Tsm custom sources. Material Price String Jan 20, 2019 · TSM custom sources.

Tsm custom sources Like the sources ‘DBMarket’ and ‘DBMinbuyout’ you can here define your own price sources to be called upon from anywhere else in the addon. e. Every guide that I found had some variation of, "I wont go into the equations right now, but trust me, they're good. To do this, simply open TSM and click on TSM Features -> Custom Price Sources. If you don't mind losing any of your TSM data, you can just go ahead and use the steps below. Edit: Don't forget to add the source to your operations as well Default min would look like this: max(0. It's a web-based price string editor for TSM, located at: Nov 16, 2024 · Contribute to MonChiSub/TheWarWithin-TSM_Group_Setup development by creating an account on GitHub. That tab is written in red to indicate that this is an advanced feature. This page features written TSM Addon and Desktop App guides, for beginner and intermediate users. To my knowledge, they don't seem like they would sell for that much. This feature was originally not in TSM, but it was added quite recently. My Custom Price Source - Avg(DBMarket, Avg(First(DBRegionMarketAvg The available value sources: TSM4 also introduced a number of new value sources that you can now use in your pricing strings. For some reason it only shows the pricing on blacksmithing items but not leather working (both on same toon). They cannot be used in isolation, and don't inherently provide any numerical quantities without being applied to a Price Source, Value Source or a combination thereof. MYBASICAVERAGE = (max((avg(dbmarket,dbmarket,dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg,dbregionmarketavg, I do not have the custom prices in my TSM profile anymore, but I do think this is what I used: Alchemical Catalyst (50dbmarket(item:109124)+10dbmarket(item:109118))/(6*1+5) I'm trying to figure out different strings for custom prices, what are some that you guys use? Also, I've noticed that my Min buyout is never the same as the min buyout in the auction. Shey Custom Source Logic. 9, so we have introduced a new dialog which also includes the validation mentioned in the previous blog. Jul 5, 2020 · Creating Custom Sources wasn’t the most elegant experience in 4. now if i change the custom source to dbregionsalerate on its own, it works fine. Calculating crafting costs is already an order of magnitude slower than any other price source in TSM, so we felt that requiring all of a given material to be at the same quality struck the right balance between maximizing profits and keeping things performant and manageable for the user (i. Jul 25, 2021 · Written Guides. UPDATE 29/03/21: I have updated the prospect values for gems. Now, let’s integrate this data into TSM: Open TSM and go to Settings > General Settings. 10, the 'Smart Averages' option has been retired in favour of a new Price Source you can reference separately and independently: SmartAvgBuy - This will return your average purchase price across your last X purchases of the item, where X is the Thankfully, there are better option than DBMarket to build relatively accurate custom price sources around. 2% and 1. 25g2. The sheet was previously assuming you got 10x the gems that you normally do for everything except Elethium Ore, so be sure to update it. It would then increase by 10 000 gold per 5 Aug 1, 2021 · From TSM AuctionDB, DBRegionSaleRate will return a decimal number that indicates the Sale Rate of a particular item averaged across all Auction Houses in your Region i. Edit: Added the minprice and sellmin custom sources that I forgot to include initially! Edit2: Added more information about some of the different price sources and the sniper string. That way dbglobal and dbregion are the same thing to tsm, basically removing any dependancy on dbglobalmarketavg still being in tsm. g. If I missing an item, you have an issue, I leave my mailing operation on the group, etc make an issue here. In TSM 4. For information about your data source, see Supported Connectors. Tried just importing the custom source, and then the whole group string with operations. The custom price source could be set to: 10000g+2000g*(itemlevel-350) This would set the price of 350 items to 10 000 gold. However, I did make a personal copy of your spreadsheet and followed along in your video using your settings. We felt this was quite restrictive for goblins that had mastered a lot of TSM configuration, so in TSM 4. We can make some custom price sources that uses the TSM data. When creating a new Custom Source you can specify the format and you can modify this setting for each Custom Source at any time. I’ve used TSM for a few years and up until shadowlands I did very little to set up custom groups/operations. lua files imported, etc, then exit the game - delete the . Problem with that is, there's no way to input variables in the main string, so I'd need to create a new custom source for each variation I wanted to use. Choose a name. This will give us access to the price, the crafting cost and the average number of items sold per day. More recently though I’ve enjoyed the challenge of tuning operations to maximize efficiency and profit. lua files from your WTF folder, and replace them with mine. In the "Custom Price Source" tab you can create your own pricesources that you can then later on use in other formulas. Now there’s an option to show a Custom Source as an integer, a percentage, or as a currency as before. Here's the TSM import string (or you can find it in the sheet). Add AucMarket as the custom price source for Auctioneer instead of dbmarket. 3; Functions TSM normalizes everything to the cost of 1 material, even if the source provides more. If you open TSM, click on the very first tab in the top left hand corner "TSM Features", then click on the "Custom Price Sources" tab. Here's how I set up TSM to fix that. Just yesterday u/Gandalf_g was trying to set up the material prices for those pigments based on a videoguide on youtube. Change its name from "custompricea" to "minprice" and hit enter. TSM says the flasks are worth something like 800G each but only 1-2 sell a day. The decision to develop the in-house AI chip is driven by the ongoing chip shortage and the high cost of Nvidia’s (NVDA Due to the single-line nature of TSM strings, it is very hard to see the difference between 2 TSM strings. e a DBRegionSaleRate of 0. Once the addons are installed, an External Price Source will be available in TradeSkillMaster to use in your Custom Strings. 25*avg(crafting,dbmarket,dbregionmarketavg,AtrValue),1. By this logic, since all sale rates are <1, this custom source won't work. The Sims Resource - Custom Content - CC - 5M+ Free Downloads for The Sims Nov 25, 2024 · This average price becomes the foundation for TSM’s price calculations. You can enter a fixed gold value, or you can use the built in value sources in TSM. 120% VendorSell - if this is true then i prefer to sell the item instead of disenchanting it 5g - anything below 5g is not worth my time :) I'm not an expert at TSM or gold-making but I do know how to work it. The first thing you need to do is define a name. This name is what you will be using in your formulas. Also shows you a prediction of potential profit/loss based on minbuyout. I sell 90% tmog items that I go out and farm myself and rarely buy anything to flip due to my severs crazy economy. Pricing string functionality rundown Jun 23, 2020 · Using The New Sources. Make sure you update your prospecting strings and custom sources. Locked post. Press enter once done. I hope you find it useful, enjoy. TSM Reagent Custom Price Source that I am using for The War Within. There's lot's of stuff that has a crazy high AH value but it's deceptive. Under Variable Name, enter the value “minprice“, enter the string below. To do this I would make a base custom price source called BoEpricing and then use multiples of that in my operations. G. Sep 4, 2024 · Custom Source Formatting. These are price-based sources for an item, and will return a positive numerical quantity in gold/silver/copper such as 10g 52s 12c; Value Sources. 10 we have converted these fields to accept Custom Strings. Many Operation settings only allowed integers, such as buying 500 items in a Shopping Operation or making a maximum of 20 items in a Crafting Operation. 15-0. For this reason I will not be accepting any PRs to any . Value Sources. normalmarket is a custom source in which normalizes your realm's dbmarket against regionmarketavg. Nov 17, 2017 · I’m pretty sure I used TSM for over a year before I fully understood it! To quickly explain check(), you can feed it 2 to 3 values in the format of check(a, b, c) where “c” can be optional. I’ll take you through an example for how to setup custom prices for a normal crafting based setup. Then under TSM -> Settings -> Tooltip Settings, enable the checkbox for Custom source (farmmarrowroot) Now, what does this do? You can now check the tooltip of any item - it doesn't need to be marrowroot. The TSM Custom String Editor is a web-based tool for creating and sharing pricing strings for the TSM addon in World of Warcraft. Jan 27, 2024 · Updated TSM Custom Price SourceFixed a few issues with custom sources. Then click into the right column and copy this as the Custom Price Source value: max(min(DBHistorical, DBRegionMarketAvg, DBRegionHistorical), VendorSell) Custom Source Formatting Prior to TSM 4. You will notice that TSM's app supports all US and EU hardcore and SoD realms; it was far easier to update the app than completely rewrite the website. 20 /35s - items with sale rate of exactly 0. The value will Oct 5, 2019 · 1. dbmarket-realmA for example. Make sure you set up the 'minprice' custom price source under TSM -> Settings -> Custom Sources. Sep 24, 2018 · Pricing in TSM is based on a text field. Also try doing a /reload edit: I took a closer look and it seems like you added some additional stuff to the string and messed up the syntax. #tsm #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft #goldmaking # So what will this string do. That's helpful. It’s up to you how much time you invest in set-up, you can get a lot out of the barebones of TSM. Requesting Converted TS3/TSM VFX - Note: Like all the animations and functional objects from TS3/TSM, I will eventually have all VFX converted, so this page will be adjusted or removed when done. gg/NCg2FBUZDkTwitch h 73 votes, 27 comments. But something wasn TSM custom price source for Blood of Sargeras With 7. /15s/20s - items with sale rate 0. These new value sources that are available in TSM4 are: It will take goblins some time to get data for Wrath Classic when it releases. This makes the operation easier to read. true. You basically can set per material (per the item itself) custom mat price. tradeskillmaster. We're sorry but the TSM Custom String Editor doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Then when ever you want to copy your custom sources from this account to your other account, you can simply select this "Custom Sources" profile and export your group. vendorfactor - A custom source I made to factor the AH deposit into the item price. when listing materials needed to craft something How would you run your TSM price sources in this case? I thought of using avgBuy, but I can't seem to get the purchase data synced between the two accounts. For example, you can use expressions to display the current item’s level, stats, or even compare it to other items in your inventory. Additionally going into my TSM custom sources to update the prices regularly is much easier than changing the prices for each within the material cost screen, so this extra step makes it much more efficient to change frequently. I started this journey with my Inscription groups first (though I have some now in JC as well). Dec 21, 2023 · • Adjusted bilisexpecteddeposits and bilisdumpthresholdpct custom sources • Added new SoD items and some other missing items • Adjusted auctioning prices to also account for VendorBuy prices for items that can be bought from vendors (you need to have visited a vendor that sells the item) type /tsm, click on the tab "Custom Price Sources" Step 1: In the box Custom Price Source Name" type exactly this with no quotations, all lower case, "sheymin" and hit enter. But for now, the one thing I have gotten so many different answers on is what source to use. May 11, 2024 · The War Within Custom Price Source for TSM I will be using to sell my transmog items on the auction house. \nIt allows some flexibility under and over the region average, but the \"base\" price will never be\n<85% region avg and they will never fluctuate >125%. Yes, you can actually use the crafting source in TSM to get correct pricing!Text version: https://thelazygoldmaker. For example, when you disenchant a bracer, you'll get a mix of dust and shards. As to my question, what source is the best idea for actual value on the addon. Next we need to insert those custom sources into our material price strings for each herb. 😊 wow groups macros world-of-warcraft worldofwarcraft blizzard-games tsm tradeskillmaster Nov 19, 2024 · From TSM Accounting, avgBuy and avgSell will return the average price for all purchases and sales for a particular item, respectively. Before I did the wowuction source (still Aug 1, 2021 · Price Sources are price-based sources for an item, and will return a positive numerical quantity in gold/silver/copper such as 10g 52s 12c. Material Price String Jan 20, 2019 · TSM custom sources. Mar 11, 2016 · Step by step guide how to create a custom price source in Trade Skill Master 3 (TSM) addon. GitHub community articles I really don't think that calculating the average of multiple price sources is a good idea here. com Jun 21, 2018 · In TSM 3 you can find the area for custom prices on the main TSM window when you type /tsm into chat. However, once the data is available, TSM will not require custom material prices for those herbs, because they do not suffer from the crafting bug. Ever since TSM4 i haven't really used it like i used to, and i can't figure out a way to "scan" the AH and get prices. These 3 values can be any value TSM recognizes, from custom prices to flat gold values, to simple price source references like DBMarket. com/Manthieushttps://support. Make sure default TSM with no settings changed seems to work for you. If TSM does work for you with no other addons enabled, no custom . It requires the same minprice custom source as BilisOnyxia's string which is as follows: max(min(dbhistorical, dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical), vendorsell) Sniper String Hi goblins! I wanted to share a useful little tool that I put together to make writing TSM price strings easier. Contribute to skyler-code/TSM_WOTLK development by creating an account on GitHub. For example, you'll be able to tell what the I'm getting very strange results from my custom source. Anyone who copies and uses these strings. Use the steps from the With Merging section if you already have TSM data (profiles, custom sources, etc) you don't want to lose. Custom Strings can be categorised in three main ways: Price Sources. I make Vial of the Sands, it's one of the cornerstones of my little empire. 4 indicates an item will sell on average 40% of the times it is posted per Auction House in your Region. /100g Filter groups by sale rate # Set the base price source to dbregionsalerate*1g. The Lazy Goldmaker - Beginner to Intermediate (English) Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Groups Part 3: Operations 101 Part 4: Value Sources and pricing Part 5: Using auctioning to post your items Part 6: Using shopping scans to find great deals Part 7: Usi I'm wondering, for TSM Custom price sources Can you say [Fel Iron Ore] is equal to 50% dbmarket of [Fel Iron Bar] or things like that? Or [Mote of Fire] is equal to 10% dbmarket of [Primal Fire]? I would love this for farming with LootAppraiser and custom price sources from TSM. 2%, respectively. Market Value Price Source. I was farming Highmaul for transmog and other things today and I noticed that my LA addon valued the BoE capes at around 1KG. The function max will choose the highest value from within the brackets. Recursion Jan 20, 2024 · TSM Custom Price SourceToday we are looking at selling up custom sources to use in our TSM operations like vendoring and AH posting. It seems to impact the % on the far right of the shopping/sniper screens, so you can determine how that % appears (whether it is based on a price source, a custom source, or a formula). /{min cost}/{max cost} - e. Custom Source Formatting Prior to TSM 4. Jun 23, 2024 · Custom Source Formatting Prior to TSM 4. If the string you have entered is not valid, the text box will be highlighted red and saving will not be possible until the string is valid. I have been using TSM for some time now, but where I was "stuck" at was applying different operations to groups and the custom price sources. ), and there are probably some niche cases where it can be used to optimize some crafting operations as well. I have it set as DBminbuyout right now. Currently I have MyChangedSaleRate custom source in TSM (classic wrath). TSM routinely tells me I'm selling Vials at a loss when I'm making 10K+. patreon. Custom Source Formatting. If you currently own less than 5000 marrowroot, there will be Custom source (farmmarrowroot) value displayed in your tooltip. minprofit. Since your auctioning operation that is assigned to the group you What data source does everyone use for TSM in Classic Era? Anyone having issues with the mail box not opening with TSM active? Once I try to restock the selected groups it comes up empty. 3; Functions Aug 22, 2021 · Functions are expressions or terms that can be used as building blocks to combine Price Sources and Value Sources to answer questions or create decision points. Purely as a warning and not related to OP - if you cannot read these and understand what they do, then you need to understand there is potential for you to get fucked by randomly importing them to your tsm. For more information about how to use this application, including hot-keys and tips and tricks, please close this modal and go Help | About TSM Editor You have the option to add an initial SQL command in the Server Connection dialog box or on the Data Source page. Previously it was a lot of copying and pasting, but I should have fixed it. The same principle can be used for many other items (Primal/Eternal Elements, some Enchanting Mats, some high value Herb Pedals, etc. These are value-based sources for an item, and will return a positive integer, or a decimal number such as 100, or 0. Here, press on “Add new custom price source”, then under Variable Name you need to type ” minprice ” then hit Enter, and under Custom Price Source type the formula below Launch the game with only your new TSM addon enabled - no others, to avoid potential conflicts. If you get 3 Arcane Dust from a green bracer, TSM divides, or normalizes, each dust to be 1/3 DE value of the bracer. It looks like this: Considering creating more custom sources so as to be able to use them as nested functions. To create a new pricesource, simply enter the name of that pricesource in the “Custom Price Source Name” textbox and hit [Enter]. 10, the 'Smart Averages' option has been retired in favour of a new Price Source you can reference separately and independently: SmartAvgBuy - This will return your average purchase price across your last X purchases of the item, where X is the See full list on thelazygoldmaker. Nov 19, 2024 · From TSM Accounting, avgBuy and avgSell will return the average price for all purchases and sales for a particular item, respectively. TSM Custom Sources support expressions, allowing you to dynamically generate tooltip content based on various factors. On the top menu, go to Settings. We can use these to make the necessary assumptions. tsm files. Select Custom Sources from the left vertical menu. Please enable it to continue. /10g/100g /{max cost} - e. Fund open source developers The ReadME Project. Keeping the value above 85% region keeps you\nfrom undervaluing items based on your realm's You will find in this repo my TSM Groups, my custom variables and macros I am currently using on several classes. Jan 22, 2025 · Section 2: Advanced Custom Source Features Using Expressions. com/getting-correct-crafting-prices-in-tsm Jun 22, 2024 · Custom Source Formatting. max(dbminbuyout,1c) Dec 27, 2020 · How you can use either custom sources in your tooltips or macros to quickly find out which herb or ore is the cheapest to destroy to get those materials-This part has two methods with their own pros and cons, but in general you'll be able to find out what the best way to source your materials. 14 all Custom Sources would be calculated and displayed as a currency. We will look at how you can combine value sources and the logic functions to make very powerful pricing sources. Then on your other account, create a new profile and import the group including operations and custom sources. If someone has messed up the DBMarket value for an item that is usually worth 10k and has inflated it to be 5m instead, by posting the item for goldcap for a few days, having that 5m DBMarket and 10m DBMinBuyout value in your average will still completely skew your valuation. Big pain in the butt. The goal of this application is to simplify the process of creating TSM strings for use in World of Warcraft with the TradeSkillMaster addon. " Aug 1, 2021 · You can create Custom Sources which are variables that you define for easier reference and repeated use of a particular July 25th, 2021 4186 views 1 likes Which Price Sources can I use and what do they mean? I know this is 4 years too late but under Settings>Custom Sources>Edit Custompricea>Paste "AtrValue" under string. The value sources offer a much more flexible approach as they use the TSM database to get prices related to the specific items in your groups. Is it possible to use a different realm's dbmarket as the price source? E. You can think of this thing kind of like an Excel formula bar for TSM. Discord https://discord. Value Best Custom Prices, Custom Price Sources, TradeSkillMaster pricing for Auto Auctioning, What are the best settings, how to make your own pricing profile, che Aug 1, 2021 · From TSM AuctionDB, DBRegionSaleRate will return a decimal number that indicates the Sale Rate of a particular item averaged across all Auction Houses in your Region i. Oct 30, 2024 · Following the news, AVGO and TSM stocks gained 4. This is found in the Shopping/Sniper options. Sapu on discord mentioned that "your custom source can't evaluate to < 1". It allows some flexibility under and over the region average, but the "base" price will never be <85% region avg and they will never fluctuate >125%. It provides a function/variable reference and syntax highlighting, and the URLs are sharable. Under custom price source enter the import strings provided below and then press enter. I can buy the mats and make them for 50G each. My Custom Price Sources:1. Open the TSM UI by typing “/tsm” in the chat window. checkdbmin. Price Sources will return a numerical quantity in gold/silver/copper, and can be split between external and internal sources. avgPrice is a Custom Price Source set up as AVG(DBMarket, wowuctionMarket, wowuctionRegionMarket) The idea is, show the item if it's 90% off market price and at least 10 gold profit, OR if it's 80% off market and at least 100 gold profit, etc. Make a custom price source and name it "dbglobalmarketavg" and set the string for the custom price source to "dbregionmarketavg". I've got mine set up with Sheyra's groups and custom sources and I'm wondering if those are still considered to be the De-Facto "all-around decent" settings? Blizzard did provide, TSM provided, Blizzard stopped, TSM stopped, Blizzard provided again, TSM''s dev team were, and still are, working on other aspects of TSM and could not rewrite the website. Edit: I found the answer I was looking for and Ifgte(dbregionsalerate, 0. All new sources are listed in Discord!Discord https://discord. Step 3: Setting Up TSM with Auctioneer Data. But in my experience, at least for me, TSM overcomplicate things when it comes to accurately playing the pricing game on items and goods you care about. Just set up TSM and lootappraiser yesterday, I'm still in the nooby grinding for xmog gear step of making gold but some day I want to get in to more profitable methods. Arithmetic Operators Aug 8, 2019 · Use custom price sources to quickly adjust multiple TSM operations. If you shatter 5 ore to get 1 gem, each ore is 1/5 of the gem. Jun 22, 2024 · Custom Source Formatting. Tooltips are the small pop-up boxes that appear when you hover over items in your inventory, on the Auction House, or in the crafting interface. Note: If your data source supports running an initial SQL statement, an Initial SQL link appears in the lower-left corner of the Server Connection dialog box. When you're selling super expensive gear, deposits don't matter at all, but while building your stock and initial gold, every little bit of savings adds up. This does of course work with other price sources, not just dbmarket - including custom ones. When the data becomes available, simply use whatever comes with TSM out of the box. TSM4 Custom sources is the absolute best way to do this. You added two more ifgte functions but forgot the closing brackets. For me on my high pop sever I just tried dbglobalmarketavg set at 30% and I only sold 4-6 items(all low cost). In the first tab in the TSM Main window, you have a tab in red font: Custom Price Sources. "We" is the user. There have been quite a few discussions on how to value Sallow Pigments and Roseate Pigments when it comes to setting up their material prices in TSM on this subreddit and the woweconomy/tsm discord server. Thanks u/Braknaar ! Hi all, normalmarket is a custom source in which normalizes your realm's dbmarket against regionmarketavg. Under TSM -> Settings -> Custom Sources, add a new custom price source. To get an exact value, I would recommend using a spreadsheet. Nov 15, 2024 · TSM Tooltip Custom Sources are custom sources that you can configure within the TSM addon to provide additional, tailored information on your tooltips. The name is what you will use to refer to the custom price in your settings. 1 at the horizon and the BoS trader coming to town, I tried to find a custom price source for Blood of Sargeras I have been creating custom pricing sources, then creating custom pricing and custom crafting operations all this past week from Shadowlands all the way back to Legion in my TSM. Mar 4, 2019 · The TSM string. 35 /45s/1g - items with sale rate of 0. These new value sources combined with if-functions enable you to create pricing strings that do exactly what you want them to do. 24, dbmarket, vendorsell) worked wonderfully for me as a custom price in TSM. Prior to TSM 4. same result (BS has 4 items at rank 4, LW has 1 item at rank 2 and rest at rank 1). It's completely unexplained as to what it does. Aug 20, 2023 · It looks very similar to the custom string we started with, but the sources have been replaced with function calls to look up the specified price for the item being evaluated, and the max() function call has been replaced with a call to a max() function TSM defines and provides. Global median, global sell average, regional market value, etc. . Aug 16, 2022 · Once again, open the TSM Core by typing “/tsm” in-game; On the horizontal top menu, go to Settings; Select Custom Sources from the left vertical menu; Under Variable Name, enter the value “minprice“; To the right of the minprice value, under Custom Price Source, enter the value:. Value sources are an incredibly important concept in TSM. TSM will check the Disenchanting Price (standard is market price of materials) against this custom string. I made this mostly for myself in an effort to gain a better understanding of the logic that goes into Sheyrah's custom price sources that are essentially the holy text of TSM users. 5*vendorsell) Jun 20, 2022 · Custom Strings can be categorised in three main ways: Price Sources. Submitting Converted TS3/TSM VFX - Note: If for some reason you are doing this yourself (please let me know before you do to avoid issues and Sep 28, 2022 · There's 2 ways. com/en_US/custom-strings/which-price-sources-can-i-use-and-what- Dec 11, 2022 · Filters # Filter groups by standard price sources # Set the base price source in /tsm -> Groups to filter by gold value. In TSM 4 you access this from Crafting UI (open any profession), then go to Crafting Reports tab (completely non-sense, but hey!), then there go to Materials tab - you find here all the materials in the game and you can click on them and have them use either the default TSM material price, either a custom one for your Level up your Goldmaking : https://www. It depends. Addons currently supported include: Oribos Exchange (Retail) The Oribos Exchange addon is updated twice a week and provides the following Price Sources: OERealm (Oribos Exchange Realm Price) OERegion (Oribos Exchange Jul 25, 2021 · These are value-based sources for an item, and will return a positive integer, or What is a Price Source? Price Sources are price-based sources for an item, and will return a positive num Nov 26, 2018 · Following on my introduction to custom prices last week we will now take a deeper look at how powerful the pricing string functionality in TSM is. Aug 16, 2022 · The first thing that you need to do is to declare the “minprice” custom source, by typing ” /tsm ” in game, going to Settings then clicking on Custom Sources. Then in the box "Custom Price for this Source" type in exactly this" Edit 2 : There are some people that are having trouble with the "minprice" when you go to /tsm ---> settings ----> Custom Sources it should look like this: Under variable name you put minprice and then under custom price source is where the min max db thing is Regardless of my current *entire* understanding of the string yet, I have followed your instructions and plugged in the string into my /tsm Settings, Crafting, DMCM, as you suggested, then added your 2nd string suggested in your instructions to my DCVM to a string I already have pulling custom price sources for Inscription and JC. bcrkww stdkolgb eyfvm uxqu jvrlfe fmbvx hlnjoc lozad ystlh cpeshn ajqd ipyrw ayawsfh tsat tyikjts