Th11 upgrade order 2019 reddit. Then you can simply re-order the item.
Th11 upgrade order 2019 reddit Warden on his way to lvl4 and started the… Collectors farming is still a very solid farming strategy, (better if you used globlins, because they don't have any upgrade at th11 so you already have a maxed troop, otherwise use barch basically). That needs doing is walls and DE troops… Best part is I designed special grouping on the outer layers of my base to nerf/ slow down edrags. However, it's one of the few offense upgrades you get in th11 so you want to upgrade it sooner rather than later. Thanks! Update hits - start TH upgrade and barb lv8 Farm until storages maxed again (staying at th11 so dont get loot penaly as th12) use book of everything on th. I was thinking they are good for war and farming but now I’m wondering what my next move or order should be. And for troops upgrade the wall breaker so u can start using the Super wall breaker as soon as possible, me personally I rly wanted to do the zap super archer QC attack so I upgraded zap, archers, wall breaker and healers. Whatever new defenses exist I'll want placed for the next CWL. It has been working out great for me. So for example at TH9 I was able to start the upgrade to TH10 the same day by starting the two xbow upgrades, doing a bunch of farming, and then starting the TH10 upgrade with a different builder Collectors farming is still a very solid farming strategy, (better if you used globlins, because they don't have any upgrade at th11 so you already have a maxed troop, otherwise use barch basically). Jan 23, 2017 · For your 5th builder: Depending on what you can or cannot build, there are multiple things you can choose to upgrade on the first day of TH11, these are: (in order of importance) If you came into TH11 with a rune of elixir and/or farmed a ton, you can start your first army camp upgrade; If you are a monster farmer, you can upgrade your BK as well I have a rushed 10 and a non-rushed 10, and I am following the same basic upgrade order on both. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! That's dependent on base and army comp. Haste Spell level 5 (TH11) Upgrade cost: 120,000 Dark Elixir Upgrade time: 11 days Speed increase: 52 Duration: 30 seconds Cost: 100 Dark Elixir Rage Spell level 6 (TH12) Upgrade cost: 6,000,000 Elixir Upgrade time: 7 days Damage increase: 180% What's your goal? If the answer is anything but "upgrade my rushed walls", going to th11 is a good idea, with pros and cons. Credits to the YouTube channel "Clasherz Corner" for creating this helpful guide: TOWN HALL 12 UPGRADE GUIDE (POST OCTOBER 2019 UPGRADE) REQUIREMENTS: 646K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. I currently keep all 3 heroes sleeping all the time, and every relevant attack upgrade and war/farm troop is done. Then you can simply re-order the item. 615K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. I like to not waste resources so I would upgrade if it were me. Would you recommend the standard barbs then archers? I’m gonna finish army camps before I upgrade to edragon. So for example at TH9 I was able to start the upgrade to TH10 the same day by starting the two xbow upgrades, doing a bunch of farming, and then starting the TH10 upgrade with a different builder Posted by u/Grey_Wolf1 - 2 votes and 3 comments I disagree with the statement that xbows are not a game changer on farming defense. Posted by u/Jugoslovenac - 3 votes and 3 comments The strongest th12 upgrade is the giga tesla, followed by lvl40 warden. Started with bowlers, but want to upgrade air troops next. Credits to the YouTube channel "Clasherz Corner" for creating this helpful guide: TOWN HALL 12 UPGRADE GUIDE (POST OCTOBER 2019 UPGRADE) REQUIREMENTS: Upgrade time: 11 days Earthquake Spell radius will increase by 0. You can’t see the difference at first Once you reach th9 where the 4th mortar and the baby drag is introduced, upgrade baby drags for farming (it will serve u well up till th14) and prioritize 1 war army (preferably zapquake dragons as they take the least things to upgrade). Let me hear what your priority order of upgrades were for this town hall for your defense. In order to access lvl40 warden, you need to go through lvl20. Probably focus on the Warden and upgrade camps as you acquire elixir in between upgrades. Hi, just moved to th11, been here over a month or 2 now, just wondering the best upgrade order for my lab, got maxed th10 troops, plus I've just upgraded loons & bowlers to max. (And I'd also be very grateful if anyone could tell me BH6 lab upgrade order as well I'm guessing you've already upgraded the lab to th11 level and put down the warden, if not prioritize it first. Now I have the issue of having storages full of gold, elixir, and dark elixir and can't upgrade any anything until my builders are free. Warden on his way to lvl4 and started the… in order to upgrade the TH, you don't need all the new buildings completed, just placed. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! I am a (near) max th10, all that is left is: Minions and haste in lab, and 60 walls. Posted by u/kiran9723 - 10 votes and 4 comments 610K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. 672K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. For perspective: I'm TH11 with AQ 50. I've used hybrid for 4 accounts before so I'm going blizz dragons this time. Prioritize offence, then resources, then defences. Then start adding new defense. Max them out in any order the weights are similiar but if you want a vague order (teslas, ADs, AT's, Cannons, AS's, traps) I wouldn't upgrade Wizard towers and mortars yet as they add the most amount of weight. Infernos aren't much different maxed vs lvl 1 in terms of damage output, so i don't think those should be high priority. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Returning player looking for a clan that wars somewhat frequently, 2-3 days a week. 200 walls are maxed for th11. I’ve only been th11 for a few weeks and I can already 3 star most maxed th11 bases. 570K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. I used a hammer on the lab and immediately began miner lvl 4. Regarding defense, Start upgrading EXISTING defenses, meaning don’t add anything new. Posted by u/DDozFTW - 1 vote and 3 comments [ASK] What is the most expensive dark elixir and elixir army possible for th11? ASK I’m done with elixir and dark elixir for Town hall 11 and as so i need to burn through as much of this as possible in order to empty my storages and fill my season bank for next month. It's all a matter of tradeoffs. The silver lining on that is that my TH11 donor can still donate lots of max CC troops to my new TH14s. Asking because season just ended and I have 30 mil gold elixir and 450k de that I can’t spend on much, and with the 50% event going on it would be nice to blow it on walls. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! 662K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. Then, assign one builder to instantly get the Grand Warden for 1 million elixirs. My video explanation: https://www. Keep dumping excess loot in walls. My priorities: TH x 5 upgrades (this is an assumption), lab for the power potion, cc, heroes. If you are focusing on war, I would recommend getting your warden to 10 quickly, and camps intermittently. (When you’re fresh into th12 you obviously have tons of elixir upgrades but after that early phase of being th11. What would be ideal is if there is some kind of gem pack available, even a $0. Members Online 646K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. 611K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. 4. If you are a serious about regular war and part of a clan that focuses on that, then stay and max. [Strategy] TH10 Upgrade Order for 2019 I have been looking through the internet and have not found a comprehensive guide on what to do when becoming a townhall 10 after upgrading from a max th9 (except heroes which are 21/20). Traps in between when I have a free builder and a bit of gold. Granted you have the available funds - without waiting for the refund itself. What should my upgrade order be for a new TH11. I have a rune of gold, 2 runes of elixer(1 from the… Currently working on building everything up, the time gating sucks but I guess we have to live with it. This ensures you have stronger troops to compete against other Town Hall 11 players and boosts your loot to fund future upgrades. Why? Because the Lab will continue to upgrade that troop even if the Lab itself is inactive. I know I’m upgrading to Town Hall 11 as soon it’s released. I had an almost max lvl TH 11 attack me with edrags and only got an 84% 1 star. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! In order to get the CC upgrade, you need either your gold storages to be upgraded (competing for elixir with warden and for builders with everything else). Similar position, just dropped the new def and am leveling these up to th10 Lv rn. 3) Level 9 Laboratory Before you upgrade your Laboratory, make sure you start a troop upgrade first. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Simply travel to the Xbox website, and go to your Microsoft Account. Thanks! I’m a th11, heroes maxed, walls fully maxed, only archer towers and traps not maxed (rest of my buildings maxed) and around half of my de troops not maxed yet. When you get season bank at the end of the season you'll be overflowing massively and you'll need the new stuff at TH11 in order to have something to spend it on. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans!. Upgrade your preferred farming troops first to help you loot then work on your favourite war troops. They war in CWL or in wars with TH12 on the war map, so their weight is irrelevant and I'm focusing on effectiveness: inferno, airdef, teslas, xbows, wiz towers are my first five. I told you crucial defences. It's worth getting your army camp upgrades on the go so use your elixir for that first and use your DE on lab upgrades. Haste Spell level 5 (TH11) Upgrade cost: 120,000 Dark Elixir Upgrade time: 11 days Speed increase: 52 Duration: 30 seconds Cost: 100 Dark Elixir Rage Spell level 6 (TH12) Upgrade cost: 6,000,000 Elixir Upgrade time: 7 days Damage increase: 180% 570K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. TH11 and TH10 farming is essentially the same from my experience with both having tons of loot. Wizards D. Already dropped the new defences (including the eagle) except for the Xbow. Just upgraded to th11 a few days ago. I am also working on getting my Builder Hall to level 9 to get the 6th builder. [ASK] What is the most expensive dark elixir and elixir army possible for th11? ASK I’m done with elixir and dark elixir for Town hall 11 and as so i need to burn through as much of this as possible in order to empty my storages and fill my season bank for next month. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! 642K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. If you have a hammer/book, use it on lab so you can get full advantage of that boost. King is 33, and queenie 36 Should i upgrade onfe king is 35 and… Hey, guys, today I found this TH12 upgrade guide and seemed interested for me, so I'm sharing it with you along with the video explaining it with examples below. Haven't played since about 2019(ish) so a lot of stuff is new to me, will be learning for the next week or so before I start warring properly. Since the recent nerfs and buffs, like many of my clan I moved Make sure your storages are full and all 5 builders are available once you reach th11 Try using a book or a hammer on your lab, if not, immediately put that to upgra- Upgrade wall breakers to level 7; you'll need to carry less for each attack, and you unlock super wall breakers (which I personally love) After the update, what should be the lab upgrade order for a new TH11? Still Witches/Bowlers, or Miners? Just looking for some guidance. You should plan to finish or nearly finish the lab before finishing your defenses at th11. And ofc when you reach th11, upgrade ur goblins to unlock sneaky gobs to help u farm more. 5k+ or so) or a lot of more than one resource (300k+ of either resource and 1k+ dark or 300k+/300k+). Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Currently I'm upgrading bowlers in my lab, but I'm not sure which troops to upgrade next. Select "Cancel Item". youtube. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! A SubReddit for discussion of Pokémon Masters EX, a gacha mobile game developed by DeNA and Nintendo in 2019. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! queen first, the level your king. If EA is dropped, I try and milk the walk as long as possible to set a good funnel and take out a few targeted defenses (Wiz towers, Bomb towers, Infernos, ADs, even the EA sometimes). Once the event starts, miners will delay your wall progress. i farmed in champion 1-3 depends on how many heroes are up 22 votes, 18 comments. 5M Elixir, 15D). Choose and army and prioritize that in lab. Steps: A. It took 5 tries to 3 star me in a recent war. TH B. Continue upgrading your defenses until your heroes hit 35 and your war army is maxed for the th level. Thanks for any help! 617K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. 3 tiles per level. The others are lvl 11. Multis C. Nov 1 - Oct Season Bank, Builder 3 and 4 start Spell Tower 1 x 2 upgrades (14M Gold, 14D). When is the best time to upgrade to TH11? I am a TH10 with max walls, 27/35 heroes but still a lot of work to do on upgrading troops and defenses. Not only that, due to the upcoming matchmaking system, as a TH11, you will be targeted mainly by other high level players. 5 you’re only going to have at most 3 elixir upgrade every week) Tbh i feel your pain. Right now I'm a TH10 with max defenses (level 10 walls) and almost maxed research but my heroes are 20/20. Army camps, while helpful, won't help you farm faster. To avoid putting yourself at a disadvantage, maximize your offensive power: get 1-2 war attacks leveled to max for Th11; max camps and cc; and upgrade heroes, especially warden, as quickly as possible. I spent like a week just burning elixir on lab upgrades using research potions because my walls are all maxed, but I’m out of research potions and don’t wanna spend league medals on them, so now if I don’t wanna just be stuck at max elixir I gotta upgrade. 572K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. In order: Eagle, tornado trap, Air defense, xbows, sweepers. The extra hp and dps is not insignificant though. Go to the billing tab at the top - and find your Pre-Order. if you farm efficiently enough keep both down, but try to have enough dark to get the queen down right after she is up. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Posted by u/akCN11qaa - 3 votes and 2 comments I just upgraded to th11 today. First upgrade I'm going for is the worker… I was a max th10 just got to th11 and was wondering what to do first and what league to farm In? I have not peeked ahead at TH11 building/lab upgrade costs so can't say for sure, but from the few posts I've come across about the topic the consensus seems to be that storages are low priority upgrades. In this time period while both of them are under upgrade, you’re not going to find any other way to spend your elixir. Keeps your defenses low and offenses high for war. I disagree with the statement that xbows are not a game changer on farming defense. Thanks! The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. You will see the screenshot above that I posted. Keep heroes upgrading at all times (except cwl). Warring with max Th11 defense and Th10 offense would just suck. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now The TH11 upgrade is one of the more underwhelming ones. I was #15, got attacked in order by 14 (1⭐️), 13 (2⭐️), 15 (1⭐️), 11 (1⭐️), and finally 9 who 3 starred me. I am a (near) max th10, all that is left is: Minions and haste in lab, and 60 walls. - The idea here is that you want to upgrade your current defenses to max TH10 level before building the new ones. Would dragons be next with the new buff to them? Or witches? Or the clone spell for laloon attacks? Any advice would be appreciated Whats troops should I upgrade first in TH10? And what are the best attack strategies for TH10 attacks (for wars/trophy pushing)? I am posting it here instead of Googling them because most of the results are pretty old and I don't know which ones are outdated. Already finished tesla, airdef to th11 and I'll probably go for archer towers then cannons next. Upgrade the black ones into the red ones you’ll see the ones that need to be upgraded on the right side of the left side and you’ll find a cc which is good for upgrading and laboratory if your a chill player upgrade your collectors first also get the barracks done and army camps basically things that save your time because your time is valuable Upgrade time: 11 days Earthquake Spell radius will increase by 0. That said, you are getting to the point where big heroes become more and more essential. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! 580K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. So I'll be th11 in 8 days and I'm wondering what you guys think my first prioritys should be. Is the Lava Hound or Balloons more… I am nearly maxed out as a TH 10, when clan games end I will be able to upgrade my king to max , then all. So, th11 Offense is always best to upgrade first but warden is THE most important, people don’t realize just how much his HP aura helps your troops, timing on his ability can make and break attacks too, so having it last longer is huge. But here are some pointers: Try whenever possible to keep the lab going! Having upgraded stuff is important. Funnel sides a bit (trim) Spread core group and watch WW health. 99 one, that gives you a little gold, because that will stack on top of your storages, and you can simply farm Key targets in order of significance: A. It seems that so-called "strategic rushing" has become popular here, with many suggesting that town hall 9 should be skipped almost entirely. So if you are too, then you’re most likely wondering what your upgrade priority should be. Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. farming strategie: miners, with 1 golem in before the ram, and 2 baby drags for funneling. First and foremost, I would drop to crystal league and barch - as a th10, to finish the walls or as a rushed th11, to max warden. Personally, I don't care about regular war and I only care about CWL, so I would go ahead and upgrade to get the warden started ASAP. Leave the healer upgrade for later. 5M Elixir, 12D), will forgo 5 Day Troop Boost (UNLESS Oct Clan Games OR Trader has Book of Building), and Builder 2 start Dark Elixir Storage 10 upgrade (12. Nov 1 - Oct Season Bank, Builder 1 start Lab 13 upgrade (12. I upgraded myself to th11 recently and I went bowlers -> witches -> loons -> hounds (current). I plan on using 2 hammers of fighting to instantly upgrade any troop, but any feedback on which units to upgrade first, based on the current war meta, as well as what buildings to upgrade/build next would be greatly appreciated Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. So I’ve been saving my ores for a couple weeks now in anticipation of going to Th11 and now I’m finally making that move. I get 500k gold/elixir and 4050+ every raid and was wondering if TH12 offers the same amount of loot/dead bases to barch and max. Meta changes, so there’s no “right” order to what you upgrade in the lab. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit [strategy] th11 upgrade order . This Th11 upgrade guide for 2019 will help you max your base in Clash of Clans! This will cost money but it comes out t You can save 70 days of upgrade time! I've just upgraded 2 of my minis to th11 and here is my thoughts on how to start. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! 570K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. So I made this upgrade priority guide to not only help me organize my upgrades, but also help you guys as well. Posted by u/KarrySodhi007 - 5 votes and 7 comments [ASK] What is the most expensive dark elixir and elixir army possible for th11? ASK I’m done with elixir and dark elixir for Town hall 11 and as so i need to burn through as much of this as possible in order to empty my storages and fill my season bank for next month. Members Online 570K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! I was able to quickly upgrade all my walls to level 12 and have all 5 builders upgrading camps and barracks. This game is available on both iOS and Android. start AQ upgrade and finish with book of heroes (edit: may not be able to before upgrading de stor) It will protect your loot better. Posted by u/KarrySodhi007 - 5 votes and 7 comments Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. Should I stay TH10 until my heroes are… 570K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. I’ve done each town all upgrade with this system and it works well. For your 5 builders, Put 1 on cc (very important), keep 1-2 builders on army camps, 1 on warden at all times (aim to get it to lvl 5 before cwl starts), 1 builder for the new buildings that get unlocked when you reach th11, 1 builder on queen if you have enough DE. Upgrade your cc, max your camps, unlock new troops, get the warden and upgrade it to lvl 5 asap, maybe get the eagle if you want. Watch some videos about the best th11 strategies in wars, as for me, i used hammers and books on loons and edrag, because i mainly use air-based 658K subscribers in the ClashOfClans community. EA You attack from the side that will lead your kill squad to get these targets. I just upgraded to th11 today. com/watch?v=wEAUeSgjNBc This ultimate and best upgrade guide/order for TH11 2019! It's totally different in many ways and I'll be making more vids on why it is different because of 2019 TH11 UPGRADE GUIDE | Clash of Clans | Town Hall 11 Upgrade Order Priority SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL FOR THE HOTTEST CLASH OF CLANS VIDEOSHang out with me Feb 22, 2024 · Here is the right upgrade order for a TH11: To kick off your Town Hall 11 upgrades, start by upgrading your Laboratory. i farmed in champion 1-3 depends on how many heroes are up A SubReddit for discussion of Pokémon Masters EX, a gacha mobile game developed by DeNA and Nintendo in 2019. With two xbows and a solid farming base/exposed TH, your base won't get hit (other than snipes) unless you have a lot of de available (1. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! in order to upgrade the TH, you don't need all the new buildings completed, just placed. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! It seems crazy but I might actually upgrade barch early. afqkn vofflq hkumn yxsdb ecx twhx bdwk xmw uontyvf lywast lws wge qwxiqa sfdgfgyk musz