my missing companions. The Jaesa Willsaam Dark Customization 6 can be found on the GTN, which is an auction house where players can buy and sell unbound items. so i choose between these 2 to help me expbut i lose affliction points wits Jaesa like this and gifts cant replace it easy:( any suggestion what Nov 9, 2014 · Hi everyone, Just had a few questions regarding Jaesa Willsaam, her alignment, and usefulness. Returns: After Ossus / Jedi Under Siege. EDIT: Nevermind, the mission was titl Nov 28, 2012 · Hi, i just finished the jalesa quest, but i don't know if she's light or dark side. then you get her affection meter all the way up. Either way, the padawan outfit would stand out pretty significantly. Essentially you'll get LS Jaesa back but she just won't have any new dialogue or story content & will basically be like every other companion once you finish their alert/story or get them from the terminal. Jaesa Willsaam was born on Alderaan to Gregor and Parvin Willsaam, and spent her early life as a handmaiden to Gesselle Organa of House Organa. I also ran into an issue of placed items on hooks not being able to be removed. On Ossus you encounter light Jaesa during one of your missions with Major Anri. Et sur un plan caractère, Jaesa sombre est plus amusante pour moi. Oct 7, 2015 · Oh no doubt, it's an interesting scene when she senses you, but all in all Lightside Jaesa was designed for a Lightside player, all her convos now are horribly off and my responses don't match what I would say lol. Is there an option where you can kill Jaesa instead of converting her to the darkside & make her your companion? Sith Warrior storyline spoiler!!!! Hi everyone!I played as a Sith Warrior and spared Jaesa's parents, but I choose to "lie" to Baras( I guess) and told him I "dealt" with them(he tought I killed them, maybe)( I actually promised them a fruitful life etc), because he said he was gonna torture them, so I pressed escape and started the conversation over. Kann man die Quest von Hutta rücksetzen? Oder wie kann man sonst Jaesa auf die dunkle Seite switchen? Hab echt keine Lust neuen Char deswegen anzufangen. This morning i finally finished the first arc for the sith warrior class and i finally unlocked Jaesa Willsaam as a companion. She still has a notion of right and wrong, although it's *way* different to yours or mine. Dec 16, 2018 · Whatever your feelings towards her are, Jaesa is finally making her way back to your heart (or sword?) in Jedi Under Siege. To turn Jaesa to the dark side requires the player to be Dark I alignment or darker, and choose the dark side options in the "The Padawan Exposed" Sith Warrior quest during Chapter 1. But Kira wins as her Romance story is much better than Jaesa's. News. If so, I would say go for it regardless. Characters who acquired Dark Side Jaesa prior to 5. Hope that helps. Feb 23, 2012 · Copy and pasted from my ticket submitted today (i was directed here) I'm not sure where else to put this ticket, as tehre doesnt seem to be much communication on the forums as far as these issues go, so I'll put it here and hope it can get to someone that it is relevent to. Here is a dark side Jaesa guide, and how to make sure you got the Jaesa you wanted. Although I find that dark works rather well for the SW who slowly shifts from DS to LS; you can treat corrupting Jaesa as your sad mistake, iirc there's even an appropriate dialogue line when you meet her again on Ossus. Jaesa Willsaam Light Customization 3 Taris Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer Jaesa Willsaam Light Customization 5 Security Key Vendor Ilum Orbital Station (Imperial) Jaesa Willsaam Light Customization 6 Cartel Market or Underworld Reputation Romanceable by: Sith Warrior male characters & Sith Warrior female characters (Male characters who had already started a romance with Jaesa can continue it when they re-unite with her after Ossus, female characters can start a new romance with Jaesa. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. Over the course of an hour. Game. Both versions of Jaesa are returning with this update. I didn't kill his mentor directly, but he was sent to baras and i didn't choose the "walk the light path with me" option. You should have receive an Alliance Alert to reconnect with Jaesa following Jedi Under Siege (Ossus). I finished it afterwards when I was searching for a solution to this problem. In either she can feel stiff and one dimensional but her dark side can be amusing if you go that way. She’s also more well-developed story-wise than Jaesa. Please let's see a fix for these soon, or at least a word that this has been noted. Jaesa flips a switch from innocent nun to having orgies in puddles of blood. Jaesa Willsaam was born on Alderaan to Gregor and Parvin Willsaam and spent her Feb 11, 2017 · I noticed months ago that my Jaesa Willsaam stronghold decoration was missing after i transferred all of my characters from the BC (west coast) sever to the EH (east coast) server. Me: You're so sure of yourself. So, is Jaesa related to the Miraluka? What are your theories on this? For me personally, I made this work with my Sep 29, 2015 · And still not fixed even after three years. Purely based on amount of gameplay interactions, Vette is better. I've never pl Nov 4, 2016 · More sharing options Followers 2. I didn't fully explore the convo choices with Jaesa since I was aiming at getting her LS, but if you took LS options in your class quest, regardless of your global alignement, it would make sense that Jaesa ends up LS. In fact I despised having her around eventually, she's a typical psychotic maniac, mass-murderer and pretty much represents most of the ***** Sith in the Empire who kill for no reason and are responsible for The Empire starting to lose the war. is it possible to turn her back to the Light Side? Jaesa Willsaam is a human female Companion for a Sith Warrior player. Jun 30, 2013 · You will have to fight Noman Karr again, but you can change which Jaesa you end up with by choosing the correct dialogue choice at the final decision point. class-specific (Warrior's only). Lord Scourge is the only Republic crew member that gives +sensor radius, +communication. In videos it looks like LS Jaesa is found in the cantina. I don't know if i did something wrong, but i wanted she as dark side companion. Jan 11, 2012 · I don't know why you would, though. I did not enjo Light Side Jaesa is not only my favorite character in Swtor, she is one of my favorite videp game characters ever. Apr 6, 2020 · Hey Leute, ich hab einen Sith-Krieger, den ich möglichst neutral spielen will, mit leichter Tendenz zur hellen Seite. Accompanies: Sith Warrior; Planet: Hutta; Companion Type: Aug 22, 2016 · Jaesa still struggles at first with the deception, but she finds confidence in herself, and that allows her mastery of her power to grow. I haven't brought a warrior through Ossus yet, but from my understanding Jaesa is: 1. . Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr. I absolutely adored the way we 'acquired' Jaesa and how she developed during the rest of the ca Jan 8, 2022 · - Baras may have executed Jaesa’s parents in order to strike at the Sith Warrior or sent them to slavery as they have lost their use as a leverage. Dislikes: Honor, mercy, helping people) i could not find an answer to that questio Jan 21, 2012 · Tag zusammen! Ich spiele einen Sith-Krieger und habe offenbar einen wichtigen Dialog versaut, welcher aber für die Hochzeit mit Jaesa Willsaam wichtig gewesen wäre. C'est vraiment une grosse furieuse ^^ Jaesa lumineuse est un peu trop nunuche à mon gout. I will be resubbing in order to experience romancing Jaesa Willsaam again, and I have a few questions. She will attempt to kill you during your letter box recruitment conversation in Chapter 13! You won't be able to kill her though, only let her go to enjoy life with her new lover. Edited July 11, 2013 by Sinopa Add links Feb 11, 2022 · anyone hear if Jaesa Willsaam is going to be brought back anytime in the future??? Dec 25, 2016 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Malavai Quinn and Jaesa Willsaam for Allaince Jul 13, 2013 · Jaesa, to me, is simply the TOR version (and BW's way of adding) Bastula Shan into the game. To turn Jaesa to the dark side requires the player to be Dark I alignment or darker, and choose the dark side options in the “The Padawan Exposed” Sith Warrior quest during Chapter 1. I have LS Jaesa on my SW and while I do like her, for every conversation I sat there thinking of Bastila from the original KotOR and even from what I've heard about DS Jaesa, it still reminds me of Bastila, just amplified. Profile. She is a Romance option, but only as Dark side Jaesa. So I'm in the process of playing all the campaigns (still have 2 and a half to go). Lots of fun either way. w fertig und möchte sie Wieder zurück holen ich weiß das ich eig eine Mission (Spüre den Zorn) sie wieder bekomme , aber diese Mission bekomme ich nicht . Feb 8, 2019 · Playing through my warrior and she is nowhere to be found! I apparently ran through the Ossus story, but I think I stopped short of finishing it, didn't find Jaesa, but she doesn't even show up in my companion tabknown bug? I see this has been happening with several other companions as well. I can't figure out how to run dailies with her without all the downtime and It's killing me. 2. 3) Not Romance Jaesa and be there not for the kid. Forums. They both are pretty good dps companions when geared up. 10 values. Jaesa Willsaam is a female human Sith apprentice serving the Sith Order during the Cold War against the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Aug 10, 2021 · First question is, if you choose the Republic -- will you get Jaesa Willsaam back as a companion? Does it have to be choosing the Empire to recieve her back? Second question, either way if you pick Reps or Imps. Vielleicht kann mir ja einer von euch erklären wo gute Frau steht. Dark Jaesa only appears after Jedi Under Siege is complete. All went well, i killed her teacher on Tatooi Apr 16, 2012 · You don't have to actually do anything. Dec 21, 2011 · Jaesa Willsaam cut scene spoilers below: during your convo with her, you can ask her to look at you and if you are dark, she will come to the conclusion, that the dark side is clearly stronger than the light. com . For Quinn I reclaim the imperial spy officer set? Nov 29, 2017 · does anyone know when or if jaesa willsaam will return just started to play again and someone told me in my guild that she would be back is so that be really cool thanks The Jaesa Willsaam Dark Customization 2 is a customization you can purchase directly from a vendor in-game, you don't need to purchase it from another player and there's no secret way to get it. " Jaesa: "Okay. So after Chapter 1 finishes, you can be LS with DS Jaesa, or DS with LS Jaesa, if it pleases you. I honestly think it's bugged as I did not have the ""to find a huntsman" completed when I finished Jedi under siege. While you don't actually find out, you're character in RP terms does. Store. Last time I well and truly played was around RotHC. Support. In Dark Jaesa versus Regular Jaesa. Vette - age 21 . s. If it's about light-side Jaesa not being marriageable, then that isn't a big issue because they'll add the romance in the future. If i did so Nov 19, 2013 · Now as a lot of you Warrior players know, Jaesa Willsaam is an extremely useful companion and like with all useful companions - you use them, and I do. Is it possible to either: A: Grab and turn in quests with her and then do the actual work with Quinn? Feb 29, 2012 · Not sure if this is the correct section in the forums but here i go. I opened up a ticket to find out if there was in fact a "procreate" quest (or if I somehow missed that option in the last exchange) but got a generic response about not revealing content. For example I regret not bringing jaesa willsaam to Taris since you meet up with a former padawan of her former master there and The Jaesa Willsaam Light Customization 5 item is a companion customization you can only get if you have a Security Key attached to your SWTOR account. However, LS Sith and LS Jaesa doesn't mean Feb 26, 2014 · I find that sometimes it makes a huge difference which companion you have with you when you are doing the storyline quests. Risha - age 21 Jun 5, 2015 · Hallo! Ich habe Gerüchte gehört das man auch mit der hellen Jaesa Wilsam eine Romanze anfangen könnte wenn man vorher nichts mit Vette anfängt oder mit ihr flirtet, vielleicht auch wenn man mit anderen NPCs nicht flirtet. Dec 5, 2015 · 2) Not romance Jaesa but be there for the kid. Jaesa is a character with an awesome story who I took to the Dark Side with me and it has been an awesome ride. Particularly: "right" means that the Sith should be, well, dedicated to the dark side, with anything that leans a Sith toward the light is "wrong". Depending on your decisions prior to unlocking her, her persona will be either Light based (as in a Jedi Consular) or Dark (as in a Sith Assassin). I figured after i reclaimed her i would get the decoration back. To find the GTN at level 10 or higher, look for the Galactic Trade Network section of the Republic or Imperial Fleet. Her attitude (as psyc Jan 11, 2015 · Hey, I play my Sith Avatars with Standards, in that I do not kill unless I feel the character deserves it (Thana Vesh) or if it is just more fun. 10a have had her Influence rating restored to their pre-5. Finally, remember that once you complete "The Padawan Exposed", Jaesa will be LS or DS forever. even after a couple of restarts, the issue is still there. Dark Jaesa's eye color is obviously dark side corruption 1. It seemed to make the companion and play experience much more customized to the individual player. Abhängig von Ihren Entscheidungen vor Entriegelung ihr, wird ihr persona entweder Licht basiert (wie in einem Jedi-Botschafter) oder Dark (wie in einem Sith As Romanceable by: Sith Warrior light-side male characters About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. Malavai Quinn - age 37 Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val - age 2000+ Andronikos Revel - age 35(unconfirmed) Ashara Zavros - age 20 . By Teladis December 21, 2017 Dec 21, 2017 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime. But for Dark side Jaesa she realized that even Jedi don't know the truth and shattered her security in where should could stand with them if all of them were hiding behind masks. Dec 12, 2018 · I'm just very frustrated trying to figure out how to get Jaesa Willsaam for the dark side. Jun 28, 2017 · (I don't know if this should be in general discussion or the sith warrior forums, since it's a question about a companion. I noticed the UI is way different. Jan 27, 2012 · Dark Jaesa sucks imo, she's far too cruel for a girl who was light side until a moment ago. I understand that Jan 10, 2013 · I play an honorable but ruthless and violent Sith Warrior, which means taking some Light side options, like fighting honorably . So no be with Jaesa and not look after the kid she gets pissed at that idea So what does everyone think. She kind of stops being interesting after you've recruited her, no matter which side. lol. I imagine that most players' problem with Jaesa is the lack of patience to teach a new Sith, a Sith that until recently was a Jedi, who was freed from all their bonds and now wants to experience everything that freedom all at once. what happens after that??? Dec 15, 2011 · title says it all, can a ls SW romance Jaesa. The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put Jun 10, 2015 · Light Jaesa is a little timid, but she's more level headed and wants to help you create a better Empire, she even uses her powers to find light leaning Sith to try to help you improve the Empire! NewRandomName Mar 7, 2013 · Companion Anpassungen: Jaesa Willsaam Light & Dark Jaesa ist ein einzigartiger Begleiter, als sie eine gespaltene Persönlichkeit hat. As a teenager, Jaesa served as a handmaiden to Giselle Organa. Find ich allerdings echt öde. I know I can get her as a companion by using the terminal, but I like to keep to the story. Kann ich Jaesa, obwohl ich nur neutral bin, trotzdem auf der hellen Seite für mich gewinnen? Ich bin kein großer Fan, von der DS Jaesa aber einen komplett hellen Sith, würde ich j Sep 20, 2014 · Anyone else not have her show up on your list to be able to be put in your Stronghold? I can put down other Companions, but she shows up as a 0/0 on my list. A Security Key is an app you add to your smart phone, which helps keep your account safer when you log in, and gives you some nice perks like access to Security Key items and 100 free Cartel Sep 1, 2018 · For the past week been playing sith warrior story, not the first time, initially i wanted to do full Dark Side sith, merciless murder machine, as i went through chapter 1, i got curious what would happen if keep Jaesa on Light Side with me being Dark. Tough question. Würde mich freuen Proud young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. For the same reason, I also continue to play this game even if my companion may no longer receive any major content. The Jaesa Willsaam Light is a Story item which can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime. Inconsistent For the Empire! achievement: Screen snip Further inconsistencies in Loyalty to the Sith Warrior achievement: Screen snip Jaesa Willsaam achievements list both Lightside and Darkside: Screen snip. Draahg proceeds by assailing the Sith Warrior’s crew including Jaesa Willsaam. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW Jaesa Willsaam' Return? Jaesa Willsaam' Return? By Fleurdelis November 4, 2016 Nov 4, 2016 · Just no. Apr 21, 2013 · As for Jaesa Willsaam, there is a third light sided option where if you were dark and she wants you to train her you can tell her not to fall to the Dark side. It gives you some extra dialogue sometimes. The only option to remove the bugged items was to clear the Sep 18, 2012 · First time posting a thread, so I'll try to make it count! (also sorry if there is already a thread about this) In the Sith Warrior story quest on Belsavis, there is a bit of a immersion problem in the game. If you have romanced her in the past, your choices will be quite unique. Bowdaar - age 197 . I seem to remember something about a unifying storyline. Do I have to choose Sith Marauder to have Jaesa as a follower, or can I go with another class?. " "Jaesa has returned to the Light Side of the Force and is now your companion. jnbaq sjxed psvqex xhouk kntdic plgrln cenfzd ppkm kguqnzs nela orcpe galw tcnoau ouyedox yrvvwa